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No. 17
MAY 7, 1958
YOUNG AND OLD ALIKE had the pleasure of meeting John J. Wintermeyer, the
new leader of the Ontario Liberal party when he visited Zurich on Friday, Here, Dr.
Alex Addison, Liberal candidate in Monday's by-election, and Mr. Wintermeyer are
making friends with four sons of Mr, and Mrs. Reg Black, Lorrie, Kim, Terry and Danny.
(Staff Photo)
Park Receives $100 From Police Assoc.;
Zurich Man Zone Chairman of Lions
Two members of the Huron
Provincial Police Assrooia.tion were
guests of the Zurich Lions Club at
the regular meeting on Monday
night, and presented the club with
check for $100; a .donation to-
wards the new eomrnunity park`
The money is part of the funds
raised by the annual Police -Lions
hockey gaine played in Goderich.
Sergeant Anderson, Goderi.ch, in-
troduced Constable Gibbons, Exe-
ter, who made the presentation on
behalf of their association.
In a brief address, Constable
Gibbons said, "Tire good fellow-
ship displayed in this Lions Chub
is something to be really proud
of." He also cast a joke about
the taiMwi-ster, stating that if he
was a member of the Police force
the country would receive twice
as much money in fines as they de
Geoiige Deichert, chairman of
the Easter iS.eal ,Campaign, repor-
ted that the total donations new
stand at $530.
Dee OYBi'iert,. c[ airen a; e£ *fie i
boys and girls committee, told of
plans to hold: a special night in
Zurich in the near future to hon-
our all the minor hockey teams.
Secretary Milfred Schilbe re-
ported that Bob McKinley has
been appointed Zone :Chairman of
Zone 3 south, to which district
Zurich now belongs.
Lloyd O'Brien,. Bob McKinley,
and Leroy Thiel were appointed
as the three members of the Lions
Club to .act on a special com-
mittee for the furthering of plans
in connection with the new com-
munity park.
Cancer Society Gets $300 from Hay;
All Roads To Have Calcium Chloride.
At the regular meeting en Mon-
day, Hay Township Council voted
a grant of $300 to the Canadian
Cancer Society. They also decid-
ecided to have calcium chloride spray-
ed on the roads throughout the
C. V. Laughton, Exeter, appear-
ed before council on behalf of
Norman Turnbull, who wishes to
divide mnore of his land into sub
divisions. According to a new
act all sub divisions must now
give 5 percent of the land they
divide to the township ,for what
is to be known, as green area. Mr.
Laughton suggested in this case
the settling for an equivalent
amount of money instead of the
land. Council turned the matter
over to their solicitor, Frank Don-
nelly, for further advice,
Mr. B. Thompson, who claimed
to have a steer die after being
sprayed for warble fly, appeared
before council to ask $250 for the
loss of the beast, The claim was
in turn handed over to the town-
ship's insurance company.
CouTEcii ,decided to temporarily
close the road on which the Mc-
Donald bridge is situated. They
decided to seek legal advice on
further action to be taken in con-
nection with the, road.
In regards to the matter of the
townshi.,p office being moved,
council! decided to hold a special
meeting to deal with the situa-
A tour of the township roads is
to be made. on Saturday.
Court of Revision re .Anderson
Drain is to be ,held in the Town-
ship HaS4 on Tuesday, May 20.
Brucefield, Varna,
To Ask For Lights
At their regular meeting in the
Town 'Hall, Varna, on Monday
night, Stanley Township council
appointed Ross Seatt to petition
the ratepayers- of Brucefield for
street ]rights. Melvin Webster
was also appointed to do likewise
in Varna.
The council decided to attend
the Huron ,County Municipal As-
sociation meeting at Crediton on
May 21.
A grant of $25• each, to the
tClioton Spring Fair and Henson
Spring Fair was made.
Wi4Piam •Censitt was engaged as
grader operator.
A meeting has been called for
May 20, to read the engineer's
report on the Stanley Big Drain.
On Wednesday, Miss Emma
Finlay, victim of their recent
car accident, is returning
home, and requires a pair of
crutches. If someone has
crutches they can lend to this
family, it would be greatly
appreciated if they would
phone Zurich 83•r3, 'advising
. h le adjustable. oil- tales
would be handier, any kind -at
all will be welcomed. Surely
somebody can be of help.
