HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-04-02, Page 6PAGE SIX Miss Stella Rose, London was a weekend visitor with her mother, Mrs. L. Rose, Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. E. J. O'Dowd, London, were Sunday visitors with xvIr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Grenier, and daughters, spent the weekend in Detroit visiting friends and rel- atives. Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien Jr., with Mr, dand Mrs.tLeroy he weekend Zurich. Miss Rose Marie Grenier spent the past weekend at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Grenier, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burns, Brun- ner, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley •Merner. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Gascho and fancily, London, were weekend vis- itors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Gascho. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer spent a few days with their dau- ghter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. WD . andB. Mrs. Arcbbons in hie MacKinnon, Galt, and Mrs, Rose Russell, Ex- eter, were Saturday visitors with Mrs. M. MacKinnon. Miss Marlene Wagner, Kitchen- er teaching staff, spent the week- end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wagner, Misses Patricia and Carole Mit- tleholtz, London, were weekend visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mittleholtz. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peck, Zur- ich, attended the 40th anniversary in Londesboro, of Mr. and Mas. John Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mecum and family, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. George Thiel, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel and Allan, were visiting in Kitchener on Sun- day afternon. Rev. L. Schnell is spending some time with his sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kalb- fleisch, in Zurich. Purchases Property Clare Geiger has purchased from Charles Thiel the property on the east end of town, which Mr. Thiel has been using for market gard- ening the past few years. Mr. Geiger plans en using the land for growing nursery stock. Birthday Party • A group of neighbours and fr- iends gathered at the home of IVIr, and Mrs. Alphonse Grenier, to honour Theodore (Ossie) Sch- roeder, on the • accession of his birthday. The evening, was spent playing solo, after which a tasty lunch was served. John < l.tier Has Good Promotion In keeping with his plan to de- velop the agricultural resources of Northern Ontario to the fullest extent, Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, Minister of Agriculture, today an- nounced the appointment of John D. Butler, Associate Agricultural Representative in Renfrew County, as Chief Instructor and Extension Specialist of the Ontario Demon- stration Farm at New Liskeard. Known as "J.ohn" .to many rur- al residents of Huron County, Mr. Butler was assistant agricultural representative stationed here in in 1952, Mr. Butler enjoys an enviable reputation in the development of the beef cattle industry and will bring to Northern Ontario farm- ers sound leadership in this phase of agriculture. Assembly Yard Hoo Prices In Ontario March t Toronto, March 27, Grade A hogs in Ontario moved all this week at $30 which was unchanged from the close an Friday, March 21, This price held et all 14 mark- eting points of the hog co-oper- ative. Ontario heavy sows moved this week at $24, light sows at $26 and stags at $15. At Winnipeg hogs sold for $29 to .529.50; at Edmonton $23.25 to $28.35; and at Calgary $27.50 to $27.60. On the West Market at Montreal, hogs moved at $30.50 on Monday but later dropped off to $30. At the Montreal East market, market prices were steady at $28. Total gradings for the Province of Ontario during the week of March 17 to 21 were 37,215 ZURICH Citizens NEWS 11 110 TORE IT DOWN? Dick E'ickmeier, left, and Edward Haberer, right, aren't too happy about the matter. Somebody had torn down Ccchrane's poster, so these two staunch Liberals borrowed a hammer and put it back up again. (Staff Photo) Bible Society Sponsors Turkey inn.er Served at Ailsa Craig United Church A very profitable evening was Much of the Bible Society work enjoyed by representatives of var- in many lands and languages was ions church .groups in Middlesex outlined. It is imperative at this and South Huron counties, at the point, that these many new read - United Church, Ailsa Craig, on ers have access to the IIoly Scrip- t ures. This year, for the first time in the Society's history, it is not able to meet the great demand of the Bibles needed by the mis- sionaries and colportuers of many countries. Only as Christiana everywhere rally to the support of the Bible Society, (which considers itself a handmaid of the Christian church) can the greater part of .this de- mand be met. Dr. Platt's address was tape- recorded, and it is expected that it will be- available to any church groups or organizations desiring it. If interested contact Neil Gin- gerich, local secretary of the Soc- iety. Following his address, the film, "The Brier and the Myrtle" was shown. This illustrated well the need throughout the world for the living message of God's word, and also the wonderful manner in which this saving message can minister to the spiritual ills of mankind. Those attending from Zurich were Neil Gingerich, local secret- ary, Harold Zehr, Gerald Ginger- ich and Rev. A. Martin. Thursday evening, March 20. The delicious turkey supper, which was sponsored by the West- _ ern Ontario auxiliary to the l3rit- ish and Foreiign Bible Society, was served by the ladies of the host church. tten�' Your Church t aster EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH MEV. A. M AMACHER, BA, BD, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist Wednesday, April 2- 8.00 p.m. --Ladies' Aid and WS - WS Meeting Friday, April 4-- 10..30 a.m,--Good Friday Service. Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per. Sunday, April 6-- 7.00 asci. --Easter Sunrise Service Guest speaker, Mr. Robert Graham 10.00 a.m.•—Easter Service 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School 7,30 p.m.—Easter Cantata, "The Prince of Life," by the Senior Choir, Monday, April 7-- 8.00 p.m. ---Stratford District E.Y.F, Rally. We welcome you to join with us in our worship of the Risen Christ. ZURICH MENNONITE CHURCH Pastor ---A. MARTIN Services: Wednesday, April 2- 8.00 p.m.