HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-01-22, Page 10PAGE, TEN
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(Citizens News Sportswriter)
Keep Canada First —Support
Minor Hockey -- Don't SEND ---
TAKE your boy to the arena!
In 'accordance with the Canad-
ian Amateur Hockey Association's
Minor Hockey Week in Canada,
we suggest you, as parents ar
friends of the boys in our minor
hockey system attend the games
we have set aside for the obser-
vance of this week in Zurich.
The Bantam Midget double-
header with Clinton, on Friday,
January 24, starting at 7.00 p.m.
The Peewee Little NHL games
at 10.00 a.m., Saturday.
Over 150,000 boys in all parts
- of Canada will be taking part in
Minor Hockey Week in Canada.
Back To Old Times?
The referees, the scapegoats of
almost every hockey game, cer-
First Zurich.
Curling Rinks
Now Selected
Last Wednesday night some 50
local sports enthusiasts gathered
at the local arena to investigate a
new sport—Curling. Although a
few fellows slipped on the ice on
the first attempt, it wasn't long
until they picked up the idea of
the game.
Eight different rinks were set
up as follows: skip, Carl Decker,
Lee Willert, Leroy Thiel and Bert
McBride; skip, John. Robinson,
Jake Haberer, Ed. Datar, William
Baeckler; skip, Jack Turkheim,
Delbert Geiger, Leroy O'Brien,
William Seibert; skip, Ed. Gascho,
Tom Meyers, Len Surerus, Ed.
Deuhert; skip, Ernie Laidlaw,
Donald Hesse, Hugh Clausius,
Reg. Black; skip, Ferd Haberer,
Walter. Eckel, Glen Thiel, Len
Pang; ' skip, Robert McKinley,
Hubert Schilbe, Kenneth Parke,
Jim Parkins; skip, Milfred Schilbe,
Jack Bannister, Albert Hess, Jer-
ome Deitrich; skip, Clare Geiger,
Arnold Merner, Jr., Don O'Brien,
Douglas Theander.
As more members join the club,
more rinks will be set up. As yet
definite nights have not been ar-
ranged for curling, but it will be
set up on a scheduled basis very
Midget Scoring
Individual scoring for Midge
hockey team:
Bob Johnson
Brian Jeffrey
Gerald Overholt
Wayne Willert
Joseph Corriveau,
"Woody" Weida
Bill Wagner
Earl Wagner
Bernie Denomy
Mike Regier
Paul Bedard
Wayne Clausius
Butch Sweeney 0 0
"Woody" Weida continues to be
the bad man of the team, having
served 10 minutes in penalties.
tainly received their share of
verbal arguments from both
players and spectators at the
game with Pt. Edward, on Friday
night. We believe the fault of
the whole fiasco; lay in the hands
of the referees themselves for let-
etting the game get out of hand in
the first place. It seems the re-
ferees were even mare rattled
than the players themselves for
they misinterpreted rules that
most referees have at their fing-
However it certainly was good
from the player's point of view,
to hear the cheering of the fans
throughout the last period. It
reminded us of the old Dashwood -
Zurich games during the era of
the packed arena. Keep coming
fans, we certainly ' enjoy your
Revenge Tonight?
Don't, forget the big game with
the Exeter Mohawks, at 8.30 p.m.
tonight. This fine Exeter club,
product of the:; proud town of Ex-
eter, will be out to keep their
winning streak alive against the
revamped Zurich club, who, with
a little bit of luck, could ,have re-
versed their previous 8-5 loss to
Exeter. Even though Exeter has
as yet not been defeated in leag-
ue competition, they were sound-
ly trounced by an industrial team
from Kitchener on Saturday
night. In addition the Flyers
who .are riding on the crest of
a one game winning streak will
be attempting to improve their
hold on sixth place, by defeating
the Mohawks.
Curling Capers
Hats off to Ed. Gascho, John
Robinson and Karl Decker, and
all the others who helped in get-
ting curling started in the local.
arena. With over 40 signed mem-
bers already, it certainly looks as
if the grand old sport of curling
will soon be a permanent fixture
in Zurich. If you are interested
in curling, see either Ed. Gascho
or Karl Decker.
We think the current idea of
having curling on one side of the
rink and skating on the other side
is an excellent idea. In this way
the kids, for whom the arena was
built in the first place, will stili
be able to receive their usual fun
and recreation while the curlers
will definitely help in keeping the
arena from going further into the
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Sport Post Scripts
Congratulations are in order for
Denny Amacher's shutout against
the Clinton RCAF in last Satur-
day's Bantam game. This was
the first shutout regisetered by a
Zurich goalie in the year's corn -
Looks as if the Montreal Can-
adien are going to make a run-
away of. the NHL race. Many
observers feel the Canadiens could
be sent to contest the World
Championships and still be lead-
ing the league when they return.
Coach Don Hesse of the Inter-
mediate Flyers seern to have re-
gained his old scoring eyes. His
hat -trick led the Flyers to their
8-5 victory over Pont Edward.
See you next week!
Music By
Melo ! e e Masters Orchestra
Dancing 10 p.m. to 1.30 o.m.
Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club
4,..oe rs.vr
Goalie "Dennie" Amacher demonstrates his
technique as he makes a save in the Seaforth vs.
Zurich Bantam game here last week. That's
Cameron Witmer, right foreground • learing the
puck from the goal mouth, and Rayond Duch-
arme is the other member of the local team,
(Seaforth boy is unidentified). (Staff Photo)
Harry Hoffman made a business
call to Zurich on Thursday.
Harold Kellerman spent Saturday
evening in Zurich; on business.
