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No. 16 ZURICH, ONTARIO, APRIL 30, 1958
Centennial Profit Mo ey To Aid Park;
Nine an Co mittee to Further Plans
The $3,400 debt from :thee Zurich
Centennial is to be spent in the
developing of the new Community
Park, to ethe east of the Arena,
it was decided by the publuc meet-
ing held in the Town IIadl last
Thursday night..
After considerable discussion on
various projects and idleeas a vote
was taken and showed only three
persons opposed to the idea of
spending the money on this pro-
ject. The three (opponents felt
the money sihou'ld be used hi re-
pairing the roof .on the Commun-
ity Centre, with only the balance
to be used in development of the
The wish of the meeting was
to have a nine man committee
set up, with the Lions Club, Ch-
amber of Commerce aid Fall Fair
board each having three r'apeesr-
erntatiives on it. It ds hoped the
three organizations will co-oper-
ate in making this project a huge
On Thursday, May 8, this nine
man cornrrnirttee is to meet with,
the Centennial committee to fur-
ther the plans of the turning over
of this money to the new project.
Ivan Kalbi'deisch, who was prey
slident of the 'Centennial, acted as
cluairm.an for the meeting, while
Wirlbilam Siebert was the secret-
The new leader of the Ont-
Wintermeyer will be speaking
in the Community Centre,
ario Liberal party, John J.
Zurich, on Friday, May 2.
Mr. Wintermeyer wills be
appearing on behalf of Dr.
Alex ,Addison, Liberal cand-
idate, in the forthcoming by-
election Dr. Addison will
also address the meeting.
Everyone who ,has heard
Mr. Wintermeyer reports he
lis an outstanding speaker,
and the public is cordially in-
vited to come out and hear
Committees Appointed For Fall Fair;
This Year To Be Bigger and Better
The directors of the Zurich
Fall Fair meet in the Town Hall' on
Saturday night to appoint come
mitltees for all the various depart-
ments. Other year this job was
left until, a few weeks (before the
fair, but in an all out effort to
make this year bigger and better
than ever, the board is speeding
up all the different branches of
the eo2 ganizatio'n so 'they may all
arrange to have plenty of variety
on hand twlhaun.. the beg day. arrivees.
AS:has Ibeee 'eprrevueausly- an:eon;uvc-
ed, the fair. wwil1 be held an Fri-
day, September 20, and Monday,
September 22.
Various committees set up, with
the first named as chairman in
each case are: property, Arnold
Merhner, Walter Eckel, Dennis
Bedard; midway, V. L. Becker,
Edward Schroeder, Leroy Thiel;
entertainment HerbTurkh'eim,
Leroy Thiel, Bert McBride; hor-
ses, Edward Schroeder, Bert Mc -
Beide, Otto Willett; cattle, Bent
Klapp, Carl Willett, Waiter Eek -
el; poultry, Leonard Merrier, Mrs.
Clifford Pepper; grain, seed and
horticulture, Dennis Bedard;
domestic, all: the lady associate
directors; advertising and public-
ity, Herb Turkheam,, Clifford Pep-
Carl Oestreicher, a group leader
of the 4-H Calf Club was present
at the meeting •and told of the
activities of their group. He eel-
elso started that any young boy or
girl had until May 1, to join. The
possibility 'af organizing a Dairy
Calf Club was also discussed.
Clifford Pepper, V. L. Becker
and Herb Turkheenm were appo"lnu
• ted as the three representatives
of the Fair Board to sit on a
Elects Officers
committee for the development of
the new Community Park.
Much discussion took place in
.regards: to .the raising of money
to wipe out the deficit the fair
board has. While the amount
they are in the red' is only about
$200, the dir'ect'ors felt it would
,be nice to start the fair this year
with no deebts, against it. Inc order
to raise some money, a cash bingo
Will be hell h the very Wean fut-
uture, audit is expected both, the
•Lw1'a5: dCll ib enzd;C 1-ra ii boor hit ' Come
coerce' will help to promote this
Judge Frank Fingland, Clinton,
was elected honorary president of
the Huron 'County Tuberculosis
As'socib,tion at its annual meeting.
Other officers are: Past presi-
dent, Elmer Bell, QC, Exeter;
presiedent, Glenn Hays, QC,
(G.oderic•1n:; first vice-president,
H. A. McDermiett, Fordwich, sec-
ond vice-president J,, E. McKin-
ley, Zurich; executive secretary,
Mrs. J. B. Russell, Seaforth; chair-
men of committees, Chrlatmas
seas, F. E. 'Madill, Winnghani; re-
habilitation, J. E. McKinley; case -
finding, D. L. 'Stewart, Seafeeeth;
advisory, Dr. R. M. Addis:, Goder-
Report 'of the treasurer Show-
ed $$12,155.97 in receipts for Chri-
stmas seals for 1957, an increase
of $480 over the previous year.
Guestspeaker was D. M. Mas-
on, rehabilitation officer at Beck
Memorial Sanatotauni, London.
The members of the Zurich
Lions Club will conduct a
blitz of the village on Tues-
day night, May 6, to collect
for the Canadian Cancer So-
The canvass will start at
7 p.m., and various teams will
call on every home during the
course of the evening. Have
your !donations ready when
the canvasser calls, and sup-
port this very worthy cause.
Home Show
Attended By
Over 300 Persons
Twelve Pages
CLEAN 'EM UP, BOYS. Members of Zurich Lions Club staged a Car Wash on
Saturday afternoon, and raised close to $1 00 for community welfare work. Washing
this car, left to right are, Delbert Geiger, Don O'Brien, Lloyd O'Brien, chairman of
the project, and Doug O'Brien. Another such event is planned for the third week
in May. (Staff Photo)
Farmers Union to
Sponsor Meeting
Continuing a practice begun at
the Hast provincial election, the
Huron District, Ontario Farmers
Unionare sponsoring a meeting
in the Town Hall, Hensall, on the
evening of May 6, when electors
of Huron riding may hear both
oandndates,i.rie the comeiig by-elec_
thou: Alex Addison, Clinton " nton tes
Liberal candidate and Charles
MacNaughton, Progressive Con-
servative candidate will each have
time for a 20 -minute speech, plus
a five minute reply. A question
and answer period will follow.
