Zurich Citizens News, 1958-03-05, Page 4PGE FOUR ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1958 The Needle -Point (MRS. NORMA SIEBERT, B.A. Woman's Page Editor) This being Education Week, we felt it fitting that a mention be made of the splendid work done by our "Woman of the Week," Moss Olive O'Brien. She needs no child, while he was in her room some 15 years ago. Miss O'Brien is, indeed, a teach- er of which the profession can be proud. It is the hope of us all that she will be given the health and strength to teach our Zurich children for many years to come. Modern. Living Dept. Those with "little Johnnys", at home may appreciate this method of making a cake, contributed by Mrs. Leonard Prang. Light oven; get out utensils and ingredients. Remove blocks and toy autos from the table. Grease pan, crack nuts. Measure two cups of flour; remove Johnny's hands from flour; wash flour off him. Remeasure flour. Put flour, baking powder and salt in sifter. Get dustpan and brush up pieces of bowl Johnny knocked on the floor. Get another bowl. An- swer doorbell. Return to kitchen. Remove Johnny's hands from bowl, wash Johnny. Answer phone. Return. Remove y, inch of salt from greased pan, Look for Johnny. Grease another pan. Answer telephone. Return to kitchen to find Johnny. Remove his hands from bowl. Take up greased pan to find a layer of nutshells in it. Head for Johnny who flees, knock- ing bowl of ftable. Wash kitch- en floor, table, walls dishes. Call baker. Lie down. * * 'Use I3'or Foil Anyone with removable pans under the element of their elec- tric stove, knows how difficult it is to remove food particles once they are burnt on. Try cutting a circle to fit the pan from tin foil. This will not burn and can .be dis- carded when dirty. --Foil from tea etc. is satisfactory. No matter how many refrigera- tor dishes I buy, I always seem to be minus a lid that fits—the plas- tic ones wary and the glass ones get broken. Recently a friend suggested I use the fail from margarine, etc. It was found the foil stayed snuggly in place, fit any container, regardless of shape or size. Since it has a waxed surface it does not stick and keeps the food in the best condition. CEMENT FLOOR FINISHING NOW os the Time to Have Your Cement Work in Stables Done. FREE ESTIMATES — PROMPT SERVICE Sauder Construction Many pupils of Miss Olive O'Brien, centre, who is being honoured during "Education Week", have gone on to higher goals. Here, Miss O'Brien, is talking things over with two former pupils, who are both teaching in Zurich. At left Miss Carole Thiel, Miss Olive O'Brien and Mrs. Greta Laven- der, principal. (Staff Photo) introduction to her readers. There is scarcely a home where this pap- er will reach that has not had some cn itact with her, during her years of teaching in Zurich. This picture may bring to the mind of some, many "after -four" sessions which, viewed by childish eyes, were hours of punishment. Now viewed in the light of matur- er years, these same "plodders" will realize, with gratitude, these extra hours provided the ground- work on which they were able to advance to higher things. There are many teachers, who, confronted by various levels of ability in a class, try to prove their worth to the public by pro- moting those of greatest skill. The others they feel will not get very lar anyhow. This has never been the attitude of Miss O'Brien. She knows too well that such great men as Edison and Church - i11 were greatly under -rated by their teachers. Public opinion has meant very little to Miss O'Brien. She has been her own stern ethic. She works year after year, meas- uring her results ,not by the marks but by the improvement in the marks that she gets from her class. This is, after all the true yardstick of a teacher's worth. The interest she has in her pup- il does not end as the door closes behind. his but is carried over through his life and into that of his children. She is much interested in I.Q. tests, feeling they give a fairly accurate estimate of a child's cap- •:acity to learn. From her careful records, she could show you in a few minutes, if your child was do- ing the work of which he was cap- able. In fact, so carefully are they kept, that she could tell you the advancement made of your �L NGRLUT MEAT MARKET CHOICE QUALITY MEATS PHONE 57 -- ZURICH Zurich CHROME -PLASTIC IC All Tubular Steel With Scar and Mar -Proof Table Top. PLASTIC CHAIR. CVERS egul ar $69.50 - for . MODEL K25H-8 — 52 lbs. Frozen Storage Capacity 8.2 cu. ft. Capacity PHONE 89j WE DO ALL TY 011 Ivn:tr er_ t r The finest value in a refrigerator designed to fit in a limited space. This 24-incli model gives you a host of wanted features including: Deluxe Interior Shelving; Fu11 Width "Moisture - Seal" Polystyrene Crisper; Two Aluminum Ice -Cube Trays with plastic grids; Four Door Shelves including Cheese and Butter Chests and an Egg Rack Insert. Freezer Chest holds 39 lbs., with the Meat Tray holding an additional 13 lbs. Avail- able in 60 cycle only. Right -Hand Door Swing Standard, Left - Hand Door Swing Available. REGULAR $299.95 $219 FOR ONLY L ZURIC OF PICTURE FRAMING J