HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-07-09, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH cairns NEWS '.4 Published every Wednesday Morning at Zurich, Ontario, for the Police Village of Zurich, Hay Township, and the Southern part of Stanley Township, in Huron County. Printed by Clinton News -Record, Clinton, Ontario Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa A. L. COLQUHOUN HERB. M. TURKHEIM Publisher Business Manager Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance, in Canada; 43.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies, 5 cents. Subscriptions payable to Business Manager, Zurich Citizens News, Box 149, Zurich, Ontario, or to district correspondents. Wednesday, July 9, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1958 Those Crazy Drivers HAVE YOU EVER wakened in the early hours of the morn- ing, especially on weekends, and heard tires squealing on our streets in the village? We have heard it many ch times, pes, and las ast Saturday night purposely sat up to a sWohy car races some his morez than w eg can don't figure out job driving in We watched the cars racing around the main blocks, turning the corners on two wheels, and throwing empty bottles out on the street, and we know who they are. It is just too bad parents of these kids don't know about it, and stop the use of their cars for this craziness. Last year we had a 'teen-age fatality here in Zurich, and we thought it would put an end to wild driving in this district, but poli epactionitakenatos nstopot. lth s foodefiniteow it is time we have some foolishness for once and all. Wise Move AT THE MEETING of Hay Township Council on Monday night, a deputation of four members of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce, and a private citizen appeared before council with a request for improvements to be made to the hill going down to the lake at St. Joseph. They also asked to have a parking lot developed, to aid township residents in getting to the beach. The council were very much in agreement with the plan, and wasted no time in passing a motion to the effect that they will go ahead with the work. To us, this is a wise move on the part of council, There has long been a need for ample parking accommodation at the lakefront, and this should greatly help the situation. The Chamber of Commerce deserves credit for proposing this plan to council, as does deputy -reeve Alex Mousseau, who first came up with the idea some weeks ago. We must re- member this is one of the few outlets left to the lake for local residents in Hay Township, and it is up to the township to preserve it. Never Underestimate AT A VERY EARLY point in, .Irv], woman decided that things could be a little nicer . . . neater, warmer, drier. Man, who hadn't really noticed the discomfort, agreed and set about to make improvements. Between that day and this, women have kept on suggesting and men have kept on improving, a situation that has contributed greatly to progress and happiness in general. To satisfy her desire for security, he dropped from a tree, chased a bear out of a cave, and began to build houses. To satisfy her desire for color, he squeezed juices from berries, decorated the walls of the cave, and then proceeded to color everything she might see or touch. To satisfy her desire for cleanliness, he washed bis hands and invented the bathtub. To satisfy her desire for neatness, he tied straws to the end of a stick and then invented the vacuum cleaner. To satisfy her continual dissatisfaction with the status quo, he abandoned his more sedentary habits and simpler wants and became a DOER ... A GO-GETTER! (Anonymous) Forest Fire Prevention Message NOW THAT SUMMER is here, folks are inclined to forget about the dangers of forest fires. It seems we think about it when the fire season opens in the spring and then let it slip from our minds. Too bad, too, because there has been many a bad forest fire in the summer. If you are in the woods this summer, be careful, please, and see that you do nothing which is liable to start a forest fire. Chaperone your matches, cigarettes, and campfire — don't let them go out alone. SUGAR and SPICE (By W. (Bill) B. T. Smiley) It seems there is going to be a bullfight in the town of Lindsay, Ontario, on the Civic Holiday weekend. As a consequence, the "Letters to the Editor" columns of the daily papers are boiling and bubbling, as all the sob sisters in the nation, of both sexes, wield their pens in a welter of mis- guided emotion and needless alarm and despondency. * * Just the other day, I received a fervent plea from the SPCA to throw my entire 134 pounds into the fray, write the Mayor of Lind- say and I don't know who else, and demand that the affair be cancelled. Now, this may not gain me any lifelong friends among the hysterical fringe of our populace, but I have no intention of doing anything of the sort. * ,* * In the first place, this is a "bloodless" bullfight. It is being presented merely as a spectacle. Instead of dying by the sword if they lose in a contest that is not entirely uneven, the bulls are to be slapped on the neck, if and when they have been out -danced by the toreros. The only animals who might lose some blood in the encounter are the two -legged ones. Is any- body expressing anxiety over the fact that the bullfighters are liable to wind up wearing their entails around their necks? Not a soul. They are lamenting because the bulls will be "taunted and har- assed." is away out of touch. Canadians who revel in hockey players smash- ing each others' skulls with their sticks, wrestlers kicking each other in the groin, and young ladies swimming for 20 or 30 hours in icy water, are going to think a bullfight is a pretty sedate affair. I'll bet that not one in a hundred of those cranks who are wailing piteously about the poor bull has ever been within a hundred yards of a real, live, mean, big old bull.. Every year these gentle creatures gore or trample to death a few honest farmers. , 4. Personally, I'm on the side of the matador. I think it takes a tremendous degree of skill and cold nerve to face a ferocious, trained fighting bull, with nothing but a cape and a sword. I wouldn't stand up to a bull with anything less than a tank mounted with a 17 -pound gun. :N :k 4 Do the moaners over the