Zurich Citizens News, 1958-06-18, Page 1Ka. 23 ZURICH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1958 12 Pages 0111?HDry A BR NEW SIGNS AND PRETTY GIRLS should prove inviting to all visitors to Zurich in the future. The signs were erected as a joint project of the Zurich and District Cham- ber of Commerce and the Zurich Lions Club. The pretty girls, who also think the new signs look smart, are left, Dianne Thiel and right, Cecilia Denomme. (Staff Photo) Feeder Calf Club and Baby Show Features at Hensall Spring Show fe igrh elf climb show and -a,. 13%, show were the highlights of the Hansen Spring Fair, held last Friday. Rain forced the moving indoors of ,part of the .afternoon's activities, although the parade was over before the showers began. Bill Strong, RR. 1, Dublin, cap- tured the trophies for best finish, grand champion showman and sen- ior showman, •to duplicate his rec- ord sweep of last year. He was. rewarded with a price of 35c a pound for his 960 pound calf in the auction sale which followed the judging. Two brothers, Gary and Brian Triebner, RR 3, Kippen, tied for best gain. Both put 495 pounds on their calves during the winter. Opens Fair A farmer .agricultural represen- tative for Huron, G. W. Mont- gomery, Toronto, officially opened the fair, and also presented par- ade prizes to SS 7, Hibbert, SS 2, Tackersmiith and SS 10, Hay. The master of ceremonies was Douglas Miles, agricultural representative for Huron, assisted by Earl Dick, president of the fair. Jack Haberer, who has been a student at Duke University, North Carolina, is spending his holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Haberer. Baby Show Baby show winners were: Six months and under, Kimberley Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bits Fink, Hensall; Jo Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald North- cott, Exeter; Diane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Mack, Zurich; six to 12 months, Martha Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Neeb, Dashwood; Robert James, Ham, Strawberry Supper, Dashwood Members of Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, are stag- ing a ham and strawberry supper in their church to- night. Supper will be served from 5.30 to 8.30. For a number of years the ladies of the Lutheran Church in Dashwood have been cater- ing to this special event, and anyone who has attended the affair in previous years re- ports. having had more than enough tasty food to eat An added attraction will be the presence of the Dashwood Band, which will supply mus- ic. NewOfficers Inducted To Zurich Lions Club; Financial eport Given Deputy District Governor Ron Stoner, Parkhill, officiated at the installation of officers of the Zu- rich Lions Club, at their dinner meeting in the Dominion Hotel on Monday night. In his charge to the newly el- ected officers Governor Stoner re- minded them of the duties they hanre to perform in the corning season. He asked for full co-op- eration, of every member in the club so the next year may be a seoresstul one. Delbert Geiger is the new pres- ident of the Bleb; first vice-pres- ident, Lloyd O'Brien, second -vice president, Herb 'Iluirkheim; third vice-president, Mitred Sehilbe. Lion -tamer, Orville Witmer; tail - twister, Clare Geiger; directors, Bill Yungblut, Doug O'Brien, Ken Parke, Jack Pearson; secretary, Leroy Thiel and treasurer, Jake Haberer. Past president of the club is Robert McKinley. A year end financial report was given by the treasurer, Jake Haberer, which showed a balance of $1,400 in the activities: fund. Guests at the meeting were Jack Haberer, who is home on vacation from Duke University; and Douglas Th:eander,' who has assisted the Lions in all the re- cent ear washes. son of Mir. and Mrs. A. C. Van - stone, Hensall; Stephen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cann, Clinton. Only local entries in the cattle classes were Keith and Roy Rad- er, ader, who won several prizes in the He stord�,;dnesa'Cii4�+. ..a::w;:a+. ,a Warden of Huron Guest at Chamber Of Commerce Meeting; Doctor Present. Huron County warden, John Morrisey, reeve of Stephen Town- ship, was the guest speaker at the dinner meeting of the Zurich and District Chamber of Com- merce. held at the Dominion Hot- el last Thursday night. He told the members of the plans to build a $1,000,000 addit- ion to the Huron County Home at Clinton. The recent session