HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-05-21, Page 1No. 19
INVESTIGATE BREAK-iN. Two members of the Ontario Provincial Police are
checking all possible clues that may give them leads in connection with the sixth
break-in at O'Brien's Produce in Zurich. Kneeling is Constable J. Taylor, of the
Identification Branch, Mount Forest, while marking down details is Constable C. Gib-
bons, Exeter detachment, The safe, which had holes drilled in the door ready for
blasting, is shown at the left. ( Staff Photo)
Chamber of Commerce Hear Report Of
Kitchener Convention; See Park Plans
At their regular meeting last
Tuesday night, the members of
the Zurich Chamber of Commerce
heard a full report of the recent
convention ``i '`
in F;i"fcheiier"`' yen li` '
Bill McAdams, who attended the
event along with Charles Thiel.
Discussion took place in regards
to the proposed lake frontage park
which is under consideration by
the Township Council. The Cham-
ber passed a motion to urge the
council to go ahead with their
plans of . purchasing the same.
The plans for the community
parr east egf the .arcna.. were..pre
"seitteil to'tlze'group, and met with
the approval of the Chamber of
At the next meeting in June,
which will be a dinner meeting,
the special guest will be Dr.
Klausen, who intends starting a
medical practice in Zurich this fall.
Campaign For Funds For Blind Begins,
Expect To Raise $6,000 in Huron
J. E. Banniister, chairman of
the campaign for funds for the
iCanadian National Institute for
the Bind, reports a total of $216
coliltected in the Zurich area dur-
ing 1957. Although the objective
was $250, the sums contributed
Eby The citizens of Zurich compares
gafte 'favourably with, other cent -
,res tin Huron County of compar-
able size.
ror instance Brussels reported
$245; :Blyth, $124; Bayfield, $103;
l enis 1 , $167. Exeter's contribu-
tion led in the county with $875,
lolithowed closely by Goderich with
$802; Clinton $410 and Wingham
$484; Seaforth $4n.
The objective for Zurich has
not been suggested yet for 1958,
but the comity hopes to raise a
total! txf $6,000, compared with
last year's: $5,100. Mere are 62
blind people in Huron County.
CWL Meet At
Masse Home
The Catholic Women's League
of St. Peter's R.C. Church, St.
Joseph, was held on May 13 at
the home of Mrs. Pete Masse, with
26 members present. The new
president, Mrs. Lloyd Etue, was
in charge of the meeting.
Conveners of the various com-
mittees gave reports of their work.
Mrs. Lloyd Etue and Mrs. Maurice
Durand were chosen delegates to
attend the CWL convention in
Leamington on May 20. Plans
are under way for a bazaar, which
is to be held this fall.
Father Poisson closed the meet-
ing with prayer, after which a de-
licious lunch was served by the
committee in charge. The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Fred Siemon.
Huron County Judging Competitions
In Seaforth on Saturday, May 24
The annual livestock judging
competition will be held on Satur-
day, May 24, in the community
centre at Seaforth and on the fair
Each contestant will judge three
classes each of dairy cattle, beef
cattle, swine and one class of
sheep. One of the swine classes
will be of carcasses.
Prizes are given in each section
and in four classes: novice, junior,
intermediate, senior.
The Huron County competitor
with the highest aggregate score
in the grain and Iivestock judging
competitions in 1957 and 1958
combined will be awarded a trip
to the United Nations and New
York in 1958, or a trip of similar
Runnerup will. be awarded a trip
to Eastern Ontario or an award
of similar valueP' ,N
A shield dortedhe ,C'�,NE
association goes to the ndivfaual
making . the baghest ggi+.egltte
score in the n ce class. •e l ver
cups are awarded in various" com-
petitions. Registration fee '0 only
25 cents.w*
Members of 4-H Clubs re ask-
ed to attend, since presence at
the competition will count as a
bonus mark towards final 4-H
Club attendance, Every junior in
the county is.'welcome to attend.
Damages Heavy In
Highway 21 Crash
Two drivers escaped injury on
the Blue Water Highway when a
wheel on a truck driven by Hedley
Bennett, London, carne off, caus-
ing lois truck to swerve across the
hig1iway int154«..a3i''' ht'f1t `'73adlter
driven by Andrew Ducharme,Zur-
ich. Provincial Cpl. Harry Sayeau,
Goderich, investigated. Damage
was estimated at $1,400.
