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Zurich Citizens News, 1958-03-19, Page 8
PAGE EIGHT V It ZURICH Citizens DEWS ST® JOSEPH'S—DRYSDALE (By AL Fred Duoharme) Mr. and Mrs. J. Zeiler, and Mrs. Morris Denomme, Dashwood, were Sunday last visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard, Drysdale. Stephen Jeffery and Mrs; Vincent Jeffery, Detroit, called on rela- tives and friends in this vicinity over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. G. Duoharme, Blue Water North, were Tuesday last visitors with Mrs. Sarah Jef- fery, and other members of the family, on the Blue Water South. Stanley Smith reported the fishing poor throughout the win- ter, and it is only a matter of a short time before he will be pull- ing out his nets. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robson, and children, have moved into the house owned by Mrs. Nettie Har- vey, on the Blue Water Highway. Ted is working on Highway 21 and will be close to his work. Peter Jeffery„ St. Joseph, has secured a road job for the sum- mer with the Keillor Construction Company. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Masse, and children, London, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard and Miss Marie Laporte, Drysdale, motored to Kitchener on Friday last, calling on Tony Denomme, who is a pat- ient in the hospital in that city. He was injured by an explosion, which burned parts of his body. They also visited the Bedard's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Kaschut, who live in that neighbourhood. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Corriveau, Goderich, were recent visitors with relatives in this neighbourhood. The Misses Jeanne •and Anne Carriveau, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duchar- me, of this Highway. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Fournier, and children, London, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corriveau, and other relatives. Mrs. Theresa Hartman, and two sons, Cyril and Bob, were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duoharme, on the Blue Water Highway. St. Patrick's Day On Monday, March 17, St. Pat- rick's day passed away quietly in this community; as usual the odd one wore the emerald,- They are to be congratulated for the great pride they take in honouring the patron saint of their ancestors. Although St. Patrick was not rightly known to be a native of their land, he bad chosen Ireland for his missionary field, and to evangelize it, and in later years was known as the Isle of saints. This being nearly fifteen centuries ago, the Isle of Shamrocks is still going strong. Others, who are separated from their native land, celebrations, to be patriotic, and do much to participate in its be as loyal today as their ances- tors were centuries ago to Erin's green shore. BLAKE (Mrs. Amos Gingerich Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schwindt and family, Baden, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ginger- ich, and Norma Jean, were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. 4f Co' s Could Talk THEY'D TELL YOU HOW Goon\ Copeian Mixtires ARE ...I We specialize in APPETIZING mixtures for_ HAY and PASTURE. LAWRENCE E. COPEEAN I'' SEE fl' MIXTURES Getting The Maximum From Mixtures PHONE 16-r-8 KIRKTON—R.R. 6, ST. MARYS ICHARD JEFFREY PHONE 78-r-11—Field Representative—R.R. 2, ZURICH 9-10-p .s. .N. '4+. 44.. sdba4-00346...4.164-.4414,-.4411,-41444.--101,...44 The MCKEE Shredder arvester brings your hay in at One -Third the cost of the baler method. The One -Man Harvester 6% DISCOUNT DURING MARCH LOUIS THIEL District Representative for McKee Bros. Limited PHONE •67 , ZURICH WlEIDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1958 DAS IWOOD and DISTRICT (By Mrs. E. H. Bader) Elects 1958 Officers The Ladies' Aid of the Evangel- ical U.B. church ended a success- ful membership and attendance drive with the winning side led by Mrs. Ralph Weber guests of the losing Side led by Mrs. Wallace Wein. They found they had in- creased their roll call an average of seven a meeting. Guests from Zurich were, Rev. and Mrs. H. M Amacher, who sang a duet. Mrs. Amacher as guest speaker chose as her topic "Bro- therhood." Election of officers followed: president, Mrs. Carl Oestriecher; vice-presidents, Mrs. J. M. Tiernan and Mrs. Letta Taylor; secertary, Mrs.. Howard