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Zurich Citizens News, 1958-06-04, Page 11
'WEDN1FISDAY, JUNE 4, 1958 SPURTS DIGEST By DON O'BRIEN (Citizens News Sportswriter) TIGERS FAIL TO STOP LUMBERKING ONSLAUGHT Even though the once powerful Dashwood Tigers sent ace pitcher Steve Mitro to the mound they were unable to prevent the league - leading Lumberkings from stretching their winning streak to three :games. Since Mitro's wildness prevented the local crew from demon- strating their renowned batting power, they had to be satisfied with walks instead of base hits. Therefore the locals were only able to pick up three hits in the six -inning contest. The old baseball saying, "a walk's as good as a hit," certainly proved to be Zurich's reason for victory and Dashwood's downfall. Jim Ruttle, who literally toyed with the Dashwood crew for most of the game, limited the Tigers to three scattered hits as he won his second straight game this season. PLAYING UNDER THE LIGHTS The Lumberkings will be playing their first night game in six seasons when they tackle the spirited Listowel Juniors at Listowel tonight. Many local ball fans will remember the Lumberkings last night contest—a 4-3 loss to Strathroy. Junior Barash, who, by the way, is the leading batter on the St. Thomas Elgin's roster this : season, was the losing pitcher. Barash, who had pitched superbly . all night, had a 3-1 lead going into the bottom of the eighth, when, : after two were out, two fielding lapses and a long home -run by Strathroy veteran Jack Evans, spelled defeat for the locals. The Zurich line-up for that contest consisted of: Barash, pitcher; Don O'Brien, catcher; Pete Cundy, lst base; John Haberer, 2nd base; Doug O'Brien, shortstop; Ben Gignac, 3rd base; Bill Yungblut, Claire "Silver" Bedard and Ron Heller, a pitcher from Detroit, in the out- field. "Mose" Heideman and Ron Heimrich also played With the Lumberkings that season. It sure was quite a game. In coming back to tonight's contest, Manager Tom Rawlings assures us that he is going all out for this one. Lefty Jim Ruttle, who polished off Dashwood in easy fashion, will probably be on the mound for the locals. Rumour has it that a large contingent of local fans will be on band for the Lumberkings first crack at night ball in quite a while. SPORTS POST SCRIPTS Three Pitches—Three Homers In Saturday's contest between Milwaukee and Pittsburg, three Braves home -runs were bit off three consecutive pitches by Pittsburg .Pirate hurler Ronnie Kline. After Felix Mantilla, the first batter flied out, Hank Aaron homered on the second pitch before Eddie Mathews and Wes Covington smashed their first -pitch homers off Kline. Youthful Pirates Replacing Aged Dodgers The Pirate youth movement is finally paying off. They are no longer termed a sure-fire second division club, but are even given an outside chance of copping the National League pennant. On the other hand, the Dodgers, although moving from an old park to new territory at Los Angeles have still retained their veteran personnel. However. they seemingly have lost their old spark and are presently occupying th National League cellar. Young Pirate stars such as Groat, Virdon, Clemente, Mazeroski, and Friend have begun to capture the headlines from such Dodger veterans as Reese, Snider, Hodges, Furillo, Erskine and Newcombe. Mohawks Here Monday Don't forget the next Lumberking home game on Monday night. ' The youthful but sometimes surprising Exeter Mohawks will be pro- viding the opposition. Be a baseball booster and attend all home games. Booster club tickets are still available. Out Like A Light The Yankee manager is now so wealthy that he no longer has to make cracks like the one attributed to him when he was once bawled out for refusing to slide home. "With the salary I get," quipped Casey, "I'm so hollow and starved that I'm liable to explode like a light bulb if I bit the ground too hard." ZURICH Citizens NEWS Lumberkings Win Fourth Straight Down Mitchell 7-0 Zuri:Gh Lumberkings won their fourth; straight victory on Monday night, when they downed the highly -rated Mitchell Legionaires by a score of 7-0. Donne O'Brien was the star of the night as he pitched the best gaane of his career, limiting the powerful Mitchell crew to only four hits, .all singles. He struck out eight rbatters and gave up only four bases en balls'. Mean- while his team-mates were jump- ing .on loser Daug Acheson fee. nine hilts and five walks. Only two errors were committed in the eighlt inning ,stretch, one to each team. The game was easily one of the best played here in some years. Biitll Yungblut and George Parker led the Zurich attach with two hats each., while for Mitchell Calquhoun hit safely twice. Bruce Moir picked nup the only extra base blow hitting a double in the seventh inning. The .first six innings of the game turned out to be a real pitchers battle, as both men. were very effective on the mound. Don O'Brien picked cup a lone Zurich run in the third inning, and the Next score remained that way until the last +of the seventh. With one out George Parker lined out e single down third base way, there Don O'Brien received a base .on balls and Red Theand'er got hit on the head by a fast bald to load the bases. Manager Tom Rawlings was the next batter, and he aleb got a base on