Zurich Citizens News, 1958-03-05, Page 8PAGE EIGl'iT CLEARING AUCTION SALE tire wagon; 16 foot flat rack; steel Of Real Estate, Household At, tire wagon; rubber tire wagon; M -H horse-drawn bean scuffler; 2 teets and fes, let 80, Items, on walking plows'; M -H horse-drawn the premises, Lot S0, Plan 31' Stephen Township, in the Village out -throw disc; single scuffler; 2- wheel trailer; 2 grain boxes; M -H of Dashwood. No. 9 cream separator; platform The undersigned auctioneer re- scales; tractor chains for Allis sewed instructions to sell by Pub Chalmers tractors; fanning mull; sling ropes; butcher kettle; large lis Auction on 1958 Saturday, March 8, cooking kettle; woven wire fence Commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. stretcher; block and tackle; forks, sharp. chains, shovels, and other mis- Real Estate: Consists of Lot 80, cellaneous items. Plan 31, in the Village of Dash- Hay and Grain: 150 bales choice wood, on which is situated a seven quality hay; quantity loose hay; roomed frame dwelling. Main floor 200 bus. Montealm seed barley; consists of living and dining room, 250 bus. Registered Gary seed bedroom and kitchen with good oats; 400" bus. mixed grain; 30 sized woodshed. Second floor con- bus. seed beans. sists of three bedrooms, also has a Household Items: Dining room fulfil basement with large cistern. table; 6 dining room chairs; kit - A large barn, garage and work chen range dressers; wash stand; shop. Ample garden land and fruit .hot plate; and other household trees. Property nicely situated and in good state of repair. Terms on Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid. Inspection invited be- fore day of sale. Household Effects and Miscel- laneous Items: Admiral 7 cu. ft. refrigerator, like new; Philco elec- tric radio; 2 kitchen stoves; com- bination Quebec heater and stove; kitchen cabinet; dining room ex- tension table; 6 kitchen chairs and table; sideboard; kitchen cup- board; couch; 2 rockers; 2 arm chairs; hall tree; studio couch; studio rocker; kitchen clock; alarm clock; 2 centre tables; crok- inole board; organ and stool; phonograph; 2 steel beds, springs and mattress; dressers and stands; wooden bed, springs and mattress;, commodes; 2 trunks; antique dres- ser; bed lamps; 3 coal oil lamps; comforters, quilts, sheets, pillows, inens, mats, silverware, glass- ware, fancy dishes, kitchen uten- sils, electric toaster and iron; 2 toilet sets; kitchen sink; large an- tique bread box; suitcases, crocks, sealers, quantity of fruit, etc. Miscellaneous Items: Rubber tire carriage, in new condition; exten- sion ladder; wheelbarrow; work bench; double barrel shot gun; cutter; steel wheel horse carriage; new jogging cart; single horse double sleigh; walking plow; two single scufflers; 4 lawn chairs; 4 cords slab wood; crow bars; large assortment carpenter tools; quan- tity kindling wood; onion seeder; garden scuffler; cross -cut saw, shovels, forks, axes; 100 celery crates; Stewart electric clipper; hand horse clipper; fanning mill; 40 bales straw, etc. No reserve, everything will be sold. Terms—Cash. Roy Bender and Gordon Bender, Executors for the Estate of the late John Bender ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Glenn Webb, Clerk 8-b items ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1958 carrying fourth calf, due March 20; light roan cow, carrying third calf, due last week in May; light roan cow, carrying third calf, due March 20; red cow, carrying third calf, due March 23; light roan cow, carrying second calf, due sale time; red open heifer, rising 2 yrs. old; Holstein yearling heifer; 5 yearling steers; 7 yearling heifers; registered red Durham bull, rising 2 yrs. old. This is an extra choice herd of cattle. Inspection invit- ed before day of sale. Hogs: 2 York sows, carrying fourth slitter, bred td Landrace hog, due in April; Yorkshire sow, with litter of eight. Poultry: 110 New Hemp. Sussex yearling hens. Truck, Tractors and Thresher: 1950 Studebaker half -ton pickup truck, in good condition; Mc -Deer- ing Farmall 'A', completely equip - No reserve, everything will be ped .in A-1 condition; W.C. Allis Chalmers tractor, in good condi- tion; 24x42 White thresher, on steel, completely equipped, like