Zurich Citizens News, 1958-06-04, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Catholic Women's League Met Monday
Leamington Convention Report. Given
We were asked to help new am -
The monthly meeting of the
iCatholic Women's League was
held on Monday, June 2, with
Mrs. Theresa Hartman in the
Delegates to the convention
were cabled upon for their re-
ports. Mrs'. Jack Pearson report -
eq as follows on "Aids to Im-
nMigrants": She said, Sister Flor-
ence Kelly is a linguist and
meets all newcomers of the Cath-
olic faith giving them assistance
in passing customs, she also finds
accommodations for those need-
ing it, girds are billeted in a
Hostel while men and families are
giventemporary shelter in Cath-
• otic homes.
Mr. Harvey Jean Who is with
the Department of Immigration
told delegates Ms aim was to
make settlers self reliant and
democratic as it ds practiced in
Canada. Settlers are encouraged
to learn the language and advised
ora: the Canadian way of life. Mr.
Jean said it was a false idea that
grants .take work away from
is.dans, "He brings his em-
rpdoyanent with trim for he needs
everything, thus stimulating
nets and industry".
Your priest is your League dir-
ector but not your League spirit-
ual director.
Mrs. E. Fontaine, Tecumseh,
submitted a report for the radio,
tedevnsion ,and films committee,
migrants as much as we ean and whieh throughout urged
:diocese ubtovJ1 ".can -
encourage them to take part atm clemn indecent and immoral mot-
ion pictures". It was :suggested
that members should protest to
local ,theatres if .they showed films
that would tend to "damage the
soul and seduce our youth".
•church activities.
Mrs. Thersa Hartman gave her
report. She said Father Hennes-
sey, London, C.W.L. diocesan dir-
ector said we meet at conven-
tions to make• new friends and
find out more about the C.W.L.,
and we should always be willing
to do our part.
They urged us to always send
in the reports on time and to
make things very clear.
The Statue of Our Lady of Good
Counsel visits 81 parishes.
Mrs. T. M. Kelly, Sebringvill+e,
past president, said the conveners
are the ones who have the say
as to what shall be done and al-
ways bring their reports to the
president; she also mentioned how
interesting it is if everyone co-
operates and speaks up and asks
questions, and say what they think.
Bishop Nellegann spoke on voca-
tion, he said that one hour a
month should be spent on voca-
tion, it should begin in the home,
talk to the children, also to. get
thein to say a daily prayer for
that intention.
She .felt television. stations
should be urged to provide types
,of programs that could be more
suitable forchildren. Approval
was given a resolution expres-
sing concern over the "damage
and destruction caused by the in-
discriminate use of fireworks" and
urging that if and when fire-
works were used for entertain -
meront they should be properly
The convention viewed with a-
larm. what it described as im-
properly packaged premiums con-
tained in a number of food pro-
ducts. A resolution strongly ad-
vocated that such premiums be
packaged din, such a manner that
they "will not cause injury or
tragedy to those consuming the
Delegates were conducted thr-
ough the Atkins Green House and
the H. J. Heinz factory.
CCK mem
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Your BRITISH -AMERICAN Dealer in Zurich is
Hen.sal.l. Cemetery
Improved, Will
Canvass For Funds
(By our Hensel,. Correspondent)
During ,the past few weeks
many wilding hands have made a
remarkable. transformation :in the
,appearance. of Hensel' Union Cern-
Increasing demand for space,
recently required the board to
acqurilre onle half acre of land. The
new section is immediately to the
One of the delegates, Mrs. Jack
Pearson was, fortunate in winning
a plaque of "His Holiness The
The next .annual meeting will
be held tin Sarnia.
east of the present cemetery. This,
necessitated a change in fencing,..
and so a new fence has been built
to inclose the entire cemetery_
The ornamental fence which faces -
on the road has been cleaned and,
The board has. •Conder considera-
tion the erection of a cement
block building near the centre of
the cemetery. This, will serve
partially as a storage place for
tools. .However its prime function
will :be to, serve as :a shelter
w'heretn committal services may
be 'held in inclement weather.
