HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-04-16, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH Citizens NEWS OUR VISIT TO NE `s' YORK— THE WONDER CITY (Written by RON KLOPP) "Wow," we yowled, staring at the massive and strange structures as we arrived at the famed city of New York on Friday afternoon, determined as South Huron Dist- rict High School students, to reach the city since our departure on Thursday night. The most prominent point of interest, after we arranged our- selves at the hotel, was the Em- pire State Building. Soaring . up 86 storeys, we stopped at the observatory terrace on the 86th floor for our first aerial glimpse of the city. Ten hundred and fifty feet above the street, we looked down and down on an animated map of toy cars and ant -like peo- ple, flowing orderly through a network of streets. The thriving section of Wall Street projected its spires from the lower buildings surrounding it and in the New York harbour, the bronze statue of Liberty glimmered on Eedloe's Island like a jewel reflecting the sun's bril- liance. However, we were not at the top of this building and we ascended to the 102nd storey 1,250 feet above the ground level, on top of the highest building in the world. Returning to the hotel, we pre- pared for the first musical, "Bells Are Ringing" starring Judy Hol- liday at the Schubert Theatre. Saturday morning, after the "rise and shine" signal at seven thirty, we began the sightseeing tour of the city. We visited the famous Wall Street where the moneyed interests of various businesses are controlled. China- town, where pagoda -like buildings house strange perfumes and dried foods such as fish, octopi and shrimp in true oriental style. From Chinatown we ventured into the worst Negro section of New York, called Harlem, and in - SERVICE PROVEN CONCENTRATES for POULTRY, HOGS and CATTLE f Inquire about Low Grain Costs ,;.; -•_,. •� In Truck Load Lots ; c7,-•'<.'.• (DE.LIVERED TO YOUR FARM) M. DEIT7 and SON ZURICH 1 COMPLETE GENERAL REPAIRS TO CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS AC T �LDI G aria ACETYLENE 'V�'I-' ARCa USED CARS Desjardine Auto Supply Zurich Phone 38 1 1 1 CANADA VARNISH CO. BARCLAY PAINT ONLY QUART 917110 $3.49 Gallon 7 Different Colors — Exterior & Interior OV'Ma NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER SPRAY PAINTING At These Reasonable Prices Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware PHONE 63 ZURICH WATCH•!! Next Week's Paper for an Important Event! WEDNESDAY, ,APRIL 16, 1958 LOCAL SONGSTERS ENTERTAIN SENIOR CITIZENS AT EXETER A local group entertained the Senior Citizens Club at F..xeter last week, with various musical After a long Easter holiday numbers. The group, under the things have again become normal. :leadership of Mrs. Beatrice Hess, There was much traffic on the included Mrs. Marjory Pfaff: Del- highways; people travelled about bort Geiger and John Robinson. to be with !friends and relatives. Mrs. Pauline Simmons, Exeter,In a way it is regrettable there is accompanied them at the (plan. such .holidays because usually dur- The feature number of their during this time many find them - program was "Mortgage the selves .in hospitals, fighting for Farm," and was favourably re- their lives, while others never ceived by the group of older peo- awake from the tragedy, ple. The Senior Citizens Club is It is true there has been care- en organization of older resite lessness put into practise on our ents in EXeter who meet quite regularly in the '1' ,vn Ball. 1,le.Y' highways, but it would be abus- snend their evenings playing car- ive to condem innocent motor - ds, and sometimes dancing;, et,' ists for the wrong doing of a few careless drivers. habited by Puerto Ricans. Here,— We admit holidays have theirwhere the people display all goods good points; they are a source in the of revenue to the country, they n push -carts, and out streets, we were given an unhearty are an outing to the people who welcome and our bus was shower - and it confined to meats and shops, ecl with a few eggs. 