HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-04-16, Page 4PAGE FOUR Miss Stella Rose was a week- end visitor with her mother, Mrs. L. Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thome and;familyhave returned after a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Geiger, Pigeon, Michigan, were weekend guests of Mrs. Alfred Melick. Mr. and Mrs. Ross. sa�sochors tiv and family were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Norman G•ascho. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Pierce, Windsor, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz, Zurich. Miss Arlene Haberer, London, and Arnie Meyer, Pt, Huron, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. Miss Theresa Hartman, Dash- wood, was a weekend visitor with her grandmother, Mrs. T. Hart- man, in Zurich. Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Ray and Robert Hartman were week- end visitors in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs, Richard artrnam iv - n. Mr. and Mrs. Nap eau and family were Sunday vis- itors with Mrs. Corriveau's broth- er, Jack Broughton, Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rose, Wy- andotte, Michigan, were weekend visitors with Mrs. L. Rose, and other friends and relatives in this district. o Detroit, Mrs. Nora Feiertag, Gertie Dasd in visitor Zurich. was a with Mrs. t rMrs. Datars returned with her to Det- roit for a few days. Mrs. Theresa visitors with and son were Sunday and Mrs. Louis Farewell, Dor- othy coining back svh after ]mvfor a couple at her tonsils out last week. She in improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Surerus, atKittheiihe home ofMrs. were Easter A. Surerus, who returned with tem toal o itch - ener, attending the funee late Mrs. Noah Surerus. Leonai: d Surerus, Emmanuel Surerus and Herb Desjardine also motored down for the funeral, bringing Mrs. Surerus home with them, Th- eresa tHartman andwith family were; wer e; Michael Hartman, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. L. Hartman and son, London; Mr. and Mrs. and Richard HHartman, Windsor; Greg Fleming and daughter, Cre- diton; Mr. and Mrs. Louis F1ar e- well and family, Mr. s. Victor Hartman and family, and Mr. andle rs. R n South. Hartman, all of ZURICH Citizens NEWS 26 Present At Luther Leag e WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1958 The Luther League of St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church met on Sun- day evening, April 13, with Wan- da Lawrence in charge. The meet- ing was opened with the t Thou ging of the hymn, My Righteous." Wayne Willert read the Scrip- ture lesson and Judy Willert led in prayer. Miss Wanda La rencLuthee ppresented the topic, "My League," after which Rev. Winter led in discussion. The president, Ruth Haberer took charge of the business ses- sion. There were 20 members present and six new confirmands. The meeting was closed by the singing of "0 Christians Leagued Together." Surprise ]Party A dozen friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. W. Weida recently, to give her a surprise party on her birthday, After an enjoyable evening, they presented her with a large birth- day cake. Hospital Elects eereation Group New Directors; Has Hobby F ® , air I . ears of Surplu „(By our Hensail correspondent).. Reeve Norman Jones officially opened the annual Hobby Fair, held in the Hensall Town Hall, Friday evening, sponsored by Hensall Recreation Committee. Winners were; crotcheting, Mrs. Robert Baker, Sr., Hensall; best dressed doll, Mrs. Frank Elliott, Blyth; art, still life, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Hensall; snow scene, Mrs. Donald Joynt, Hensall; landscape or sea, Mrs. Russell Broderick, Exeter; hooked mats, Mrs. Fred e Miss Gail anbuttons,H11�best Sangster, Hensall. Plastic flower display, Mrs. Robert Reaburn, Hensall; em- broidery Mrs. Henry Adkins, RR 2, Hensall; knitting, Mrs. Dave Kyle, Hensall; mats, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Hensall; copper, Mrs. Frank Elliott, Blyth; aluminum trays, Mrs. Elliott, Blyth; model airplanes, Jerry Drysdale, Hen- sall; woodwork oHowaa? d . R Peck, nnie, Hensall; shop Hensall. s South Huron Hospital, Es of ended 1957 with a sure $334.85,, directors were told at their annual meeting.tlled totalled Revenue the year 790 and expenditures $108,455. B. W. Tuckey was elected pre- sident of the board of d Others named: vice-president, W. A. Elleringtotn; secretary, Miss M Redar; Smith; directors, Nlric Snell, L. J. .Penhale, E. 0.0 Belli, W. G. S. Cochrane, R. N. McNaughton, Roy Morlock, J. A. Traquair. V. Becker, Douglas Cook, W. E. McIlroy, Ivan Kalb- fleisch. 1961 Patients Fewer A total of 1,202patients ents were admitted during the year, corn - pared with 1,258 in 1956. Super- intendent Miss Alice Claypole ported. Other statistics for 1957, with 1956 in brackets, are: Out- patient visits, 1,004 (1,058) ; min- or operations, 463 (444); births, 281 (294); laboratory examinat- ion, 3,620 (4,267) ; X-ray examin- ations, 1,644 (1,663). Schade--- ith.erspoon The Evangelical United Br the h- as ren Church, Dashwood, setting for the double ring cere- mony when wedding vows were exchanged by Ruth Julene Schade and Carl Lewis Witherspoon be- fore the Rev. W. J. Krotz. