HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-02-05, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 195S - Mr, and Mrs, Leeland Willert made a business trip to St. Thom- as last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Heimerich, Exeter, enjoyed the weekend in Zurich with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Don Oke and family spent Sunday in Go -der -jab with Don's parents. Miss Marlene Wagner, Kitchen- er enjoyed the weekend at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hartman, Windsor, are spending a week with their mother and brothers, Michael Hartman left on Sun- day for Toronto to resume his duties at the bank. Mrs. O. Winter is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. We wish* her a speedy recovery. Miss Linda Bedard has accep- ted a position with Mrs. Lorne. .Rader. Mr..and Mrs. Gerald Gingerich spent three days last week in Rochester, New York, on business. Mrs. William Hay enjoyed the weekend visiting with her daugh- ters in London. �._. Alex Meidinger, Delmer Meid- inger and son. Patrick motored to Stratford last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bowman, accompanied by Mrs. Soloman Gingerich, spent last Thursday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Buehler have moved from their home in the east part of town to- the Wat- erloo district. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz have returned home from Florida and report the weather as having been very cool and disagreeable. Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien, London, enjoyed the weekend at the home of Mr. O'Brien's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien.. Miss Kathleen Hess R. N., West- minster Hospital, London was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess. Mrs. Donald Deitrich was rush- ed by Westlake Ambulance, to St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Sunday. Keith Westlake was a recent visitor in London with William Farrel, who is in residence' at St. Marys Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lix and family, London, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and MTs. Syl- vanus Witmer, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Letts, Lon- don, attended. the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Adol- ph Kalbfleisch. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Meidin- ger and sons, Mrs. Alex Meiding- er and Mrs. Willard Corriveau motored to London Iast Friday. Miss Meda Surerus and . Miss Jean MacKay of the Toronto tea- Ching staff spent the weekend with Miss Sererus's brother Gordon, here- in Zurich. Mrs. Theresa Hartman and sons 1Vlichael and Cyrille were Wednes- day evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hartman and son, London. Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jer- vis, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell McKinley and son Rob- ert. Mrs. Fred Haberer, Jr., and Christine, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Heimrich 'enjoyed the weekend in Brantford at the home of their parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. Helm - rich. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Bowman were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sch- windt and family, Baden, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Gingerich and Mr. and Mrs. Keith. Gingerich. Mrs. Theresa Hartman and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hartman, Windsor, were Thursday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fleming and Linda, Crediton, the occasion being Linda's first' birth- day. Mrs. Willison Siebert, Mrs. Har- old Thiel, and Mrs. Laurence Dal Bello were at Exeter on Saturday where they attended Achievement Day for the 4-H Homemaking NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE For Appointrilents ban TEL. 223 ZURICH Clubs on "Wool Skirt and its Companion." The following were Sunday guests at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Despardine:, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Desjardine, Mrs. Mur- ray and Shirley, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecile Murray and Rena, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. William. Ballan- tyne, London, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Beohler, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Erb and daughter, Sus- an, Goshen Line north, were Sun- day visitors °at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Erb. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sopha and family •Detroit, spent the weekend •will: Mr. ,and Mrs. Alex Meidinger; else with Mr: and Mrs.- Dolph rs.Dolph Sopha. Mr. and Mrs. Olar ence. Sopha . are sporting a new 1958 Chevrolet. Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mts. Elroy Des- jardine were :,,Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thiel, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Mc-: Bride, Mr,. • and Mrs. Jack Pear • The sign, announcing the ser- vices at Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethern Church was made by Floyd Buehler, Zurich, under order of the Church Coun- cil of Administration. It was erected by William Hay and Herbert Desjardine. (Staff Photo' son, Stewart Dietz, Miss Shirley Murray, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mc- Kinley and Mr. and Mrs. George• Mitchell, Exeter. Facts To Remember HEAVEN IS REAL: And God shall wipe away all. tears from their eyes; And there .shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things axe passed away. -Rev. 21 : 4. HELL IS REAL; Their worm dieth not ,and the fire is not quenched. Luke 9 : 48 ETERNITY IS LONG: Everlasting punishment. Matt. 25 : 4G. Everlasting life. Jno. 3 : 16. DEATH IS SURE: What man is he ;that liveth, and shall • not see death? Psa. 89 : 48. Zurich Memionite Evangelism Committee FOR. TWO WEEKS ONLY' EMMANUEL EVANOELECAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH REV. A. M. 'AMACTiER, BA, BD, Minister Mrs. Miiton Oesch, Organist Thurs., Feb. 6-8.00 p.m: Ladies' Aid and W.S,W.S. meeting at the church. Sunday, Feb, 9-10 a.m, - World Service Day in charge of the W.S.W,S. Guest speaker, Mrs. MoDonaid', Hensall. 11 a.m.-,Sunday Schooi 7.30 p.m. -Evening Service. Tues., Feb. 11-8 p.m,. - Public Service of the Pastors' Insti- tute. Speaker, Dr. John Schaefer, Evangelical Theo- logical Seminary, Naperville, Illinois. We extend a cordial invitation to .all to attend these services ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH ZURICH Rev. O. Winter, Pastor Mrs. a. Turkheim, A.T.C.M., Organist SUNDAY SERVICES February 9 10.00 a.m.-Worship Service 11.15 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. 7.30 p.m. -Mission Study, "Films on Japan." Everyone Welcome On Saturday evening Mr. and, Mrs. William Forrester were pleasantly surprised when fellow workers of William's from the ,Seaforth branch of Reliance Pet- roleums' with their wives gather- ed for a social evening. The oc- casion was in honour of Forrest- er's retirement and the couple were presented with a lovely tri - light lamp. ZURICH MENNONITE CHURCH Pastor ALBERT MARTIN Sunday Services - 10.00 a.m.---Sunday School 11.00 a.m. Worship Service 8.00 p.m. -Bible Meeting Wednesday Service - 8.00 p.m. - Prayer Fellowship, will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Steckle, Speaker, Mr. Keith Gingerich.. Friday: 8 p.m. --Colored Slides of work among Indians of 'Red Lake, Ont., by the Northern Light Gospel Mission. Mission- ary Darrell Honge will also speak. Meeting at the Lake- view Literary Hall, Blake. Services Radio Listeners! You can hear "The Mennonite Hour" each Sun- day, over CHML, 900 K.C., 7.30• a.m.; WRVA, 1140 K.C., 10.30 p.m... "Proclaiming the Living Christ". "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Each Week Over • CHARLES ,HOSTETLER WRVA, 1140 k:c.-10.30 p.m. CHML, 900 Ic.c.-1.30 a.m. "Proclaiming the Living Christ" Huron County Warden, P. Jack Morrissey and wife, were recent. visitors in Zurich with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard. Mr. Morr- issey is, a brother of Mrs. Bedard. February Clearing Sale! DRYGOODS All -Wool Plaids, Tweeds and Chesterlaines, Reg. 2.25 to 4.75 at 20% off Krinkle Crepe, reg. 69c yd. for 49c Eiderdown, Pink & Blue, reg. 1.49 yd. for 1.19 Drapery & Upholstering Goods Reduced 20% 300 yds. only -Prints & Broadcloths -39c yd. 100 yds. only --White Broadcloth at 39c yd. 100 yds. only -Glazed Cottons, assorted patterns at 75c yd. est Grade Sanforized Broadcloth 45c yd. FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY Unbleached Sheets, 81x90" at 2.89 ea. Terry Towels, 4 sizes 59c, 79c, 98c, 1.25 Kitchen Terry Towels, 4 sizes, on sale 59c, '79c, 98c, 1.25 4 only -Chenille Spreads, hob -nail, reg. 6.95 for 5.50 each ALL LADIES' SKIRTS, in complete range of colors and sizes Reduced 25% SKIRT and BLOUSE PACKAGE - 4 yards print for skirt and 2 yards plain to match for 4.25 MEN'S WEAR EAR CAMBRIDGE MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS, 20% off or Free Pair Pants 10 Only -MEN'S SUITS - reg. to 50.00 for 29.00 ea. 6 only -MEN'S SUITS to clear. at 19.50 ALL SUBURBAN COATS and WINTER JACKETS 20% off FLANNEL SPORT SHIRTS -reg. 3.25-2.59 .' 01('S' CAR IGAN SWEATERS -- 20% off WALK UE SIMS S ND SAVE I. See Our Special Display of Sale Goods on Second. Floor ODD LINES and BROKEN SIZES in LADIES' AND KIDDIES' WEAR, MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, SUCH AS UNDERWEAR, SOX, CAPS. Extra Special and GxRLS'� Print Dresses $1.Q0 ea. J MEN'S TOPCOATS $5.95 eco 29c - Table -Odds and Ends of every description PHONE 59 12 Pair -BOYS' TWEED PANTS - sizes 28 to 32 1.00 pair All at 29c each -- Do Not Miss This And Many Other Items Away Below Cost Price GASCHO BROS. "The Store With The Stock" ZURICH'