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Zurich Citizens News, 1958-06-11, Page 3
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE THREE Zurich WI Enjoys Exhibit '©f Quilts, Flan Fall Fund -Raising Activities The June meeting of the Zurich Women's Institute was held in the town hall on June 2 with a very small attendance. The meeting was opened with the Institute Ode ipavsaarassressmosemmatestrammearderovaaumermaresammozonnaarearsza EVENTIDE AND ROCK of AGES MEMORIALS INQUIRIES ARE INVITED T. PRYDE and SON EXETER Phone 41 Clinton HU 2-6606 Seaforth 573 followed by the Mary Stewart Col- lect. The members enjoyed a short sing -song with Mrs. Chester Smith at the piano. Ronnie K1opp favour- ed the ladies with two numbers on the piano, "Alice Blue Gown" and "Romance." Mrs. William Siebert gave her report from the Guelph conven- tion, as was given at the annual convention at Crediton. The members enjoyed Mrs. John Bannister's exhibits of quilts from her collection; she also brought with her a wild flower, a species of the Orchid family, commonly called the Yellow Lady Slipper or Mocassin plant. This particular plant was gathered a few years ago on the Bruce Peninsula, near Tobermory and has flowered in her garden every June, having been transplanted from previous homes. Mrs. William Siebert suggested saving our flower seeds and sell them in the fall as one money - raising project, also a Hobo Tea, SHULTON OLD SP Pre -Electric Shave Lotion Lather Shoving Cream After Shove Lotion After Shave Talcum Cologne, Stick Deodorant SETS from $2,10 to $4.10 SINGLES $ 1.25 each C Billfolds—Cuff Link Sets—Pipes—Tobacco If Ws For "FATHER" We Have It 1LLERT'S V ,R ETM ST RE BRADY CLEANERS EXETER has all our winter clothes on storage! We still have some storage space left. So why not have us clean and store those bulky winter things in moth- proof safety until you need them again. Then they'll come home as immaculate and as perfectly pressed as only Sanitone Service can make them. Meanwhile think how nice to have all that space for seasonable clothes ... just like having a whole new closet. Call on us now. OUR AGENT IN ZURICH IS EARL OESCH'S BARBER SHOP Hensall WI Will Picnic on June 16 (By our Mensal!, Correspondent) The ,annual picnic of the Hens - al Women's Institute will be held at Riverview Park, Exeter on Monday, June 16. Members are asked to meet in front of the town .hats at 4 p.m.. and bring their own cutlery, cups, and a picnic basket. Hostesses are Mrs. T. J. Sher- rdtt and Mrs. Donald McKinnon; program. conveners, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and Mrs. Albert Alex- ander. that is where three or four ladies call on another member unexpect- edly and are served tea by the hostess at a set fee of 25 cents. Another fund raising suggestion was that each member bring an article worth a dollar to be auc- tioned at that meeting. Mrs. Menno Oesch recited the poem, "June" and read a very inspiring poem on "Don't Quit." Mrs. Newell Geiger read a poem, "Who's Delinquent". Mrs. William Hay and Mrs. William Siebert were appointed to attend the train- ing school in. Seaforth in the fall on "Sew to Save Dollars and Make Sense." The ladies in charge of the Tweedsmuir History are asked to attend the work shop being held in Hensall on June 7.2, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; each member is to take a box lunch, beverage is sup- plied by the Hensall WI. A WI picnic will be held on June 18, at "Ivan's Grove"; we are grateful to Mr. Ivan Kalb- fleisch for making his lovely park available to the Institute. A 100 percent attendance at the picnic would be a wonderful way to show pleasure for this gesture. The Institute have a beautiful quilt which is to be sold, watch your store windows for display. Conveners for the October meet- ing are: Mrs. Lawrence Regier, Mrs. H. J .Corriveau, Mrs. Mozart Gelinas and Mrs. Nancy Koehler. The guest speaker will be Mr. E. F. Wheeler, District Field Secre- tary for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Visitors will be very welcome. It was suggested that conveners of each meeting arrange for their speakers at least a month in ad- vance and inform the secretary that the information can be in- cluded in the newspaper notices. Members in preparing their pro- grammes should keep in mind that the Women's Institute is "The Rural W o m e n's University." "What is good enough for today is not good enough for tomorrow." At the conclusion of the meet- ing, lunch was served. Of the 13 men who. have served as Prime Minister since Confeder- ation, nine have been lawyers. Variety of Events Have Honoured Mrs. William Hess Prior to Wedding Mrs. William Hess was feted at several showers and parties prior to her marriage, which took place in St, Peter's Lutheran. Church, Zurich, on Saturday, June 7. The bride is Audrey Kathleen Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence S. Green, Clinton and form- erly of Grand Bend, and her hus- band is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Aubert G. Hess, Zurich. Shower hostesses included: Mrs. Albert Hess, Miss Kathleen Hess and Mrs. Reginald Black at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich; Mrs. E. S. Livermore, of Regent Street, London; Mrs. Gordon Scri'bbins, Clinton; Mrs J.'C. Wim- peris, London, with Mrs. Angus McDonald and Mrs. Amelia Tew as co -hostesses. Mrs. Clarence S. Green was hostess at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter. Receiving with her, were the bride -elect and Mrs. Albert G. Hess, mother of the groom. Pink and white carnations cent- red the tea table which was cov- ered with an heirloom hand -cut Irish linen tablecloth.. Pouring tea were Mrs. E. S. Livermore, Mrs. James Trevithick, Mrs. George Green and Mrs. Henry Adkins. Assisting in the tea room were Miss Marlene McLaughlin, Miss Norma Love, Mrs. Howard Adkins, Mrs. Harold Reichert and Mrs. Eric Switzer, The bride's trous- seau and gifts were displayed by Miss Kathleen Hess, Mrs. Wilmer Adkins, Mrs. Gordon Scribbins, Miss Hazel Wocks, Mrs. J. C, Wimperis, Miss Norma Steinbach and Mrs. Reginald Black. Miss Sharon Switzer was in charge of the register. 0 The three prairie provinces were •the first to grant women the right to vote in provincial elections, in DANCE AT BLUEWATER DANCELAND Every FRIDAY Night • • To The Music Of Desjardine Orchestra MODERN, ROCK 'N' ROLL, SQUARE DANCING ADMISSION: 75 CENTS • ` • Special This Friday 5 Lucky Draws for Door Prizes t WV, -V- -r 4. FATHER'S DAY Sunday, June 15 EAT AT THE Dominion Hotel Specializing in SUNDAY DINNERS -4.00 to 7.30 p.m. Dining Room Closed Every Tuesday Evening PHONE 70 ZURICH •You Are a Stranger But Once' allIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIullllllllllllllllmlllullllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII►IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I ' &tttjCn tot g 6w)Remember Father on His Day June 15th CHOOSE A GIFT from OUR WIDE RANGE of SUMMER WEAR White & Color SHIRTS As Low As 3.95 each • SPORT SHIRTS 0 TIES r► SPORT JACKETS * HATS SOCKS All Sizes All Makes AH Colors as low as 95c pr, O SPORT COATS • SWIM TRUNKS Phone 59 GASCHO BROS "THE STORE I TH,..THE STOCK" ZURICH IIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111