Zurich Citizens News, 1958-06-11, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH eels NEWS Published every Wednesday Morning at Zurich, Onthe soui, for he: Police Village of Zurich, Hay Township, of Stanley Township, in Huron County, Printed by Clinton News -Record, Clinton, Ontario Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa A. L. COLQUHOUN BE'RB. M. TURKHEIM Publisher Business Manager Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance, ants n Canada; $ .50 in n United States and Foreign; single copies, payable to Business Manager, Zurich Citizens News, Box 149, Zurich, Ontario, or to district correspondents. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS agger and Better Than. Ever With the announcement by the Township Council that they have given the go-ahead sign to the new Community Park, we can look for a bigger and better Fall Fair than has ever before been held in Zurich. It is hoped work will start shortly on the preparation of the grounds, so the fair will be able to be held in the new location. Already various committees have special attractions arranged. Those in charge of the midway have lined up the Peter March Midway Shows to bring in rides, consisting of a ferris wheel, reliable one, and merry-go-round, be sure of excellent aetc. This musement for is a the children. The entertainment committee has a lead on an outstanding program for the first night of the fair. The exhibits committee reports new entries will be here, and the enthusiasm shown is greater every day. We hope, with all the effort being put into this year's fair, that d turn he the dates are Saturday, rday,ond nSeptembert for 20, and Monday,Sep- tember 22. The Parable Of The Hot Dog There was a man wiho lived by the side of the road and he sold hot dogs. He was hard of hearing so he had no radio. He had trouble with his eyes so he read no newspapers, nor did he watch television. But he sold goad hot dogs—He put signs up on the highway telling how good they were — He stood on the side of the road and cried, "Buy a hot dog mister?" And people bought. He increased his meat and bun orders. He bought a bigger stove to take care of his trade. He finally got his son home- from college to help him. But then something happened—His son said; "Father, haven't you been reading the newspapers? There's a big depression on. The European situation ;is terrible, the domestic situation is worse. Everything is going to pot."—Thereupon the father thought, "Well, any son's been to college; he reads the news- papers, he listens to the radio, he watches the television and he ought to know. So the father cut down on his meat and bun Orders, .took down hisadvertising.: signs; ancleno, longer leathered to stand out on the highway to sell his hot dogs. And his hot dog sales fell a'lrnost over=night. "You're right, son," the father said to his boy. "We certainly are in the middle of a great depression." -- National Water Safety ''`'leek The surest wager anyone can make this summer will be based on the headlines in aur newspapers following every weekend. Those news items win be reports of Dives lost through drowning accidents in every province. They will be tragedies which could have be -en avoided in most cases. Too often they will tell of lives lost - Dives that could have been saved through common sense. The tragedies will make people think but it will be too late, This summer the Canadian Red Cross Society is melding a determined effort to save lives through an intensive water safety campaign. The Red Cross is urging parents to teach their children the rules of water safety. They are asking mothers and fathers to point out the dangers that lurk in, on or near the water. They are asking boating enthusiasts to respect the power of their motors, to consider their own lives and those of swimmers and their passengers. Red Cross Water Safety Week will be observed June 15-21 throughoutancEvery Canadian should aate in this maaign.Aombindeffort will reduce annual drown- ing ing toll. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DEE t I DGE PARK Bayfield, Ontario Situated just north of Bayfield on Highway 21, this popular resort park which has become famous as a fav- ourite family cottage location has nine, three-bedroom cottages all completely furnished, located on the top of the bank overlooking beautiful Lake Huron, which are gl- on and gone comfortable rented for for e thea ownsers residence. A private sandy beach is only a few feet from each cottage. An l site is included t�oeia there excellent space for additalctagestbbulton the lake bank. Here is an exceptional opportunity to invest in summer rental property with a very high return on your capital, and possession is available immediately. Please contact this broker for complete information. Exclusive Agent HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton Street, Goderich—Phone 766 22-3 SUGAR and SPICE (By W. (8111) B. T. Smiley) Maybe I'm getting old. Maybe I'm just run down. But there's something wrong. I'm out of fash- ion. I'm not following the :tread. I just 'can't seem to work up a goad hate toward Ameribans. * * a In fact, I'm alarmed and dis- turbed by the quenulous, nasty, niggling ifuim!inatians of quite 'a few Canadians against our old friends and ,neighbours from south of the border. The obvious res- entment; the carping and criticism that has been expressed recently toward the U.S. is worthy oe a jealous Balkan. state. It is not worthy of a proud and independ- ent nation dike Canada. Some of OUT self-styled "lead- ing newspapers" show a positively venomous anti-Ame'rdoamisin at ev- ery opportunity. American fraii- ties are shouted in bold, black type. American virtues are played down. -b keep his TV show rolling. z, ,d: Oh, they're not perfect. Just like any next-door neighbours, they have ,their ifauits. I hear that over in the States, for example, they go to the movies, play golf and even drink beer on Sundays, I don't know why they couldn't be like us Canadians: twice to church on Sunday, and the rest of the day spent in prayer and meditation, :h * :F What is even more alarming, to me, is evidence that some of this poison is being absorbed by some