'Thr•,y didn't and it is contentment of heart to like us! Past the packing wharfs meet in family gatherings. When of Spain, France, and other Eur- ayoucc lack around you will see opean countries, the bus rolled in accidents happen, and we believe, if you to end the most informative tour are.not too superstitious, at the Chrysler building, there is a destiny in life for all of us; "It matters not your occu- Our United Nations excursion potion, or what you profess in was scheduled for 1.45 p.m., so we life or where you are; when least hustled down to the United Na- expected you become a victim to tions plaza and entered the lobby a fatal accident and for that we of the General Assembly build- have daily proof." ing, where our amazement was reveale a e w i e yi - ST. JOSEPH'S—DRYSDALE (13y Al. Fred Ducharme) Comments where he visited for the after- noon. Father Martin was pastor of this parish some years ago, and dt is always a pleasure to meet him. again. d t th h t fl ng hal Notes conies, the coiled staircases and the futuristic design of the build- ing. Here our tour included a visit to each of the four magnifi- cent meeting rooms, furnished ex- quisitely by Denmark, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, France and other nations. Saturday evening we enjoyed the second musical ‘"Lil Abner" at St. James Theatre. Accepting the rain (in bucket- fuls) on Sunday morning, we made our way to the largest cathedral in the world, that of St. John -the -Divine. The deep rumbles of the five manual organ, the intense colouration of the ritualistic procession of the offic- ers of the cathedral and the fact that this was Easter Sunday, and we were in the largest cathedra to be found, made an impression on our minds far greater than we had witnessed before this. Radio City Music. Hall on Sun - :lay night was the most memor- able part (for some) of the trip. The unique stage with various ele- vations, the deep scallops of the .urtain, the declining movement )f the n' -^hest' a, and the harmony of the four -console organ, created in us a feeling of majesty and content. The execution of activities on Monday was left to our own dis- cretion, and many chose the "Let's shop this morning, and sightsee this afternoon" plan. Most, at one time or another managed to visit the Historical Museum of New York, the Heyde" P• anei - ariom, and Rockefeller Centre. Rockefeller Centre was mag- nificent with its statues of Atlas holding up the universe and the shining bronze Prometheus guard- ing the ice rink in the lower plaza, transformed into an open air restaurant during the summer months. After oul• last m'�su:ai "The Music Man" at the Majestic Theatre, with a cry of "Exeter or Bust" we staggered aboard the bus at 12 p.m. and fell fast asleep. HENSALL COMMUNITY SALES April, 10, 1938 Weanting pigs, $14.7:5 to 8.1735; chunks, $18.20 to $25; feeders, $29 to $33.25; sows, $74.50 to $95. Holstein cows, $175 to $229. Durham cows, $180 to $210. Hol- stein calves, $15.50 to $24. Dur- ham calves, $34. to $72, 1, at steers up to $23.80 a cwt, Fat cows up to 17c a lb. 305 pigs and 175 head of cattle and calves were sold. AAA ..�� caa/' FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT All Winter Long CaII LORNE E. HAY Locker Serviee—Roe Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Hensel) Campers are already spending weekends at their cottages along the lake, and although early in the season, it is apparent they are enjoying the balmy breezes of good old Lake Huron. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme were: Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Dav- is, St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wright, London. Both the ladies are nieces of the Duch- arme's. Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Brock London, spent the past weekend at their cottage, making prepar- ations for the summer. •Mr. and Mrs. Noel Laporte. Drysdale, and Mrs. Josephine Ducharme, motored to London last Sunday, visiting with their children in that city. c Meehan to Supervise Rural Enrolment in Insurance Plan Paul Meehan, who is now sec- retary -treasurer of the Co-operat- ive Medical Services Federation has been named supervisor of rur- al enrolment for the forthcoming After attending the ;funeral of provincial Hospital Insurance Plan Father Deneef last Friday, Fath- which is to be launched on Jan - After er Martin, Sarnia, motored to the home of Isadore•, Ducharme, uary 1, 1959. Walk in COMFORT RELAX IN CANVAS FOR Spring and Summer Men's 1.95 to 6.95 Boys' 1.75 to 4.95 Women's 2.95 to 4.95 Oesch Shoe Store , PHONE 130J ZURICH '{+::suns:+•• .t.:: ::4 �::ti:t':?�i�}:• ....: 5. .: .... .. .4.. l •:wc:•»•rr�';.r'•:..... ........:.�!i3::;,>?'•.t=< Eii^�";2z?i�`e.�r;@�?�':<'.�S•:.:. :.:y"'::::::::. FD popular breeds BABY ... i. ' d':. `::•\,`:?� >:;ti:'S•+:: 2::a¢:• +•s:$?r.,::'S:•,•�\:v is?kms: �'h� .Jt:::I ASK ABOUT DE-KALB FLOCKS Place Your Orders Now licKINLEY'S CHICK HATCHERY PHONE 697 r 3 HENSALL R.R. 1, ZURICH • SHIP YOUR Livestock WITH US Top Prices, Best Service a-bl-O-4-O 4-•►-1•-4-1,-4-4-+-4-i-4-4-A-m-A-MO-O-4-&+O-4-f • • BULLDOZER SERVICE, EXCAVATING and GRADING GRAVEL, FILL and TOP SOIL 4-4-4-4.-44 4-4-4-6-4-4-44-4-4-4-4.4-4-0-4.4-4-6-1 4-4-0-P-®-4%-1-4��-44-4 Daily Service LONDON to ZURICH DISTRICT THIEL TRANSPORT PHONE 186 — ZURICH — Agents for Parisian Laundry and Dry Cleaners— li