Zurich Citizens News, 1958-03-26, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1958 ZURICH ed4eipts NEWS Published every Wednesday Morning at Zurich, Ontario, for the Police Village of Zurich, Hay Township, and the Southern part of Stanley Township, in Huron County. Printed by Clinton News -Record, Clinton, Ontario A. L. COLQUHOUN HERB. M. TURKHEIM Publisher Business Manager Subscription Rates: $2,50 per year in advance, in Canada; $3.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies, 5 cents. Subscriptions ,payable to Business Manager, Zurich Citizens News, Box 149, Zurich, Ontario, or to district correspondents. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1958 Guest Editorial By Zurich Student THIS EDITORIAL was taken from the school paper of St, Mary's Redemptorist College in Brockville. It was written by Ronald Bedard, Zurich, who is the managing editor of their paper. Ronald is a first year Arts student at the college. The present system of government in Canada is already a two party government, I would say. Surely, there are a few :minor parties, but since they have such little bearing on the government of our country, I would not include them as an essent= cal part of our system. Let's look now at the present situation: under a two party government. To my mind it is a most agree- able and suitable method, although at present a little shaky. My reason for saying this is that in previous years the Liberals casually had enough majority so they could pass almost all the bills they thought were good for the country. Yet, on major bills, such as the pipe line last year, the opposition was strong enough to make the government hesitate. I am sure most everyone will agree with me that our present government is a two party govern; ment, which works, in most cases, very effectively. Now, the reason I am against a four party government is this: A party is an organization which has a good possibility of :governing this country. If four such parties existed, no party would gain sufficient majority to carry out its platform. This may even happen with two, so imagine what would happen if there! were four parties! A less important reason is that there is no necessity for four parties. People in general believe in either the Liberal or Con- servative principles. Those few who join other parties are ren- egades from these two, but generally they start groups which have similar principles. These little groups are not harmful, I think, as long as they don't get too strong. They might serve like the former Irish party in English parliament served, to "bal- ance the power." ;;A4. \.'. tlt .. + s,`5. \ R E N S O ry`• S TAA L Lm A 61 1 WEHAVE -.. T' .E ... YOU NEED LET US GIVE YOU A PRICE ON A NEW FURNACE COAL SEEDS PAINTS S Phone 92 11 Zurich FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT All Winter Long Call .OHNE E. HAY Locker Service --Roe Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Hensall PIANO -TUNING and REPAIRING Ali Denomine R.R. 2, Zurich, ph. 95r12 Letter, to the ;Ed itor Mr. Herb Turkheim. Business Manager Zurich Citizens News Dear Herb: Congratulations to you and all those who are making the Cit- izens News possible. I wish you every success, and may this paper help in keeping Zurich as a fine community. Thank you for sending me the complimentary issues, from which I received a great deal of pleasure. DONNA MERNER 58 Regent Park Road, London, England. Emmanuel Church Ladies Hold BOY SCOUTS AND GUIDES HOLDING CANVASES THIS SATURDAY Don't forget the Boy Scout's candy sale, which will be held this Saturday. Proceeds of. the Regular Meetings The Ladies' Aid and W.S.W.S. of Em:manul Evangelical United Brethern Church, met for the March meeting, with Mrs. Clar- ence Schade acting as Chair lady, After the singing of the hyrnn, ."Jesus Saves," Mrs. Peter Ginger- ich led in prayer, and Mrs. Charles Minshall read the Scripture les- son. The Erb sisters, Misses Grace, Mary Lou and Pearl Ann, sang the selections, "Key to the Kingdom," and "When I feel the Saviour's hand." Mrs. Hilton Truemner read "A missionary's prayer," and Miss Grace Erb play- ed a piano solo, "I've found real joy." The hymn, "Does Jesus care?" was sung. Mrs. Harrison Schock and Mrs Peter Gingerich gave the playlet, "Soldiers of the cross," a review of the study book. The girls' trio sang, "I can't help what others do," and "The glory will be mine," followed by a piano solo entitled, "I've found a hiding place," by Miss Grace Erb. The president took charge of the business session and led in prayer. Mrs. Harold Rader read the minutes of the last meeting. It was decided to give the proceeds from the Pastors' Insitute to mis- sions, Letters of thanks were read from Mrs. Tetreau and Mrs. Char- les Hay. The pastor, Rev. A. M. Amacher, took charge of the election of of- ficers, Reports were given by the chairmen of the various commit- tees. It was reported that three new members were gained this year Mrs. George Bullock, Mrs. Roy Clarke and Mrs. Herbert Des - Jardine. The nominating committee, Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, chairman, pre- sented the following slate of of- ficers: President, Mrs. Delbert Geiger; first vice-president, Mrs. Menne Oesch; second vice-president, Mrs. A. M. Amacher: secretary, Mrs. Harold Rader; treasurer of Lad- ies' Aid, Miss Olive O'Brien; treas- urer of W.S.W.S , Mrs. Leonard Erb; director of Youth Fellow- ship, Mrs. Milton Oesch. These ladies were elected as officers for the coming year. The committee in charge of the program were the following: Mrs, Peter Gingerich, Mrs. Harrison Schock. Mrs. Hilton Truemner, Mrs. Charles Minshall and Mrs, Clarence Scha.de. After the re- peating of the Mizpah Benedict- ion, lunch was served by the com- Irnittee in charge. Hubert Schilbe has accepted a position with Tuckey Beverages, Exeter, and has commenced his duties this past Monday. *W. wr -r .q. -W" w. sale are for a summer camping trip for the scouts, The Girl Guides and Brownies will be around Saturday taking or- ders for hot cross buns. Give the girls your support in this project ANNUAL MEETING of the BLUE WATER CONSERVATION CLUB will be held at the Town Hall, Zurich on FRIDAY, MARCH 28 at 8.30 p.m. Election of Officers will take place A REPRESENTATIVE OF DOW BREWERIES WILL BE PRESENT TO SHOW INTERESTING PICTURES Everyone Is Invited To Attend This Meeting LONDON TEACHERS' COLLEGE ONE-YEAR AND TWO-YEAR COURSES are offered leading to an Interim Elementary -School Teacher's Certificate, valid in the elementary schools of Ontario. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 9, 1958. Descriptive book- let "Teaching in the Elementary Schools of Ontario," free on request. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT FOR ADMISSION: ONE-YEAR COURSE: Standing in eight Grade 13 papers, one of which shall be English Composition or English Literature. TWO-YEAR COURSE: Secondary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course. INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS are conducted by the Committee of Selection. Secondary school students interested in entering Teachers' College should apply for interview through the principal of their secondary school. Other applicants should write to: THE PRINCIPAL, LONDON TEACHERS' COLLEGE ELMWOOD AVENUE AT WORTLEY ROAD TL IS NOW OUR AGENT FOR PICKUP and DELIVERY oIi Monday, ' ' ednesday and Saturday Wei '4+ U751.16 OPE CLEANE AMOMMATSIPMEMIRESCIfttal ne w season. cac, new recz son SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF PAPERS IN STOCK .. . G 0 BROTHERS PHONE 59 •-- ZURICH HURRY! HURRY! Only Two More Weeks Until Our Bicycle Draw