HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-04-30, Page 7'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE SEVEN eCLASSIFIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2c a word the first week, then 1x/sc for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- ' iarns, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mins. Bertha Horner wild be at the home of Mr. and Mrrs. Keith ,Horner for the occasion of her 98th birthday, May 7•. Friends and relatives are welcome to gall from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. AUTOS FOR SALE 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, IN good running eoniditi;on, four new hires, sound body. Priced reason, - able. Apply Donald Oke, phone Zurich 190J. 15-p FOR SALE BIRTHS ZANDWYCK---In Cee ntto n: Pu bRc Hospital, on Saturday, April 26, 1958, 'ta Mr. and Mrs, John Zandwyck, RR 2, Zurich, a son (brother for Harry.) CARDS OF THANKS I wish .to thank all my relatives and friends for their gifts, flow - ems, and cards, .allsa to ,those who visited me while a patient 'in Clinton Public Hospital and also at my home. Special :thanks. to Rev. Winter, Dr. Newland and the :nursing staff.—.Mrs. Wm. Mc- Lachlan. 16=p 200 RED .SUSSEX Hens, 5 mons'. old, just starting to day. Call G. Zoavdag, IRR 3, Bayfield, phoonne. Ha'nsald' 698r21. REFRIGERATOR and STOVE, Leonard refrigerator and two bur- ner •good coondition. c stove. Appplly�ton real Ferd Haberer, phone 112, Zurich. BUY LOCALLY! The Zurich Citiz- ens News can fill your needs in .all types of business and contin- uous forms. Agent for Dickenson 33 .Zurich,rous Frms Ltd., or drop into ouro offne ice. 12tfb. MISCELLANEOUS WEAVING. New mats from your old rags. Only 90 cents per yard. Call Seth Amanns, Zurich, phone 128w. 14-tfb Regier uinn CUSTOM CAPONIZING and de - beaking. Prompt and efficient ser- vice. Call Carl Oestreich8er, 57r32 to r2 Dashwood. GUNS AND •SCOPES—NEW and used guns for sale. Rifles sighted in for a small charge. Harrison' Schoch, phone 96r4, Zurich. ¢-tfb FLOOR. SANDING, PROMPT and efficient service; or rent our sanders and do it yourself. This is the time of year to have your floors refinished. Charles H. Thiel, phone 140, Zurich. 14_tfb .RUBBER STAMPS. The Citizens .News can fill any of your needs in rubber stamps, stamp pads, etc., phone 133 Zurich, or drop into •our office. 12tfb. SLB SEED CORN, now in stock, caR your orders early, ,as supply may be abnirted. Ag- ency for Hay and Stanley Town- •shtns. Memos Steckle, RR 2, Zurich. Phone Hensall 6981& P Ad an impressive morning cer- emony, Saturday, April 26, . Boniface Church, Zurich, Wtnnif-. red Theresa Regier, daughter of Mr. and Mes. Fred Regier, Zu- rich, was united in marriage to Wayne Harold Quinn, United S1t- ates Harol Army, Quinn, Don, of et oind Mee. t, Mich- igan. The. Rev. .Father. Charles Doyle officiated at the ceremony and Mrs. Harvey Corriveau sang "Pans Angelli:ous", "Ave Maria", and "On this Day" The bride:, entering 'tlhie church on the aairn of her farther, who gave her do marei;ags, was exquise ire in a full length gown .of white Italian silk styled with a Sabrina neokline appliqued in hand corded Alencon+ lace. A double 'tiered :illusion flinger-ktip veil was clasped to a tiara of tirxndescenit tfltowers and seed pearls. The bridal bou- quet contained white roses and 1I Y of the valley. The maid of honor, Elaine Qu- FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMIN- ation service or more information, telephone 'the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association colh:ect 'at Clinton HIJ 2-3441 Between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We We supply srevtce to top quality bulls ofthe.Holstein:, Jersey, Ayr- shire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and horn- ed) Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Short- horn, Angus and.Oharodalise bre- eds.. The cost is low. 15-h USED BICYCLES, Ladies Gents, in excellent condition, each. Eeetrac fence charger withbattery, like new, $10. Full set of 'Books of 'Knowledge," wtbh case $15. Albert Hess, phone 74 Zur- ich. MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on ;anything, glass, wood, paper, etc., ,.dry immediately. Many different colours to choose from. Good for -poster work, signs, etc. $1.10 each, 'refills, 500. Zurich Citizens News. PROPERTY FOR RET ON SHARE BASIS. 36 acres of hand, suitable for beams. Apply 'Russell Grainger, RR 2,6 Woxn.en's Insitute Sponsors New Citizens Night The Zurich Women's Institute are sponsoring a New CCanadian. Women's night at their next mon- thly meeting on May 6 at 8 pen. in ,the• Town Hall'. Ali the local members are asked to kindly put forth a special effort Ito bring a new citizen with them to make this evening a success, A Mother's Day prbgrarn is 'being ;panned. RoR .ca1I "My Mother's maiden farnuliy" STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE 5 Miles East of Grand Bend FRIDAY, MAY 2 SATURDAY, MAY 3 'The Tattered Dress' Jeff Chandler Jeanne Crain Inn the 'grotona:'s• sister, wore a , PROPERTY FOR SALE FOUR. BWROOM RED BRICK house, lot and garage, ideal loca- tion in the village of Zurich. Liv- ing room, dining room and kitch- en downstairs. Complete