HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-03-19, Page 7WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE SN sot soft,jor CLASSIFIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35e for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.,: 2c a word the first week, then 1%c for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor.- iarns, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. For Sale LIMITED QUANTITY OF COB corn, priced at only $30 a ton. For quick sale. Apply to Elton Ben- der, phone Hensall 699r12. 10-p MIXr1J GRAIN (OATS AND bar- ley) suitable for pig feed. 25 tons. Reasonably priced. Clement Re- gier, phone 93r12, Zurich, 9-10-p CLOVER SEED, Timothy seed and a limited amount of new Climax seed, grown from registered seed. Bruce Koehler, phone 71r1, Zur- ich. 10-11-12-p PORTABLE MILKING MACHINE. --National (sold by Canadian Tire Corp.) in good condition. $100. or best offer. Wesley McBride. Phone 687r21, Hensall. 10-.p REAL GOOD DINING ROOM Suite. Extra large table, 6 chairs and Buffet, for quick sale. Con- tact Mrs. L. Rose, at Rose's Ser- vice Station, Zurich. 5-tfb • TWO-PIECE YOUTH'S SUIT. Size 16. Light blue. Single-breas- ted, just like new. Only half of regular price. Robert Westlake, Phone 89W, Zurich 9.b TWO LANDRACE BOARS 6 mon- ths old. Large quantity of Gary seed oats and Brant barley, both eligible for registration. Philip Durand, phone Zurich 98r4. 10-11-12-p 10 INCH ATLAS BAND SAW- „ complete with motor, wood turn- ing lathe -complete with motor; steel mitre saw, and numerous other power and hand tools. Ap- ply Citizens News Office, or phone Zurich 133. Help Wanted TELEPHONE OPERATORS. Ap- plications will be received for op- erators or trainees at the Zurich Dashwood, and Grand Bend offic- es of the Hay Township Municipal Telephone System. Adress applic- ations to R. G. Black, Box 308, Zurich. 10-11-b Miscellaneous CUSTOM CAPONIZING and de - beaking. Prompt and efficient ser- vice. Call Carl Oestreicher, 57r32 Dashwood, 8 to 16-b WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination infor- mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at Clinton, HU 2-3441, between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds available -top quality at low cost. 4tfb F E'y MON MEEIi.P G in St. eter's Parish Hall, ST. JOSEPH on Iloiiclay, March 24 Guest Speaker will be John Hutchinson, first vice-president of the •Ontario Farm Union -Q MEETING AT ELDIVILLE on 'Tuesday, March 25 Same Speaker enreesmosemeasomemoramumemessemasessea tliMalli 02:9021¢1¢ ,0110111 neireara U WM= COMM Property For Sale IN BLAKE - MODERN HOME. Ml convieniences, bathroom, oil furnace, kitchen cupboards, good floors. Owner wishes to move closer to his work. Apply Earl Oeseh, Zurich, at Barber Shop. 5-tfb CHOICE BUT ,DING LOT -cent- rally located near public school. Bill Smith, phone 225, Zrich. 10-1-b Births BRLNI1NE7LL---In Sarnia General Hospital, on Tuesday, March 11, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brintnell (nee Pauline Haberer) a son, (Andrew Donald). F LEAR•--At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday, March 15, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Flear (nee Betty Armstrong), twins, a son and daughter, a brother and sister for Steven. SCH•LUBE--At South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Wednesday, March 12, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe, Zurich, a son, (Wayne Arnold, brother for Don- na and Richard). WIAILPER At South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Friday, March 7, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walper, Hay Township, a dau- ghter, (Brenda Marlene). In Memoriam In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Edward Beaver, who passed, -away one year ago, March 23, 1957: "Asleep in God's beautiful garden, Away from all sorrow and care, And when our life's journey is over, • We know we will meet him there". -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Mary, and family. 10 -p EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Combine, Farm Im- plements, IAvestock, Poultry, Hay, Grain. and Mise. Items, on the premises, Lot 4, Concession 3, Us - borne Township, 2%z miles south of Exeter, 11/ miles east and half mile south. