HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-01-22, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS CLASSIFIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50e the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2c a word the first week, then 1%c for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- iams, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. • Articles for Sale 4 -BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE. apartment size, in good condition. Earl Zimmer, phone 207 Zurich. 2-tfb 8 INCH VESSOT GRAIN GRIN - der, Good condition. Set of 12.75 x 28 tractor tires, tubes and rims. Jack Scotchrner, phone 59RY2, Bayfield. 2-b CHAMPION TRACTOR 0 A T roller. In new condition. Phone Ira Desjardin, RR 1, Dashwood. Phone 32r18 Grand Bend. 2-3-p ALLIS-CHALMERS COMBINE', equipped with scour-kleen flax - rolls and pickup. Apply Doug. Robinson, Zurich, phone Hensall 699-2. 2b ,Autos For Sale 1957 PONTIAC, 4 -DOOR STAT - ion Wagon. In showroom condi- tion., only 14,000 miles. Apply Charles H. Thiel, Phone 140, h Zur- ich. Lost and Found LOST—Monday, January 20, pres- cription made Sunglasses, green with white and black frames, and blue case. Lost in vicinity of Zur- ich Dairy or Post Office. Reward. `Notify Zurich Citizens News Of- fice. 2-b Miscellaneous GUNS and SCOPES — NEW and 'Used Guns. Rifles sighted in for a small charge. Harrison Schoch, 'phone 96r4, Zurich. 2b Want Ads 1 ring Results! Try. 'em Shortly after the first edition was in the mail, Mrs. Lorne Rad- er, who had advertised wanting a pair of girl's skates, had several phone calls from people offering her the same. This is sure eviden- ce that a, want -ad in the "Zurich Citizens News" will definitely pay off. If you have something to sell, want to buy something or want to hire help, etc., just give us a call at Zurich 133, or drop in to our office behind the Post Office. We will gladly arrange your• ad for you. Remember, there is ne charge for a birth or death announcement. Just drop it in and we will gladly publish it. FLOOR SANDING — Prompt and efficient service; or rent our sand- ers. Do it yourself. -Charles H. "Thiel, phone 140, Zurich. 2-3-4-b Notices I WISH TO ADVISE all Reliance :Petroleum Products customers that I have taken over the Gas (land Oil Business formerly operat- 'ed by William Forrester. Your ;continued patronagewill be great- ly appreciated. ELMORE OESCH, phone 96r5, Zurich. 2b Property For Sale MODERN 2 STORY HOME IN Zurich. All conveniences. Im- mediate possession. Contact Ivan Kalbfleiseh, phone 69, Zurich. 1-b Wood For Sale HARD WOOD FOR SALE FOR stoves. Russel Grainger, RR 2, Zurich. Phone Bayfield. 1-b 'Help' Caravaners Visit Zurich Luther League The Needle -Point (Continued Brom Page Four) solve to do this "Daily Dozen" starting tomorrow? This "daily dozen" has been compiled by Larson and Smythe: 1. Talk health, happiness and prosperity to every one you meet. 2. Make all your friends feel that they are worth knowing. . 3. Look at the sunny side of everything, and make your op- timism came true. 4. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. 5. Be enthusiastic over the suc- cess of others, as well as over your own success. 6. Forget the mistakes of the past, and press on to the greater achievements of tomorrow. 7. Wear a cheerful countenance at all times, and give every one a smile. 8. Give so much time to the im- provement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. 9. Be too Iarge for worry, too sensible for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to think of trouble. 10. Don't try to get even with your enemies, try to get even with your friends. 11. Doii't do only what you like; like what you do. 12. Don't strive merely to get ahead of the other fellow; 'try to get ahead of yourself. The man should make the hour, not this the man. —Tennyson Types Of Readers Samuel Taylor Coleridge Readers may be divided into four classes: 1. Sponges, who absorb all they read, and return it nearly in the same state, only a little dirtied. 2. Sand - glasses, who retain nothing, and are content to get through a book for the sake of getting through the time. 3. Strain -bags, who retain mer- ely the dregs of what they read. 4. Mogul diamonds, equally rare and valuable, who profit by what they read, and enable others to profit by it also. To My `Teen -Ager Dear Lord, when parceling up Those precious baby girls, Couud you include instructions, clear, As well as baby curls? "I3elp" Caravaners Linda Der- becker, Sandra Brown, Betty Schaus and Jim Armitage repre- senting the Luther League of Canada visited the local league during the past weekend. The "Help" ,program having as its motive—Have Every League Participate is designed to help better Luther Leagues all across Canada. Meetings held last weekend out- lined the purpose of the Luther League; the necessity of individ- ual participation; the duties of of- ficers of the Teague; the proper conduct of meetings; the purpose of the L.L.A.; the details behind the L.I.A. budget; long range planning; alternative ideas for