easily influenced men -in - t h e - street, ordinary Joes. * ** You know the ones I mean. They're the people who shook their heads in amazed respect when the Russian sputnik went into orbit, but tittered and nudged each other delightedly when the first American satellites fizzled out. * * They're the people who repeat with relish the latest joke about President Eisenhower's golf, but view with equanimity the fact that a recent prime minister of Canada had a much more ridicul- ous pastime --attending spiritual- istic seances. :x * * They're the birds who contem- ptuously d:isrcniss Mr. Dulles as a dunderhead, but t hems e 1 v es wouldn't know a foreign policy from a French gendarme. They're the same people who point with dismay at racial strife in the deep south, but think Canada's Indians "Should be kept on the reserves, where they belong." * Y Fortunately, these maggots in the vast, careless, but sound- hearted body of the Canadian people, these moles burrowing in the darkness of their own pre- judices, are negligible. Perhaps they are even useful, if they cause their fellow= Canadians to take a good look at their neighbours, the Americans. * They .tell me that across the llhe they worship the .almighty dollar. We don't warship it. We just chase it, with might and main, most of our waking hours. :p ,I, * When it comes to neighbours, maybe you prefer the Liberians, or the Turks, or the Chinese. But I'+11 settle for a border lined with friendly, decent Yanks, thanks. '4: * WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1958 Evangelical Church, we have the Lutheran Church, we have the Catholic Church, we have the Men- nonite Church. All of these child- ren go to the same public school. They all receive the same educa- tion. As far as each religion is concerned they are taught in each individual church in their own time. Now I know personally that there are some men who are oc- cupying jobs which the young peo- ple of tomorrow could very well do. I know one man who is doing five different jobs at one time. Now this man is taking the place of the man who has to move out in order to find work. Another individual has two jobs, and I am afraid that he is not capable of handling it. But who complains? As for the teaching system; we leave the old teachers here too long. Every year they are exactly the same teachers. Is it because he or she lives here and their par- ents pay the taxes and the in- dividual man who is on the school board and does not like to have to say to change teachers about every two or three years. After all, our teachers right now have families which should be looked after by the parents, not by a maid. And then there are the Catholic teachers, who cannot get a position in any of the schools, be it town or rural, and exactly why is that? After all we are all one community and exchange greetings. Now I ane a mother who is raising a family and who would like to see her children settled and established. It certainly does not have to be next door to her but it is nice that they do not have to go very far from home. Everyone knows that there is no bus service close by and it is not nice to drive 15 miles to get them every time they want to come home to visit. I would be very interested to hear someone answer their own opinion about this. —A MOTHER. Dear Mr. Editor: Recently in your editorial you wrote that the young people of Zurich are leaving; young married couples with families. I might mention our own young people who are going to school or have felt that they cannot go on and feel that they should be on their own so that they may be able to help to buy their own clothes and spending money, or maybe give dad a little something on the side. After all, who is it that helps the boy or the girl, who is trying so hard to make their grades and sees that dad is having to struggle to put them through. We have a very strange example right here in our own Zurich. In our town we are all different denominations. We have the Dont tell me the Yanks are al- ways talking about winning the war and didn't fight until they were attacked. I trained and flew with them boys who came north to join our airforce while their country was still at peace. Jim Cowey from Kansas City, killed in a Spitfire in Italy. Ralph Hor- ton, from Indiana, burned and crippled when his plane crashed. Little Schwartz from Brooklyn, too small for a pilot, killed in a rear -gunner's turret. And hund- reds more. :u Don't nag me about American military bases in our far north. If a wolf pack is sniffing around my hack door, and I have no gun, and niy neighbour comes aver with his. I'ni not going to slam the door in his face. a, * :u Don't bother me with bogeys about our economy being depend- ent on theirs. It won't be long un- til their economy is dependent on our natural resources. And if they weren't pouring capital into our country to develop those resourc- es, we'd all be going around in our figurative bare feet. :K* Don't expect me to get into a tizzy about their culture over- whelming ours. Not when they flock in their thousands to our Stratford Festival. Not when Ed. Sullivan has to come over and borrow Wayne arsd Sel nester to Business and Professional Directory AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Dashwood LEGAL BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER Phone 4 DENTISTS DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Phone Exeter 36 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 2'73 -- Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES 1 or 2 YEARS — 3%% 3, 4 and 5 YEARS — 4% J. W. HABERER Authorized Representative Phone 161 — Zurich INSURANCE For Safety EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About All Insurances—Call BERT KLOPP Phone 93r1 or 220 Zurich Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Ontario Automobile Association For Particulars See Your Authorized Representative Ted Mittelholtz Phone 198 -- Zurich DOCTORS G. A. WEBB, D.C.* 'Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Emelt Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings, 7-9 For Appointmet -- Phone 606 FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE Phone 89J or 89W ZURICH