`i"weh'e Pages
New Liberal Leader Visits Zurich;
Large Crowd Tur { s Out For Meeting
John Wirutermeyer, a 'w leader ea the voters, in their homes, air;
of the Ontario Liberal party, ad- the streets and even at the lib•
dressed an audience of 250 people- Mary
at the Zurich Community Centre
last Friday night. He visited Zur-
ich in support of Huron riding's
Liberal candidate, Dr. Alex Addis-
Earlier in the day he did what
no previous Liberal provincial
leader had done --went "main -
streeting„ through Zurich. He met
its citizens, the small fry as well
Although the job of canvas-
sing is not through, the mem-
bers of Zurich Lions Club last
night collected $226.30 for the
Canadian Cancer Society,
during their blitz of the town,
There were 18 to 20 mem-
bers taking part an the can-
vass, and the amount colleot-
ed is considerably higher tharx
in previous years.
Heiisall Legi i n
Fetes Kids; NHL
Referee Speaker
(By our Hensail correspondent)
tHensail Legion held -their regu-
lar meeting on, M;'onday night an
the f owe, of -a turkey ba 'qu
�e i32rr ;:e�'irve=.lifcsy"eaftt
which was enamored by the Leg.
ion, were guests of. the Legion
Ladies Auxiliary, who catered for
the banquet. .
Guest speaker for the occasion
wasGeorge Hayes, Ingersoll, who
is a .linesman in the N.H.L. He
spoke to the group on hockey, af-
ter which a period of questions
and answers was held. Rev.
Charles Daniels was in charge of
the showing of filmes on fishing,
hunting and skiing.
President William Brown was
in charge of the business session,
at which time it was decided to
donate $10 to the Legion Univers-
ity Scholarship program for 1958.
Better Education System
r said tht to
ensure t`1 fat all who have lheaabil-
ity to go on do so "more bursar-
nieeeaded.." and more scholarships are
He charged that at present in.
Ontario equal educational oppor-
tunity does not exist for all
youth, "But we will bring about
the day of equal opportunity," he
stated. "If a person shows ability,
he could and will be given the op-
portunity to go on to university."
The Liberal leader maintained
that. Ontario Conservative govern-
ment does not have an education
policy. He said that it at first
claimed there was no teacher
shortage, yet later introduced
short courses in an effort to fill!
the gap.
"These teachers, trained in the
shorter courses, are not qualified;"
he said, "And we have 1,000 of
these in Ontario."
He charged that centres outside
the large metropolitan centres are
the areas suffering most from the
shortage of qualified teachers.
"It's net only Toronto and other
large centres, but the rural areas
as well that deserve the best
possible teachers," he said. "We
must ensure that all children be
given ,the opportunity to learn."
Tories "Old and Tired"
He held that it was only ;be
cause of tide prodding by the, Lib.•e
eral opposition that' the I'",roS
govern ueot- set aside a" fund to.;aird prcmnstitilt students. HHeahtar
e than e' Frost Adroit7' +x ,?
zs tric 4tyt Millie ; t'h ot'
cuing i he, ii githzt • vtc
While le is!brteeethKz c new "MI -11S,,
ters have been appointed. he not,
ed that "they are without port-
folio, So, the same .old men are
still running the government,
There is no suggestion that the
direction of the government wilt
be changed."
He warned his audience not to.
worry about patronage—that 1ihey
might not get a new hospital if
they voted against the Tories. "Ns
government worth its salt would.
do such a thing And if that be
the Tory contention: then they had
(Continued on Page Twelve)
will be in G+oderich on Thurs-
day evening at the Collegiate
Auditorium, supporting Charlie
MaeNaughton, the PC candidate'
' in the coming by-election. A
public reception will be held
.followed by a short speaking
program and lunch,
Work Under Way
On Goshen Line S.
Work is progressing nicely on
the rebuilding of the Goshen Line,
south of Zurich. Most of the hills
have been cut down., and the l'ow
spots• filled in. Early ;plans were
to pave the. road only to 11/% miles
north of the Dashwood road, a
distance of two and a half males,
but the latest report is that the
job will be completed right
through ,from the Zurich road to
the Dashwood road.
This news is certainly welcome
to residents of this district who
travel in that direction. The road
is owned by Huron County,
MOTHER OF THE WEEK, Mrs. Thomas Meyers
(above) has been chosen "Mother of the Week" for her
untiring efforts with the work of the Children's Aid
Society. In this week's "Needlepoint" on page three,
Mrs, Norma Siebert writes a story about Mrs. Meyers.
(Staff Photo)
Vote as You Like But Vote, May 12