balls. to push one run across the plate. Then Bili' Yungblut Dame through with a timely drive that scored two more runs. Bruce Moir, the next batter, bit a double fdllowed by Don O'Briens single, which ended the scoring.. The extra run was scored in the eighth when George Park- er and Doug O'Brien hit two singles in •a row. • The Lumberkings looked very good defensively, giving the pit- cher plenty of support behind his neat pitching chore. PAGE ELEVEN Zurich Upsets Dashwood Tigers 8-3, Five Runs Scored in Fifth Inning By downing the Dasniwood Tig- ers 8-3, the Zurich Lumberkings made it three wins in. a row hast :Wednesday night. Walks proved to be the downfall of the Dash- wood crew as Mitro sent 10 men down the base paths on four balls. While Mitro was having trouble with his control he was also very stingy with his. pitches, giving the locals Fondly three base hits, ,two of them by leading batter Doug O'Brien, who again: fattened his batting average going two for three. Bruce Moir pkced up the other safety. Jim Ruttle again hooked very effective, as he struck out nine men and also gave up only three hits. He walked five men. Mitre, Regier and Don Gettner each pricked up one hit for the Tigers. The Zurich crew picked up five, of their runs in .the ,third inning, afiter Doug O'Brien had slapped out the first ,hit of the game. Four consecutive walks, a hit by Bruce Mair, a hit batter, and an- other base on balls. pushed the five runs across the plate. The other three runs came in the sixth R H •E' Mitchell — 000 000 00 — 0 4 1 Zurich — 001 000 51x — 7 9 1 Batteries: Mitchell, Atcheson and Saxton; Zurich, Don O'Brien and Rawlings. O Exeter Loses 2 Tigers Idle Until Friday, June 13 While the Huron Perth League schedule. is do its third week, not too manygames have been played as yet. Zurich is leading the group with four straight `vies. Inother games played the past week the Exeter Mohawks were the victims. of ,two defeats, one at the .hands of Mitchell, 14-5, and the other was a real lacing from the Listowel Juniors by a score of 15-0. The Dashwood Tigers have play- ed ,only one game the pant week, it being their 8-3 loss to the Zu- rich Lumberkings. The Tigers wild not be playing at home until Fri- day, June 13, when Exeter will supply their opposition. Nothing supeastiitous about the Dashwood Tigers. Plan NOW to Attend . on Sprin A f : air Western Ontario's Largest Exhibit of Livestock & Machinery ]9 NESDA► 9 JUNE cit GRAND PARADE at 1 O'CLOCK OFFICIAL OPENING et 2 O'CLOCK Judging of Livestock commences at 1 O'clock HEAVY HORSES — LIGHT HORSES — PONIES — PALOMINOS BEEF CATTLE — DAIRY CATTLE — SHEEP — SWINE EVENING HORSE SHOW and CONCERT 7.00 O'clock— Judging of Heavy and Light Horse Teams; Single Roadsters; Gentle- man's Turnout; Four -Horse Tandem Hitches Best Matched and Best Dressed Teams, etc. OJUNIOR FARMERS VARIETY SHOW and CONCERT. 8.30 O Cl©CIC--BAND CONCERT and DRAW for Westinghouse Automatic Dryer. Here Home 'Game On Monday The next home game for the Zurich Lumberkings woad be on Monday, June 9, when the under- rated E'.ceter Mohawks will be the visitors. While some of the teams don't seem to have any ,trouble with the Mohawks the Zurich crew found them to ibe tough opposi- tion as they had to go all out and fight hard for their 3-1 vic- tory in Exeter. One of the Russel brothers win be the probable starting pitcher for Exeter, whale ducal manager Tom Rawlings has not yet an- nounced who his mound choice will be for this -Important game. Meanwhile tonight, Wednesday, the local crew journey up to Lis- towel to play an 8.30 game under the lights with the powerful List- owel Juniors. when another couple of walks and another single by Doug O'- Brien scored the extra three. Losing pitcher Steve Mitro scored two of the Tigers runs, one in the fourth, and the other in the sixth. His battery mate, Bob Meharg picked up the extra run in the sixth inning. The main event of the game oc- cured in the sixth inning, when Dashwood manager Jim Hayter was ejected from the game by plate umpire Gus Boussey. J+ian- nsy did not agree with one of the calms made by the ruanpire and when he protested too strongly he was given the gate by Bouasey, much to the delight of the rival fans. Despite the frigid cold whidh resembled hockey weather, ordly three miscues took place, two to Dashwood and ane to Zurich. A mange crowd was on hand to see the first game of the season. R H E Dashwood — 000 102 0 — 3 3 2 Zurich — 005 003 x — 8 3 1 Batteries: Dashwood, Mitro and Meharg; Zurich, Ruttle and Raw- lings. AMMO Citizens News SCORE.. OAR Lost Week's Scores Mitchell 14—Exeter 5 Listowel 15—Exeter 0 Zurich 8—Dashwood 3 Zurich 7—Mitchell 0 How They Stand: W L T Pts. ZURICH 4 0 0 8 Dashwood 1 1 0 2 Mitchell 1 2 0 2 Listowel 1 0 0 2 Exeter 0 4 0 0 Future Games: June 4—Zurich at Listowel (8.30) 6—Dashwood at Exeter 9—Exeter at Zurich 11—Dashwood at Mitchell For All The Latest Sports Read The Zurich Citizens News HURON -PE E'`I°t1 B SEALL LEAGUE EXETER y OHAWS Vs. Z ICH Er.;IMRER KINGS MONDAY, JUNE 9 6.30 p.m. Support The Locals By Attending All Games BUILD IZE SERVICE Excavating and Grading GR, VEE FILL and TOP SOIL hNMIOCk WITH US Top Prices, est Service Daily Service LONDON to ZURICH 'STRICT THIEL TRANSPORT PHONE 186 — ZURICH Agents for Parisian Lound and Dry Cleaners —