HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-06-25, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE FIVE m.wasw 44, tiiitiiiiiiii, '! No 41410.4 I''�► ////nisi /�% For as Little as $1500 (material only) or ae Win Do The Complete Job For You ESTIMATES GIVEN ON EITHER PLAN No Obligations 10 ropinAt..> The Needle -Point (MRS. NORMA SIEBERT, B.A., Woman's Page Editor) NATIONAL DAIRY MONTE This being National Dairy Month, we should,give some th- ought to that most essential of our foods — We all know aur children need it, but will they drink at? If moat, perhaps• they wwll eat it then, in milk puddings, cream soups, souf- fles, creamed vegetables, etc. When that daily quart of mink is taken apart by scientists, and analysed they find that it will sup- ply a person with: Al2 of the cal- cium they need in a day; half of the Vitamin A ;they need in a day; 'half of the thiamin they need in a day; more than half of the protein they need in a day. And most important of all is the tact ;that milk is the only food from which children can get en- ough calcium: or riboflavin. With- out milk it is impossible for them to supply this need from other foods. Calcium builds stroavg bones and teeth. Riboflavin puts pep and energy into life, as well as keeping the eyes and skin in good condi- tion. A BETTER (NOT HIGHER,) F. C. Kalblleisch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Telephones ZURICH 69; GODERICH 388 STANDARD OF LIVING There has been considerable discussion lately about unemploy- ment and its causes. As I thought about the subject to -day, it seem- ed there must be a more basic cause for it all then the mere employment of married women. The fields that attract women, fortunately do not seem so tractive to men. The two great- est fields, for women, are nursing and teaching. When the new hos- pitalization plan gets into full swing, the call for mare nurses will be intensified and we all know of the shortage, of nurses now. Also ou married teachers were refused em- seete) if the n aswhat Jane's new boy friend?y maIs ployment to -day, 70 percent of the schools in this insrpectrarte would be closed in 'September. We all agree that this wound be unthinkable. What, then, is the, cause for the unemployment and unrest being felt to -day? Most of us experienced the de- pression — those days when ane didn't ask what a job pard, before one took it. We were just glad to eget work. We all are haunted by the fear of the return of those lean, years and wish to spare our children the struggle .and disap- pointrnent we experienced then. Perhaps in our near-sighted, in- dulgent way we are robbing them of the very thing we are working so hard to give them — that is, happiness. We see in bold print in our newspapers and magazines, "Nev- er has our standard of living been so high". Is. this really something to brag about? Perhaps visitors from Eiuropea.n countries have reason to sexrpress the fact that we seem to worship the almighty dollar more than the Almighty Himself. Standards of living are so high to -day that salaries that looked enormous a few years ago, just will not reach to -day. A fewyears. nen ago, if a person bo he installment plan, they kept it from their neighbours. Now al- most everyone is living behind a false front, in their effort to not only keep up with, but to get a- head of the Joneses. Most of us are carried helplessly along with the tide finding it hard to cope with the argument "But Mother, everyone — but everyone has it, or does. it." Have you ever listen- ed to a 'teen-age conversation, 1 SAVING YOU MORE — SERVING YOU BETTER THIEL` SERVING ZURICH & DISTRIC1 WITH LOW, LOW PRICES Open Every Day Friday and Saturday Evenings SitseciaIs fir the '.CE',IES AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP, New Giant Size RICE KRISPIES VAN CAMP'S PORN -BEANS CHEERY MORN INST.. COFFEE 6 oz. 99c KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ 16 oz. 55c KRAFT M RACLE WHIP Ig. qt. jar 69c 2 for 35c 35c 2 tins 29c Agents for d -Town Cie 4 ners Mon. - Thurs. - Sat. C. f. THIEL ZURIC Phone 140 y Weekend Thurs. Fri. Sat. Mon. MEATS SWiF T'S WEINERS No. 2's .. 2 lbs. 77c (Take Home A Supply) MINCED HAM .... per lb. 63c Fresh PORK CHOPS .. lb. 69c FRESH PORK SAUSAGE ..... . Ib. 59c FROZEN -6 oz. tins ORANGE JUICE ... 2 for 49c FRUITS - VEGETA LES RED HOT SPECIAL WATERMELONS Ige. size 69c P.E.I. POTATOES 75 lb. $2.25 FRESH STRAWBERRIES AT MARKET PRICES Special Welcome is Extended to Our Summer Vacationers A Spe We AreOpen n Daily, including Friday and Saturday Evenings y OUR CHICKEN " ARBECUE ' ' "`' i:imm. `: t:. s omm S 31`ia`cSi. TENDER, JUICY, GOLDEN BROWN READY -TO -EAT Take Some Home Was A Decided Success Last Week. We have received many compliments about this tasty chicken. Anyone wishing a special order, give us a call 21/2 hours before and you can have them hot for your meal. Lakeview Casing GRAND BEND Presenting All Season LIONEL THORNTON nd his CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA DANCING Saturday MIDNITE — Tuesday Friday Saturday — June 28 Sun., June 29 — July 1 — July 4 — July 5 he ever dreamy? He datives a '58 car." Or, when guestioning about a new teacher, get the answer. "Oh, I think she's; swell. You should see her clothes!" I heard a father the other day singing the praises of one son who was snaking big money in a rather questionable way. While his other son, obviously, took sec- ond place as an "ordinary mnilk- man". So many basically good reforms backfire because of the weakness of us, humans. Actually, many of the unemployed are only tech- nically so. They are not allowed to work because unions feel they will weaken the bargaining power of the union. The men themselves are often satisfied with condi- tions but must walk out when the ".big boss" gives the ward. Oth- ers find that it doesn't pay to accept part time employment be- cause of their unemployment in- surance. It is up to us, as .parents, to somehow set a more stable stand- ard of values for our children. To: make our children realize that while they are reaching for the stars they may be trampling the flowers at their feet. Few of us find we have more spare time with the many time- saving appliances we have now. If we could convince our child- ren that "the best things in )life are free" and that nothing is worth having that as not worth working and waiting for, we would probably find we could live with- in our salaries and perhaps fewer mothers would be driven to seek em.ploryment to make ends meet. Perfectfor Si�ilanaar. Sna shots BROWNIE AW I(EYE CAMERA $9.25 Big selection of Kodak Cameras For Fast Efficient Developing Service Bring Your Films To Us EVERYTHING FOR THE CAMERA FAN WEEKEND SPECIAL: BRICK Hair Set Mist 1 1 oz. Spray Con Reg. $1.95 $ E .J0 For Only Limited Supply ZRIC; VARIETY STORE