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pub- lic Auction on Wednesday, March 26 1958, commencing at 12.00 o'clock pan., sharp: Farm Machinery: Allis Chalm- ers W. D. Farman tractor, fully equipped, also manure loader and Allis Chalmers 2 -row scuffler; 1952 Ford tractor, in. A-1 condi- tion, with 2 -furrow hydraulic plow; 1952 Ford truck with racks, in Al condition; M -H Clipper power take off Combine, with all attachments, in Al condition; McDeering hay baler, used twa seasons, like new. Farm Implements: M -H 15 -run fertilizer drill, like new; Inter- national side rake; Woods 1 -row corn picker, like new; M -H tract - CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractors, Combine, Farm Implements and Mise. Items, ora the Premises, Lot 7, Coneession 1, Tuckersmitli, Township, Half mile north of Henson.. The Undersigned Auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pub- lic Auction an Tuesday, March 25th 1958, commencing at 1.00 o'clock p.m. sharp Tractors and Combine: Massey - Harris 102 Junior Standard Trac- tor in A-1 condition; M. M. B. F. Farman tractor in new condition, equipped with 4 -row Scuffler and bean puller; Case combine com- pletely equipped with all attach- ments and Wisconsin motor, used three seasons, in new condition. Farm Implements: Massey -Har- ris 16 -run Fertilizer Drill; Mc - Deering 7% -ft. stiff tooth Cultiva- tor; M -H 8ft binder-, used for swarthing; M -H side rake; M -H 2 -furrow plow; International 3 - furrow plow; Cockshutt team drawn manure spreader, on rub- ber; Warnyke bean windrower; 24 -plate Otaca tractor disc; heavy duty rubber tire wagon; combina- tion grain and hay rack; Avery 2 - section rotary weeder; 8 -ft. Bis- sell cultipacker; 2 -drum steel rol- ler; 2 sets 2 -section diamond har- rows; 24 -ft. •grain auger; bag truck; 2 -wheel 'trailer; 5 -ft. mow- er; 2 single plows; scuffler; trac- tor umbrella; platform scales; 7 - ft. spring tooth cultivator; steel pig feeders; chains, saws, shovels, and other miscellaneous items too numerous to mention. The above-mentioned implements are allin new condition. Terms -Cash Russell Broderick, Proprietor Garnet ]flicks, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer 10-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Household Ef- fects and Miscellaneous Items, on the premises, Shipka; part of Lot 10 Concession 16, Stephen Town- ship, ownship, on the Crediton Road. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pub - lib Auction on Saturday, March 22 1958,.commencing at 1 o'clock p.m., sharp Real Estate: Consists of Part Lot 10, on which is situated a well built frame dwelling. Main floor consists .of dining room and living room, kitchen, wash roam, sum- mer kitchen and woodshed. Sec - and floor consists of four large bedrooms. Cellar throughout. Property is surrounded with fruit and shade trees. Best of garden land and ample water supply. In- spection invited before day of sale. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable re- served bid, Household Effects: Philco frig- erator, like new; Beatty Dominion electric range, large apt. size, 56 model, like new; Connor electric washer, 56 model, in brand new condition; Electrolux vacuum cleaner with all attachments; chest of drawers; large and small dressers; commodes; 3 steel beds with springs and mattress; 2 oak beds with springs and mattress; dining room table; buffet; 12 din - or spreader; 3 -drum steel roller; ing room chairs; 3 small tables; M -H 7 ft. binder; International 2 leather rockers; 3 oak rockers; heavy duty 814, ft spring tooth cultivator; 3 -section diamond har- rows; 4 -section diamond harrows; 3 -section spring tooth harrows; M -H No. 26 3 -furrow plow; Inter- national mower, 5 ft. cut; M -H 32 - plate tractor disc; Inter. corn binder with loader; White cutting box with 50 ft. pipes; Letz 10% - inch grinder; extension ladder; Champion grinder with 3 h.p. elec- tric motor; Gem electric grinder; walking plow; team scuffler; 4 electric fencers; electric fence posts; electric brooder; poultry supplies; root pulper; feed cart; rubber tire heavy duty wagon; new 16 -ft. flat rack; 3 -wheel trail- er; 50 ft. endless drive belt; elec- tric clipper; :S h.p. electric mot- or; Mayrath grain elevator; 2 chic- ken shelters; hog scales; heat houser for Allis. Chalmers tractor; 50 -ft. snow fence; quantity of lumber, and stave wood; chains, forks, shovels. Hay, Grain and ]Geed: 300 bales mixed hay; 300 bales straw; 15 ton choice cob corn; 7 ft. ensilage; 125 bus. wheat; 1,200 bus. Reg. Gary oats; 50 bus. mixed grain; 150 lbs. International stock food. Cattle: Holstein heifer, due Ap- ril 10; Holstein cow, fresh 6 weeks, with first calf ant foot; Durham cow, carrying fourth calf, due May 3; Holstein cow, milking, bred Oc- tober 2; Dunham cow, carrying fourth calf, due April 3; Red Dur -sem start on tune. Terms --Cash William J. Thomson, Prop, Alvin Walper, Auctioneer Garnet Hicks, Clerk 10b high chair; arm chair; large glass top kitchen cupboarde kitchen sink; 2 couches; large Fess oil heater, like new; coal heater; wood stove; oil stove; wash tubs; ironing board; pails; pots; pans; silverware; glassware; dishes; kit- chen utensils; sealers, crocks; numerous carpenter tools; and many articles too numerous to mention. Terms -Cash Borden Schroeder, Proprietor Alvin Walper, Auctioneer Glen Webb, Clerk Holstein heifer, carrying first calf, due in April; 2 Holstein heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; 8 market steers, averaging 1,100 lbs. each; 2 mar- ket„heifers, averaging 1,000 lbs. each; 3 Holstein yearlings; 7 Dur- ham and Hereford yearlings; three