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MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM STECKLE were married in the Zurich Mennonite
Church on Saturday, June 7. The bride is Betty Gingerich, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Gingerich, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steckle. The
bridesmaid is Shirley Gingerich, and the best man is Clayton Steckle. The young
couple will live near Bayfield. (Staff Photo)
ed in marriage on Saturday, June 7, in St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Zurich, by the Rev. 0. Winter. The
bride is Audrey Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Clarence Green, Clinton, and her husband is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Hess, Zurich, The couple will
live in Woodstock. (Staff Photo)
Mary Geiger Presents Topic At
E. Y. Fellowship, "What Is _Man
The E.Y.F.
Church met on Tuesday, June 3.
with Miss Catherine Rader acting
as chairlady. After the singing of
the hymn, "He Lifted Me", Cath-
erine led in prayer
Grainger read the
of Emmanuel E.U.B. Children of God have no business
getting drunk. Colour of skin does
not matter to God.
Second, we are finite. A child
can turn against his father. God
and Miss Mary
Scripture les-
son. The hymn, "I Would Be
True" was sung, and Miss Norma
Geiger read a poem, entitled "The
Consecrated Car."
Miss Mary Geiger presented the
topic, "What Is Man?" Some say,
"Man is worth two or three dollars
of chemical substances". If this is
the right answer, there is nothing
seriously wrong with lining up
young men and women as cannon
There is a Christian way of look-
ing at man. First, we are all po-
tential children of God. Children
resemble their parents. We can
to a degree think His thoughts
after Him. We are precious in His
sight. If this is the right answer,
it makes a difference what young
people do on a date. God wants
us to enjoy ourselves properly.
has made us free to choose our
own way, even to turning against
Him. We need to be clear as to
what sin is. Sin is putting our
wills over against God's.
Third, we should be proud of
what we are and do. God wants
us to use our talents for Him. To
misuse our bodies is wrong. We
are never fully happy until we
place ourselves in God's keeping.
We must forget self and do God's
will. Give ourselves to Him and
His programme without delay. God
is the goal of our being. The clos-
er we move to Him, the nearer we
get to be like Him.
The president, Miss Elizabeth
Finlay, took charge of the busi-
ness session. Miss Norma Geiger
read the minutes of the preceding
meeting. Duward McAdams gave
the treasurer's report. The meet-
ing was closed by repeating the
Mizpah benediction.
Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien,
London, were weekend visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCann, Zur-
ich, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mc-
Cann, Dashwood, spent Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parkins and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willert, Lon-
don, spent a few days on Mani-
toulin Island.
Tom Rawlings spent the past
weekend in Windsor, joining his
wife and family who had been
there for a week's vacation. They
returned home on Sunday night.
Garfield Witmer, London, was
a weekend visitor with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McAdams
and son, and Mrs. Tillie Tetreau
attended the funeral on Wednes-
day of a relative in London, Ray
Good Fishing
The group of eight fishermen
who spent a few days in the north
country on a fishing trip report
having had very good luck. They
returned home with a string of 36
fish, mostly pike, all of a good
Ladies' Auxiliary
The Ladies' Auxiliary to the
Cubs and Scouts will be holding an
important meeting on Thursday
night in the town hall at 8.30. All
the members are urged to be pres-
Wins Draw At Trade Fair
Jack Bannister won the door
prize of $15 last. Saturday night
at the Wingham Trade Fair. The
fair, which was the first one ever
held in Wingham, was termed a
decided success, A local firm,
Haberer-Westlake, had a display
of concrete vaults at the event.
Banking Course
The manager of the local branch
of the Bank of Montreal, Jack
Evangelical S,S.
Has Children's Day
The Sunday School of Emman-
uel E.U.B. Church observed Child-
ren's Day on June 8. The junior
choir sang the numbers, "Jesus
has the keys to my heart", "I shall
not be moved" and "Jesus is my
friend." Recitations were given
by Ralph Geiger, Sharon Jacobi,
Donnie Oesch, Stephen Hesse, and
Johnny Geiger. Exercises were
presented by Mrs. Newell Geiger's
class, Mrs. Clare Geiger's class,
Miss Margaret Schade's class, Mrs.
Peter Gingerich's class, and the
classes of Miss Mary Geiger and.
Mrs. Melvin Brown. Donna Kip-
per and Linda Gascho sang a duet.
Misses Edith and Rebecca Steckle
played two numbers on the piano
and piano accordion. The pastor
brought a missionary message on
"I am debtor." Mrs. Milton Oesch
presided at the piano for the ser-
(By Mrs. E. H. Rader)
Women's institute
The regular meeting of Dash-
wood Women's Institute was held
Tuesday evening with the histor-
ical research group in charge. It
was a grandmother's meeting with
26 members present and 18 grand-
mothers, The president, Mrs. Arn-
old Kuntz welcomed all.
