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Zurich Citizens News, 1958-05-07, Page 10
PAGE TEN ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1958 EUB Church Conference At Stratford, Local Ministers Have Appointments Rev. W, F. Krotz, Dashwood, was elected superintendent of time Stratford District at the Canada Confernece of theEvangelical Un- ited Brethren Church held In Stratford last week. Rev. C. B. YUNGBLUT MEAT MARKET CHOICE QUALITY MEATS PHONE 57 — ZURICH ,Heckendorn, Ches'ley, formerly of Zurich, was named superintendent of the Hanover.district. It was the 94th annual meeting of the conference. They were installed into office along with three other superin- tendents fln an impressive cere- mony condnctecl by Bishop Mild, ler, pres9id'ent of the conference. Rev. A. M. Amacher, Zurich, was appointed to the Dominion and the Ontario board of the Lord's Day Alliance. Rev. C. B. Carr was appointed director of adult work far the conference. A highlight of the Christian educa- tion iprogram •will be a youth car- avan to assist in vacation schoolS, cannp'ing and vacation preaching. A $200 increase 'in the salaries of ;ministers was approved by the conference, bringing the minimum to, $3,200, with a car allownace of 8300. The matter of hospitaliza- tion, as established by the Ontar- io governnnent, was referred to a special cornm,ittee. KOOLITE SUN CONTROL FOLDING AWNINGS Top Grade All Aluminum Construction UNIQUE VENTED 'GOOF KEEPS ROOMS 10 to 20 degrees COOLER FOR CARPORTS, PATIOS, DOORWAYS SEE ALUMINUM WINDOWS and D Q fill �H�H�H*HCH*H*H�•F1yH�H�H�H�H�H�Hr S EARL FL XBARD LOCAL AGENT FOR WINTER SEAL WINDOWS (London) Ltd To Auction Market Cattle At Hensall Spring Fair and Farm Show Spring (By our Hensall correspondent) Promotion of the glass tar mar- ket cattle, whirch will be auctioned along witch calves of the feeder club at the Hensall Sipring Fait and Fawn Marineriy Show, on June 13, was discussed by direc- tors of South Huron Agricultural Society, at their meeting. Officials hope a number of .dis- trict farmers will take advantage of the opportunity to market their cattle on fair day. The auction provides a number of advantages to producers, .they claim. Plans for the show, including the machinery display, baby con- test, school parade, midway, bands and other attractions, were advanced. Two more prizes were added to the palomino horse class. Direc- tor Otto Willert, was appointed master of ceremonies. ;Committees appointed included: cattle, Jim. Doig, Robert McGreg- or; machinery, Lloyd Lovell; grounds, Norman Jones, Bill Dougall, Lorne Luker; entertain- Hensall Sale Prices (By our Hensall correspondent) Weanling pigs, $13 to $16.30; chunks, $17.25 to $19.10; feeders, $23.75 to $26; sows, $85 to $99; Holstein cows, $160 to $190; Dur- ham cows, $175 to $240; Holstein carves, $15 to $26; Durham calves, $35 to $60. Good steers sold up to $24.10 a cwt. 510 pigs and 250 head of cat- tle and calves were sold. Newlyweds At Hensall Honored (By our Hensall correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker (inee Greta Pfaff) were honored at a reception held: for them in the town hall, Hensall. The hall was tilled for the occasion and the couple were presented with a well .filled purse of money. The presentation address was read by Tom Kyle, Jr., with Grant Mc- Gregor making the presentation. Norris orchestra furnished music for the dance. Leader Appointed For Hensall Cubs William Fink will lead Hensall's newly -formed cub pack, it was an- nounced following a meeting of the committee which had been ap- pointed to find a leader. Mr. Fink will be assisted by George E. Walker, Jim Taylor, John Baker and George Parker. Registration of boys 8 to 12 who are interested in jointing the pack will be held in the Legion Hall, May 9, at 7 .p.m. anent, Earl Dick, Otto W .lit rt, George Armstrong, R u, s s 011 Brown; gate, Lorne Luker, Bifid DougaaF; calf, Lloyd Cooper, Ar- thur Va•rley, Bob Parsons; iinform- :ation, Bill Decker. President Earl Dick chaired the meeting, Secretary -treasurer is Jim McGregor. Hensall. Kinsmen Tape Bicycles (By our Henson correspondent; Hensall Kinsmen applied lumin- ous tape to some 40 children's bicycles in front of the town h'aia an main street out Wednesday ev.• ening. Frank Ellwood, chairman of the service committee was in charge of the project. DANCING EVERY FRIDAY at Bluewater Danceland gym. DANCING 10 to 1.30 Admission: 75 Cents Music by DESJARDINE Orchestra THIS NEW DANCE PAVILION IS SITUATED 8 MILES NORTH OF GRAND BEND — OR 4 MILES NORTHWEST OF ZURICH Formerly ST. JOSEPH'S AIRPORT Phone Zurich 38 for Special Engagements or Wedding Receptions pexaUSIO 1.41 TIME IT S TOOLUP We're headquarters for famous RIDE TETI e®E�a ®©L si• IF IT'S MOTHER WHO CUTS THE GRASS MAKE THE JOB EASIER FOR HER New and Used POWER MOWERS AS LOW AS S46.95 New ALL MODELS GUARANTEED m etie sit skonvieR e.„ EAT/A.-11 /N ••PwMgIN "� Cyr /tourist- SA"? - Eouipr seat GABS` ADPL/ANCE` Short Handle TOOLS TROWEL. Forged one piece blade, strong and useful. FORK. Forged tines enter hard packed earth with minimum of effort. C U LT 1 VAT 0 R. Very handy for flower beds and close work. .30 to .85 Briar Edge DIRT SHOVEL A light weight low cost shovel for general use. Rolled foot rest odds strength. Clear lacquered handle, $4.35 Standard GARDEN HOE Full-size blade with sharp cut.. ting edge. 4% ft. spring neck. Fire -hardened ash handle }e - silts wear. 1.75 - 2.50 Dynamic HEDGE 2.00 to 3.25 SHEAR Dynamic hinge nut and bolt. won't loosen. Lower blade serrated, grips foliage. Oval handles;. Shock -tested, tureen CULTI- VATOR Adjustable dia- mond shaped teeth can be re= moved to make tool smaller if needed. Useful for all types of cultivating. 3.00 Fan Shape BRUME RAKE Built to pick up smallest litter with easy sweeping mo- tion without cut- ting grass roots. 22 steel teeth. 1.00 - 1.95 STADE and WEIDO PHONE 92 ZURICH