presenting devotions and topics for meeting; the five point pro- gram of Christian Vocation, Mis- sions, Social Action, Evangelism, and Recreation; the need of ser- vice projects and . recre:ation in connection with regular LL meet- ings. The meetings with the cara- vaners proved very educational and inspiring. "Everybody. reads and uses the want ads." Euchre Party at TOWN HALL, ZURICH FEBRUARY 11th 8.00 p.m. ADMISSION: 50c Free Lunch Draw for quilt and a money apron Sponsored by CWL of St. Boniface RC Church, Zurich 4-r w - i The MCK E Shredder brings your hay in at One -Third the cost of the baler method. arvester The' One -Man Harvester 8% Discount during .January LOUIS THEIL District Representative for McKee Bros. PHONE 67 Limited ZURICH BIRTHS WET'liLAUFER -- Florence and John Wettlaufer (nee Haberer) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Anne ahristene, on January 12, 1958, at St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, MACK — Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Mack are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, in Sti Joseph's Hospital, London, (sis- ter for Stephen and Charles). TETREA.U—Donald and Audrey Tetreau, RR 2, Dashwood, an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Sharon Hope, at South Huron Hospital, (sister for Barry and Janice). FLANAG AN --Mr. and Mrs. John Flanagan, Drysdale, are proud to announce the arrival of a, son, Patrick Joseph, in' Clinton Public Hospital. 0 Citizens News Is Ideal. Place To Advertise Have we missed you for adver- tising in the "Citizens News?" Perhaps, through same oversight on our part we did not get around to see you. If such is the case and you are interested in running an ad, call Zurich 133, and we will be glad to drop around and talk it over. 0 UNIQUE FA. :" M FORUM Members of the Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schade with 20 members present. Mrs. Del- bert Geiger as discussion leader capably outlined the topic "Pro- ducers Marketing" and conducted the meeting. The forum thinks a marketing board can stabilize prices and that prices should be increased a certain percent. The marketing board must have control of the products. The forum agreed that co-operatives can play a part in raising and stabilizing prices and that there are no other ways in achieving stabilized prices satis- factorily. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Geiger on February 3, with Aaron Oestriecher as discussion leader on the topic "Let's Make it Le- gal." The first ten pages could be brief, Just pass them swiftly by, With only cures for grave mis- chief:' I think of them and sigh But as for the next six ,or sev- en I must admit my lack, • Please send me guidance clear, from Heaven . 'I seem devoid of tack. • Explain why, when Arctic winds The snow drifts pile high. Bare -legged, bare headed, she must go? My best advice defy. Why she appears in tattered shirt, Though upstairs you could see A dozen, newer shirts are hung, Just freshly ironed by me? Sometimes a task she will sur- mount 'Tho' it takes much exertion. But when some simple errand asked, She proves a sullen person. One minute sits with lip -stick - ed mouth, Hair in an uplift swirl. Next minute, romping with the rest, A truly tom -boy girl. Determined, sullen when I scold How can I make her see, That tho' to her, I seem so old, I still remember "me?" Sometimes I pause and try to see Among my recollections, That little girl that once was me To ask her for directions. O'Brien's Produce Highest Cash Prices Paid For CREAM, EGGS and. POULTRY Leroy 0' i rien Phone 101 — Zurich PAGE SEVEN R!C THEATRE EXETER NOW: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY January 23rd - 24th,- 25th "TARZAN a d the Adi'uotJLteTi"-Ata'sOCIETY' TO MEET ON JANUARY 30t" The Zurich Agricultural Society willhold their annual meeting on Thursday, January 30. LOST SAFARI starring Gordon Scott, Yolande Donlan, Better St. John MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY January 27th - 28th - 29th "J BA " Technicolor (Adult Entertainment) starring Glenn Ford and Ernest Borgnine Coning: "JOE DAKOTA." (COLOR) with Jack Mahoney, Luang Patten Church. and Club Groups Invited To Use News Columns Have we missed your church or group activities? Through some oversight we may have missed asking you for a report weekly of your church or other group ac- tivities. The Citizens NEWS is most anxious to give complete coverage of everything that is taking place throughout this dis- trict. If we have missed you, won't you please give us a call, here at 133 Zurich, and we will gladly arrange to pick up your re- ports. ZURICH MARKETS Eggs Grade A Large 30c Grade. A Medium 24c Grade A Small 21c Grade B 22c Grade Cracks 15c Poultry 20c 24c 26c Live Fowl pressed Fowl tLive Chicken Dressed Chicken 32e a. 1' * Cream 64c m. PHONE 154 SERVICE PROVEN CONCENTRATES for POULTRY, HOGS and CATTLE Inquire about Low' Grain Costs In Truck Load Lots (DELIVERED TO YOUR FARM) F ITZ and SON ZURICH 1 N'5b''WHOL,'E OMEf e' .: SARI -LAID ICE CREAM ZURICH DAIRY F. KIPPER — Proprietor