Lying ,a5 A does on a quiet
sideroad a short distance east of
busy Highway 4, the Hensall
cemetery ,has over ;the decades
become the place of final repose
for many, if not most, of those -
persons who 'lived out their lives:
in this. area.
The treasurer, Mrs. Jack Pear-
son presented each paid up mem-
ber with their 1958 neanbershiip
The C.W.L. are planning on two
short courses to be given in the
fail and spring, one "Foods" and
the other on "'How to 'Conduct
Six C.W.L. members helped at
the home of the bate Mrs. Joseph
Foster, during the funeral.
It was suggested that the ex-
ecutive meet before each. meeting.
The new C.W.L. Scrap Book
was on display. Lunch was serv-
ed. The next meeting wvt11 be
held on 1Septennber 8 in the town
hall. Bring a new member along.
Father Doyle was absent due to
Much has been done by volun-
tary labour to improve and beaut-
ify the grounds. Even a casual
exaarr:ination will serve to bring
this home to the observer. How-
ever, much remains to be done.
The board has therefore de-
biided to make a canvass for the•
necessary funds. It is hoped that
the descendants of pioneers who
resit in this quiet place, and all
persons interested in honouring
the'i'r memory, will regard this
project as an opportunity for do-
inig so, and contribute genrerr:eas--
1y to uyt.
Hensall Kinettes
Hear Report Of
Recent Convention!
Relatives Honour
Kippen Couple On
25th Anniversary
(By our Hensel]. Correspondent)
Mr. and: Mrs. Edgar McBride,
Kipper, were pleasantly surprised
at their home on Tuesday even-
ing when a number of relatives
met to honor .them with, a sur-
prise party on the occasion of th-
eir twenty-fifth wedding anniver-
s'ary; and to present them With
numerous and suitable gifts. Pre-
sentation address was read by
Mr. Stewart Beattie, and gifts
presented by Karen Beattie and
Mary McBride.
Attending the celebration were
Mr. and Mrs. S.. Beattie and fam-
ily; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc-
Bride and family; Mrs. Alvin Me-
Bride, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore
McBride :and family; M r s.
Robert McBride and Mr. Lorne
McBride. Following a socahour
.delicious refreshments were serv-
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WEINERS 2 lbs. 89c
Potatoes only S1049
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I Ib. 89c Tomatoes 25c tray
HAMS ( pieces only)
(By our Hensall Correspon:dcnt).
Mrs. Tony Oharrette was host-
ess on Tuesday evening for the
meeting of Hensel]. Kinettes, nvliith
president, Mrs. John Heal, in the
chair. Mrs. John Deitz was fine
Mistress for the evening and there
was 100 percent attendance.
Past president, Mrs. Harold
Knight, presented Mrs. Jim Clark
with a Kir-tette spoon for her new
daughter, Valerie. Mrs. Rolbert
Baker, Jr., presented a gift to
MTS. Conrad McRoberts on be-
half sof the Kinettes.
Mrs. Jack Drysdale gave a re-
port on the District Kinsmen:
convention held in Hamilton: rec-
ently. The raffle was won by Mrs.
Robert Reaburn. The secretary,
Mrs. Jack Drysdale was asked'
to write to the new District Kin-
ette convener, Mrs. George Braun,.
Delhi, to express their congratuda--
tions on her election to office.
The next meeting will be hell?
on June 10 at the home of Mrs.
John Deitz. The raffle prize anud:
entertainment were, under the can
venershlap of Mrs. Ross Jinks.
Mrs, Walter Wallis,
Word was received in Hensal]t
of the death of Mrs. Walter R..
Wallis. 52, the ,former Oral Fin-
nigan, Nile, Ontario, who passed,
away at her home, RR 3, Simcoe;,
on Thursday, May 29.
SurvMng are her husband; one,
son Daniel, three daughters, Nor-
ma, Marilyn and Edith abl at
home. Mrs. Wallis taught school'
at SS 14, Hay from. 1928 to 194'
and while there she made her•
home with Miss Flora Petty and
her brother Mr. James Petty. The
Pettys attended the funeral; which
was held on Saturday from the,
Baldock funeral home, Simcoe,.
with burial in Port Dover cernet,
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