HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-05-28, Page 4AGE FOUR ZURICIEI Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1958 BLAKE (Mrs. Amos Gingerich, Correspondent) Mus. Kenneth Gingeth h and infant daughter have returned home from South. Huron Hospital and are doing line. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schwart- zentruber, ;accompanied by the foamler's mother, Mrs. Nancy Soh- 'wartzentruber visited in Kitchen- er on Friday, also attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Norman ,Brenneman. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gasscho, ac- companied by Mrs. Edmund Oesoh and Mrs. Solt Giingerich, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Nor- man Brenneman in Waterloo. Mr. and Mirs. Earl Gingetiiah and daughter Irleen, were Sun- day unday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch. Mr. and Mrs. Alien Stecklte, accompanied by Mrs. Amos Gin- gerich and Dan Steckle attended the funeral! of the late Mrs. Nom - man B'ennerrnan in Waterloo and were laccomlrannifed home for the weekend by the former's daught- er, Miss Pauline Steckte, who is a nurse -in -training at KW Hos- pital. Mr. ,and Mrs. Edimind Erb and Mas. Mary Manson spent th weekend at Kitchener and St. Jacobs, also +attending a funerall. at Waterloo. Miss Gloria Gingerich and her mother Mrs. Jacob Gbngerich, sp- ent Saturday at the home of Mrs. AQnos Gingen:oh and Betty. Mr. .and Mrs. Amos Ganga iia. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich and daughter, Gloria, Zurich, to Kitchener on Sunday evening. Gloria, who spent her hol- idays with her parents, has re- turned •to ;K -W hospital to re- sume her duties as a nurse-in- training. urse-imtrainin+g. Minister Leaves Heiisal.l Church The Rev. Donald MacDonald, minister of Carmel Presbyterian Ohurch for the past three years, bas accepted a call to Burn's Presbyterian Church, Mosa. A graduate of Glasgow Uni- versity, Mr. MacDonald carne to .Canada 10 years ago and has held charges in Nova Scotia and at Tara and Hensail. How ww]i do you know 0NTAR,I o" Check your knowledge by identifying this map However well you know Ontario, you'II enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing at one of its modern resort areas ... like the Haliburton Highlands shown above. Take the first step now, by filling out and mailing the coupon below. KNOW ONTARIO BETTER ONTARIO TRAVEL, 852 PARLIAMENT BLOWS., TORONTO, ONTARIO Send FREE Literature and Road Map. Name Address Post Office Ontario Department of Travel & Publicity Non. Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister Im The Need1Point (continued from page three) The s'alescl'erk will show ,you sam- ples from which to choose the type of printing you wish for yours. 'Ilhey also know the enact wording required by custom and 'etiquette for these formal iiivit- atiens. Both 'invitations and 'announce- ments niiust be addressed by hand. The invitations should be mailed three or four weeks in advance. Bath are enclosed in two envel- opes — the outer one bearing tlhe full name and address of the guest and the inside one the sur- name only, i.e., Mir. and Mrs. Johnston or just Mrs. Johnston, of going to a mhanrned couple; Miss Johnston if going to a single. ;girl. Arrangements for the recept- ion shoulUd he made several mon- ths. in advance. If it is to be a "sit -Blown" luncheon or supper the menu will have to be chosen with care and the seating arrange- ment planned. At a larger informal party, hors d'oeuvres, sandwiohs, daint- ies, wedding cake and beverage. are all that are usually served. The bride must also choose her attendants well iah,ead of ,time so that their outfits! may be carefully planned and purchased. Color is naiost important here and one sh- ould be chosen that is flattering to ;all members of the processiion. The style of the attendants dress- es ishauiid compliment that of the bride. If the bride is wean ing a plain -styled gown with few or no ruffles., buttons and bows, then the bridesmaids should be in keeping with this theme. To -day three-quarter length ;dresses are pgpnular for ;attendants rather than fuil'Mength gowns. Dashwood WY Host To Zurich Women. Several members of the Zurich Woman's Institute accepted the invitation of the Dashwood In- stitute to attend a meeting there on Tuesday, May 20. The subject matter of the meet- ing was the Children's .Md, and the group was addressed by Rev. R. G. MacMillan, the president of the Huron County Board of Directors for the Ohldren's Aid Society. He gave a very informative talk on the wonderful work of the Society, outlining their course of action in taking children und- er thtelir care from broken homes or other 'unfortunate circumstanc- es. Anyone wishing to contact the Children's Aid Society raw de So .at ,theta offices in the County 'Court House in GoderLch.. He also mentioned oned ,that there is a room, in the Cousnty Court House where the Society would be very happy ba rre+ceive donations of used cloth- - After his talk the meeting was adjourned and lunch was served. Mennibers of the, Woanenft In- stitute are reminded the next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 3, in the Town Hada at 8 o'clock. Please be on +bine. In submitting the repoet of the ilast Women's Institute meeting we are sorry we 'omitted the demonstration !given by Mrs. Dell. Bello on dress making. She out- lined the courses for sewing in her home land. A date must be made with the photographer, too, as you cert- ainly want a photographic record of this event. ul. day. Pictures are usually taken at the bride's home before she leaves for the church. Bridesmaids are included in these so ,they should ,arrive, in plenty of time to be ready far them and assist the bride in last minute details. The photographer then goes to ,the church and photo- graphs several scenes there — us- ually sfgn!ing the register, the re- cession and the newlyweds in the car as they leave the church. He then goes to the scene of the re- ceptiton, photographs the entire wedding parity and the couple as they "go away". 0 Counter Cheek Books 20c each DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT BLUEWATER DANCELAD DANCING 10.00 to 1.30 MUSIC BY Desjardine Ord. Modern, Rock 'n Roll, Square Dancing Special This Friday: A Ball Point Pen will be Given to Each of the First 50 People Coming to the Dance. The Huron County Council Will meet ili the Cour' House, Goderilch, on ednesdy, June 11, 1958, at 10.00 a.m. All notices of deputations, etc., should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 7, 1958. A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk, County of Huron Assimmismiumeemanienlellir WARM SUMMER WEATHER is on The Way TREAT YOUR FEET With Footwear That's Invigorating and Soothing LEATHER and CANVAS Casuals & Sandals for Men, Women and Children e Store I Oesch Sl�o Phone 130J Zurich "SEE OUR VARIETY OF LUGGAGE" Picnic and Hot Weather Delicacies OUR WEEKEND SPECIAL: COCOANUT MACAROON COOKIES ONLY 30c DOZEN l TASTY -NIT BAKERY PHONE 100 ZURICH TRY OUR FRESH POPCORN SAVING YOU MORE -- SERVING YOU BETTER THIELS SERVING ZURICH & DISTRICT WITH LOW, LOW PRICES Open Every Day Friday and Saturday Evenings Agents for Mid -Torn Cleaners Mon. - Thurs. - Sat. C. H. THIEL ZURICH — Phone 140 Just a Few of Our Many Weekend Bargains GROCERIES MEATS FRUITS & VEGETABLES ELLMARR PEANUT BUTTER GREEN GIANT NIBLETS 16 oz. jar 2 FOR 29c 33c BACON ENDS ��� Sliced ® Ib. OES 5lb. bAg— ONLY .. $1.49 FANCY RED COHOr SALMON, 2FOR 75c Bananas 3 lbs. 39c Campbell's VEG. or Bologna 2 lbs. 69c TOMATO SOUP 2 FOR 25c DON'T FORGET WE ARE OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS AND FRIDAY EVENINGS.