12 Poges
O'Brien's Produce ''`roken Into Again
Telephone Wires Cut; Nothing Taken
For the sixth time, O'Brien's
Produce here in Zurich was the
victim of break -and -enter damage
last Tuesday night. The would-be
thieves entered the building by
breaking the lock on the front
The entry was discovered Wed-
nesday morning by proprietor Le-
roy O'Brien, who immediately not-
ified Provincial Police in Exeter.
It was found that holes had been
drilled in the safe preparatory to
blowing it open. Apparently the
thieves had either been frightened
off before they could complete the
job or they did not know how to
go about blasting the safe.
Telephone wile's leading from
three near -by houses, those of Miss
Inez Yungblut, west of the build-
ing,anMrs. lthe
McKinnon, street
the street, had been cut, presum-
ably to cut down danger of having
any disturbances reported quickly
to police,
The last break-in took place last
September, when Mr. O'Brien was
away on vacation. His son, Wil-
liam, was in charge of the busi-
ness at that time, and like now,
the would-be thieves could not
gain entry to the safe. Speculation
is that the same gang attempted
the robbery on both occasions.
Like the last time, experts had
to be called in from Toronto to
open the safe after the door had
been damaged.
Experts from the. Identification
Branch of the OPP in Mount. For-
est, were brought in to take finger-
prints, etc. The investigation is in
charge of Constable Cecil Gibbons,
According to Mr. O'Brien, prop-
rietor of the produce station, there
was very little money in the safe
at the time of the break-in. He is
completely covered by insurance
for such occasions.
Hog Vote Called
For July 25
Announcement was made yest-
erday that a vote of producers
concerning the hog •marketing in
the province, has been called for
July 25. Further particulars are
unavailable at time of .going to
Mennonite Men
Attend. Meeting
A 'number of members and the
pastor of the Zurich Mennonite
Church attended the annual meet-
ing of the Mennonite Mission
Board. of Ontario, on May 18 and
19. Asa Steckle serves as the
local board member.
Calf Club Members
Meet, Judge Calves
On Friday night the members
of the Zurich 4-H Calf Club met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Klopp. The meeting started
with each member judging calves.
Of the eight members present,
each one judged four calves. They
had to give the reasons for plac-
ing them in the order they did. At
the close of the meeting a delic-
ious lunch was served.
Weanling pigs, $14,75 to $1874;
,chunk. $r20,,,:;t e.`$248O, faders_ :,; •
$26 to $32; sows $118 to $131.
Holstein cows, $165 to $190;
Durham cows, $180 to $200; Hol-
stein calves $15.50 to $22. Dur-
ham calves, $28 to $62. 640 pigs
and 250 head of cattle and calves
were sold.
lr etroit `'Soman Uninjured When Car
Leaves Road; Swerves To Miss Cat
A Detroit woman, Miss Ethel
Jones, was uninjured on Friday
when the car she was driving
Left the road and landed in a
ditch, three and a half miles east
of Zurich. According to Miss
Jones, she swerved in an effort
to miss a cat going across the
road, and lost control of her ve-
hicle. She was on her way to
Goderich, where she had an ap-
pointment with a dentist.
Considerable damage was done
to her vehicle which landed upside
down in the ditch. Larry Genius,
Clinton, was travelling west on
the highway and saw the mishap
occur. He was the first on the
scene of the accident, and helped
Miss Jones out of her car. Wil-
fred Mousseau and his father were
working in a field nearby, and
they arrived at the scene shortly
The car was pulled out by Des-
jardine Auto Supply, Zurich. and
brought in for repairs. Constable
George Mitchell, of the Exeter
detachment of the OPP, investig-
BIG FiSH. Some people
think there are no more
big fish left in Huron
County, but you can't tell
Deward McAdams that
there is not. He proudly
displays his prize catch,
which he landed in the
Old River, (Staff Photo)
Have The Citizens
News Sent With
You On. Vacation.
Are you planning your vacation
Don't neglect to "take your
weekly peper with you." Jusit
Let us know what your vacation
'address will! be, and how ]nng
you'll, be away from home. We'll
reeaddress each week's issue for
you, and, send it on it's way.
WWII enjoy reading about the
.folks at home.
NOBODY HURT in this freak accident which saw
a Detroit lady roll her cor over into the ditch after
swerving to miss a cat on the road. The accident
happened four miles east of Zurich (Staff Photo)