Zurich Citizens News, 1958-02-19, Page 3WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS Mr. Herb. Turkheim, Business Manager, Zurich Citizens News DiEEAR, HERB: We have appreciated immensely your thoughtfulness in sending us free copies of the Zurich Citizens News. Though 161h years have passed since we were, residents of Zurich, we have never ceased to rememb- er old friendships made and now feel a real sense of pride in your most' interesting newspaper. We congratulate you and the Zurich citizens who have made the publishing of the Citizens News possible, and wish you con- tinued success, Please find enclosed a money order for $2,50, as, apart from the fact we shall enjoy reading your paper, one more name on your subscription list may help boost COMPLETE GENERAL REPAIRS TO CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS ARC and ACETYLENE WELDING USED CARS Desjardine Auto Supply Phone 38 Yy�br SEL° populareels BABY vir Zurich ..,°6'....:wiw2i+!j':dvi:y�i�i�'�����,dt�;Y�+yis,'S.f: ,."::h�:i;:gh•:; :awl: ASK ABOUT DE:-KALB FLOCKS Place Your Orders Now McKINLEY'S CHICK HATCHERY PHONE. 697 r 3 HENSALL R.R. 1, ZURICH SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY B ' EAD — CAKES — PASTRY TSTYNU PHONE 100 -- ZURICH Y Door -to -Door Delivery Throughout Huron County DAILY SERVICE London to Zurich District LIVESTOCK TWICE WEEKLY CEMENT and ROAD GRAVEL, FILL and TOP SOIL BULLDOZER SERVICE EXCAVATING and GRADING X+4:4 4f44 4+14 ?~#•444:± 4 iHrfTF Agents for PARISIANLAUNDRY a'�AUNDRY��yand DRY CLEANERS ++: 441 THANK YOLT TEACHER, The children of S.S. 12, Hay, wish to thank their wonderful teacher, Mrs. Donald O'Brien, far the lovely skating party he held For them last Thursday afternoon, in' Zurich Arena. a most worthy project, Sincerely yours, Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Bryce. 16 Harvard Ave., Ottawa. Zurich Citizens News, Mr. Herb Turkheim, Business Manager, Zurich, Ontario.. DEAR SIR: I wish to commend you and the citizens of Zurich and vicinity for the very fine paper you have have been publishing the last num- ber of weeks. I wish you every success in this venture. May it continue as a fine example of the enterprising community which I know Zurich is. I think you have been doing an excellent job, especially of the religious reporting of the com- munity. Enclosed find my subscription for this very fine paper. Sorry I am so late in sending it, Sincerely yours, Rev. Cyril K. Gingerich. Willowdale, Ontario, February 11, 1958. Mr. A. Laurie Colquhoun, Clinton, Ontario. DEAR LAURIE: Congratulations on your nattty new paper, the Zurich Citizens News. I am sure a paper so well launched will have a future. Success to you. As our Associationhas rather flexible membership requirements we will be able to take your pap- er into membership dust as soon as it has some bona -fide paid -in - advance subscribers. Yours sincerely, Werden Leavens, Secretary -Manager. January 21, 1958, Ontario Weekly Newspapers As- sociation, Bolton, Ontario. Elerb. M. Turkheim, Esq., Business Manager, Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario. DEAR HERB: It gives me great pleasure to send you my subscription to your new publication. We are so glad to have a pap- er devoted almost exclusively to news of Zurich and the immed- iate vicinity. As former residents of your thriving little town, we are of course interested primarily in the news of the people who live there, although I must con- fess that since we have left, some of the names are not familiar to me. However, most of them are, and we all wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you will have a good number of subscribers. Michael as you perhaps know, is in his first year in pre -med- icine at the University of West- ern Ontario, and is enjoying his course very much. He is also in the Navy, (UNTD) and likes that very much too, especially as he is expecting to go on a six week's cruise to Europe after the 6th of May. I hope he will not be sea sick, as that will put him out of the Navy if he is too sick. He does not expect to be however. With kindest personal wishes to you Herb, and again the very best of wishes for the success of your newsy paper. Sincerely, Mrs. Ada L. O'Dwyer. February 10, 1958, 1160 Richmond Street, London, Ontario. w+NI NO,+ PHONE 186 ZURICH NORMA'S BEAUTY SNOPPE For Appointments Call TEL. 223 -- ZVEICH PAGE 'PEREE RLUEWATER 14th and 16th Mrs. Clifford Pepper, Rev, and Mrs. Bert Carr, Arn prior spent several days with their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Schade. Rev. Carr attended the pastor's conference this past week at the Evangelical Church. Pupils of S.S. 17 McGillvary, with Miss Margaret Schade as teacher, entertained their parents at a Valentine tea last Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Henry Schiibe and Alvin Wurm are spending a few days in Port Huron at the home of their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gossman. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Rader and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wend - all Gamble and family in London. Mrs. Daniel Weber, Dashwood, spent a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Sch- ade. Ronald Heimpei, Max Hugill, Ronald Brown and Jean Fink, Kitchener, visited a few days at correspondent the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Deters. Gary Robert Carlisle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlisle and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller, was baptized in Zion Luth- eran Church, Dashwood, by Rev. K. L. Zorn on Sunday morning. Misses: Margaret and Elaine Schade were weekend visitors at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Max Learn and family, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Keller and Keith Keller, London, were weekend visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Keller. Mr. and Mrs. William Baker, Mr. and Mrs. William Welke, Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlisle and family, and Mrs. Verde. Din- ney and family, Exeter, were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller. People get the most kick out of life who do the least kicking. Township of Hay CEMENT TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the Clerk of the Township of Hay until March 1, 1958, for the supply of 600 bags of cement laid down in the Hay Township shed, near Zurich. Cement to .be delivered from June 15 to July, when the culvert e is to be built. Tenders to state ricebag. per H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Hay, Zurich, Ontario. 5-6-b TOWNSHIP OF HAY Concrete Culvert Construction SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, April 5, 1958, for the construction of an 8' x 8' x 54' Cement Culvert on Concession 12 at Lot 18, Hay, during the month of July, The Township to supply cement and steel. Blue -prints and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. Bid forms will be supplied upon request. The gravel to meet the requirements as laid down by the engineer. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Hay, .Zurich, Ontario. 5-6-b — WANTED WARBLE FLY SPRAY AND INSPECTOR TENDERS Township of Hay A —APPLICATIONS for contract to spray all cattle in the Township of Hay for Warble Fly Control. Township to supply spray material. All work to conform with the Act and to be subject to the direction of the appointed Inspec- tor. Tenders to state clearly the price per head for each treatment, also price on an hourly rate. 'B -- APPLICATIONS for Warble Fly Control Inspector h the Township of Hay will be received. Duties to be such as to conform with the Act. Person whose application is receiv- ed must attend school in Clinton. State rate of pay per hour and mileage rate. All tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by Friday, Febru- ary 28, 1958. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Hay, Zurich. Ontario. 5-6-b NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual _Meeting of the Hay .Township Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company has been postponed to Monday, February 24 at 2.00 P.M. in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH To receive the Annual Report; to elect one director to complete the tertn of office of William Haugh, agent, and throe directors to replace those whose term of office .expires. The retiring directors are Clarence Parket' Fred Raberer Sr., and Ezra Webb. Clarence P.arke, agent, will not be eligible for re-election. TheCompany expresses its sorrow in the loss of the late Oscar Iilopp, who served as a director for the Company since 1918. Notice is hereby given that nominations will be eaJled for: for a director to complete the two years of his term of office at • the annual meeting. HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY REINHOLD MILLER REGINALD BLACK President Secretary