of County Council was one of the busiest they have ever had, he told the Chamber. He also told of the work being done on the Goshen Line south, and he hoped the paving of ,this road would be completed as soon as possible. Manton Gesell introduced Dr. Klassen to the members of the Chamber. The doctor gave a brief summary of himself, telling the group he is hoping to start a med- Something New At Thiel's Store Something new has been added to one of Zurich's lead- ing food stores. Thief's Sup- erior Food Market has added a Barbecue King to their modenn• line of equipment. This new machine barbe- cues :chicken to a delicious, juicy golden brown color. It is one of the most tasty pre- sent day methods of making chicken an appetizing dish.. For an introductory Offer, Th el's are running barbecu- ed chicken at, a special price n4hw~ le wx :s:: ical practise in Zurich an October 1. He informed the. meeting that he is very anxious to be living in Zurich, and that his wife is looking forward to being a resid- ent of the town as much as he is. Charles Thiel introduced his - guest, in the person of Ivan Karlb- fleisc'h, who praised the G amber of Commerce for the fine work they have done over the past years. He explained the plans of the new community park to the east of ;the arena, and said he hoped everyone would put their shoulder to .the wheel and get the spark finished in record time. He added that an organization such as the Chamber of Commerce is a great asset to the commun- ity. Another guest at the meeting, Alex Mousseau, deputy -reeve of Hay Township, told the gathering of Huron County council turning down the buying of lake front land in.. Hay Township for a county park. He suggested to the meeting that Hay Township could further develop roads leading to the beach- es at such places; as St. Joseph, so that ample parking facilities would be available for all town- ship residents. The cost of such a proposition would not be toe high, according to the deputy - reeve. Reports were giver by chairmen of the various committees, with Williazn Siebert telling about the new signs erected at the entranc- es to the village a pmeject whirls . was john s,pensored by the airrFYer�' ^the'Iihrit f irb to Babies In A Brownie Pack? Impossible as it may seem it is true. These babies do be- long to Zurich. Brownie Pack. The one pictured in the walker has belonged for one year. The other since last fall. The Brown- ies were only living their Brown- ie Promise when they accepted these babies as one of their pack. These babies live at Child- ren's Aid Society. The baby pictured in the walker is their very special •baby. When the Brownies first discovered her doctors had very little hope of her ever being able to sit up or do the things a normal baby should do, How- ever, through untiring efforts of sone interested friends and a doctor with an open heart, and a closed pocket book this wee baby has a chance to live a comparatively normal: life. With ane exception though. She will no doubt, never be fortunate enough to have a real mother and father to give her that ex- tra something that only a par- ent can give. So far God has opened the hearts of certain people and the Brownies feel with His help and a little extra love from each one of them, this baby may grow up to be a happy child. The Brownies have not only given lave. The money they earned selling boxed seedling ,plants and proceeds from their bazaar of craft work they made at Brownie meetings was used to buy the following articles: A crib and mattress, warm sleepers for her at Christmas, cuddly teddy to keep her com- pany wihthle she was in the hos- pital and now the walker she is sitting in to help her learn to walk. They really love their baby because instead of spending the money they earned on an out Ong for themselves, they gave it in gifts to this baby. Be- cause of their kindness shown to this unfortunate child we feel certain God has been help- ing each and every one of them to dive up to their Brownie Promise and as these Brownies grow so will their love for their fellow man. The members of the Zurich: Brownies are: back row, left to right, Dorothy Wagner, Sylvia Bedard, 'Barbara Forrester, Sue Anne Coxon, Shirley Weido, Gwen Hay; twiddle row, left to right, Mary Bannister, Cheryl Stade, Linda Gascho, Linda Thiel, Katherine Zimmer; front row, left to right, Sandra •{SShadh, Elaine ugill,' Shirley :Ftaybard,