HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-06-25, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH cairns NEWS Published every Wednesday Morning at Zurich, Ontario, for the Police Village of Zurich, Hay Township, and the Southern part of Stanley Township, in Huron County. Printed by Clinton News -Record, Clinton, Ontario Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa A. L. COLQUHOUN HERB. M. TURKHEIM Subscription Rates; $2.50 per year in advance, in Canada, $3.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies, 5 cents. Subscriptions payable Zuricch, Onta o, or to ZurichCitizens correspondents. 149, t Box Wednesday, June 25, 1958 LITTERBUGS (Bolton Enterprise) THE FEDERATED WOMEN'S Institutes of Ontario has launched a bright campaign against litterbugs, i puand otherblit places s aim to event the littering of highways, parks areal suwith pport nd waste. It is a of every individual, but the fact that suchn that should aaecampa campaign Supp is necessary shows that it does not have such universal support. We commend it, therefore, to all other clubs and organiza- tions. A helping hand and perhaps some publicity in the various house organs and literature of clubs, companies, societies and organizations might over the years train us as a nation to be on of Omore ntario Na uralists has esupported the schemenote, for examle, tin its e eFONlnews. One of the freedoms in the public mind seems tobo ileo chuck paper or lunchends or cigarette boxes or pop wherever the hand happens to be when they are finished with them. It is a slovenly and even disgusting carelessness and also an arrogant selfishness. One thing the campaigns for orderliness might do is bring some pressure to bear upon lawenforcement orce to ant officers. appeal There are, apparently, a great many people for good manners is a waste of time. Put the law on 'em, we say. LET'S GET IT STRAIGHTENED OUT ONE OF THE STRANGEST pieces of business we have seen in some time occurred at a recent meeting of the Zurich Village was presented to the VillageCouncil for forty-two dollars rental fee for the telephonewhich is inthe fire hall. We always understood the telephone in the hall was for the convenience of residents of the township who may v sh to notify the village of a fire on their property. Now, the tele- phone system is owned by the township, so why in the world should the the township chsa e village Zurich pyt for a telephone which is for the As far as we can see, the fire engine is owned and operated by the Village of Zurich, and as fas as a fire in the village is concerned we don't feel it is necessary to have a telephone in the hall to let us know where the fire is. We understand that when the telephone was installed some years ago, it was done so strictly as a convenience to the rural residents of the township, who the Zurich Fire Brigade are only too happy to help out in time of distress. The Village Trustees made a wise move when they refused to pay this account, and we only hope the telephone commission may see their error, and save the causing of an inconvenience to their rural subscribers Publisher Business Manager WHEN DO OUR STREET LIGHTS GO ON? SOME TIME AGO the Village of Zurich had a new switch installed theend an confusion forto the turninggoffhtf and on of theg system,c10 lights. wastAppa ently this switch was to operate with the sun. However, it seems since daylight saving time came into effect, the lights don't seem to want to go on on time. Sunday night we purposely watched the clock to see what time it was when they did come on, and at fifteen minutes to ten they finally flashed. Surely we are proud enough of our town to have it lit up before this hour. Perhaps the Village Trustees had better in- vestigate the matter and see what can be done about it. It does get quite dark before ten o'clock in the evening. WHO KNOWS, maybe DST has something to do with it. Home Economics Teacher Wanted The Hay Township School Area requires one qualified home econornics teacher for approximately half timE. duties at SS 7, Zurich Public School. Applicants to state experience and salary expected. All applications to be in the hands of the secretary by Monday, June 30, 1958. 23-4-b H. W. Brokenshire, Secretary --Teas., HAY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA, Zurich, Ont. dTOJJWPIW"Pi w- ^w m• v .y.. For Construction of Sidewalks. The Trustees of the Village of Zurich are calling for Tenders to Construct Sidewalks in the Village of Zurich. 750 feet of four -foot walk, 224 feet of five-foot walk. Tenders to state price per lineal foot for each. Contractor to supply mixer and men only. Tenders to be in the hands of the secretary by Saturday, July 5, 1958. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. W. BROK'ENSHIRE, Secretary, VILLAGE OF ZURICH. ZURICH Citizens NEWS SUGAR and 5PICE (By W. (Bill) B. T. Smiley) Coming up, dead ahead, is just about the biggest weekend of the year for Canadians. It has an ex- hilaration that no other weekend on our calendar produces. Hearts are ;light and gay because it's the official opening of summer. * * According to an old superstition, summer really begins- on June- 21st. But try to 'Gell that to a school teacher, ,glassy -eyed in a miasma of chalk -dust and warm running shoes, as she labours ;through the last week of classes with children whose minds and hearts have- filed the classroom to the great, green outdoors. * * * Try to tell it to the resort oper- ator, whose cabins are as empty as Isis cash register, whose boats squat on the shore- like so many • -gutted echoes only to hot'h•e se dloney tread of his wife, as she limps in from the kitchen to s:ee if there's any point in preparing dinner. Canada!"