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Zurich Citizens News, 1958-03-12, Page 10
PACE TEN CLEARING AUCTION SALE, Of Reg. Jerseys and Durham Cattle, Implements, Poultry and Miscellaneous Items on the prem- ises, Lot 12, Con., 13, Hay al - ship, 11A miles west of Zurich, 21/2 miles south, or 3 miles north of Dashwood. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pub- lic Auction on Saturday, March 15, 1958, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. Registered Jerseys and Durham Cattle: Jersey cow, milking, clue in Aug., 5 yrs, old; Jersey cow, milk- ing, due in Aug.,' 4 yrs. old; Jer- sey cow, milking, due in July, 4 yrs. old; Jersey heifer, carrying first calf, due in July; Jersey heif- er and bull calf, registration pap- ers presented day of sale. Durham cow, carrying third calf due latter part of March; Durham cow, carrying third calf, due in April; part Jersey and Durham cow, due first week in April. This is a choice herd of cows, all hand milked. Poultry: 50 Rhode Island Red X Rock laying hens, 9 months old; 100 Sussex New Hampshire hens, ZURICH Citizens NEWS 9 months old, This is an extra good flock of hens. Prize Poultry: Buff Laced Pol- ish -2 roosters, 5 hens; White Crested Black Polish -1 rooster, 3 hens; Silver Spangled Hamburg- 1 amburg1 rooster, 3 hens. Implements: Mc -D. 11 -run fert- ilizer drill. like new; 4 -section diamond harrows, like new; three - drum steel roller, like new; M H spring -tooth cultivator; M -H bean puller and cultivator; Mc -D. mow- er, 5 ft. cut, in A-1. condition; Que- bec sulky plow; walking plow; fanning mill; 2,000-1b. platform scales, like new; root pulper; large galv. water tank; steel wagon; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. rack; 2 iron kettles; complete butcher equipment; scalding trough; saus- age grinder and pump; set of sling ropes; 3 logging chains; cabbage cutter; quantity of bags; colony house, 10x12; small coal heater; Quebec heater, etc., etc. Terms—Cash No reserve, farm sold. Art Gabel, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 11. F. Stade, Clerk 8-9-b Phone COMPLETE GENERAL REPAIRS TO CARS, TRICKS and TRACTORS RC and ACETYLENE WELDING USED CARS Desjardiue Auto Supply 38 Zurich AUCTION SALE 100 Head Holsteins, Durham & Hereford Cows, Heifers and Feed- er Cattle, Tractor and Hammer Mill. On the premises, Lot 19, Con. 12, Hay Township, 11/4 miles west of Zurich & Half mil? south, Monday, March 17, 958 commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp Sale consists of: 20 Holstein heifers, some fresh with calves at foot, remainder due in March and April; 30 Holstein, Durham and Hereford cows, some fresh with calves at font, remainder due in March and April; 12 Holstein heif- ers, recently bred; 4 open Holstein heifers; 28 Durham and Hereford yearling steers and heifers in mar- ket condition. Cows and heifers all blood tested and vaccinated. Inspection invited before day of sale. A real opportunity to im- prove your herd. Tractor and Hamrnermill Mc - Deering W4 Tractor, in good con- dition. Gehl 10 -inch Hammerrnill, in A-1 condition. In case of bad weather sale will be held under cover. No reserve, everything will be sold. Terms—Cash. Jerome Dietrich, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Glen Webb, Clerk 8-9-b a 9 a Ghee Before you buy uto insurance, k the w tr id leader me Op 00 WM can den on eau tt0 Rso vt0 MD ten 3,400,000 car owners pick State Farms "careful driver insur- ance." Here's why: State Farm offers outstanding protection and service at rock -bottom "careful driver" rates. For years, these rates have aver- aged 10, 20, 30—even 40 percent below the rates charged by most other companies. the To find out if you qualify, simply phone agent nearest you. No cost or obligation, of course. STATE FARM 1 INSURANCE oir ET E SEAPORTH—Phone 233 ZURICH ---Phone 33 