HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-04-16, Page 7'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS • PAGE SEVEN /CLASSIFIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2c a word the first week, then 1%c for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- lams, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. For Sale SWEET CLOVER SEED. Choice .quality, already cleaned. Apply to David Oesch, phone 79r5 Zurich. 13-4-5-p BRANT BARLEY, 400 bus. Grown from registered seed, eligible for registration, Apply to Leonard Sararas, phone 77r11, Zurich. 12b GIRL'S CCM RTCYCLE, in real good condition, priced reasonable at only $20. Call Earl Gingerich, 90r7, Zurich. 14-b TWO -WHEELED TRAILER, with good box and fenders. In real good condition. Apply to Hilton Truemner. phone S5r11. 14-15-b BUY LOCALLY! The Zurich Citiz- ens News can fill your needs in •all types of business and contin- uous forms. Agent for Dickenson Continuous Forms Ltd., phone 133 Zurich, or drop into our office. 12tfb. For Rent FARM FO RENT. LAND IN good condition. Apply to Russell Manson, RR 1, Zurich. 13-b 22-28 THRESHING MACHINE, McCormick Deering on rubber, with bean attachments. Apply Clarence Parke, phone 76r11, Zurich. 14-p Help Wanted LOCAL MAN, with some mechan- ical ability, for greasing and wa- shing cars, etc. Year round pos- ition for the right man. See Jack Pearson at Pearson Motor Sales. Phone 78 Zurich. 14-b ESTABLISHED AVON Territories now open in Zurich and surround- ing districts in Hay and Stanley Townships. Good opportunity for an ambitious girl or woman. Con- tact Mrs. L. Green, Box 281, Han- over. 13tfb RUBBER STAMPS. The Citizens News can fill any of your needs in rubber stamps, stamp pads, etc., phone 133 Zurich, or drop into our office. 12tfb. 'CABIN TRAILER, in good cond- ition. Kitchen cupboards, etc., kit- •ehen and living room accomodat- ion for four people, (CHEAP). Apply to Gerald Gingerich, phone •34, Zurich. 12-b Miscellaneous Births CAMPBELL -•- In ,Souuth Huron Hospital, on .April 5, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Campbell, RR 1, Exeter, a son. DATARS-In South Huron Hos- pital, on April 5, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raters, Grand Bend, a son, FINK At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, ;Seaforth, on Thursday, April 10, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, Bill Fink, Hensall, a daughter, Kimberley Joy. WEAVING. New mats from your old rags. Only 90 cents per yard. Call Seth Amanns, Zurich, phone 128w. 14-t!ib CUSTOM CAPONIZING and de - beaking. Prompt and efficient ser- vice. Call Carl Oestreicher, 57r32 Dashwood. 8 to 16-b HAY BALER. IN REAL GOOD condition, Minneapolis Moline, wire tie, with motor mounted. $800, or best offer. Apply to Sol- omon Gingerich, phone 84r33 Zur- ich. 14-5-p UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, in good condition, priced reason- able for quick sale. Fest offer takes it. Call at Citizens News Office. 14-1 fb GUNS AND SCOPES -NEW and used guns for sale. Rifles sighted in for a small charge. Harrison Schoch, phone 96r4, Zurich. 14--tfb CUSTOM CORN PLANTING. Place your order now to have the work done when you want it. Call Edgar Willert, Zurich phone 94r10. 13-4-p MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on -anything, glass, wood, paper, etc., dry immediately. Many different colours to choose from. Good for poster work, signs, etc, $L10 each, refills, 50c, Zurich Citizens News. 12-tfh FLOOR SANDING, PROMPT and efficient service; or rent our sanders and do it yourself. This is the time of year to have your floors refinished. , Charles H. Thiel, phone 140, Zurich. 14-tfb RED CLOVER, Yellow Sweet Clo- ter, and Yellow Sweet- Clover mix- ed. Good Quality at attractive prices. Also beef by quarter, and 3 ranee shelters. Apply to Stew- art Blackwell. phone Zurich. 88r3, or David Blackwell, phone Zurich SrS. 12-3-4-n Property For Sale ENGAGEMENT. ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon ,Bedard, Zurich, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Linda Anne, to Gerard Masse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Masse, Zurich. The marriage to take place on Saturday, April 26, at 9.30 A.M., in St. Bonitace Roman Catholic Church, Zurich. Re- ception to be held in the Zur- ich Community Centre at 8.30 P.M. Eeveryone wel- come, 14-p WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING .. ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bails Are Used" For artificial insemination infor- mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at Clinton, f3U 2-3441, between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds available -top quality at low cost. 4tfb FOUR BEDROOM RED BRICK house, lot and garage, ideal loca- tion in the village of Zurich. Liv- ing room, dining room and kitch- en downstairs. Complete bath- room, and new furnace, house is in excellent condition. See either Earl or Ivan Yungblut, phone 57, Zurich. 11-tfb The Canadian Cancer Society was organized at the request of the Canadian Medical Association. Opening Night at the DRIVE-IN THEATRE 5 Miles East of Grand Bend on FRIDAY, APRIL 18 AND SATU :AY, APR. 19 Will Feature "SHOOT OUT AT MEDICINE BEND Starring Randolph Scott, James Craig SHOWS EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. FOSALE BY TENDER The a d lBayfield Road B ucef eld, North West n the Corner of No. 4 �Corner Purchaser 90 remove building and fill in basement to the satisfaction of the Department of Highways by July 1, 1958. Tendm. ers 3b, 1958. Hghe t orthe any tender not neces- sarily April 23, accepted. Hensall District Co -Operative BERTIRAM KLOPP, Secretory, R.R. 3, Zurich, Ont. 15-h 9 T a.. . A T R E EXETER Tell Your Hens! Egg -Laying Contest For One Month NOW: Thursday, Friday and Saturday April 17, 18, 19 "The Lonely Man" Jack Palance, Anthony Perkins Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday April 21, 22, 23 "20 Million Miles To Earth" Joan Taylor, William Hopper "The Werewolf (Adult) Don McGowan, Joyce Holden 99 Coming: "The DELICATE DELINQUENT" Jerry Lewis, Martha Hyer Something unusual was brought into the Citizens News office last week, in the way of an egg. The egg has a diameter of close to 10", and weighs over five oun- Art ,110. fi SmorgasbMrd In ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, HENSALL S A' P R AY `?IL9 Buffet Opens at 5 p.rn. Served in the Church Basement Sponsored by the Women of the Church 13-4-b ces. In showing the egg to Leroy O'Brien, proprietor of O'Brien's Produce, he discovered it had three yolks. This •prompted Mr. O'Brien to sponsor a contest for the largest chicken egg brought into the Citizens News office in the next month. He is offering five dozen eggs or a dressed eh- icken to the winner, so watch for your oversized eggs, and bring them into the office of the Citiz- ens News. NOTICE Citizens of Zurich are requested by the Trustees to remove all ashes and other rubbish from the streets of theevillage as soon as possible. Your co-operation .will be appreciated. Lloyd O'Brien, Chairman Leroy Thiel, Harold Thiel, Trustees, VILLAGE OF ZURICH The Government Deficiency Pay- ment applies only on properly graded wools. Secure the utmost by patronizing your own organization SHIP COLLECT Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Rrlssell Manson Zurich or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada VILLAGE OF ZURICH In accordance with a resolution adopted at our April meeting of Zurich Village Trustees; We hereby proclaim that: • AYLIG ' T SAVING TIME will be effective at idnight SATU'a DA'' , APRIL 26, 1958 and call upon all citizens to observe this proclamation. Lloyd O'Brien, Chairman Leroy Thiel, Harold Thiel, Trustees, VILLAGE OF ZURICH __ _. .. .................._.gym+ N l TILE Dumping of rubbish and carcasses of animals on the roads of the Township of Hay is strictly forbidden by a By -Law of the Township. It is also against the law to dispose of dead animals on the Township dump yard. Offenders wil be prosecuted. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Cleric -Treasurer, TOWNSHIP OF HAY. IV TOWNSHIP OF HAY .DRAINAGE T u ERS SEALED TENDERS, so marked, will be received by the undersigned Municipal Clerk until 6.00 p.m. Saturday, May 3rd, 1958, for the' Construction of the Zurich Drain South; repair consisting of approximately 4,365 cu. yds. of earth to be re- moved. Plans and specifications may be seen and tender farms obtained at the office of the undersigned. A marked cheque made payable to the Treasurer of the Township of Hay for 10% of the amount of the bid MUST accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer, TOWNSHIP OF HAY, Zurich, Ont. 14-15-b ANNUAL EETING HURON UNTY Tu13 ASSOCI..A.TIOI\ TOWN HALL, CLINTON MONDAY, A f. R.IL 28 et 8 p.m. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND E. D. BELL MRS. J. B. RUSSELL President Executive Secretary ..,mor -a