Klumpp; assistant, Mrs. Stuart Wolfe; Ladies' Aid treasurer, Mrs, Harold Kellerman; assistant, Mrs. Charles Snell; WS treasurer, Mrs. Harry Hoffman. assistant, Mrs. Wallace Wein; spiritual life convener, Mrs. Jessie Rader; assistant, Mrs. George Link; Christian Social Relatives, Mrs. Gordon Bender; Missionary education convener, Mrs. Eben Wiegand; secretary Young Peop- les work, Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson; as- sistant, Mrs, Sid Baker; secre- tary children's work, Mrs. J. M. Tiernan; assistant, Mrs. Donald Geiser, Mrs. Ralph Weber and Mrs. J. H. Kellerman, Neighbours Entertain Mrs. Harrington Finkbiener was pleasantly surprised Friday even- ing when 45 neighbours and frien- ds gathered to honor her prior to moving to Zurich. The evening was spent playing bingo. Mr. Ted Rader read an address and Mrs.. John Rader presented her with a hostess chair. Mrs. Finkbeiner thanked them very graciously. Lunch followed. Mrs. Howard Klumpp has been made a director of the Children's Aid Society at Goderich, this year. Heinz Benedictus, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb, and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Erb, and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich, accompanied by the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ginger- ich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rapp and family, at Nairn. Mrs. Lloyd Guenther and fam- ily, Dashwood, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Oesch. Mr. Edmund Schwartbentruber has returned from a hospital near Toronto and is getting along fine. Quite a number of ladies of the vicinity were entertained to a I quilting bee at the home of Mrs. Neil Gingerich, on the Babylon Line. 4 Miss Heather McNaughton, Ex- eter, was a weekend guest with Miss Mirdza Geulens. Ladies' Aid The regular meeting of Zion Lutheran church Ladies Aid was held Wednesday evening, following the Lenton church service. The topic was dispensed with for the sermon on "John, Loved by Jesus." Mrs. Milfred Merner the presi- dent presided. Rev. K. L. Zorn opened with prayer. Easter lilies are to be purchased for the altar. Mrs. Leonard Schenk, Synodical reporter told of a new mission formed in New Guinea. A report of the LWML Execu- tive was read. The spring rally wili be May 6, at iMtchell. The convention wild be held September 20, at Kitchener. An Easter par- ty will be held for the Sunday School children. Group 4 with Mrs. klerb Wein, convener, was in charge and ser- ved lunch. During preparation„ Mrs. Leonard Schenk conducted a. St. Patrick's contest. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stomas, St. Thomas, spent the weekend wih Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and Lynda. Siegfried Miller, Waterloo spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.. Rudolph Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and. family, Waterloo, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. L .i T... Rader. Miss Patsy Stelck, Toronto,.. spent the weekend with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. „Ed. Stelck.. Miss Ellen Gilbert, Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr. .and: Mrs. Courtney .Burmeister. Miss Jane Restemayer spent the weekend at London, with Miss. Carolyn Kraft. Jack and Earl Piefer, Chatham,.. spent Sunday with their mother,. Mrs. Matilda Piefer. DO You THANK SEED PR/CES GV/LG 86UP OR DOWN THIS YEAR ? IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW PRICES FLUCTUATE %VHEN YOU USE — CO-OP SEEDS LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR SEED (RAIN - at RAINat istrict -operative ,�r Herman HenuaDD Brucefieid '56 Buick Super, 4 -Door Ha rdtop — full power equipment. Like new. '55 Buick Century Sedan Custom — Dynaflow drive, whitewalls. '54 Meteor Coach only 36,000 miles. Like new. TRUCK '53 Dodge Sedan Automatic, radio, only 37,000 miles '53 Ford Customline Sedan, refinished, new motor, radio Don ©'Brien's. trade-in '51 Dodge Sedan in top shape—Passmore's trade-in. '56 O.M.C. PICK -UP --Only 18,000 miles $ '54 ME ';,C URY 1 TON—Real good. tires '49 MERCURY 1/2. TON—Motor and body like new. 20 other models of transportation from $595.00 down URRY ! HURRY! HURRY i! 1 PearsonMotor Sales PONTIAC, BUICK and VAUXHALL. CARS, G.M.C. TRUCKS ZURICH—Phone 78 EXETER—Phone 608 In Zurich see Jack Pearson, Proprietor or Pete Masse, Salesman 41.41,11.41.04,