new. Farm Implements and Miscel- laneous Items: M -H 13 -run fert- ilizer drill; Mc -Deering mower, 5 ft. cut; Mc -Deering side delivery rake; Mc -Deering drop -head hay loader; Mc -Deering 2 -furrow wide - bottom plow; Goodison 2 -furrow tractor plow; Mc -Deering binder, 6 ft. cut; Mc -Deering horse-drawn manure spreader on steel; M -H 9 ft. stiff tooth cultivator; M-1:3 10 ft. spring tooth cultivator; M -H 8 ft. spring tooth cultivator; Mc - Deering 3 -section spring tooth harrows; Mc -Deering 14 plate out - throw disc; 4 -section diamond harrows; 3 -section steel roller; M- H. 24 plate tractor disc; M -H 2 - row team scuffler; 10 ft. dump rake; 2 -wheel trailer with rack; 2 rolls 40 -rad 9 -strand new fenc- ing; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; Letz grinder, like new; root pulper; two 45 -gal. steel drums; coal oil drum; colony house; gas pump for barrel; 2 chicken shelt- ers; bag truck; Viking cream sep- arator,. emery; 4 logging chains; cattle chains; 8 and 9 ft. cedar posts; butcher kettle; 28 ft. ex- tension ladder; harness; 200 ft. snow fence; sausage grinder and press; 30 ft. endless belt; chains, shovels, forks, bags, etc. Hay, Grain and Feed: 350 bus. mixed grain; 1,000 square bales of choice quality hay; quantity of sold. Terms—Cash. Mrs. Harrington Finkbeiner, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Glen Webb, Clerk 8-9-b EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Clyde Horses, Choice Dur- ham .Cattle Tractors, Truck, Thresher, Machinery, Hogs, Poul- try, Hay, Grain: and Misc. Items. On the premises, Lot 14, S.B. Hay Township, on Highway 83, 3 miles east of Dashwood or 5 miles west of Highway 4. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pub- lic Auction on loose hay; 15 ton choice oat straw; 200 bus. turnips; 8 ft. silage; 3 bags Sebago seed potatoes, Household Effects: Beach heavy duty 4 -burner electric stove; kit- chen range; Coleman oil burner, like new; 3 -burner gas stave; din- ing room suite; extension table; 6. chairs; buffet; kitchen extension table and chairs; 3 complete bed- room: suites; end tables; glass cup- board; 2 bureaus; small tables; verandah swing; electric washing machine; electric iron and toaster; ironing board, dishes, pats, pans, 20 new woven mats, 15 new wool- len blankets, electric lamps, seal- ers, and many articles too num- erous to mention. No reserve, as the farm is sold. Due to extra large sale, selling will start sharp on time. Lunch booth on grounds. Terms—Cash Horace Pfaff, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Garnet Hicks, Clerk 8-b Wednesday, March 12, 1958 Commencing at 12.30 o'clock p.m., sharp Horses: Matched Clyde team, both mares, 8 and 9 yrs. old, guaranteed sound and reliable in every way; dark bay mare, 10 yrs. old, true and reliable. Durham Cattle: light roan cow, carrying fifth calf, due in. May; dark red cow, carrying third calf, due sale date; light roan cow, due March 23; roan cow, due March 20; red cow, carrying second calf, due in June; roan cow, milking, due in August; Holstein cow, carrying second calf, due first week in May; red cow, carrying fourth calf, due April 2; red cow, AUCTION SALE 100 Head Holsteins, Durham & Hereford Cows, Heifers and Feed- er ,Cattle, Tractor and Hammer Mill. On the premises, Lot 19, Con. 12, Hay Township, 11/4 miles west of Zurich & half mile south.. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Reg. Jerseys and Durham. Cattle, Implements, Poultry ,and Miscellaneous Items on the prem- ises, Lot 12, Con. 13, Hay Town- ship, 11A miles west of Zurich,. 21/4 miles south, or 3 miles north of Dashwood. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pub- lic Auction on Saturday, March 15, 1958, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. Registered Jerseys and Durham, Cattle: Jersey cow, milking, due in: Aug., 5 yrs. old; Jersey cow, milk- ing, due in Aug., 4 yrs. old; Jer- sey cow, milking, due in July, 4 yrs, old; Jersey heifer, carrying first calf, due in July; Jersey heif- er and bull calf, registration pap- ers presented day of sale. Durham cow, carrying third calf due latter part of March; Durham cow, carrying third calf, due in April; part Jersey and Durham cow, due first week in April. This is a choice herd of cows, all hand milked. Poultry: 50 Rhode Island Red X Rock laying hens, 9 months old; 100 Sussex New Hampshire hens„ 9 months old. This is an extra good flock of hens. Monday, March 17, 1958 commencing at 1 o'clock pan. sharp Sale consists of: 20 Holstein heifers, some fresh with calves at foot, remainder due in March and April; 30 Holstein, Durham • and Hereford cows, some fresh with calves at foot, remainder due in March and April; 12 Holstein heif- ers, recently bred; 4 open Holstein heifers; 28 Durham and Hereford' yearling steers and heifers in mar- ket condition. Cows and heifers all blood tested and vaccinated. Inspection invited before day of sale. A real opportunity to im- prove your herd. Tractor and Hamanermill Mc - Deering W4 Tractor, in good con- dition. Gehl 10 -inch Harnmermill, in A-1 condition. In case of bad weather sale will be held under cover. No reserve, everything will be sold. Terms—Cash: Jerome Dietrich, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Glen Webb, Clerk 8-9-b Prize Poultry: Buff Laced Pol- ish -2 roosters, 5 hens; White Crested Black Polish -1 rooster, 3 hens; Silver Spangled Hamburg -- 1 rooster, 3 hens. Implements: Mc -D. 11 -run fert- ilizer drill. like new; 4 -section diamond harrows, like new; three - drum steel roller, like new; M -H spring :tooth cultivator; M -H bean puller and cultivator; Mc -D. mow- er, 5 ft. cut, in A-1 condition; Que- bec sulky plow; walking plow; fanning mill; 2,000-1b. platform scales, like new; root pulper; large galv. water tank; steel wagon; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. rack; 2.' iron kettles; complete butcher equipment; scalding trough; saus- age grinder and .pump; set of sling ropes; 3 logging chains; cabbage cutter; quantity of bags; colony house, 10x12; small coal heater;: Quebec heater, etc.,. etc. Terms—Cash No reserve, farm sold. Art Gabel, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer R. F. Stade, Clerk CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Tract- ors, Farm Implements, Hay. Grain and 'Misc. Items. On the premises, Lot 7, Concession 10, Hay Town- ship, 3 miles south of Zurich or 11/4 miles east of Dashwood and 11/4 miles north. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pub- lic Auction on Tuesday, March 18, 1958 commencing at 1 o'clock p.nz. sharp Horses: Matched Percheron team, 12 and 13 yrs. old, guaran- teed true and reliable. Cattle: 2 Hereford heifers, with calves at foot; Hereford cow, 5 yrs. old. with calf at foot; 2 Here- ford cows, 4 yrs. old, with calves at foot; roan cow, 8 yrs. old, due in April; Hereford cow, 5 yrs. old, due in ApriI; red Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due in May; 2 open Hereford heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; 4 Hereford baby beef steers, aver- aging 750 lbs., ready for market; 3 Hereford yearlings. This is a choice herd of cattle. Hogs: 2 York sows, bred Jan. 10, carrying fourth litter; sow, bred Jan. 12, carrying second litter; 2 York sows, bred Jan. 15, carrying first litter; 4 stocker pigs, aver- aging 100 lbs. each; 19 weanling pigs. Tractors and Farm Implements: M.M.B.F. Standard Tractor, com- pletely equipped and hydraulic g- row bean scuffler, used one season, in brand new condition; Allis Chabners "B" Standard Tractor with puller and scuffler in A-1 Condition; Mc -D. side delivery rake, like new; Mc -D. 15 -run pow- er lift fertilizer drill, like new; M -H binder; M -H horse-drawn manure spreader; Mc -D. drop -head hay loader; M -H mower, 5 ft. cut; Mc -D. 71h ft. spring -tooth culti- vator; M -H 3 -section spring -tooth drag harrows; 4 -section diamond harrows; M -H 8 ft. • Land packer; Cockshutt 2-furrow plow; rubber • ft.. dump rake; John Diefenbaker Deserves A Clear Ma A RECORD OF PROM SES FULFILLED Aaricuitural Price Support Bill Related to Costs of Production • Realistic Pension and Social Security Program O $300,000,000 for Housing. O Tight Money Relaxed—Benefitting Farmers and Small Businessmen. O A Positive Approach to Trade Problems. ate `Carryon, Elston and John' -ELECT HURON RIDING - .Punished .by *Authority of`Hiuron Progressive Conservative Association ,i ce ea .� .y y .... CA DIFF MARCH 31