HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-02-19, Page 4OIA
Fifty Years Ago
First Bank Opened
In Zurich
During February, 1958, the Bank
of Montreal Branch in Zurich is
observing its 50th anniversary. It
was in February, 1908, the first
bank opened in the Village of
Zurich on the premises where the
Zurich Dairy now stands.
The present bank building is an
attractive and modern building.
Mr. John Bannister, the popular
manager, has a very capable staff
of two girls and three men to
assist him in the operation of the
Coming to Zurich from Luck -
now, Mr. Bannister has worked in
11 different branches of the Bank
of Montreal. Previously he has
served in Ridgetown, Blenheim,
Tharnesville, St. Catharines, Chats-
worth, Morrisiburg, Belleville, Nap-
anee, Sterling and Campbellford.
He is very active in the Zurich
district, being a member of Zurich
and District Chamber of Com-
merce and Zurich Lions Club. At
present he holds the position of
tail -twister in the Lions Club.
Next in line to Mr. Bannister is
James Wild, who originates from
the Aylmer district. Previous to
coming to Zurich, Mr. Wild work-
ed in the Aylmer branch of the
Bank of Montreal.
The teller in the local bank is
Miss Joyce Fisher. Joyce started
in the Zurich bank, where she has
served for the past three years.
Mrs. Martha Overholt, formerly
Martha Denomy, has been work-
ing, in the Zurich bank for two
Two juniors who are receiving
their training in the bank here
are Edward Deichert, who has
been in the bank over a year, and
Douglas Theander, who has been
with the Bank of Montreal for
only three months.
This efficient staff offers cust-
omers prompt and courteous ser-
vice at all times; as they regard
it a pleasure to serve the public.
(Mrs. Amos Genge ich
CoLittle Sharon Gingerich, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ging-
erich, spent the weekend with her
cousin, Miss Betty Gingerich.
Miss Carol Erb, who is employ-
ed with Gerald Gingerich, Zurich,
u as stranded for a few days at
the beginning of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich
and family, accompanied by Amos
Gingerich, spent Tuesday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snider
and daughter Marion at a mat
Mr. and Mrs. Veron Oesch and
son, spent Saturday at Goderich,
visiting the latter's father, Carl
Houston, who was i11 but is im-
Mr. and Mrs Carl Oesch and
sons, Baden, spent the weekend
with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. David Oesch.
Rev. and Mrs. Ephriam Ginger-
ich. and girls, spent Thursday
with the latter's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Simon Martin, Strasburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gingerich,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Pe-
ter Gingerich, and Harold Soper,
attended a funeral of a relative
in Baden on Saturday.
Mrs. Roy Gingerich, Miss Shir-
ley Gingerich, accompanied by
Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich, Miss Bet-
ty Gingerich and Mrs. Amos Ging-
erich, attended the tea on Satur-
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Blzar Mousseau, Kippen, in hon-
our of her daughter, Mrs. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jantzi and
family, Tavistock, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb
and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich,
Miss Betty Gingerich, and Mr.
William Steckle, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Erb
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert ' Bachert,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
mund Schwartzentruber, spent
Saturday at Baden attending the
funeral of the late Benjamin Ging-
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ginger-
ich, and Norma Jean, spent Sun-
day with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich,
All, Denomme
R.R. 2, Zurich, ph. 95r12
Popular Zurich Boy Advancing
In Service 'of Bank of Montreal.
Probably the only Zurich resi-
dent who started working in the
Zurich Bank of Montreal as a
junior and has gone on to higher
appointments is William O'Brien,
After receiving his education in
Zurich and South Huron High
School, Mr. O'Brien, better known
as "Bill", started as a junior in
the bank here. After two years
in Zurich, Bill was tranferred in
St. Marys, where he remained for
three years. From there he was
moved to Niagara Falls as an
assistant accountant. Following
his one and one half year's service
in Niagara, Bill was moved to
Market Square Branch of the
Bank of Montreal, in London,
where he received a promotion to
appointed assistant accountant.
While in Zurich, Bill was pop-
ular in all phases of sport, being
a star in every type of game he
Few young men who choose
banking as a career will progress
as rapidly as. Bill has; in his past
nine years. Zurich residents are
quite proud of the fact they can
call Bill one of their own.
Success comes before work only
in the dictionary.
`C. .. that was a long titne ago, of course ... and I was just
a little nipper at the time. But I remember how pleased
my dad was when the new bank opened in Zurich. 'It will
bring stability to Zurich', he said 'and that's just what this
town has needed for a long tithe'. He was right, too.
Zurich's doing fine these days.
"Well now, that first permanent banking office was
originally a branch of Molson's Bank, which later became
part of the B of M. It was opened ... let's see, in '08,
February, I think it was. Up to then Zurich had a series of
private banks and my dad knew we needed an office of
a national bank.
"Started off in premises on Victoria Street—right where
the Zurich Dairy now stands. Three or four years later,
the bank moved to the north-west corner of Main Street
and Goshen Road ... where Jonathan Merner had a
general store.
"As I recall it, the building was destroyed by fire in
the mid -20's. Right away, new premises were started.
While they were going up, the B of M moved back to its
first office. Since the completion of the new building, the
bank has been in the same place ... it's become quite a
landmark, too.
"You know ... that makes 50 years the people of
Zurich have been dealing with the old bank. It's a long
time. And you and I and all the rest of us have been
dealing with the B of M for a good many of those years.
We've seen a lot of progress in our time ... and shared in
it through working together."
Yes, in Zurich and throughout the length and breadth of our
nation, the Bank of Montreal has grown with the community,
sharing in its growing pains as well as in its achievements.
And, in hamlets and villages, towns and cities, the B of M
is still pioneering with the men and women who are building
the Canada of tomorrow.
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Zurich Branch: