HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-04-02, Page 9WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1958 ZURICA Citizens NEWS PAGE NINE Grannie Turkheim's « Recipe Box » DRIED FRUIT DESSERT 4i h cups water 34 cup dried apples 6 dried apricots 10 prunes 5 dried figs t/ cup raisins NOW IS THE TIME To Have Your KITCHEN REMODELLED John M. Turkheim PHONE 174 — ZURICH 2 tablespoons sago or tapioca 6 tablespoons sugar 1-1" long cinnamon stick Wash all fruit. Put apples, ap- ricots, prunes and figs in cold water and bring to a 'boil. Cook for 5 minutes. Add cinnamon and raisins and bring to a boil again. Then add sago or tapioca and sug- ar and simmer until all the fruit is soft. Serve cold. A nutritious dessert for a con- valescent. This recipe was sent to us by Mary Louise Fritz, who is a stu- dent at the Ryerson Institute of Technology, thanks kindly Mary Lou. RAISIN PIE (Mrs. Edwin Gascho) 2R� egg yolks 74 cup white sugar 1 heaped cup raisins 1 cup sour cream 1; teaspoon cinnamon 1,2 teaspoon salt 1/ teaspoon soda Boil raisins in very little water FOR REPAIR • BUALDINC POWER. TROWELLING FOUNDATIONS — SIDE'S' ALKS CEMENT FLOORS rts r "° ction BOX 47 ZURICH FREE ESTIMATES — PROMPT SERVICE for The Easter i rade PENDANTS NECKLACES EA RTNGS Wide Variety To Choose From for a couple of minutes, pour off surplus water, then add above in- gredients and pour into unbaked pie .shell, DOUGHNUTS (made with yeast) (Mrs. Leonard Prang) Dissolve 1 pkg, granular yeast in % cup warm water and 1 teaspoon granulated sugar for 10 minutes. Mix' % cup granulated sugar, 1/4 cup shortening, % tea- spoon salt and two eggs, Add alternately yeast mixture, 1 cup .cold milk, 4 cups all purpose flour. Mix well to a soft dough. Let stand overnight or at least six hours. In the morning punch down dough, roll and cut into desired shapes, use only cup of flour to h'and'le dough. Let rise 1 hour, Fry in deep hot fat. Varieties: warm: doughnuts to serve, may be cut into oblongs and a s'l'it cut to insert a teaspoon rasberry jam, When taken from fat they are good sprinkled with icing sugar or granulated sugar, also a com- bination of sugar and cinnamon. A small jam par with holes pun- ched in lid makes a good shaker. o• HI.LLSGR.EEN (Mrs. Gorden Coleman, Correspondent) Joint Meeting The Varna Woman's Association and Woman's Missionary Society held a joint meeting on Wednes- day, March 26, at the home of Mrs. Melvin Webster. The meet- ing opened with devotions, taken by the bazaar committee, Mrs Wilfred Chuter, Mrs. William Cl- arke and Mrs. George Reid. Pres- ident of the WA, Mrs. Lee Mc- Connell, took over the business. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. Ings and a donation of $1.00 was received towards the baking sale. The meting was then turned over to the WMS with president Mrs, Anson Coleman, presiding. The ladies were reminded of the invitation to Bayfield on Thurs- day, April 3, at 3.30: also the invitation to Egmondville on April 16. There were 20 calls to sick and shut-ins. Mrs. Pitt gave the topic, which was based an the book "My Cupp Runneth Over", with Mrs. William McAsh assisting. The, meeting closed with benediction and lunch was served by the Front Road West. Show Film A film, "Peter and the Resur- ectiori' was presented by the Woman's Missionary Society on Sunday evening at Varna United Church. The WMS provided the back ground music for the film, and Rev. Pitt read the story, William MeAsh shoved the film. The community is glad to hear that Herb Stephenson is improv- ing after his recent illness. GOSHEN NORTH (Mrs. Douglas Robinson, corres- pondent) Mrs, Elmore Keys is spending a vacation in Florida. Pre -Easter services are being held during the week in Goshen United Church. The monthly meeting of the Junior Red Cross was held in SS No 5 on Friday, March 28, with the president, Ken Boyce, presiding. The meeting opened 'by singing "0 Canada". Mary Boyce read a health story "The Giants Secret", Bonnie Pollock and Gail Mc- Bride sang "Little Lamkin". The minutes were read by Pat- ricia Robinson. The roll call was answered by the Juniors naming a ,spring flower and the' Seniors namig a spring bird. Norman Eck- el took up the collection. Ivan Oesch asked some riddles. Ken Boyce conducted the business. Dwight Bender told some jokes. The meeting closed with the sing- ing of "God Save the Queen", followed by games. LAKE Mts. Athos Gingerich Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ginger- ich, and Norma Jean, were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs, Cleve Gingerich, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Martin, and family, were Sunday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Ephriam Ging- erich and family. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch, and family. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Gingerich and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Speckle, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Erb; and family. Mrs. Harold Finlay, and girls, entertained some ladies from the vicinity to a mat hooking bee on Saturday. Archie Mustard, who is employ- ed with the Sunoco Oil Co., spent the weekend with his wife and family. Nutimemmommommumeiw For Foot Help G. R. Hardman Date ER— Time tar MIRACLE FOOT AID Exercises . . . Supports 11. Man to see MONDAY APRIL 7 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. r C{ Individu- ally Fitted Serviced AT MILT OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich Phone 1304 i Dot Neglect Your Feet Yon Who Have Foot Trouble Come To This Clink: GC'" vod 1 Specializing in SIUNDAY DINNERS --4.00 to 7.30 p.m. Dining Room Closed Every Tuesday Evening PHONE 70 ZURICH "You Area Stranger Sue Once 27 70, "Enjoy Your Coffee Break at our Snack Bar" RS PEIVOR SF41RE IS NOW OUR AGENT FOR • I-IGHEST PRICES PMD FOR CREAM, EGGS, POULTRY O'Brien's Produce PFIONE 101 — ZURICH PICKUP and DELIVERY on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday a~}y}��H?: f~��4kcK! d: lMrWtH�Hp1+aH MIDTOWN CLEANERS O'BRIEN'S PLUMBING Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 -- ZURICH PILLSBURY CAKEMIXES C'UOC. & WHITE 3 Fon $1.00 LYNN VALLEY JAMSTRAWBERRY or RASPBERRY 4 LB. JAR 69C BLUE BONNET MARGAR.INE Quick PER LB. ciC ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE 48 OZ. CANS 2 FOR 55c CHASE .0 SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE 6 OZ, JAR $1.14 * e•, a Merano Oesch PHONE 165 'LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD STORE' ZURICH