HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-02-19, Page 1ZURI H NEW No. 6 — 12 Pages ZURICH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1958 5c a Copy $2.50 Per Year Pretty little Iinda Gascho was chosen "Queen of the Carn- ival" last Saturday night in Zurich. Here Linda has just been crowned by carnival judge Mrs. Morley Saunders, Exeter (left) and has been presented with flowers and a gift from Mrs. Ross' Johnston of the Dominion Hotel. (Staff Photo) Second Prize Won By Local. 'Girl Sharon Lawrence, a grade 8 student from Zurich Public Scho- ol, won second prize in a spelling competition held in Exeter in con- junction with their Horne and School Association meeting. Shar- on is a pupil of Mrs. Greta Lav- ender, principal of the Zurich school. The winner was Margar- et Elgie, a 12 -year-old student from Hensel Public School. A Webster Collegiate Dictionary was presented to Sharon. The ward which lost the ch- ampionship for her was "Gyrat- ions," as she stayed in the cont- est until the very end. Thirty schools were represented in the contest. The only other Hay Township contestant was Marjorie Hendrich, RR 1, Dash- wood, who represented school sec- tion 15. Linda. . Gascho is Carnival \Q .een Chosen at valentine Arena Event A pretty little nine year old Zurich girl, Linda Gascho was chosen "Queen of the Carnival", at the Valentine's Carnival held in the arena on Saturday M Sht. he was chosen by judges rs. Robert Cook, Mrs. Harold Scone and. Mrs. Morley Sanders, from more than a dozen contestants. Linda was crowned by Mrs. th flowe Scene and was presented s and a gift by Mrs. Ross Johnston, of the Dominion Hotel, who don- ated the prizes. This years carnival drew close to 500 people,which, according to arena officials, was the largest crowd ever to attend such an ev- ent in Zurich. The youngest skater on the ice was Ralph Geiger, four-year-old 0 CWL Card Party Great Success Worst Storm in Ten Years Blocks Roads; Stops Mails; Schools Closed The worst snow storm in over returning from Windsor. The ten years hit this district during Oke's arrived back in Zurich on the early part of the week. Prac-. Tuesday, after having spent both ticaily all the roads were blocked, Sunday and Monday night in many motorists were stranded, Grand Bend. and the village was isolated for at least a day. At Grand Bend close to 100 people sought refuge from the storm, and stayed at the .Brenner Hotel for two nights. Among this crowd was a Zurich couple, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Oke, who were The mixed card party in the town hall on Tuesday night, spon- sored by the Catholic Woman's League, was a huge success. A large crowd enjoyed playing eu- chre and solo. CO-OP ANNUAL POSTPONED The Hensal District Co-operat- ive annual banquet has been post- poned from Tuesday, February 18, to Tuesday, March 4. Stormy weather and blocked roads made the postponement necesssary. Ladies first prize was won by Mrs. Pearce Farewell, Zurich who is over 80 years old and still enjoys playing cards. The ladies low went to Mrs. Fred Regier, Zurich. Men's high went to Joseph Mil- ler, Dashwood, and the low to Paul Watson, Zurich. The prize for the best solo player was wan by Otto Restameyer, Dashwood. After card. playing Father Doy- le conducted the lucky draws.Joe- seph Ryan, Mount Cannel, drew the ticket far the quilt, which. was won by a grandson of Mrs. William Deitrich, in Vancouver. Joseph Carey, Mount Carmel, made the draw for the money apron, and it was won by Mrs. Leroy Regier, Zurich. Mrs. Regier reported there was $16 in silver sewed in the apron. Mrs. Alphonse Grenier and Mrs. Roman Meidinger were in charge of the refreshments. The door prize was Leroy Regier. son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geig- er, while the prize for the oldest skater went to Peter Deichert, age 68. Mr. and Mrs. Geiger also won the ;prize for the largest fam- ily on the ice.. Another feature of this years carnival was the best dog on leach accompanied by a skater. This prize was won by Johnnie Masse and his beautiful white Samoa, with second prize going to How- ard Lawrence and his black span- iel. Prize for the best dressed animal was won by Marion Fleis- chauer. Other events were as follows: girls fancy, under 10, Sandra Desjardine, Mary Bannister; girls fancy, 14 and under, Sandra Par- kins, Linda Gesell(); ladies'. open fancy, Gwen McBride, Mrs. Jack Bannister; boy's fancy, ten and under, Gary Flaxbard, Robert Ban- nister; boy's fancy, 14 and under, Earl Wagner, Michael Bedard; men's open fancy, Louis Willert, Wayne Willert. Bir1's comic, 12 and under, Shir- ley Flaxbard, Carole Fisher; boy's comic, 12 and under, Edward Pr- ang, Howard