HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-04-02, Page 3WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE THREE The Needle -Point (MRS. NORMA SIEBERT, B.A. Woman's Page Editor) The Children's Easter Easter is a season of deep relig- ious significance, but without de- tracting from this, I think we can make it one of the most delightful children's celebrations. of the year. My childhood was spent in a basically English section of On- tario and while eggs were always a feature of Easter, it was not until I came to Zurich that I be- came acquainted with the more European version, coloured eggs. This custom has always held a fascination for me and each East- er the children look forward to an egg -colouring session. On various occasions I have been in contact with school child- ren of the surrounding district. I was surprised to learn that, al- though to most the commercial egg colouring kit was well known, few had ever heard of colouring them with onion skins. This me- thod is, I suppose, one of the old- est and to me the best. Certainly it is a boom to the busy mother who just hasn't time. With this method the eggs are coloured as they cook. Simply shell off the loose onion skins and put there in- to the water with the eggs. Stir occasionally to keep the eggs equally in contact with the onion skins. You will get the most beautiful shade of chocolate brown eggs you can ever imagine. If you wish to have a bit more fun, try having the children draw a straight band of paper just long enough to go around the eggs. From this draw feathers and col- our with crayons or poster paint. Now paint a face on your brown egg, paste on the head dress and you have a wee Indian fit for any pow -wow. 'llhis is a chance for the child- ren's' creative skill to have full swing. You may be amazed at the unusual designs they can create with poster paint and a few coloured stars to stock on here and there. Last year I tried something a little different. I made a small hole in eachend of the egg, By inserting a paper straw at the top end, the contents of the egg can be blown out, into a bowl, through the hole at the bottom end. You can be prepared for several meals of scrambled eggs, if you try this idea, as the children dearly love to blow. These empty egg -shells are then painted as above. Ry folding a pipe -cleaner in half and passing the closed end up through both holes, a small loop will be made at the top end. Now if the two lower ends are spread, this will prevent the pipe -Cleaner from go- ing all the way through. Choose a small tree branch and stand it upright in a small con- tainer filled with sand or secure it in a base of plasticine. Hang your fancy eggs on its branches by means of the pipe -cleaner loops and presto! an egg tree to grace your Easter table. For a quick surprise dessert, Faster Speeial FRFSH Hot Crss Buns TA ONLY 50c DOZEN Phone 100 Iti Zurich. •'-�- -r -r- -w c- •� -r snake a large hole in the end of the egg and shake out the contents (more scrambled tags). Rinse out the empty shell with a little wat- er. Then pour them full of ordin- ary jello and set upright in the egg carton to chill. Watch the amazement on the face of your Sour -year-old when she peels a solid jello egg. Easter In Our Time (Contributed by MILS. MENNO STECKLE) 'Calling Christian women! We are missing something vital from our present-day Easter observance; and this is very obviously so We all know that the first Easter stands as the focal point of all history. Upon that event, have all previous events converg- ed; and from it, radiate all suc- ceeding chapters of history, and will continue to do sountil the end of time. It stands also asa rock of assurance to the Christ- ian, and at the same time, an offence to the unbeliever. ,(1 Cor. 1: 18). It was at the Cross that the final conflict was contested between deadly sin and conquer- ing, redeeming Love; it was at Calvary, our debt of sin was paid in full, in terms of bitter agony and of blood—the very blood of the Divine Son of God. And from the empty tomb, we have God's glorious endorsement of the finish- ed work of His Son. And yet we presume to com- mercialize and to glamorize the name of Easter—to make it an occasion for the flesh. How com- placent we have become in our acceptance of the "Easter bonnet" and the "Easter Parade", for in- stance. Now, by all means, let milady purchase that new spring hat,—if she needs it—but let her not tag it with the name of this most awful and most wonderful event the world can know. Like- wise, let her go for a brisk walk on Easter Sunday afternoon, but —let her exult in her risen Lord and Saviour, not in her own smart attire! FOR COMPLETE W'ASIIDAY FREEDOM It's EASY "MATCHED FAIR99 • The Only Automatic Washer With The GOLDEN SPIRALATOR World's Finest Washing Action Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware Phone 63 Zurich ...e..saw..rwe�s..�e�v�w.� a• 1 11 Again, when our young people come home for Easter, is it cher- ished as a glad and precious oc- casion for family fellowship, when the name of Christ is especially honoured? Or is it just another holiday for which they will carry nothing that is deeply vital, back to school, or to their work? And what of the little ones? Throughout the year, they are taught about Jesus, the kind and loving friend tolittle children. Then at Easter time, this faithful teaching can suddenly be absorbed into a maze of chocolate bunnies and bright candy eggs. Rue the birds and flowers, bunnies and fuzzy chicks are excellent, as types of the spring -time; and, un- like the symbols of the other sea., sons, they also point to Nature's resurrections. But there is dang- er of leaving the little minds high and dry at this point; yet here is. (Continued on Page Four) YUNGBLUT MEAT MARKET CHOICE QUALITY MEATS PHONE 57 --- ZURICH tithe TOWING SERVICE COMPLETE GENERAL REPAIRS TO CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS ARC and ACETYLENE WELDING USED CARS Desjardine Auto Supply Phone 38 Zurich omplete Line of Home Furnishings Venetian Blinds Drapery Track AND ACCESSORIES Cloth Blinds cut to Your or overm :s TILES — INLAI�yl CO%®AEU 3S Al Types of CARPET equirements Selection of Use Fur r Good Used Chesterfields Reasona1y WESTL PRONE 89J need KE !:NITURE ZURICR