bath- room, and new furnace, house is in excellent condition. See either Earl or Ivan Yungblut, phone5 57, Zurich. HELP WANTED. LOCAL MAN, with same mechan- ical echanical ability, for greasing and wa- shing cars, etc. Year round pos- Pition ight an. oeaack e PearsnMotrSles. Phone 78 Zurich, 14-b Teachers Wanted ballerina length gown of white ennbrotldeeed nylon over `mint gr- een taffeta. She carried red roses. Robert Holton, Detroit, assisted as best man and the ushers were Warren +Re'gie'r, 'Brockville, 'tihe bride's brother, and Gerald Mist- er!avicb, Detroit. Dinner :followed the ceremony at the Dominion Hoitd, Zurich, and a reception was held at the home Of the bride. For her dauglhiter's wedding, Mrs. Regier donned a blare gown and pink straw bonnet. Her flow- ers were pink roses. The ,groom's mother was do a beige dace frock with a corsage of pink roses. e. When the newlyweds left for Nortltuern Ontario, the bride wore a blue eweed suit ;accented by navy accesseeles. •Upon !their return from over- seas duty in Germany, the couple will reside in Detroit. SHOWS EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. "Potato Eyes" Make Pr-actical Seel Grow Few Potatoes For Home Use For the ,gardener wishing to grow a few rows of potatoes for home use, or 'the commercial grower who Idesires to secure a start at moderate cosh in new var- ieties suCh as, the recently licens- ed soab or 'blight resistant types, the use of "potato eyes" 'is a practical method, reports the Field Crops Branch of ;the cultur A filo Department of Agriculture. . change of s'esav�ing there resultant in- troduced by harvest, and the grower also has the advantage of econonnicaldy conlpari:nig ,yield and quality tof several varieties side by side, if desired. In Western Canada�usetiOn of seed potatoes by the af "potato eyes" has :been used manyr years, and is very popular especially for mailing and for shipmenrt bo Northern areas where transportation charges are often The Hay Township Public School Area, Huron County, requires teachers for rural schools. Salary to be paid for experienced & well - recommended teachers will be up to $3,400.00. Also one part-time teacher for Manual Training Clas- ses. Duties to start Sept. 1, 1958. Applicants to state qualifications, experience and religion, also name of inspector. Apply to H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Secretary -Treasurer ZURICH, ONT. 16, 17, b ESTABLISHED AVON Territories ,now districts in Hay anduSt Stanley "Townships. Good opportunity for an ambitious girl or woman. Con- tacton- DyMrs. L. Green, Box 281, Han - :Dyer. caption &;;1 ince FOR •ro and Mrs. Murray Baker, Hensall (Nee Greta Pfaff) Town Hall, Hensall friday, May 2nd Norris Orchestra Will Supply The Music Ladies Please 'Bring Lunch to the considered when securing new seed. .Although this, system has ,only recently been introduced bo Eastern Canada, mainly � thr- ough maul order, it is ibeiino ac- cepted cepted with approval by many satisfied users. "Potato ,eyes" are usually packaged in cardboard boxes containing sufficient to pl.- ant lantt thirty to fifty individual hills of each variety. Annual output now amounts to several billion "potato eyes" which are used each season for seed. lied only "Potato' eyes" are supe by approved seed firms whose chief business is selling steed, eith- er wholesale or retail, or a firm which maintains a seperate seed diroisu on and is in a position to provide entirely separate storage 'handling and sales of seed. pot- atoes. In each oase, the shipper certifies that the average weight of the "potato eyes" (when freshly out) in the container to which the, official label of the Depar't- reent of Agri culeu e is attached, was not less than one-half ounce, and that not mare than five per cent were less than three-quarters of an inch in depth. Further, that the "potato eyes" were cut from Foundation or Certified Seed Pot- atoes. Planting usually varies over a two month period from early Ap- ril until late May depending upon the season and location. RUUD ZE SE VICE Excavati i and Grading RAVEL F 11 T P SOIL Livestock WITH US Top Prices, ` l , Best Service Daily Service LONDON to ZURICH DISTRICT THIEL TRANS SORT PHONE 186 -- ZURICH Cleaners — A•ents for Pa •:'..n Laundry and Dry LYRIC THEATRE EXETER NOW: Thursday, Friday and Saturday May 1, 2, 3 "For Whom The Bell Tolls" Gary Cooper - Ingrid Bergman (Technicolor) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday May 5, 6, 7 ! Action of the Tiger Van Johnson -- Martine Carol Coming: 'Mister Rock .!n Roll' V, 01,0 NOW IS THE TIME To Have Your KITCHEN REMODELLED John M. Turkheim PRONE 174 -- ZURICH it © i r iwnle s DRIVEll THEATRE Cli'' ton, Ord': , ric Featuring, the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 1 and 2 "The Black Tent 1!• (Colour) (Vistavision) Anthony Steele -- DonaldonaSinden ) --:— SATURDAY and MONDAY May 3 and 5 "The Kentuckian!! (Colour) (Cinemascope) Burt Lancaster -- Dianne Foster (One Cartoon) ---:— TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 6 and 7 "Spanish Gardener" (Colour) Dirk Bogarde -- John Whitely (One Cartoon) —o-- Two Shows Nightly Rain or Clear Box Office Open at 8 pen, First Show at Dusk Children under 12in cars Free