HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-06-25, Page 9WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1958 1 ZURICH Citizens NEWS BLUEWATER and BAYFIELD NEWS (Mrs. Russel Grainger, Tour Goderich Mrs. Raymond Scotchmer and her pupils from SS No. 4 Stan- ley, enjoyed a :drip to Goderich lash.1-friday morninig where they visited the Schaeffer Pen Factory and Bissetts Ice Cream Plant, where they were treated to an ice cream, cone. M. noon they joined Miss Elaine Grainger and her pupils from Clandeboye Public School at Harb- our Park !and enjoyed a picnic lunch. Due to the death of the late Mr. Erskine they were unable Correspondent) PAGE NINE to tour the 'Court House as pre- viously planned, butthrough: the courtesy of the Junior Chamber of Commerce they were able to have •a full and enjoyable. after- noon. The rrnain feature of the after- noon was a boat ride around the harbour on one of the MacDonald Marine Boats. From there they went to the Sifta Salt Plant and upon leaving each one was presented with a box of salt. The Sky Harbour Airport was next in line- and everyone enjoyed ATTENTION — FARMERS MILK • EGGS • CREAM • POULTRY WE PAY TOP PRICES O'BRIEN'S PRODUCE Phone 101 Zurich SEE OUR PHILCO REF'''mGERATORS NEW '58 MODELS — FULLY AUTOMATIC BIG ZERO FREEZER Holds 63 lbs. of Frozen Foods FULL LENGTH DAIRY BAR STORAGE DOOR CRISPER MADE OF LIFETIME PORCELAIN Clef'' Model RS -1183 ONLY 10.4 cu. ft. capacity $349I O 1.8 cu. ft. ZERO FREEZER O CHEESE and BUTTER KEEPER O RIGID FULL WIDTH SHELVES O NEW TURQUOISE COLOR O FULL WIDTH VEGETABLE CRISPER © MILK SHELF HOLDS HALF -GALLONS • SEE IT — COMPARE IT Rader at ittegh 4 itz : ardware Phone 63 — Zurich "WHERE YOUR BUYING DOLLAR GOES FARTHER" seeing planes at close rangg ,and the explanation of the nufrz'bers on the'different planes. Agricultural Society The Bayfield Agricultural Soc- iety held their regular monthly meeting in the Town Hall ern Mon- day, June 16, with. a good atten- dance. After considerable discussion lit was decided to erect an arch, over the new entrance gates; This, will add greatly to the appearance of our Agricultural Park. The prize list was revised and several members turned in "ads" to be ,placed in the Fair Book. The school committee have their list completed and will havethem in the schools before the end of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Stirling were Thursday visitors with Mr. :and Mrs. John Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold P.enhalle spent: tile weekend witch her sister and brothereln law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, London. On Sunday they enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls, N.Y., Grand Island, etc. They returned Monday morning to their home accompanied by Mir. James Barnes and two ,grand- chiildeee , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and ,family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and Mrs, Wilfred Turner and fam- Ey. Mrs. Jennie Downie, Strathroy, is visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger. Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Turner, Stratford, spent last week with the former's sister and 'brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Cam- pbell. They,also visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Turner on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs William ram Parker, Bayfield, 'visited Mr. and Mrs. John Turner last Thursday eve- ning. Miss Evelyn Hyde, Kippen, spent the weekend with Miss Ann Westlake. Bible Club Several from this corremunity attended an outing sponsored by I-IILLSG.EEN (Mrs. Gordon Coleman, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Richardson and Rhonda visited Sunday with Mr. :and Mrs. Gordon Coleman and family. ,, , Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman attended the Webster picnic in Luclslnow, , on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. John Soldan and family visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Hoffman • the Exeter High School ;Bible Club. This included a beach party and supper at Sharrow's cottage, north faf Grand Bend, in the afternoon. In the evening they motored to Goderich for a boat ride, then to Bayfield Baptist Church, where the most enjoyable outing was culminated with the showing of an inspiring !gospel :film, "Lord of Ali". SERVICE PROVEN CONCENTRATES for POULTRY, HOGS and i? 'CATTLE Inquire about Low Grain Costs In ad Lots (DELIVE EDck TO YOUR FARM) M. DFJT7 and SON PHONE 154 ZURICH THE WORLD'S NUMBER ONE HAY CONDITIONER WITH MORE YEARS OF PROVEN PERFORMANCE, IN MORE AREAS, FOR MORE PROFIT -MINDED FARMERS THAN ALL OTHER MAKES COMBINEC Whoa you buy a Con• • dkdeaner o .. be sure poto got,a Conditioner ,,,poet crimping action l o r r gale CoNoningham. The Cunningham Hay Con- ditioner is Number One . . not on promises . . . but on proof of rugged performance, practical design, and profit producing operation. It pays for itself again and again in saving high protein hay. The exclusive "swath level" sweep- ing action conditions hay by crimp- ing ....not by crushing or squeezing. • V L. BECKER and SONS Dashwood, ( nLL and family, Dashwood. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Richardson attended the Richardson -Cooper wedding on Friday evening, June 20, at Hensall United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Reid over the weekend. Shower On Tuesday. evening last a sh- ower was given in Stanley Tiown- ship Hail, Varna, for Miss Marg- aret MccCilymont bride -elect of July 5. The program was comprised of songs by 'the Varna girls, tap dancing by Linda. Hilll, Karen Mc- Kinley and Diane McKinley, and readings by Mrs. Gordon Coleman and Mrs. Bill Talbot. After the program, Margaret was called to the front where a group off girls sang a little song which ended with Margaret get- ting well covered with confetti. After opening her numerous and beautiful ;gifts, Margaret rbban ed everyone "and then invited them to her trousseau tea on Saturday, June 28. How well do you know OI I0 Check your knowledge by identifying this map However well you know Ontario, you'll enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing at one of its modern r. sort areas ... like that surrounding Fort William and Port Arthur shown above. Take the first step now, by filling out and mailing the coupon below. K'i OW N 1p' 'ARIO 6 T T IE R ONTARIO TRAVEL, 655 PARLIAMENT BLOBS., TORONTO, ONTARIO Send FREE Literature and Road Map. Name AddrosB Pest Office Ontario Department of Travel & Publicity I Won, Bryan L Cathcart, Minister 1.4 j'igtvy U' r n : » y + • IaET US TAKE YOUR-CLOTIUES TO PARISIAN DRY CLEANERS DAILY SERVICE LONDON to ZURICH DISTRICT TRY LIVESTOCK RVICE Top P,,rices --- — — Best Service BULLDOZER SERVICE EXCAVATING and GRADING GRAVEL, FILL ,.,nd TOP SOIL THIEL TRANSPORT Phone 186 Zurich I-IILLSG.EEN (Mrs. Gordon Coleman, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Richardson and Rhonda visited Sunday with Mr. :and Mrs. Gordon Coleman and family. ,, , Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman attended the Webster picnic in Luclslnow, , on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. John Soldan and family visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Hoffman • the Exeter High School ;Bible Club. This included a beach party and supper at Sharrow's cottage, north faf Grand Bend, in the afternoon. In the evening they motored to Goderich for a boat ride, then to Bayfield Baptist Church, where the most enjoyable outing was culminated with the showing of an inspiring !gospel :film, "Lord of Ali". SERVICE PROVEN CONCENTRATES for POULTRY, HOGS and i? 'CATTLE Inquire about Low Grain Costs In ad Lots (DELIVE EDck TO YOUR FARM) M. DFJT7 and SON PHONE 154 ZURICH THE WORLD'S NUMBER ONE HAY CONDITIONER WITH MORE YEARS OF PROVEN PERFORMANCE, IN MORE AREAS, FOR MORE PROFIT -MINDED FARMERS THAN ALL OTHER MAKES COMBINEC Whoa you buy a Con• • dkdeaner o .. be sure poto got,a Conditioner ,,,poet crimping action l o r r gale CoNoningham. The Cunningham Hay Con- ditioner is Number One . . not on promises . . . but on proof of rugged performance, practical design, and profit producing operation. It pays for itself again and again in saving high protein hay. The exclusive "swath level" sweep- ing action conditions hay by crimp- ing ....not by crushing or squeezing. • V L. BECKER and SONS Dashwood, ( nLL and family, Dashwood. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Richardson attended the Richardson -Cooper wedding on Friday evening, June 20, at Hensall United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Reid over the weekend. Shower On Tuesday. evening last a sh- ower was given in Stanley Tiown- ship Hail, Varna, for Miss Marg- aret MccCilymont bride -elect of July 5. The program was comprised of songs by 'the Varna girls, tap dancing by Linda. Hilll, Karen Mc- Kinley and Diane McKinley, and readings by Mrs. Gordon Coleman and Mrs. Bill Talbot. After the program, Margaret was called to the front where a group off girls sang a little song which ended with Margaret get- ting well covered with confetti. After opening her numerous and beautiful ;gifts, Margaret rbban ed everyone "and then invited them to her trousseau tea on Saturday, June 28. How well do you know OI I0 Check your knowledge by identifying this map However well you know Ontario, you'll enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing at one of its modern r. sort areas ... like that surrounding Fort William and Port Arthur shown above. Take the first step now, by filling out and mailing the coupon below. K'i OW N 1p' 'ARIO 6 T T IE R ONTARIO TRAVEL, 655 PARLIAMENT BLOBS., TORONTO, ONTARIO Send FREE Literature and Road Map. Name AddrosB Pest Office Ontario Department of Travel & Publicity I Won, Bryan L Cathcart, Minister