HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-04-23, Page 8Westlake's Modern Building
g``'3 zGtr':;
This modern new building is
the home of Westlake Furniture
store, in Zurich. Built only three
years ago, this is one of the vil-
lage's more. modern buildings, and
situated on •the main street of the
town, is a credit to the commun-
In 1946 Keith Westlake pur-
chased the furniture end of the
business owned by Johnston and
Kabbfledsch. For some years he
carried on in the same building
where the store had been located,
and then, only -three years ago,
built this big .new modern: store.
West'akes' carry a complete
variety of an types of furniture,
as wen as floor coverings,.
Every year they stage a gigan-
tic anarwversaay sale, and this year
the sale starts on Thursday of
this week. All articles in their
store are marked down to special
prices for this event.
As weld as operating a furnit-
ure store, Mr. Westlake also ap-
er ates a modern funeral home in
Gospel Services
Well Attended
The Special Gospel Services
conducted April 13-20 in the Zur-
ich; Mennonite church, were well
attended every evening. On both
Sundays and on. Friday evening
the auditorium was filled
The messages by Rev. O. Horst
were timely, challenging a n d
muco appreciated. The following
subjects were treated: "The Faith
that Succeeds," "The Tragedy of.
a Wasted Life," "Three Tense De-
liverance," "The Glory of the
Cross," "The Proof of Life," "A
Cos,tily Decision," "The Man -gage
of the Lamb," '''Stewardship,"
"Divine Heeling," "The Devotion-
al Clavering."
Special features were a par-
ent's. night on Friday ,and a
youLuths night on Saturday, with
messages particularly directed at
parents and young people respec-
tively. On several evenings a
speoiral part of the service was
devoted to the children. Special
singing groups during the week
iaicl'uuded a Ladies' Quartet, Male
Quartet, amid the Oesch family.
Wed at Mount Carmel
Donna Jean Deno¢nme, London,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edward
Denomme, Dashwood, and Joseph
Charles Rau, London, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John, Rau, Bayfield, ex-
changed marriage vows before
Rev. Father J. Kelly at Our Lady
of Mount Carmel Church, on Sat-
urday, April,' 12, art 9.30 a.m.
Given in. marriage by her fath-
er, the bride chose a gown with
an empire lace bodice fashioned
with :.bateau neckline • and lily --
point sleeves. The bouffant skirt
featured layers of lace and 'ac-
cordion pleated nylon tulle over
satin with Chantilly lace panels
front and back. Her Chantilly
Lana finger-tip veil was held by e
.pillbox headdress tail -rimed with.
a ixland sequins. e carried
The bride was attended by her
sister, MTs. John Denomme, as
Rev. Horst, in addition to en-
gaging in preaching missions, ser-
ves as president of the Mennonite
Mission Board of Ontario, 'teaches
at Ontario Mennonite B 1 b l e
School, Kitchener, 'and serves as
pastor of the Manheim Mennonite
Church near Kitchener,
Al in all this fellowship was
a spiritually enricing experience.
Ira .1ioa s > eacn �r 'dill JUPU IU,
lee Rows Up Fishing Season
(8y Stanley J. Smith)
On Wednesday night three
Grand Bend fishing mugs, skipped
by Henry Green, Londe Ravell!e
and Ron Purdy, finally reached
their port, after leaving Point
Edward, on Monday morning A
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter broke
the ice ;for them: along the Mich -
igen shore !for 26 miles to Lex-
ington, Michigan, before open
water was Mound.'. They then
crossed the lake to Grand Bend.
Their boats had been in storage
for the winter at Point Edward.
From Kettle Point south, the
lake is stilly ice bound, and has
prevented fishermen from setting
their sturgeon nets on the good
grounds+ south west of Kettle
Point tin 10 to 15 fathoms of wat-
Some mets have been set near-
by and lifts range from 100 to
1,000 pounds; the price was good
alt $1,40 a pound and up.
Charge Three Men
In Local !1' ig Theft
Three young men, Benny Gig-
na.c, Zuridh; Don Koehler, Hamil-
ton, formerly of Hensall; and
William. Lee, Hamilton, have been
charged with stealing a pig from
the farm of Ivan Kadbfleisch,
Zurich. They will appear in Mag-
istrate's Court, Exeter, on Wed-
nesday, May 7. OPP Constable
George Mitchell, Exeter, laid the
charges last Wednesday.
According •te .pollee, the men
sold the porker for $30, to a Hen-
sadi district fanner, Jim McEwen.
The theft occurred last Sunday,
and was 'first noticed by the farm
manager, Clayton Ortwein. Two
other farm .employees had noticed
one of the accused's car on the
premises earlier in the day. When
Mr. Ortwein noticed a pig mis-
sing, he immediately notified the
ponce, who began their investiFga-
tion the same day.
Whitefish catches have been
fah, ranging from 200 to Z500 •
pound§ last week: The pie
dropped to 40 cents a pound and,
the week before was steady from
.80 cents to $1.00 a pound, due to
tlhe limit,
A. large ace floe, about two mit-
es long, broke loose from, Grand
Bend, south, and .dnilfted towards
St, Joseph, on 'Saturday. Stanley
Smith, local fisherman had to -
pull his nets: out. A change to
the wand on Sunday afternoon
sent the ice back to Grand Bernd.
,Smith caught over 1,200 pounds
hof fish east week, mostly perclh
and pickerel, and reports diet •
smelt should be in by this, week-
end if the weather stays warm.
Heavy Damages In
Crash at Hensall
An .accident oe No. 4 highway,
art the intersection of No. 84
highway 051 Monday morning
caused damages estimated at
$675.00. Murray Vernier, 2Z
Herman, who was trave1iling north
on No. 4 highway, went to crass,
and was truck head on by a car
driven by Kenneth Gerald Me -
Nairn, 20, Seaforth. There were
no injuries. Chief Constable E. re
Davis, Hensail, investigated.
Daniel. Rose To
Assist Agre Reps
Darnel James Rose, RR 3, Godes •
erdch, has been appointed Student
Assistant in Huron 'County from
April 28 until his return to Ooi
lege in September. Dan lis a.
graduate of the 'Diploma Course
and has completed his second.
year towards his degree.
Most of Mr. Rose's work will be
in assisting A. S. Bolton in. the
Junior Program in the county,
matron of honor, and Mrs. Har-
arold Denomme, Sister of the groom
as bridesmaid. They were gown-
ed -alike in 'aqua and shrimp nylon
net over taffeta. They carried
nosegays of pom-poms and cane
Mr. John Denornme, Kitchener,
and Mr. Harold Denomme, De-
troit, attended the groom and An:-
trhotny Rau, Bayfield, and Jerome
Denomme, Dashwood were ush-
The bride's mother received
guests wearing a figured silk
crepe dress with pink rose cor-
sage and the groom's mother
chose a 'plink and black ensemble
with a corsage of pihzk rases.
For a wedding trip to Midlrand
the bride wore an azure blue coat
with beige accessories and cor-
sage of white roses.
On their rretturn the couple win
reside din London.
•tf 11--rev-,qtr
'57, '56 and '55 Models — All at Attractive Prices
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Like new, only 36,000 miles$1175
A steal at ONLY
Overdrive, radio, one owner car, e9�5
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'53 DODGE Mayfair SEDAN
Custom radio, clean as a whip. MO
'53 RUICK Sedan, Dynaflow
Custom radio, a real black QlyJ j95
beauty. Yours for only
Custom radio, overdrive, $995
like new. ONLY
'52 DODGE Coronet Sedan
Locally owned, new paint. Come $67x5
and see this one for �J
'52 'CADILLAC Convertible
Fully powered, electric windows and
LOTS OF GOOD 51's, 50's and 49's
Phone Jack Pearson or Pete Masse for a Demonstration
Pearson Motor Sales
ZURICH—Phone 78
EXETER—Phone 608
in Zurich see Jack Pearson, Proprietor or Pete Masse, Salesman