Mrs. Ervin Rader gave a report
on the district annual held at
Crediton and was also appointed
as public relations officer. Two
trays and a coffee pot purchased
for the kitchen were shown. It
was decided to present new babies
in the Institute bank books.
Mrs. Milfred Merner presided
for the program. Mrs. Mervyn Tie -
man conducted a sing -song of old
time songs. Mrs. Milfred Merner
discussed the motto, "A stitch in
time saves nine". Mrs. Alma Hop -
croft gave a reading, "The Same
as of Old". She also displayed a
handmade bedspread 89 years old.
Mrs. John Rader read a history of
one of the member's farms, also a
history of the Dashwood band.
Mrs. Jacob Schroeder received the
prize for the oldest grandmother
(86), also the largest number of
children and grandchildren. Clare
Masse entertained with his guitar
and also assisted Mrs. William
Stade in playing for an old time
square dance number. Dancers
were Mrs. Glen Webb, Mrs. Stew-
art. Webb, Mrs. Ervin Devine, Mrs.
Letta Taylor, Mrs. Leon a r d
Schenk, Mrs. Stewart Wolfe, Mrs.
Harold Rader, Mrs. Floyd Wein.
Mrs. Clare Irwin conducted a con-
test and the historical research
Bannister, is attending a bank
manager's course in Toronto for
two weeks. In his absence James
Wild, the accountant here in Zur-
ich, is in charge.
Accepts Position
Tom Meyers, who for some years
has been working at the Zurich
Creamery, has accepted a position
with McKinley's Hatchery, and
commenced his work this past
Miss Judy Willert has accepted
a position in the office of Reginald
Black at the fire insurance and
telephone system.
group served lunch.
To Hold Picnic
The junior room of Dashwood
public school is asking all mothers
of pupils and pre-school children
and their mothers to attend a pic-
nic Friday afternoon, June 13, at
Grand Bend.
Ladies' Aid
The Ladies' Aid meeting of Zion
Lutheran Church was held Wed-
nesday evening with the president
in charge. Following opening de-
votions, Pastor K. L. Zorn had as
his topic, "Jehovah's Witnesses,"
followed by a lively discussion.
Final plans were made for the
strawberry supper on June 18.
Mrs. Ervin Rader was appointed
There are no meetings during
the summer months, so group one,
with Mrs. Ervine Devine convener,
was placed in charge of 'anniver-
sary meals in August. Following
closing devotions, group two with
Mrs. Elmer Rader as convener,
served lunch.
Evangelical WSWS
The Spiritual Life Group was
in charge of the meeting with
Mrs. Jessie Rader presiding. Mrs.
Charles Snell and Mrs. Gerald
Mason sang a duet.
Mrs. J. M. Tiernan conducted
the business meeting. A gift of tea
towels an dishcloths from Mrs.
Kathleen Weigand was acknow-
ledged and appreciated. A bake
sale is to be held June 28.
Lunch was served by Mrs. J. M.
Tieman, Mrs. Sylvia Wolfe, Mrs.
Charles Snell and Mrs. Catherine
Weigand. The Mizpah benediction
brought the meeting to a close.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg at-
tended the Ludwig -Bauer wedding
at Waterloo on Saturday.
Douglas Hamather and Harold,
London, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamather.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maine and
girls spent the weekend with Mr,
and Mrs. Reinhold Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Travis
and family, Camp Borden, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Kuntz.
Miss Ellen Gilbert, Stratford,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Courtney Burmeister.
Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist
Wed., June lith -8.30 p.m.—Bible
Study and Prayer Service.
Tours., June 12th -8 p.m.—WSWS
and Ladies' Aid Meeting.
Sunday, June 15th -
10.00 a.m,—Father's Day Service
11.00 a.m.--Sunday School
2.30 p.m. --Decoration Service
at the E.U.B. Cemetery,
Bronson Line.
The Salvation Army from London
will lead the service at the
Cemetery. Brigadier Walton
will be the speaker. We in-
vite all to attend these ser-
Pastor—A. MARTIN
Services: a : 1:1
Wednesday, June 11— am
8.00 p.m.—Prayer Fellowship
Sunday, June 15.-
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Worship Service
8.00 p.m.—Bible Meeting
Rev. O. Winter, Pastor
Mrs. J. Turldieim, A.T.C.M.,
Sunday Services
10.00 a.m.—Worship Service,
11.15 a.m.—Bible Class and Sun.
day School (all ages).
"Come let us worship and bow
down, let us kneel before the
Lord our Maker." — Ps. 95: 6,
Acts 16: 30
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord
shall be saved. Rom. 10: 13.
Confess and Believe
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord
Jesus and believe in thine heart that God raised him
from the dead thou shalt be saved. (Rom. 10: 9).
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be
saved. (Acts 16: 31).
Zurich Mennonite Evangelism Committee