HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-02-26, Page 3tb� WEDNESDAY, FEieauta Y 26, 1968 to ZURICH Citizens N7 WS PAGE mum PIANO -TUNING and REPAIRING Alf. Denomme R.R. 2 , Zurich, ph. 95r12 YUNGBLLJT MEAT MARKET CHOICEQUALITY MEATS PHONE 57 ZURICH The Needle -Point (MKS. NORMA SEIBIIRT, R.A. Woman's Page Editor) What You Should, Know About Rugs Although it doesn't look like it outside we all know that spring is not far away. Perhaps that is why this last week in February has been chosen as Home Im- provement week. One of the most expensive and most permanent renovations in your home can be your living - room rug. If you are planning on buying one this spring, here are some things about rugs you should know. AXMINSTEfR — long the most popular rug in the country, and is easily identified. It is. usually a multi -colored rug with pronoun- ced ridges on the back. You can roll it lenghthwise but not cross- wise. If you are considering an Axminster, count the number of ridges per inch on the back. These indicate the closeness of the we - HURRY! See Our Fine Spring Lines NOW ON DISPLAY MEN'S DRESS SHOES from 5.95 to 17.95 LADIES' DRESS SHOES from 5.95 to 11.95 OESCH SHOE STORE ZURICH allpaper STUDIO SELECTIONS by Boxer Washable, Precision Trimmed, Plastic Coated 60 NEW PATTERNS IN STOCK from 35c to $x_.30 per single roll 75 Last Year's Patterns --- -Greatly Reduced Better Quality SILKS, COTTONS Florals, Plains, Plaids In Dress Lengths $1.35 yd. and up PHONE 59 ---o JUST ARRIVED! HITE MEDAPOLOM only 55c yard. LUCKY D:RA ZURICH From slow 'until. Truster one ;ticket ;on !each $3.00 purchase of Dry Goods, ler iGroeeries from our store, will be given. on a draw for a COM Boy's for Girl's Hicyele. Draw to be made on (Saturday, April 19 at 10 p.m, ave, Four mean the rug is of fair quality and should be in the lower -price bracket, but a rug with seven or more ridges per inch will probably wear much more than twide as long and will be a wise investment, if you can af- ford it. Types of Rugs W LTONS usually have a short compactpile and a design of at least two, but more often at least four or five, colors. The design is clear cut and distinctive—no blurred outlines in a Wilton. The pile yarns are woven into the base of the rug giving it body and sturdiness. •Wiltons will give good wear, but goad ones are apt to be in the higher price ranges. BROADLOOM is not a seperate type of rug. The term simply means that the rug was woven on a broad loom as wide as 18 feet and is seamless. Any type or quality of rug may be broad- loom, although in trade advertis- ing it most frequently refers to the solid -color velvets. Weave itself does not necessar- ily mean quality and durability. Names of weavessimply indicate the methods of fastening the wool loops to the backing. There may be, and often are high, medium, and low priced rugs in any well known weaves. What then does make rug qual- ity? First, the amount of wool in the rug. All other things be- ing equal,. the more wool in the rug the higher the quality—as- suming of course that the wool is of good quality. Perhaps the label will tell you whether the wool used is worsted or woolen. If it doesn't, that's ane of the questions you should ask the salesman. Wor- sted rugs wear well and look well., hut the initial cost is apt to be high. If you are trying to decide be- tween loosely woven, high pile rug and one with dense but short - pile, choose the short pile by all odds. It will give better service, not because the pile is short but because its compactness means that it is closely woven. Dig your fingers into the pile and get the "feel" of it. If it is really dense it should be hard to feel the foundation threads. The yarn should feel smooth and soft, but springy. Bangs Are Leading The Hair Style Parade This year's most popular teen hairdo is coming in with a "bang", according' to predictions of 60,000 beauty operators throughout the nation. Semi -soft curl bangs, rather than the straight Buster Brown variety will be most fashionable. Bangs will feature small sculptur- ed curls and should not cover the entire forehead. The combed -out casual look should be strived for. Although the teen coiffeur will be short, they will bw full on the sides and high on the front, aI- most in the shape of a pompadour. Experts agree that while the style is important the hair must first be shining clean. They rec- ommend daily brushing and week- ly shampooing for best results. Wouldn't this old world be better If the folk we meet would say -- "I know something good about your„ And treat us just that: way? Wouldn't it be fine and dandy If each handclasp, fond and true. Carried with it this assurance --- "I know something good about you," Wouldn't life be lots more happy If the good that's in us all Were the only thing about us That folks bothered to recall? w- -f' -w w. w- -4^' NOW IS THE TIME To Hove You KITCHEN REMODELLED John M. Turkkhe rn PHONE 1"14 — ZURICH Wouldn't life be lots more happy If we praised the good we see? For there's such a lot of goodness In the worst of you and me: Wouldn't it be nice to practise That fine way of thinking too? You know something good about me, I know something good about you? The Matrimonial Market In France Flourishes Marriage brokering is doing a flourishing business in France to- day. It is estimated that about 50 percent of the couples who are married each year were in- troduced through matrimonial a- gency or privately inserted news- paper ads. Many leading French newspapers and periodicals pub- lish as many as 200 matrimonial advertisements each week. According to experts, people in all walks of lire are finding neith- er the time nor the opportunity in the busy modern life to make the social contacts which lead to mar- riage. A matrimonial agency charges a- fee of about $35, which entitles a client an unlimited number of introductions to persons of the opposite sex. The agency tries to pair off clients, suiting their backgrounds, Lucky Draw For New Bike On Saturday, April 19, Gasellio Bros. will hold a lucky draw for a C.C.M. Girl's or Boy's bicycle. From now until Easter free tick- ets will be given on each $3.00 purchase made at their store, and on the above date the draw will be made.. education Ievels and religion. It was found that, generally speaking, women were• most inter- ested in similarity in background when seeking a mate, while men usually place more importance on physical appearance. •NOR.MA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE For Appointments Call TEL. 223 — Z1JRICH i Dominion Hotel Goad Food—Well Prepared Specializing in SUNDAY DINNERS -4.00 to 7.30 p.m. Dining Room Closed Every Tuesday Evening PHONE 70 ZURICH You Are a Stranger But Once9� SPECIAL FE. ► RUARY PRICES ON ALL PAINT (INCLUDING- ROXATONE) —See Our A ' GAIN COUNTER— Something New Each Week y » r and itteh Its PLUMBING — HEATING and TINSMITHING PHONE 63 ZURICH The Home of "PIONEER" CHAIN SAWS