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and and Erwin m is the sons the of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Witherspoon, Ailsa Craig. The bride wore a floor -length gown of net over taffeta, fash- ioned with French lace bolero featuring cap sleeves and ppinted collar. A satin -appliqued and pearl headdress held her fingertip veil and she carriecl red roses and white 'mums. Miss Carol Schade, Dashwood, attended her sister as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Helen Horner, Zurich, and Miss Donna Hamather, Dashwood. They were gowned alike in aqua velvet. Groomsman for his brother was Gerald Witherspoon, Ailsa Craig, and ushering were Jack Schad, brother of the bride, and Bob Hamather, Dashwood. For travelling the bride donned an orange ice shade chemise with black and orange accessories. The couple will reside on the groom's farm near Crediton. ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH ZURICH Rev. 0. Winter, Pastor Mrs. J. Turkheirn, A.T.C•M•, Organist Sunday Services 10.00 aero Worship Service. 11.15 a.m: Sun- day School ( Class Hags). ".Come let us worship and bow e and our Mal kneel Maker." 9 us x95: 6. EMMANUUEL EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH aEV. A. M. AMACIIER, BA, BD, .Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist Sunday, April 20- 10.00 a.m. Worship Service. 1100 a.m.--Sunday School. Evening Service withdrawn :be- cause of the meeting in the Mennonite Church. Sentence with God se "Working Job Enough For Any Man" epi HOME BAR VIE E T WHICH HAD BEEN ANNOUNCED FOR THURSDAY, APRIL 17 has been changed to f c URSBAY, AP `1 IL 247 8.30 p.m. in the Community Centre, Zurich films on Decorating The Home LUCKY DRAW Everything for Children COFFEE and DO -NUTS YOU ARE WELCOME NO ADMISSION CHARGE Turner -Lavender In a double ring ceremony at St. Peter's Church, Hensall, on Saturday afternoon, April 5, the Rin marrD. iage Barbara Jean, ean, ited only daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Thomas G. Lavender and Alexander Stan- way Turner, Hamilton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh King Tur- ner, Glasgow, Scotland. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a floor - length gown of hand clipped Cha- ntilly lace and nylon tulle with a fitted bodice, sabring neckline and lily -point sleeves. The wide sweeping skirt had front and back panels and deep flounces of alter- nate tulle and lace. The double French illusion fingertip veil was held with a headpiece of tulle, appliqued with lace mSedallionse ed a em- broidered in pearls. Bible covered in red roses. She was attended by Miss Mar- garet Gordon, London, wearing an ankle -length powder blue ny- lon dress with full skirt and sh- irred bodice. She wore a matching hat and elbow -length gloves, and carried a bouquet of yellow Shas- ta daisies and 'mums. The groomsman was Jack Mur- ray, Hamilton, and ushering were Tom and Bill Lavender, twin bro- thers of the bride. Robert Cam- eron, Hensall, provided traditional wedding music. For travelling the bride donned a smart black tailored suit with large white hat and black and p cou- ei •v ill reside in Hamaccessories. The ilton Am- ong the guests who were from Scotland, Toronto, Hamilton, Gue- lph, Palmerston, Woodham, Kirk - ton, Exeter, 'Clinton and Hensall, were members of the First Hens - all Guide Company and Brownie Pack in which Jean had been both a member and a leader before go- ing to Hamilton, where she teach- es, •_ _- ---o Come To Church COME and ENJOY —Congregational Singing —Special SingingGroups -Timely Gospel Messages. at SPECIAL GOSPEL SERVICES in the Zurich Mennonite Church APRIL 13 to 20 NIGHTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK SUNDAY at 11.00 a.m. 7.30 p.m. SPECIALS: Friday --Parent's Night Saturday—Youth's Night SPEAKER: REV. OSIAH HORST Petersburg, Ont. President of Mennonite Mission Band of Ontario. You Will Appreciate These Warmly Spiritual Messages The Best Things are Free! "How many things there are to buy' The best of things in life are free:" The air, the sunshine, the sea, gladness, beauty, friendships, sympathy, joys of living, blossoms and trees; --- now add to these— Justification— Rom. 3: 24. Being justified freely by His Grace. Rev. 22: 17 The Water of Life—Lettake the water of life freely, 2: 8, 9 the gift of God. Rom. 6: 23 The gift of God is eternal life. Salvation—Eph.It is Eternal Lif e— Zurich Mennonite Evangelism Commitee HENSALL SALL Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy and family, Toronto, were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. Mrs. Chesney, Toronto, was a recent guest with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam HENSALL Harold Jones, who was a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, with an infection in his hand, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ashworth and girls, Denfield; Mr. and Mrs. P. Willert, Zurich, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones, Kippers. Dougall, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kyle, St. Catharines, were recent visitors with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kyle. Mrs. Wes Venner has returned home from Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, where she underwent treat- ments. • St. Paul's Anglican iChurch, Hensall was the setting for th.e wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Stanway Turner. The for- mer Barbara Jean Lavender, the bride is the daughter ofs o. and Mrs. Thomas G. Lavender, Hensall, and the groom e only son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh King Turner, of by W, Scok tland.