—Course on "Methods of Bible Study." 8.45 p.m.—Prayer Fellowship Good Friday, April 4- 10.00 a.m.—Communion Service Easter Sunday, April 6- 10.00 a,m.--Sunday School 111..00 a,m.–•iter Service 8.00 p,m: Btb1e Meeting ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH MJRICH Rev. O. Winter, Pastor Mrs. J. Turkheim, Organist Mr. Thompson. secretary of the auxiliary, iniraduced the guest speaker, Dr. 3. W. Plat:, general secretary of the Society, London, England. Prior to his service with the Bible Society, Dr. Platt serv- ed as a missionary to Africa. Through his extensive travel he has acquired a sense of urgency relative to the spiritual needs and opportunities of the world. He reminded his audience that the good things they enjoy as Christians and as Canadians, were not invented or developed by them, but rather they are our heritage and have been handed to us by others. He referred to the free use of the Bible, freedom of con- science, and democracy. The speaker paid tribute to Wil- liam. Tyndal and others who gave their lives in making available to common people the Bible --- God's Book. ' WEDNESDAY, APRT 2, 1958 ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Erb wish to announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Kathryn Marilyn, to William Douglas Dick, son of Mrs, Ida Diok, Exeter, and the late Ross Dick, The wedding to take place in the Evangelical U. B. Church, Zurich, on S 12b urday, April 19, at 2.30 p.m. St, Peter's Ladies Attend WMS Than.kof f er in -g (By our Hensall correspondent) Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Seaforth, ad- dressed the Women's Missionary Society of Hensall United Church, and their guests, at their annual birthday party held in the church auditorium on Friday evening. For her topic theme, Mrs. Whyte spoke on "Ways that we might prepare ourselves for Easter," She stated we must learn to watch our words, try to pass one day without making a destructive word about anyone. If you can't say something nice about anyone, just don't say anything at all. If you are going to critisize let us just review our own faults, we all have faults but there is a little bit of good in everyone. For her con- cluding remarks the speaker spoke on The Ressurrection of Christ and what it could mean to us. Christ does live within us if we only allow him, tet us see what the Ressurrection of Christ can do for us this year, The speaker was introduced by Mrs. William Henry. and thanked by Mrs. E, T. Rowe. Mrs. George Armstrong extended the welcome to the members and guests, which included the societies from St, Peter's Lutheran Church. Zurich, Women's Missionary society and Arnold Circle of Carmel Church, St. Paul's Anglican and Chisel- hurst churches, and the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church. Contributing to the program were Mrs. Pearl Passmore and Miss Mary Goodwin, with a vocal duet; a piano duet by Mrs. Ed. Munn and Mrs, Malcolm Dougall. A reading by Mrs. Harold Parker, and a skit "The interpretation of Jesus Saviour Pilot me," by the ladies from St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich. Farmers Move To Place Control Warble Fly ion Compulsory asis W. P. Watson, Ontario Live- stock Commissioner, said today that farmers in 271 townships will soon be taking appropriate meas- ures to control warble fly, a pest which causes serious financial loss- es every year. Councils in each of these townships have at some time or other during the past ten years passed by-laws placing treatment on a compulsory basis. The fly lays its eggs on the flanks of cattle during the spring and early summer months, the eggs hatching into tiny larvae which penetrate the hide, Dur- ing the next nine or ten months they migrate through the bodies of their hosts, eventually becoming located along both sides of the back bone. By this time they have developed in to grabs whose main objective is to escape, To do tie; 5 objective is to escape. To do this they out holes through the hide making it unsuitable for use as leather. After emerging the grubs hatch into flies and the life cycle commences over again.. Services Wednesday, April 2- 8.00 p.m.—Lenten Service Friday, April 4- 10.00 a.m.--Good Friday Service 'with Holy Communion Easter .Sunday--• 10.00 a,m,--Easter Service with Holy Communion "Come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." --Ps. 95t 6. free from warble grubs, Never- theless the treatment is effective in the control of lice. Such being the case farmers residing in town- ships where spraying service is available are urged to have their cattle sprayed, even though they may not be infected with grubs. Secondly, the time for the first treatment has been delayed. This year it must be applied between the 10th and 18th of April, for the reason that a high percentage of the grubs are located in the backs of cattle at this time. If grubs continue to appear a second treatment must be applied 3-4 weeks later Moreover cattle br- The most vulnerable period in this insect's life occurs while it is in the backs of the cattle. Hence treatment to be effective, must be applied at this time. A mixture of derris powder and wat- er, applied either with a stiff bristled brush or as a spray, is used as treatment. Two important changes in the regulations come into effect this year. First, it is no longer ob- ligatory to treat cattle that are ought into a township` in which a by-law has boon passed, during the period April 10th to May 31st, must be treated within three days of their arrival if they have war- ble grubs. Mr. Watson states that a war- ble fly is capable of laying 500- 600 eggs. Under the circumstanc- es every grub must be destroyed if the pest is to be eradicated. The farmer who fails to fulfil his ob- ligation in this regard is doing an injustice to his neighbour as well as to himself as neglect on his part could conceivably result in the neighbour's herd being in- fested. Victory VICTCRY . . Death is swallowed up in Victory! Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ, —1 Car. 15: 34, 57. IT is finished.—Jno. 19: 30; The Lord is risen indeed, 1 --Luke 24: 34, ,CHRIST died for our sins --- was buried -.- rose again the third day. 1 Cor. 15: 3, 4. TEMPTATION not too great) God will make a way to escape. 1 Cor. 10: 13. OVERCOME -X have overcome the, world. Jno. 16: 33. REWARD—Be thou faithful unto death, and 1 will give thee a crown of life. Rev. 2: 10. yOUR reward is great in heaven. Luke 6: 23, Zurich Mennonite Evangelist Committee