It is expected that Gordon Hill,
Varna, provincial president of the
Ontar o Farmers Union will be
oresent and Robert Taylor, county
director will be chairman.
Lions Wash Cars,
Raise Close to 100
The carwash held in Zuriee on
Saturday afternoon, sponsored by
the Lions Club, was a decided
success with :almost $100 being
realized from the project. Shortly
after one o'clock members of the
chub started washing cars, and
they worked right through until
seven o'clock that night.
Chairman of the project was
The Hoarse Improvement Show
held in tithe Community Centre
'last Thursday night, sponsored by
Gerald Gingerich, was a terrific
success, with over 350 people be-
ing present. Representatives of
various companies were present
and showed pictures to the crowd,
as' well as demonstrating all their
different .products.
Three lucky draws were held,
with the winners ,being; First,
Cleveland Gi.ngeridh, second, Neil
Gingerich and 'third Thomas Mey-
ers. The members of the Lake-
view Literary Society served the
refreelunents, and free gifts were
distributed to everyone present.
The staff m'ennbers of Gingerich's
discussed problems with different
customers who were interested in
various articles.
Trip To Bracebridge
Ke'ilth Westlake and Harvey
Rohner delivered a concrete vault
to Bracebridge last tiFriday. The
firm of Haberer-Westlake have
been taking out an average ref
seven or eight vaults each week
for (the past dew weeks, aid were
delivering this one for a funeral
home in Windsor.
ay Fisher Entertains Chamber;
Plans of Fair Board Approved
Ray Fisher ,entertained menib-
ers of the Zurich and District
Chamber •of Commerce at their
regular meeting last Tuesday ni-
ght' at h's farm. ' Other guests
were• members of the TawwYanew
Oouncilr'and..alrarf "Ciif'fortd^''user
acrid .EEdwar•d•f4,.: oe ua t etre,
ing. the Fail Fair board.
The•Chacr).bes approved .the idea
William Siebert, the local
postmaster, announces that
there will be no change in
dispatch and arrival 'time• of
mails in the morning due to
daylight saving •time. How-
ever, the afternoon mail win
be leaving and arriving one
hair later than ordinarily.
At 4.45 p.m. ,the carrier leav-
es Zurich for Hensall, and at
5.46 he arrives: back in Zu-
•U1'oyd O'Brien, and the proceeds
are to be used for the community
park project. Another similar day
will be held again in May.
Local Ball Team To Hold Annual;
Fan Support Needed To Carry On
The annual meeting of the Zu-
rich Lumber Kings baseball team
will be h;e1d in the Zurich Town
Hall on Thursday night, May 1.
A good turnout at this meeting
will 'assnare fans of a good ball
club for the coming season.
As the warmer weather ap-
proaches the baseball fever is
starting to hit 'focal sportsmen,
and the main topic of coiwersat-
ion around town is ball. All of
last years team is still ay.ailab'.le,
as well as several new players
with whom negotiations are now
being carried out. Jim Attila.,
who pitched for Zurich several
years ago, is again back in Zurich
for a tryout with the local squad.
Last year Ivan Kalbfleisch was
president of the local group, and
Leroy Thiel was secretary-treas'-
u2 er. Tom Rawlings was the team
manager and it is the hope of
local fans that he will again carry
on in this capad]ty.
The most important factor in
the forming of a. club is the sine
poet of the fans, and they can
show just that by attending this
annual meeting (on Thursday ni-
On Friday night, May 9, the
next regular meeting of the Hur-
on Perth League is to be'held
in .the Zurich Town Hall.
o ----
Of holding the fair this year be-
side of the arena, • and also voted
their support to the fair in any
possible way they could be of .ase,
ore'lona • Bte1
it the fide. tat'
dbing the pee M1i)eehockey, system -
innl Zuricin: during the, past winter.
Dennis Bedr!de ,presicdent of the
.orga.niza.tion, 'along witht .
IKallbfieisdh ;and Ray Fisher Were .
appointed to attend the Chamber
convention in Kitdhe,ner on May
7, 8 and 9.
The reeve and members of the
council discussed and explained
the set-up in connection with the
proposed purchase of the lake
property to be used for a Town-
ship Park.
Albert Kalbfl'eisch very capab-
ly 'thanked Ray Fisherfor his
splendid hospitality.
Premier Frost Coming
To Hur n Riding
Premier Leslie Frost will be in
Goderich on Thursday, May 8, and
a reception in the Collegiate aud-
itorium in :the county town has
been planned for that evening. St
is an open meeting. The Premier
will give a short address. Charlie'
MacNannghFon, the Progressive
Conservative candidate will join
him in the reception line
New Danceland
Opens on Friday
The (grand opening of the Blue -
water Daenceland will take place
on Friday night; May 2. Located
at the former St. Joseph's Ar -
port, this building was the former
barracks block, and it has been
completely renovated and re -dec-
orated to make one of the most
attractive dance balls in Western
Ontario. There are approximately
2,600 sq. ft. of dancing space a-
vailable, 'and there. will also be
lunch room faciluties.
Desjarcline, Orchestra, will be
playing for dancing every Friday
night, and (reservaftions can be
made for any special events and
wedding receptions. A special
feature of the opening night its
free admission to all ladies. An
extra large crowd is expeoted Itis
attend :this grand opening event.