Two Accidents
A car driven by Douglas Shep-
pard, 21, RR 1, Dashwood, rolled
over several times when it left
the road on Highway No. 83, west
of Dashwood. Mr. Sheppard was
treated at South Huron Hospital
for face and body cuts.
Damage at $700 was reported
from a collision on No. 4 highway
south of Exeter. Cars driven by
Lorne Gettner, Dashwood, and
Robert Scott, Exeter, were invol-
ved. No one was injured. -
Provincial Constable Harry Reid
Exeter detachment, investigated
both accidents•.
Band Meeting
The Dashwood Band held their
annual meeting in Tieman's Hall,
with secretary -treasurer, Mrs. El-
aine Datars. reporting a balance, in
the treasury of several hundred
dollars. It was decided to hold a
banquet on February 9.
Officers elected: president, Ger-
ald Martene; first vice-president,
Lloyd Eagleson; Second vice-pres-
ident Sydney Baker; secretary -
treasurer, Eleanor Becker; assis-
tant secretary -treasurer, Marie
Salmon; leader, Harry Hoffman;
assistant leader, Melvin Stade;
brarians, Lynda Tiernan and Ruth -
Anne Salmon; social committee,
Marian Rader, Barbara • Koehler,
Ruth Zimmer, Gerald Martene,
Jack Geiser and Elaine Datars.
Commencing Monday, January
20, the band will rehearse every
Monday evening.
Peewee Hockey
Teams Picked;
Play Saturdays
•Chairman Gordon Block, of the
Zurich Chamber of Commerce
Sports Committee has announced
the lineups of the four teams of
Squirts and P'eenvees• which will
play doubleheaders every Satur-
day morning in the Zurich arena.
The league will be known as the
"Little NHL".
Rangers: coach Bryce Mack.
captain Cameron. Witman, Rich-
ard Stade, Stephen Mack, Robert
Turner, Howard Lawrence, Way-
ne Decker, Richard Breakey, Ed.
Prang, Doug. Stade, Ronald Cor-
riveau, Danny Black, Donald
Hoffman, Jerome Watson.
Black Hawks: coach Jack Ban-
nister, captain Larry Merner, Ro-
bert Bannister, Bill Dinnin, Don-
nie Geiger, Richard Thiel, Ross
Fisher, George Rarewell, Richard
Schilbe, Gerald Merner, Paul Den-
omme, Jerome Hartman, Gerald
Thiel, Michael Bedard, Bob Min-
Canadians: coach, Cord. Block,
captain, Gregory Willert, Barry
Block, Bob Erb, Charles Stephen-
son, Roy McAdams, Ronnie Riley,
Ken Thiel, Paul Hesse; Brian
Decker, Larry McKinley, Aubrey
Bedard, Case Van Daalen, Ray
Leibold, Gary Flaxbard.
Maple Leafs: coach, Dennis Be-
dard, Captain Bernie Bedard,
Philip Regier, Ken Westlake, Lar-
ry Denomme, Peter Sytsma, Don-
ald Riley, David Bedard, Garry
Jeffrey, Jaul Corriveau, Gary
Armstrong, Larry McClinchey,
Wayne Keller, Floyd Riley.
Last Saturday morning these
teams played their first games,
with Canadiens tieing the Rangers
2-2 and the Black Hawks edging
the Maple Leafs. 2-1. • Goals for
Canadiens were scored by Greg -
7.00 Peewee Hockey
8.30----WOAA Intermediate, Ex-
eter Mohawks vs. Zurich Fly-
7.00-8.00—Bantam Hockey Prac-
8,00-10.00—Public Skating
Bantam and Midget, doublehead-
er, Clinton vs. Zurich
5-2,00-4.00--Public Skating
8.00 -10.00 --Public Skating
7.00 -10.00 --Curling and Skating
7.00-10.00—.Curling and Skating
For Special Events Contact Ferd
Haberer, Phone 112, Arena Man-
This Schedule Published
Courtesy of Zurich Citizens News
Zurich Bantams
4nd Midgets
Lose To Clinton
The Zurich Lions Bantams and
Midgets lost a doubleheader to
Clinton Bantams and Midgets in
games played in Clinton on Mon-
day night. ;.
Sohoenhals sparked Clinton.
Bantams 9-0 win over Zurich ' by
scoring ..three goals, to lead the
attack. There were two goals
scored in the first period, four in
the second and three in the third
period. .
In the Midget game; Bob
son led the Zurich attack, scoring •
both of Zurich's goals in their 9-2
loss. Both Zurich goals were
scored in the second period, one
unassisted, and one on a pass from
Brian Jeffrey:
The Midgets suffered a double
loss in this game, losing the ser-
vices of Bob Johnston for the next
three weeks. Somehow, in the
second period Bob suffered two
cracked ribs, and was taken to
the office of Dr. Addison for re-
pairs. It is hoped Bob will recov-
er rapidly.
On Friday night Clinton Ban -
ams and Midgets return to Zur-
ich for a doubleheader. As this
is Minor Hockey Week in Cana-
da, everyone is urged to attend
these games. First game starts
at 7.00 p.m.
ory Wilbert from Bob Erb and.
Ronnie Riley from Roy Adams,
Cameron Witmer was the star for
his Rangers scoring both goals, •
one unassisted and ane- on a pass
from Stephen Mack. ,
Robert Bannister was the •hero
in the Black Hawks victory aver
Maple Leafs, scoring both goals,
with assists going to Richard Thiel
and Bob Minshall. Bernie Bedard
from Ken Westlake was the Map-
le Leafs only score.
Any parents who have not yet
sent in their "Parents Consent to
Play Hockey" letter are asked to
do so before next Saturday morn-
Repairs to All Makes of Vehicles
Mousseau and Parkins