HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-05-21, Page 12PAGE TWELVE ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1958: BIC GUNS IN VICTORY. These four fellows carried the biggest share of the load in Zurich's 7-5 opening day victory over Mitchell on Monday. Left to right are: Doug O'Brien, who had four hits; Manager Tom Rawlings, who also had four hits in four trips to the plate; newcomer Jim Rundle, who pitched his first game of the season for Zurich; and Don O'Brien, the Citizens News sports editor, whose fine re- lief pitching saved the game for the locals. (Staff Photo) BULLDOZER SERVICE Excavating and Grading GRAVEL, 911 and TOP SOIL o-o+a+�eo�+�ao< SHIP YOUR Livestock WITH US Top ]Prices, Best Service Daily Service LONDON to ZURICH DISTRICT T NSPORT PHONE 186 — ZURICH — Agents for Pagisian Laundry and Dry Cleaners — MX Rag MIS Quick Canadian Quiz 1. When did ICarrada start her own .wavy? 2. At the end of World War Two total !Canadi'an labour income was less .than $5 billion. What is today's figure? 3. !Who originated the phrase, descriptive of the R.C.M.P., "They aa1ways• get their man?" 4. What proportion of Canada's co nTnodity imports is provid- ed by the US? 5. In 1949 total government spending in Canada was $3.8 ,billion. What is the current total? ANSWERS: 5. About $9 billion. 3. An American newspaper writ- er, in the force's early years. 1. 1910, after Britain had to recall her naval squadrons to reinforce her home fleet. 4. About seven - tenths. 2. More than $15 billion. Material prepared by the edit- ors of Quick Canadian Facts, the pocket annual of facts about Can- ada. You Can buy Smith Corona the World's Faster Portable Typewriter Right Here In Zurich IDEAL FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Faster, neater, more legible writ- ing. Wonderful for club work and social correspondence. Letters, business records, all done quicker, better. Better marks for students. Zurich e Informative Meeting on Turnips Being Held In Exeter Thursday Night Turnip growing in Myth and EX- eter areas of Huron County and the Lucan area of Middlesex County is big ibusiness and it is anticipated one of the largest ac- reages of turnips will be sown in the 1958 crap year. In order to keep producing the high quality of rutabagas these areas are noted for, constant vig- ilance has to be .given to see that they are kept free of flea beetles, turnip maggots and cat- erpillars, as well as to keep the turnips free of water -core. At the Town Hall at E,eter an Thursday, May 22 at 8.30 p.m., DST, the turnip growers will be given an !opportunity to acquaint themselves with the answers to these problems when Dr. G. H. Berkeley, Director of Laboratory of Plant Pathology, St. Cather- ines; Dick .Goodin, Field Crops Branch., Toronto; J. J. Johnston, Federal Inspection Service; Keith Ridde]1, Agricultural Representat- ive, Middlesex County, wiid be guest speakers. The meeting will be open to all interested turnilp producers and will be convened by Roylance Westcotit, Exeter, the director of the Ontario Turnip Committee. Huron County Farming Report (By D. H. Miles, Agricultural Representative for Huron County) "The lack os a warm rain and' cold nights. is curtailing growth of sill crops. The sugar beets, turnips and early ;planted conn are slow in corning through the ground. General. corn planting is in progress. "Some cattle are out to grass but where ample feed is avail- able cattle are being kept 5n the stables. "The ninth annual spring sale was held by the Huron Hereford Association, on Tuesday, May 13. Ten bulls sold for an aver- age price of $460.50. The top price bull: was consigned by Hirt- zei Bros., Crediton, and was pur- chased by Alvin Walper, auction- eer at Dashwood for $750, The second highest price for bulls,. $500, was. paid by William G. Tus- tian, Kagawong, Ontario, Mani-. toulin Island, and was consigned by Whitney Coates. & Son, Cent- ralia. Seven heifers averaged $312.10. The top price $585 was paid by William J. Clark, RR 5, Goderich, for 'the lot consigned by Heber J. Eedy & Son:. Four. cows with caves at the side av- eraged $3'18.75. The sale average - for 21 lots was $384.05. Auction- eer was W. S. O'Neil; ringznan, Bert Pepper. R1/B8, fR STAMPS AREA T/ME,SAV/NG TOOL. SPE,' Li ACCURACY Zurich Citizens News We can give quick service in supplying custom made rubber stamps...at budget prices. Drop in and tell us what you want - we'Il have it ready for you with- in a couple of days. TIMELY VALUES IN SPORT S HIIRTS FOR SUMMER COMFORT Priced From EN'S WEAR 2.98 to 6.95 Some of these machines are now on display in our of- fice. We'll be glad to have you call and inspect them, without obligation. Less than $5 a Month Up to 18 Months to Pay News (Main Street, next to Tasty -Nu Bakery) Phone 133 P.O. Box 149 Zurich SPORT JACKETS from 23,50 to 32.50 PANTS and SLACKS from 5.95 up Look Over Our Wide Variety of Men's Wear Gascho Bros. Phone 59 -- Zurich Specials on Groceries Every Weekend