HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-04-23, Page 3WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE ELEVEN ST. JOSEPH'S----DRYSDALE (By Al. Fred Ducharme) In the passing of Mr. and Mrs. for them Iivang in their primitive Eli Ducharme, Stratford, it means homes. Mrs. Ducherme was also tw:o' more natives of the. second born in this parish. Aster some generation of this parish have years of married Ilfe, farming, to passed on to the great beyoam!d. them, was not promising, so they Both were 'bor'n in this; parish made the one and only venture to more than: four score years ago better their standards; of living, from early pioneers. 1\'La'ny Child- and that proved to them a suc- ren of that generation were born cess. They were the parents of near the lake where the early 13 children and all of them are settlers had squatted on their ar- living. Some remained in their rival in this wilderness. native Stratford, while, others They preferred living near the drifted away to ;different parts of lake where fish were pallenatiafui, the counry. Mrs. Ducharme pre - which meant much to their Wing. deceased her husband two weeks They had built cozy shacks, along previous to hiis death. the beach and many of them still Mr. :and Mrs. Gregory Flem- existed long after the Sauble ming and daughter Linda, Mount Lone was opened. Mr. Ducharme, Carmel; w:er+e Sunday last visitors being tin his eighty-sboth, year, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Av41a may have been boron in his par- I?ucharrne. encs prlimitive ore. Mrs:. Valerie Carotin, St. Joseph, sides, the early settlers also is spending a few weeks in De- l:nth ] n'e kilns along the beach trowt w!i'th;. her children: which required much. attention' Leonard Sararas, Avila Duch, - and work, that. was the reason arme and Mlfred Denonarne mot- ored to Clinton: on Wednesday last, to act as delegates; to nom, inate a Conservative candidate for the coming by-election to be held May 12. Place of polling and officers in charge wilt be. mentioned in a future issue of this paper. Mr.',and Mrs. Marrps Masse a:nd Mr .and Mrs. Dom- inique Jaffrey, St. Joseph, were weekend visitors in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfaff, Lon- don, were Sunday visitors with Mr. !and Mrs:. Harold Pfaff of the Bay summer resort on 'the Blue Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollen are Water south. also in their cottage in the same resort, and we regret to say Mr. Pollen is on the sick dist. miss Carolyn Ducharme, of the 14th concession, was a Sunday visitor with Miss AliceDucharme on the Blue Water Highway. Both girls are school mates, and natur- a ' l y the, visit was . an enjoyable one. On this ;beautiful Monday mor- ning we see nature responding after the Sunday rain, which was much needed to give the grain 'and plants an early start. All looks promising for those who till the soil. Already higher prices are obtained by the farm- ers, and if they receive Th ci r fair share, the country will prosper and bring abundance to all. ...M.dV..'JN.tlW�PNTP0...OWM�.BW'0,..•4....Bd.I O� ANNUAL MEETING HURON COUNTY T.B. ASSOCIATION TOWN HALL, CLINTON MONDAY, APRIL 28 at 8 p.m. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND E. D. BELL President MRS. J. B. RUSSELL Executive Secretary You Are Invited to Attend Gerald Gingerich's HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW Community Centre, Zurich on Thursday, April 24th 8 p.m. Films on Harrap Decorating and Bathroom Planning FOR YOUR HEAT PROBLEMS SEE (oleman LOW BOV OIL FURNACE Far the Women PITTSBURG PAIN'T'S INFORAMA WHERE THE PERFECT FINISH STARTS FIBERGLAS SCREENING It's glass, doesn't sag, rust or stain! W -A- r EmR 4 Soft, Grand and Glorious 4 ``\\e'\\' Ahd savings too.. can\be\yo rs with a\ , 21141,0X eWATFR\\ SOFTENER &teens (oder to cost NO! OLGETORED ALLA BAG EYS OF KIDS! C WITH EACH PUR- CHASE OF $1.00 OR MORE SCREEN. -4 o-®-m-o•-e-+-O-s-a-8--e-@-•0-• HAVE YOU Plaster Cracks? Green Wood? Rusting Metal? WHATEVER YOUR PROBLEMS JERRY SAYS - - We Can Solve It! WITH PITTSBURG PAINTS SPECIAL PRICES! ON SEE THEM AT THE POWER LAWN MOWERS SHOW See All the 1958 Models of Frigidaire Appliances Ranges, Freezers, Refrigerators, Washers Dryers. ON DISPLAY AT THE SHOW ! p!!i "!ii!i!ai.:•., III l n��rullrarl° II :4114rtimallitir \Keve FREEZERS THE ONLY FREEZER ON THE MARKET ON WHICH YOU CAN "FEEL and SEE" THE DIFFERENCE WILL BE ON DISPLAY 0 -44 4.-4-4-0-4-40-10 -0-0-0 0 4 -0 -•+40a -e'-6-0-8 4 0 6 o-�^+++e--o-a+.►f-.Fa e+o-a-aae-o- •-o--7-s �-��► �-a DOOR PRIZES — FREE GIFTS COFFEE - DONUTS - REFRESHMENTS ENTERTAINMENT BRIN'G THE CHILDREN ALONG EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES in effect Evening of Show, Friday and Saturday ` FACTORY EXPERTS WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE TO DISCUSS YOUR PROBLEMS