alleged mistreatment of the bull quail when they are confronted with a choice roast of beef, knowing that this was recently a happy, stupid steer that somebody at the abat- toir had conked on the head with a big hammer? Do they hear the piteous bleat of a dying lamb as they ladle on more mint sauce? Does the terrible squeal of a scald- ed pig prevent their mouths wat- ering as they sniff bacon frying? Not likely. * a'* Anyone who has run across a 300 -yard field ahead of a bull, as I have, sat in a tree and been taunted and harassed by the same poor, dumb creature, then watched as the dirty brute trampled and gored a fine string of trout, drop- ped in the scamper, will have little sympathy with the views of these over -wrought champions of the barn -yard big shot. * ** These cry-babies are also all worked up about the effect of a bull -fight on the spectators. The SPCA appeal says flatly that "bull- fighting is an immoral sport which lowers the ideals of the spectator. The mental health of the nation could be affected by public dis- plays of this sort," That, in my opinion, is impudent poppycock. It's poppycock because it has no basis in fact, and it's insolent because it presumes that anyone who might watch the bull- fight, even from curiosity, is in pretty shaky condition, and only needs something like that to topple him into sin or insanity or both. Canadians are a little tougher - fibred than that. Anyone who thinks a classic exhibition of bull- fighting, sans bloodshed, is going to degrade a Canadian audience, GRUMBLERS in country, town or city, some people can be found, Who spend their lives in grumbling at everything around. O yes, they always grumble, no matter what we say, For these are chronic grumblers and they grumble night and day. They grumble in the city, they grumble on the farm, They grumble at their neighbours, they think it is no harm. They grumble at their husbands, they grumble at their wives, They grumble at their children; but the grumbler never thrives. They grumble when it's raining, they grumble when it's dry. And if the crops are failing, they grumble and they sigh. • They grumble at low prices, and grumble when they're high. They grumble all the year 'round and they grumble till they die. They grumble at the preacher, they grumble at his prayer, They grumble at his preaching, they grumble everywhere. They grumble at God's people and say 'tis all display, But holy folks don't grumble, they have only time to pray. They stay away from meeting because it's hot or cold, Or else it looks like raining, a headache or a cold. And when the offering's taken they're sure to pout or sigh, And say they feel so sorry always money is the cry. If you don't quit your grumbling and stop it now and here, You'll never get to heaven, no grumblers enter there. Repent and be converted, be saved from all your sin, You know that grumbling Christians find it hard a crown to win. —A SATISFIED CITIZEN. Show me :n * a man who will not stomp a spider, swat a mosquito or pound a rattlesnake, and I'll lend a respectful ear to his plea that all forms of life be treated with solicitude. But don't ask me to take up the cudgels on behalf of a great fighting bull, because his feelings might be hurt if he can't gore somebody, and gets slapped on the neck. Tuve Zurich ,Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario, Gentlemen: I have been authorized to an- nounce, on be'ha+l(f of 'The Treasur- er 'of Ontario ,and the Acting Minister sof Public Works, that notices will. shortly be sent to property owners on tlhPe site of :the proposed Hospital-Sdhocil for retarded children., advising them, that the 'options on their land presently held by the Province, will be taken up by the July 15th expiry date. Also I have been requested to say than the planting stages will be entered 'upon as soon as pos- sible, but that because of the very extensive nature of the project, and the fact that all architectural and engineering work and design- ing is done by the planning dM- sion of the, department, a start cam hardly be expected before spr- ing or summer 1959. I shall endeavor to keep you closely posted on the progress of this important project as wer1(1 as other matters of interest pertain- ing to the riding. I remain, Yours faithfully, C. S. MacNaugihtan M.P.P. Huron. Exeter, Ontario. O'BRIEN'S PLUMBING Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 — ZURICH ..How Can 1 Q. How can I determine what the final color will be when dye- ing? A. When dyeing red over yel- low the final shade will be orange; blue .over red will be purple; gre- en over blue gives a blue-green. Light color may be dyed dark- er, but dark colors cannot be dye - a lighter shade unless a dye re- mover is used. Always remember that the onigin'a:l color plus the dye used equals the final shade. Q. How can I make a good prune salad? A. Stuffed prunes make a. de- licious salad when stewed, then chilled end seeded. Stuff with cream cheese and nuts, Q. How can I darn table linen properly? A. Try darning table linens on the sewing machine. First put the worn places, in embroidery hoops, loosen the tension of the machine and then stitch. back and forth until the place is neatly mended. The mended portion is ivard to find after iraundeeing. Business and Professional Directory AUCTIONEERS INSURANCE ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Dashwood LEGAL BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER Phone 4 DENTISTS DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Phone Exeter 36 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 2'73 -- Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons HURON and ERIE DEBE\ TURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES 1 or 2 YEARS = 33/4% 3, 4 and 5 YEARS — 4% J. W. HABERER Authorized Representative Phone 161 — Zurich For Safety EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About All Insurances—Cali BERT KLOPP Phone 93r1 or 220 Zurich Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Ontario Automobile Association For Particulars See Your Authorized Representative Ted Mittelhol'z Phone 198 — Zurich DOCTORS G. A. WEBB, D.C." *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings, '7-9 For Appointmet -- Phone 606 FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE Phone 89J or 89W ZURICH