? No, that doesn't seem to ring a bell. Was it the day the West won its first Grey Cup? I don't think so. Was in the day Mackenzie King Introduced +the Ba -by Bonus? I don't believe it was. ,, r: Wait a minute. It's coming back to me. I remember now. 13t was the day somebody drove the last spike into Sir John A. MacDonald, ,d. Anyway, happy the First of July, and try to restrain that wild Can- adian exuberance within the bounds of decency as our whole nation goes haywire- with joy dur- ing the celebration of this—our glorious national holiday. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1958 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingeri,ch wish to- announce the engage- ment of their only dauglhter, Shirley Ann, to Clayton Steck- le, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jos- iah Stteckle, Zurich. The mar- riage to take place on Sat- urday, July 5, 1958, at 2.36 p.m., in the Blake Amish Mennonite -Church. Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Thiel, Zurich, annuonce the engage- ment -of their only daughter, Carole Vera, to Mr. Donald E. Kyle, son of Mr. and Marls. D. E. Kyle, Kippen. The wed- ding to take place on July 19, 1958, at 4 p.m., at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zu- rich. • 1' y, Nope. Summer begins on the last weekend in June, and we might as weal admit it. That's when the hordes of children pour forth in a tidal wave- from their classrooms, tilled with a wonder- ful sense of freedom. Which will last about 48 hours. • :,, :3 That's when the factory worker, who has spent 1:11/2 months over a workbench, or putting round pegs in square holes, sets off, a- quiver with Life, for his two - weeks -with -pay, ready to half -kill himself :golfing, swimming, drink- ing ,beer, dancing, or whatever is his pleasure, before crawling back, spent but content, to the- shriek- ing monotony of his job. Mothers who have spent the past ten months crawling out of bed to find clean sods 'and blouses, to totter about the kitchen making toast with peanut butter and jam, have a new spring in their step, and a smile in their heart, as they go humming about the job of packing for .the cottage. Their's is the deep inner warmth that comes 'from the knowledge that for the next two months, they'll get meas when they damveeli feel lake it, and do the washing ditto. *: For the bass fisherman, a breed as peculiar in his way as the deer hunter, this is the big weekend of the year. It means two beautiful months ahead, of baking to- a crisp in an open boat, lashing various bodies of water with miscellaneous hardware, and drinking skunky been Sheer joy. :g :k :I, For the tension -taut young ex- ecutive-, too, it's -a special week- end. Family settled in at the cot- tage, he leaves with protestations that "it's gonna be 'awfully lonely without you guys" And as he drives down the highway back to the city, his he -art is light as angel food, -as he contemplates those long, lovely summer evenings, with maybe a drink and dinner in a pleasant restaurant before going home to that beautiful peaceful house. . * And of course, for everyone, this weekend has a special significance. because looming up just after it is that glorious celebration of Can- ada's great national holiday ---The First of July --or Dominion Day, as we used to call it in simpler times. * * m• What Canadian is not thrilled to the marrow by the knowledge that The First of July is just around the corner, with its wild, bacchan- alian, carnival atmosphere, its flagrant expression of a highly - emotional people's dee-pest feel- ings? Dancing in the streets, wine flowing like water, kissing under the maples, as those hot-blooded Canadians live it up in celebra- tion ,of -•-• uh . . . say, what IS Dominion Day in laid of? Let's see now. Was it the day Sir Wilfrid Laurier composed "Oh, Business a --d Professional Directory AUCTIONEERS INSURANCE For Safety ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Dashwood LEGAL BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER Phone 4 When In Zurich GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Nights DENTISTS DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Phone Exeter 36 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 — Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons HURON and ERIE 1=' MN ES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES 1 or 2 YEARS — 33/4% 3, 4 and 5 YEARS — 4% J. W. HA'!:`ERER Authorized Representative Phone 161 -- Zurich EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About All. Insurances --Call BERT KLOPP Phone 930 or 220 Zurich Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Ontario Automobile Association For Particulars See Your Authorized Representative Ted Mittelholtz Phone 198 — Zurich DOCTORS G. A. WEBB, D.C." *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings, '7-9 For Appointnmet -- Phone 606 FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE. OXYGEN SERVICE Phone 89J or 89W ZURICH JUST RIGHT FOR YOUR COTTAGE Quiet, dependable and guaranteed by Canada's largest manufacturer of water systems. See us now about a Duro "Little Giant" — your best buy by any comparison. EASY PAYMENT PLAN a SA la 641 »qericM' SERV/4E EAI ING...LI 'Vt'r / �1��?.••PL MBING i Oi/Ramie, "g AIR h-Qu%men'e GS` PPL./ 4NCES'