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1955 Six -Year -Old. Ruth Ann- Fleischaur Celebrates Birthday at her Home day. The children enjoyed the af- ternoon by playing games after which Ruth Ann's mother and. older sister served refreshments. She was the recipient , of many was celebrating her sixth birth- lovely gifts. Mrs. Norman Fleischaur enter- tained 16 boys and girls on Satur- day afternoon in honour of her youngest daughter, Ruth .Ann, who CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Tract- ors, Farm Implements, Hay. Grain and Misc. Items. tOn the premises, Lot 7, Concession 10, Hay Town- ship, a miles south of Zurich or 114 miles east of Dashwood and 11 miles north. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pub- lic Auction on Tuesday, March 18, 1958 commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp Horses: Matched Percheron team, 12 and 13 yrs. old, guaran- teed true and reliable. Cattle: 2 Hereford heifers, with calves at foot; Hereford. cow, 5 yrs. old. with calf at foot; 2 Here- ford cows, 4 yrs. old, with calves at foot; roan cow, 8 yrs. old, due in April; Hereford cow, 5 yrs. old, due in April; red Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due in May; 2 open Hereford heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; 4 Hereford baby beef steers, aver- aging 750 lbs., ready for market; 3 Hereford yearlings. This is a choice herd of cattle. Hogs: 2 York sows, bred Jan. 10, carrying fourth litter; sow, bred Jan. 12, carrying second litter; 2 York sows, bred Jan. 15, carrying first litter; 4 stocker pigs, aver- aging 100 lbs. each; 19 weanling pigs. Tractors- and Farm Implements: M.M.B.F. Standard Tractor, com- pletely equipped and hydraulic 2 - row bean scuffler, used one season, in brand new condition; Allis Chalmers "B" Standard Tractor with puller and scuffler in A-1 condition; Mc -D. side delivery rake, like new; Mc -D. 15 -run pow- er lift fertilizer drill, like new; M -H hinder; M -H horse-drawn manure spreader; Mc -,D. drop -head hay loader; M -H mower, 5 ft. cut; Mc -D. 7% ft. spring -tooth culti- n ator; M -H 3 -section spring -tooth drag harrows; 4 -section diamond harrows; M -H 8 f1. land packer; Cockshutt 2 -furrow nlow; M -H 10 - ft. dump rake; Buehler rubber tire wagon; 16 foot flat rack; steel tire wagon; rubber tire wagon; M -H horse-drawn bean scuffler; 2 walking plows; M -H horse-drawn out -throw disc; single scuffler; 2 - wheel trailer; 2 grain boxes; M -H No. 9 cream separator; platform scales; tractor chains for Allis Chalmers tractors; fanning mill; sling ropes; butcher kettle; large cooking kettle; woven wire fence stretcher; block and tackle; forks, chains, shovels, and other mis- cellaneous items. Hay and Grain: 150 bales choice quality hay; quantity loose hay; 200 bus. Montcalm seed barley; 250 oats; bus. 400 bus. mixed d Gary grain; seed bus. seed beans. Household Items: Dining room table; 6 dining room chairs; kit- chen range; dressers; wash stand; hot plate; and other household items. No reserve, everything will be sold. Terms—Cash. Mrs. Harrington Finkbeiner, Proprietress ALVIN WALPL , Auctioneer Glen Webb, Clerk $-9-b ��..•..., SERVICE PROVEN CONCENTRATES for POULTRY, HOGS and CATTLE Inquire about Low Grain Costs In Truck Load Lots .�. ':l%\`"`"• (DELIVERED TO YOUR FARM) M. DEITZ. and SON PHONE Y54 ZURICI Young Liberal Rally COME AND HEAR AND Bill Cochrane Your Liberal Candidate in Huron urray Sinclair President, West Middlesex Young Liberal Association �!1 Thursday Evening, ': arch 13 at 8 o'clock Everyone Wlelcorme© Sponsors: Huron's Young Liberal Association Published by Huron Liberal Association PIANO -TUNING and REPAIRING Alf. Denemme R.R. 2, Zurich, ph. 95r12 YOU Cella GROW5, BAST AS I 110.../F YOIJR8O$ WOULD FEED YOU ON COV P W MASH 0 FOR ALL YOUR POULT Y, HOGS and CATTLE USE HHen of l 1 istrkt Co-operative Inc.