HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-06-11, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS 0 4410 OSTO -aL ottleatek. 00°..r9f 1 JLASSIIPIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar - ger advs.: 2c a word the first week, then 11/2c for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- lams, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. FOR SALE "WHITE THRESHING MACHINE. No. 6. Also one used McKee Har- vester. Apply to Louis Thiel, phone '67, Zurich. 22b McCLARY OIL STOVE—could be converted to wood. In realgood condition. Apply to Earl Zimmer, phone 207, Zurich. 22tfb HAY BALER — used, like new. .Priced right for quick sale. Apply to Louis Thiel, phone 67, Zurich. 22p VICTOR ADDING MAiCHINES, mow in stock at Citizens News of- fice. Drop in and see therm. Zur- ich Citizens News, phone 133. 18-tfb GEITTlNG MARRIED? See sam- ples of wedding stationery at the Citizens News Office. Invitations, thank -you Dards, wedding cake boxes place cards, serviettes, match books etc. 18-tfb. BUY LOCALLY! The Zurich Citiz- ens News can fill your needs in all types of business and contin- uous forms. Agent for Dickenson Continuous Forms Ltd., phone 133 Zurich, or drop into our office. 12tfb. RUBBER STAMPS. The Citizens News can fill any of your needs an rubber stamps, stamp pads, etc,, phone 133 Zurich, or drop into our office. 12tfb. :DINING ROOM SUITE—Walnut :finish, in excellent condition; table, six chairs, buffet, china cabinet. Priced right for quick sale. Ernie Laidlaw, phone 83, Zurich. 21p MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on anything, glass, wood, paper, etc., dry immediately. Many different colours to choose from. Good for poster work, signs, etc. $L10 each, refills, 50e. Zurich Citizens News. 12-tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE :MODERN NINE ROOM HOME, well situated to the village of Zur- ich. House is built of white brick, and lot is full size. Furnace and bathroom, four and a half rooms upstairs. Can be seen by contact- ing neither Gordon Block, phone 109, Zurich, or Roy McBride phone 761'7, Zurich. 17, 19, tfb MODERN SIX ROOM HOME, ex- cellent location in the village of Zurich. House is like new, rec- , ently decorated inside and out. 'Three bedrooms, large kitchen, , Living room and bathroom, full size basement. May be seen by ereettaoting Lawrence Brisson, ph- one 32, Zurich. 20-tfb KITCHEN ■11- jRoili=i - IS Have M. 174 _p -`limb iiiO,,,4y THE Your REMODELLE Turkhehm — ZUJUCH . TIME .. NOW To John PHONE SHARE - THE - WEALTH INGO Legion Hall Hensall Saurav1 June 14 9 p.m. 114 Regular Games Jackpot $105 in 63 Calls Sponsored by Hensel) Legion wall= ,os.razixIzzamtar 8 112[6127 eta229dia MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM SPRAYING -- Grain, corn, etc. We also do whitewash- ing. William Watson, RR 3, Zu- rich, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 22tfb DRY OLEIA•NING and LAUNDRY Service. Cada Earl Oeseh's Barber Shop. ,Pick-up and delivery every Monday and Thursday. Brady 'Cleaners and Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 22-M FILTER QUEEN service. Repairs vacuum cleaners. cleaners for sale. 1, Zurich. Phone SALES AND to all makes of Reconditioned Bab Peck, RR Hensel]. 696r2. 18-20-22-24tfb FLOOR SANDING, PROMPT and efficient service; •or rent our sanders and do it yourself. This is the time of year to have your floors refinished. Charles H. Thiel, phone 140, Zurich. 14-tfb FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMIN- ation service or more information, telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association coaleat apt Clinton HU 2-3441 Between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We supply service to top quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayr- shire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (palled and horn- ed) Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Short- horn, Angus and Charalaiise bre- eds.. The cost is low. 15-b HAM & STRAWBERRY SUPPER ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH D{'4SHW0„'D Wednesday, June 18 Supper Served from 5.30 to 8.30 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults — $1.25 Children under 10 — 50c Dashwood Band in Attendance 22-3-b Air Force Day At Centralia 0n Sat. Expect Big Crowd Thousands of people from all ver Western Ontario are expected o throng the tarmac at RCAF nation Centralia Saturday when Mations Centralia and Clinton ombine their efforts to stage one f the biggest .Air Force Day lows ever. The Iatest and finest of RCAF urcraft and a host of ground dis- �lays covering the functions of the wo stations will be on view from to 5 p.m. when once again air once units throughout the country lay host to their thousands of riends among the general public. A star of the show at Centralia s expected to be the giant Cana - lair Argus maritime reconnais- ance aircraft, the biggest ever uilt in Canada. Three of these aerial leviathans will take part in fly-past during the day's flying programme. Also included will be aerobatics, formation flying and round displays of most of the ypes of aircraft now in service in ;he RCAF. Officers in charge of the flying rogramme for the day from CAF Station Centralia promise a jigger and better than ever air how. On the ground, besides the many ypes of aircraft to be shown, here will be a host of exhibits anging from the radar equipment f RCAF Station Clinton to the flying and safety equipment used by men from stations such as Centralia. Two big hangars at Centralia have been set aside for ground exhibitions. BIRTHS BII.tACKWiEIUL--•At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday, June 3, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Blackwell, RR 2, Han- sen, a daughter. JINKS—At South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, on Friday, June 6, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks, Hensall, a daughter. OKE—At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Monday, June 9, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oke, Zurich, a son, Randal Scott. Marriages HESS -GREEN — In St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Saturday, June 7, 1958, Audrey Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green, Clinton, to William Joseph Hess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess, Zurich. STECKLE-GINGERICH — In Zur- ich Mennonite Church, on Satur- day, June 7, 1958, Betty, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ging- erich, Zurich, to William Steckle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steckle, Zurich. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for treats, cards, letters and visits; also for their many acts of kindness toward me and my family while I was a pa- tient in Clinton and St. Joseph's Hospitals. — L. HAROLD SOPER. 22p I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for the cards, flow- ers and gifts sent to me while a patient at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. — MRS. ROMAN MEID- INGER. 22 Hess—Green St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, was the setting for a pretty wedding on Saturday, June 7, when Audrey Kathleen Greer, London, became the bride of Wil- liam Joseph Hess, Woodstock. The Rev. O. Winter conducted the double -ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green, Clinton and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess, Zurich. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a floor - length gown of antique silk and nylon net over taffeta fashioned with an elongated basque, a re - embroidered Alencon yoke studded with irridescent sequins and seed pearls, scalloped Sabrina neckline and long tapered sleeves. Alencon lace motifs outlined the scalloped hip -yoke that formed an apron ef- fect at the back of the chapel - train skirt. Her headdress, a jewelled half -hat of nylon tulle, seed pearls and rhinestones, held a double silk illusion veil. She car- ried a cascade of gardenias, lily -of - the -valley and ivy. Miss Kathleen Hess, London, was maid of honor, and Miss Norma Steinbach, Zur- ich, and Mrs. James Wimperis, London, were bridesmaids, wearing identical ballerina gowns of aqua crystal charm featuring elongated fitted bodice, semi -scoop neckline, full gored skirt and short sleeves with matching mitts. They carried cascades of white feathered car- nations. Diane Adkins, Cromarty, was flower girl dressed similarly to the other attendants. Terry Black, Zurich, was ring -bearer. Groomsman was Denis Finan, Sarnia and ushers were James Wimperis, London and John Ro- well, Woodstock. Kenneth Flear, London, sang "Because" and "I Love You Truly". Red peonies and spiraea graced the basement of the church for the reception, and each table was lov- ely with candelabra and white spiraea. The bride's mother re- ceived in powder blue lace over taffeta with inset of organdy, ac- cordian pleats at the side. She wore navy blue accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother wore rib bengaline in champagne shade, with orange ice accessories and a corsage of talis- man roses. For a wedding trip to Northern Michigan, the bride donned a lilac suit with white accessories and a corsage of white roses. Upon their return the young couple will re- side in Woodstock. The groom is a graduate of the Canadian School of Embalming at Toronto. Steckle—Gingerich Zurich Mennonite Church was the setting when Betty Gingerich exchanged marriage vows with William Steckle. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steckle. The bride wore a white dress of brocaded satin with lily point sleeves and carried a white Bible. Her bridesmaid was her cousin, Shirley Gingerich. She wore a blue brocaded satin dress. Clayton Steckle, cousin of the groom, was best man. The ushers were Mel- vin Gingerich and Paul Steckle. For travelling to the State of Pennsylvania and other points, the bride wore a charcoal suit with white accessories and a pink car- nation corsage. The couple will live near Bayfield. Guests were present from Mark- ham, Elmira, Maple, New Ham- burg, London and Zurich. B rownie s DRIVE.IN THEATRE Clinton, Ontari,. Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 12 and 13 "Mi racle In Soho" (Colour) John Gregson and Belinda Lee (Two Cartoons) SATURDAY and MONDAY June 14 and 16 "The Big Land" (Colour) Alan Ladd and Virginia Mayo (Two Cartoons) 0 TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 17 and 18 "The DI" JACK WEBB (Two Cartoons) —0— Two Shows Nightly Rain or Clear Box Office Open at 8 p.m. First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars Free ad, ea. • m,- ..14. ,.. ... w - ... - n - a PAGE SEVE STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE 5 Miles East of Grand Bend WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 "The Delicate Delinquent" Jerry Lewis and Martha Hyer THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 12 and 13 ''THE D,P. Jack Webb and Monica Lewis 99 SATURDAY and MONDAY June 14 and 16 "THE TALL T" Randolph Scott - Maureen O'Sullivan TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 17 and 18 "Rock Pretty Eaby'® Sal Mineo and John Saxon YRIC THEATRE SH E A T R E EXETER NOW: Thursday, Friday and Saturday June 12, 13, 14 "PERRI" (TECHNICOLOR;' A Disney Feature Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday June 16, 17, 18 "ALL AT SE" Alex Guiness and Irene Browne COMING: "The Devils Hairpin" MEAT MARKET CHOICE QUALITY MEATS PHONE 57 .— ZURICH Have Our Truck Pick Up Your MILK TOP PRICES PAID roes s rodize PHONE 101 — ZURICH 49. m.ah. .19 .1,.4..1. PHONE 130W — ZURICH "Home of the Miracle Foot Aid Clink"