HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-04-02, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1958 The 1 eedie-Point (-Continued from Page Three) the golden opportunity to unfoldSo let us not attempt the futile to them the very heart of the teaching of the boundless love of God for His children. Can we not, as Paul said, give Cihrist the pre-eminence in :a11 things, and especially in our East- er observance? Surely we need and unworthy task of shaping the Easter time to our own specifica- tions; let us rather draw from it, into our own lives, all the riches of grace it has to offer. Ours for the taking, are its Power throughthe shed blood, its Joy is cancelled no glamour when we carry the sin, and its Victory .of the resur- glory of the Cross in our hearts. rection. What Does Easter Mean To You? (Contributed by MRS. DELBERT GEIGER) "What does Easter mean to you? Stately church with cushioned pew. Where Lenten season gone at last And days of self-denial past. Richly -clad, devoted throngs Of praise in lily -scented air? Is this what makes your Easter fair? Does it mean the end of winter's reign. Bright skies and welcome warmth again, Singing of birds, budding of trees, Sweet spring odors on the breeze From daffodil and crocus bed And balsam branches overhead? Sad is the world and cold and gray, If this is all of Easter day. But if this blessed season brings A 'firmer faith in holy things: Assurance of a living Lord, A strengthening of the tender chord Of love that binds us to the life to come Where loved ones wait us in the heavenly home, No pain or loss can e'er efface the bliss, DEAR friend of Easter when it means all this. ST. JOSEPH'S—DRYSDALE (By Al. Fred Duelharme) Clifford Kargis and Bob Reid, London, spent a few days in their .cottage in the Bay View summer resort cleaning and making pre- parations. for re-parations.for the summer resort- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bossen- •berry, Detroit, spent the weekend in their cottage on the Ducharane resort. Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus Stansberry and daughter Dianne, Detroit, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme. Leon Bedard is wrecking an old landmark, a house put up by early settlers of this parish nearly a century ago. The house has not been in use for many years and it was thought best to carefully tear it down and save the material which has stood many years of rough weather. Not too many of those old landmarks still remain, beenre- modelled which have only those w modelled and are used for dwel- lings. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hart- man, Goshen Line South, were Sunday callers with the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme. No, she didn't hRvn 6 sell the car When a man dies, his widow is r;F t±conted with the responsibility of looking after an! family. There are so many necessary expenses ... so many good things she's used to, like the family car. This widow didn't have to sell the car. Her husband took a realistic approach to life insurance protection. He carried enough to cover any eventuality. Carrying such protection is not a burden when you select the company that offers family protection at low net cost. That's The Mutual Life of Canada—the Cie.. ASSMAIME COMPAM OF CANADA company with the outstanding dividend record. anwerusmam, s tocownratco.uxx pc:ii •i{ii_: i3i::r::a; iMAI.-83C ;4 7//d // //I - Representative: ALEX J. MASSE, RR. 2, Zurich, Ontario — - Phone: 93 r 7 Zurich The dry winds and sunny weath- er has dried up the land of late, and farmers are ready to go ahead. If the weather continues there will be a lot of seeding done with- in the next week. In 1946 the seeding was almost completed by the first day of April. Clean House On Wednesday last, two very ambitious young women, both Mothers of families, entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Du- charme, on the Blue Water High- way. daring and without fear, tak- ing almost full possession of their home for the day. The two ladies in question were Mrs. Theresa Hartman, Zurich, and Mrs. Avila Ducharme, Blue Water South. Min- utes after they entered they be- gan turning things around, dusting the few specks of dust that had collected during the winter mon- ths, and giving the whole structure from corner to corner the required brushing needed. The old couple, who are still vigorous, and able to do their work were lost at their actions. . But when all was over by mid-after- noon they realized the tenderness of children for their parents and were grateful to them for their actions. Such acts are always ap- preciated by parents and are worthy of praise. PIANO -TUNING and REPAIRING Alf. Denomme R.R. 2, Zurich, ph. 9502 `✓1...,. ,•`•i$;i !j:;i;' #ii>ta rtnt� i•':ii:iii 2:iti::y;;�':: I::i;: ri>iai•:> ............ova......,.... •..... ASK ABOUT DE-KALB FLOCKS Place Your Orders Now McK1NLEY'S CHICK HATCHERY PHONE 697 r 3 HENSALL R.R. 1, ZURICH The MEE Shredder ;k arvester brings your hay in at One -Third 4,+,V > the cost of the baler method. The One -Man Harvester 5% DISCOUNT DURING APRIL LOUIS INIEL District Representative for McKee Bros. Lirnited PONE 67 Nitrogen starvation costs you money! TOP OR:SS WHEAT N611 WITH TWIN -ACTION 1 i EROP , L S 470 FERTILIZER WOE ANNORtUM N11AA1//L/��e,��l.E1� NIT14665`33.5!„ ,o,,,ii 1me n Wim Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer 33.5% NITROGEN Yellowed grains mean low yields, no profits l Top -dressing with AEROPRILLS gives you all these advantages: (1) Nitrate nitrogen—immediately soluble for fast crop feeding (2) Ammonia nitrogen—leach-resistant for sus- tained feeding (3) No special equipment needed— use your regular fertilizer spreader or distributor (4) Low in cost—one of the cheapest solid nitrogens per unit of N Top dress with AEROPRILLS now! Order your fertilizer now from your local Cyanamid dealer Hensall District Co-operative Inc® Hensall - ZURICH - Brumfield