HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-02-26, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH Citizens NEWS W!F DNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1958 W.S.W.S .and Evangelical Un. Brethren Conduct Services at E.U.B. Chucrh The Women's Society of World Service had charge of the morn- ing service at Emmanuel E U B Church on Sunday. Mrs. A. M, Amacher acted as chairlady, with Mrs, Milton Oesch as organist. Mrs. Newell Geiger and Mrs. Peter Gingerich led in prayer. Mrs. Harry Hess sang the select- ion, "Take your grief to Jesus." The ladies chorus sang, "My rec- ompense to walk and talk with Jesus." Mrs. D. MacDonald, Hensall, gave an inspiring meesage on In- dia. She said that, "this is the middle of the evangelistic time in India. The last two weeks in February men and women go out in evangelistic work. "Only about 150 years ago, the people in Europe decided to go to India with the gospel. In every generation since, people have gone. Others have stayed home to pray or to send money. The church that sends money abroad is the church that does more at home. God has given us a command, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, here in Zurich and to the end of the earth. This is not optional for the Christian. Boys and girls axe watching you today, by listening to what we say when we go home from church, and while at our work. WE must set them an ex- ample and influence them for God." CWL Meets In Church Sacristy (By Mrs. Wilfred Corriveau) A fair attendance was on hand for the regular meeting of the St. Joseph's Catholic Women's Leag- ue, held in the sacristy of the church on February 11, with Mrs. Lawrence Regier presiding. Mrs. Remi Denomy, who read the minutes of the previous meet- ing, also gave the treasurer's re- port. Arrangements have been made for the making of a com- forter by the ladies. When com- pleted, the comforter will be raf- fled off. Mrs. Victor Ducharme will be in charge of the selecting and buying of the material. Mrs. Dominic Jeffrey reported on a letter received from the Scarboro Foreign Mission Society, stating the availability of the film "Upon This Rock," which will be shown on Wednesday, February 26, at the parish hall. The film will run for aipproximtely 90 min- utes. Before adjourning the meeting, prayers were read by all the members. The Evangelical United Breth- ren men had charge of the evening service, with the president, Mr. Menno Steckle as chairman. The male chorus sang the selection, "Joy of the soul." Oscar Greb read the Scripture lesson. The male octette sang, "A little talk with Jesus makes it right." Rev. C. D. Daniel, Hensall, was the guest speaker. He spoke about the Lenten season, which is being used by more and more de- nominations as a time of spiritual renewal. He then challenged the men as they were observing Men's Day. He described a tribe who would rest every once in a while when they were on the mar- ch. They wanted their souls to catch upp to their bodies. "In the rush of modern day living, we too, need to let our souls catch up to our bodies." He urged more reading of the Bible, and prayer for God's guidance and blessing. He also urged all to get their vis- ion higher, and aim to move on to higher ground, spiritually speak- ing. Our prayer should be, "Lord, lead me on to higher ground." 0 BLAKE Zurich. Brownies Hold Thinking Day Special Meeting Brownies of First Zurich Pack held a special Thinking Day Pro- gram at their Brownie meeting last Thursday. After the regular opening fairy ring ceremony each Brownie lit a candle on top of the cakes in honour of the birthday of their founders Lord and Lady Bad- en Powell. Special prayers were offered by the leaders to ask for help and guidance in "Lending a Hand", (this is the Brownie mot- to.) ot-to.) The offering was placed around the toadstool to remind the pack of Brownies in other lands. This offering is to be sent to World Friendship Fund to help promote Guiding around the world. Little card board lanterns were made by each Brownie and given to their sister Guides in First Zur- ich Guide Company. This was to be a reminder to' all to keep the "Guiding Light" shining. After closing ceremony each Brownie wore her. special Brownie smile for in her heart was extra warm- th to kindle the flame of "Lending a hand" to her fellowman. —o PC CANDIDATES SELECTED FOR WELLINGTON -HURON Marvin Howe was chosen by the Progressive Conservatives in Wellington -Huron to be their can- didate in the forth -coming elect- ion. (Mrs. Amos Gingerich Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Steckle and son, David, visited with the former's sin, Mr. and Mrs. John Steckle, Vineland, and also rel- atives at Markham. They return- ed home Monday and experienced the awful snow storm which stran- ded them at Seaforth for one night. Mrs. Steckle stayed with Mrs. Christian Schwartzentruber at Blake until Wednesday after- noon. Roy Gingerich, who was sick with the flu, is getting along fav- ourably. Miss •Delphine Erb, Kitchener, who is employed at the Waterloo Trust, and friend, Melvin Zehr, spent the weekend with the form- er's parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Gordon Erb, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich, Miss Betty Gingerich and William Steckle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich and daughter, Gloria. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Steckle attended the funeral of the Tat- ter's aunt at Elora on Saturday. They also called on their daught- ers, Mrs. Abner Martin and Mrs. Aaron Weber, and families. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sekwindt and family, Baden, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich to Kitchener on Sunday evening to take the Misses Gloria Gingerich and Pauline Steckle to Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, to carry on their duties as nurses -in - training. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich and Norma Jean, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and fam- ily. COMPLETE GENERAL REPAIRS TO CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS ARC and ACETYLENE WELDING USED CARS Desjardine Auto Supply Phone 38 Zurich Tire Destroys Barn At Branderborsts (By our Hensall correspondent) Fire of unknown origin comple- tely destroyed a 40' x 80' barn, owned by Gerrit Branderhorst, RIR 1, Hensall, early Friday morn- ing. Loss was estimated at $25,000. Also destroyed in the blaze were 12 sows, 22 pigs, 200 bushels of grain, a barn full of straw and hay, a three-furrow- Plow hree-furrowplow and an electric auger. Exeter firemen on a call to a chimney fire at the home of Fray- ne Parsons, RR. 1, Hensall, saw the fire and went to the scene but were unable to get in the laneway owing to recent storms.. The Branderhorsts, who own three, farrns in the area, are new Cana- dians and came to Canada from., Holland five years ago, iant Use a Ad. EXCLUSIVE SANITONE DRY-CLEANING your best buy! our complete SERVICE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP ZURICH 41. .11110 411P 4111+ BRADY CLEANERS and LALJNDRETERIA LTD. Phone 106 Exeter 1111111101, See All the 1958 Models of Frigidaire Appliances ON DISPLAY IN OUR MODERN SHOWROOM !iliiil!!!ii!!!iliir!!iiiii6iiiii!!�ii!!ill!I!!!!I!lu !!!!Ii!iil!!!i!!!!!!!!!!1 !ill milli WIiyjtu Refrigerators 4-s:7$239. GINGERICH'S SALES and SERVICE Ranges As Low As $269OO HEATING — LIGHTING — PLUMBING -- ELECTRICAL REPAIRING -- MOTOR REWINDING — AIR CONDITIONING — REFRIGERATION PHONE 34 ZURICH "rm' ONTARIO