Lawrence; ladies' open comic, Donna Oesch, Kaye Hunter; men's open comic, Dennis Amacher, Wayne Clausius. In the best national costume class, Sue Anne Coxon was first and Shirley Weido second. Little NHL In Action Saturday In little NHL action at the Zurich Arena on Saturday morn - ting, the Canadiens took over the lead by , defeating the Rangers 3-1. Goal -getters for Canadiens were Gregory Willert, Roy Mc- Adams and Charles Stephenson, while Cameron Witmer scored the lone Ranger goal. The other game ended in a 2-1 victory for the Maple Leafs ov- er the Black Hawks. Bob Turner was the •hero for the Maple Leafs scoring two goals, and Peter Van Dalen scored the lone marker far the Black Hawks. All four teams will be in action again next Saturday morning. These kids play a good brand of hockey, so why not come out and d watch them: they will enjoy hav- ing you there. a-- BAY .TOWNSHIP INSURANCE MEETING• POSTPONED PGR ONE WEEK The annual meeting of the Hay Township Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Coanpany had to be postponed from Monday, February 11 to Monday, February 24. Block- ed roads made the change in date necessary. LIONS CLUB MEETING POSTPONED A WEEK The regular dinner meeting of the Zurich Lions Club, scheduled for Monday, February 17, has been we have had trouble getting in postponed to Monday, February news from our correspondents, 24, due to the stormy weather thus the late arrival of your pap - and blocked roads. ler this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearson were stranded in London until Tuesday, after having gone to the city on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Merrier, London, were forced to stay in Zurich until Wednesday. Many more residents were stran- ded away from home or had some- one from a distance staying over with them, The High School bus made its regular trip to Exeter with Zur- ich students on Monday morning, but could not get back at night making it necessary for the pupils to stay at Exeter homes for the evening. The mail schedule has been over a day behind, due to the storm. No mail arrived on Monday and the next reached town late Tues- day afternoon. Again on Wednes- day the mail is away behind sche- dule. Due to the severity of the storm After the judging of all events a broomball game was played be- tween the Blue Water boys and the Parr Line Farm Forum, Aft- er some real thrills and spills, the score ended 2-2, and rumors are there will be a special grudge game played between these two teams in the near future. -0- Zurich Zurich. Youth won by New Uniforms Promised Peewee Team For Young. Canada Games in Goderich At their regular dinner meeting, 'with the $3,500 balance from the held at the Dominion Hotel centennial. last Thursday night, the Zurich Much discussion took place a - and District Chamber of Commer- bout ways and means of helping ce decided to purchase new unifx the Fall Fair out of the bad fin- orms for their pee -wee hockey anal situation they are in, and team,. which is entered in the Albert Kalbfleisch and Ray Fisher Goderich " Young Canada Week were appointed'to act as a comms hockey tournament. The new urn- mittee to be of any assistance forms will be white with red trim, they could. and should make the pee -weer Hay Township Reeve, Valentine feel proud of themselves. Becker reported on the proposed Harold Thiel reported to the new park which has been under Chamber on the new "No Parking discussion for some time. Plans Here To Corner" signs, informing are to buy some lake frontage them that the signs will be instal- and e use develop Township residents. it into a parkfor led shortly. A motion was passed to request The Chamber of Commerce a - the Community Centre Board to greed to go together with the Li - allow free skating for children in ons Club in the erection of new the afternoons. It was felt allow- signs at the east and west ends ing children free skating would be of town. The two organizations a benefit to the town. It was will both be listed on the new ealso nnialeCommi to petition ldo something t- to the village ns which will people of Zurich. Ditches Car A 20 -year-old Zurich youth, Karl. Regier, was uninjured when his car left the road and rolled aver twice in theDamages tch earlyoSun- day- morning. g vehicle were estimated at $1,200. The accident occured three mil- es south of Zurich, on the Goshen Line. Road conditions were des- cr'ibed as bad by OPP Constable Harry Reid, Exeter, who invest- igated. The capable staff at the Zurich Branch of the Bank of Montreal are, left to right, Douglas Theendei', Joyce Fisher, Jack Bannister, man- ager, Martha Overholt and Edward Deichert. James Wild was on vacation when this picture' was taken. (Staff Photo)