HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-06-04, Page 9' WEDIN1Ei.S Y, JUNE 4, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE NiN4 ST. JOSEPH'S-DRYSDALE (By Al. Fred Ducharme) Mr. and Mrs. Hector artier, 'picks:d yup J. Phillip Laporte and J. Denomme 1pf the Drysdale dast- :riet for a trip to Toronto on Sunday Last. IVLr. and Mrs. Michael Masse and children were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme returned to their home on the Blue Water Highway after s'pend- h g ten days in Detroit, Windsor and Aa hersitbaurg visiting with, children ,and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sherky, Marine Qty, Michigan, were vis- itors over the weekend with the tatter's relatives. Detroit, spent rtihe 'long weekend an St. Joseph wit11 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Laporte, their daughter and son-iuz-Law. 'Mrs. Adolph Masse and daught- er of near Tecumseh, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Masse, they also motored to Seaforth to visit Mrs, Masse's another and other members of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilde and family, 15th C'once'ssion, were Fri- • da4y evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Corriveau. Andrew Camltin, Detroit, spent the weekend in St, Joseph with hus mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Laporte. and daulghter Theresa, were in their cattage over the weekend at La - 'parte Summer R'esor't. Mr. and Mfrs. Theo. Denomme • and other members of the family, all 'from Detroit, spent the long weekend In their summer cottage alt Deavamme Grove. Cottages at Ducharane's Beach .were almost all called up during the weekend with their owners • from Detroit and other points. Mic=hael Hartman, Zurich, ac- companied by his brother Cyril, Planted in dust, would have been greatly affected, The past rain will also pep up the hay crop which at this date was very short. Looking back at the past weather we believe that this: has been one of the driest spel,Ls in decades. Nat in the memory of the pant 'three generations has: so dry a sp- ring been witnessed. However, it's an ill wind that blows no good. Even t'houg'h there has been: a de- lay in growth this rain will be more than a recompense and far- mers and 'gardeners can look for an ample reward for their labour. The St. Joseph bridge is weld under way and it will be only a short time before completed. 'Dille for bridges to farmer's lune -ways have :also been placed for' a dist- •ance to the north. Valuable Rain After a long drought the much needed rain came on Saturday last and occasional showers on Sunday. To the farmers this main was a God send for everything was suffering for lack of moisture. Beans in particular, which were Giri Guide News On Thursday night the Gari! Guides held their weekly meeting. After •the :opening the gimis went to their patrol earners. Court of honour was held at nine o'clock. At court of honour plans were made for the camping trip which wllll be held about June 21. Comments On Thursday last was Decora- tion Day in the United States, a day set aside by the authority annually for .the purpose of dec- orating and beaut'vfyinig homes and !surroundings. But, as usual, the Americans took advantage of it and took to the highways, tra+vei- Lang to ,different parts of the Unit- ed States, and Canada. This Blue Water Highway was: a steady ,stream of traffic from early Thu- rsday :afternoon until past the mid -night hours of Friday. Some turned into their sntunnrer cot- tages on the ]lake shore while oth- ers travelled further to reach their destination. We .believe that when the high - On Saturday the Guides went 'to Bayfield where they attended the Guide Rally. The gives were given tests an Signalling, stalking, first wild, Kims Game, haws, nature and map and compass. At five o'clock the 'girls ate their lunch and then held campfire. The Guides wish to thank Wil- liam Siebert, Mrs. Charles el:, and 'Laurence Brisson for provid- ing transportation to Bayd:aid on Saturday. known it will: be one of the bus- iest in the province. As the mot- orist travels :on along the Dake they pass beautiful sceneries, and the further on they go they are more 'attractive and demand more attention by ,thein, creating a de- sire for a future cone aback. ~ ,;e .....:';obiw 2:�r vn }4•C ♦ w: •+,:•:.iii:'::: ' ]legag%.v:tiie GMC's are just great for spreading the good word about your business. Take this GMC panel, for instance. Its smart, functional appearance builds up public confidence wher- ever it goes. Q:v These solid, dependable pickups earn any firm a repu- tation for fast, efficient deliveries. 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