small calves, Hogs and Poultry: York sow, carrying third litter, bred 6 weeks; 27 York stocker pigs, averaging 100 lbs. each; 120 Rhode Island Red yearling hens; 35 Hyline year- ling hens; Collie dog. Household Effects: four -burner electric range; kitchen chairs; space heater; complete bedroom suite, single bed and mattress; high chair; sealers; sump pump, etc., etc. No reserve, as the farm is sold. !Due to extra large sale, selling ham cow, milking, bred Jan. 8; roan cow, carrying fourth calf, due April 2• Holstein cow, carrying third calf, bred Nov. 4; Red Dur- ham cow, milking, bred Jan. 2; CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Tractors, Thresher, Farm Machinery; Cattle, Hay, Grain, and miscellaneous items. On the premises, North Boundary, Lake Road, Lot 6, Stephen Township, Highway 83, two miles, west of No, 4 Highway, Exeter. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pub- lic Auction on Friday, March 21st J958, commencing at 1.00 o'clock p.m., sharp Tractors and Thresher: John Deere A. R. tractor, in A-1 con- dition; John Deere M.T. row crop tractor, in new condition, com- pletely equipped with 2 -row scuf- fler and manure loader; Dion thresher, on rubber, 22x38, com- pletely equipped, in brand new condition. Farm Machinery: John Deere 17 -run fertilizer drill, like new; John Deere hydraulic lift 3 -furrow plow; John Deere tractor spread- er, like new; ,McDeering binder, 8- f c. cut, like new; John Deere 10 - plate 1 -way disc; John Deere side delivery rake; John Deere 7 -ft. cut power take off mower; John Deere 8 -ft. spring tooth cultivator, on rubber; John Deere 32 -plate double disc; John Deere 2 -row corn planter; Woods 1 -row corn picker; Inter. 8 -ft. lime spreader; Letz 103's inch grinder; Buehler rubber tire wagon; dual wheel heavy duty trailer; 16 -ft. grain box and hay rack; grain elevator; 3 - section diamond harrows; M -H milking machine, single and double unit; 50 -ft. endless rubber belt; MaH root pulper, like new; 2 - drum steel roller; 2 chain saws; electric fencers, chains, forks, shovels and other miscellaneous items. Cattle: Hereford cow, carrying second calf, due in April; Holstein cow, due in May; 2 Hereford far- row cows; 4 Hereford heifers, ris- ing 2 yrs. old; 4 Hereford steers, rising 2 yrs. old; 4 yearling steers. Hay and Grain: 300 bus. choice mixed grain; 1,200 bales of mixed hay. No reserve, everything will be sold. Terms -Cash Ray McCarter, Proprietor Alvin Walper, Auctioneer Garnet Hicks,. Clerk 10b 0 Chamber Sponsors Get -Out -Votes The Canadian Chamber of Com- merce announced today that it has launched a national, non-partisan "Get -Out -The -Vote" campagin. To make the program fully effective right across the country, Canada's national business organization is enlisting the aid of its over 750 member Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce and some 2,400 member companies. These groups, representing a cross section of the countrys bus- iness and community life, are ask- ed to co-operate in an all out ef- fort to encourage people to go to the polls on March 31. They will bring into play such things as lit- erature, lectures, speakers, door- to-door campaigns, poster s. Throughout the campaign, the Canadian Chamber will co-operate FEET HURT? LEG OR BACK PAIN? To Obtain Permanent Relief, The Cause MUST Be Corrected Next MONDAY, MARCH 24, See George. R. Hardman He will show you haw iracle Has helped many others in the past 29 years, and how it will help YOUR walking and stand- ing problems. MONDAY, MARCH 24 10 a.m. to 8 pan. At MILT OESCII SHOE STORE ZURICH - Phone 30J You have your foot health to gain by seeing him. LYRIC THEATRE EXETER. • NOW: Thursday, Friday and Saturday' March 20, 21, -22 "LOVING YOU" (Color) ELVIS PRESLEY Lizabeth Scott Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday March 24, 25, 26 "SOMETHING OF VALUE" (Adult) Rock Hudson - Dana Wynter COMING: "SPOILERS OF THE FOREST" Vera Ralston -- Rod : Cameron fully with the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada which is also conducting a national "Get -Out - The -Vote" campaign. The Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada has a membership of 20,000 young businessmen and 275 local units across Canada. Slogan being used is "Vote As You Like -But Vote." "Democracy depends upon the exercise of the free and secret ballot," stated President Ralph Pybus of The Canadian Chamber of Commerce. "Citizens should keep informed -only an informed electorate can put to effective use the full value and worth of the franchise -they should make sure their names are on the voters lists, and most important of all on election day, March 31, they should vote." Try a ouch of "Home Improve- ment" onic!Wonderfulautomatic comfort -lower fuel bilis.It's easy to add improvements to your home with a low interest loan! Replace with a LOWLQW B cwt, A!L FURNACE PEST Rooting BUY on the tentket GINGERICH'S SALES and SERVICE ' Phone 34 -- Zurich