HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-01-16, Page 5WEDNESDAY, .JANUARY 16, 1958
"Everybody reads and uses the
want ads."
That is true of classified adver-
tising in any newspaper. Many
turn to the classified ads. before
they, read the rest of, the news-
paper. It is the community,mar-
ket place.
Through the Want Ads those
articles which no longer fit, or
are of no further use to a home
can be sold for needed cash. Far-
mers can sell livestock, and buy
what they see offered. Job oppor-
tunities can be offered, and those
looking for work can find em-
ployment. Lost articles can be
found, and found items can be re-
turned to their owners.
There is almost no end to the
work that Want Ads can do in
the community.
To place a Want Ad in the Zur-
ich Citizens News—just give it to
:Mr. Turkheim, or phone him at
133 Zurich, or write to him at
Box 196, Zurich. He'll be glad to
help word your advertisement.
Stratford Group
To Conduct
Meetings Here -
Twenty -two members and two
visitors attended the regular
meeting of St. Peter's Luther
League on Sunday evening after.
`Vesper 'Service.
Th tope "Saints Alive" was pre-
:seated by Wanda Lawrence,' fol-
lowed by a discussion led by Rev.
The "Help Cara via.ners" from
the Stratford Conference will con-,
,duct meetings with the local or-
:ganization, ;beginning with the ex-
ecutive on Friday evening, and
`the` entire league on Saturday, and
Sunday, concluding with a 'supper
at church on Sunday evening,
-January 19.
The League members are plan-
ning .. to : entertain the Evangelical
-Young People on Thursday, Jan-
mary 23,
The meeting adjourned after
'vonsiderable business discussion.
A. G. . HESS
Jeweller and Optician
has an Optical Service
to offer:
Mr. Cedric Passmore, highly
recommended Optometrist of Lon-
-don, has examined Eyes for our
Customers for many years. We
have filled the prescription with
the finest in Spectacles, and at a
price lower than what is charged
in the larger centres; we also
keep your •Spectacles adjusted to
fit comfortably.
Remember you have one pair of
Eyes for a Lifetime—they deserve
the best care.
Articles Wanted
13. Mrs. Lorne Rader. Phone 63,
Zurich. 1-x
Property For'\Sale
Zurich. All conveniences. - im-
mediate possession. Contact Ivar.
IKalbfieisch, phone 69, Zurich.. 1-b
Wood For Sale
stoves. Russel Grainger, . RR 2,
Zurich. Phone Bayfield; 1-b
Hay Federation
Plans For Annual
Meeting In Zurich
The Hay Township Federation
of Agriculture met in the Town-
ship. Hall, Zurich, on Friday even-
ing; January 10. President Lloyd
Hendrick conducted the meeting.
The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were given by secretary Cliff
A discussion was .held on the
proposed Wheat Marketing Plan,
which will be decided by the
Wheat Producers who will have
an opportunity to cast their vote
on Friday, January 17, 1958. The
following booths will be open from
10 m.a.: Hensall, Clerk's Office,
Town Hall; Exeter, McKenzie's
Paint Store; Dashwood, V. L.
Becker and Sons Farm Equip-
The Federation wishes to em-
phasize that if you stay at home
on voting day you are in effect
voting against the plan and the
hopes of the Wheat Producers of
Ontario. Every eligible Wheat
Producer is tinged to get out and
" •Some discussion was held on
the- annual meeting. This year's
meeting will be extraordinary as
the Federation of Hay and Stan-
ley will hold a joint annual meet-
ing and . Turkey banquet ' in the
community centre, Zurich, on
January 30. The tickets are now
,available from the directors of
both Townships.
Unique Forum
Sees Good Films
Members of the Unique Farm
Forum met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Klopp with 17
members present. The topic,
"price and income supports" was
discussed with Clifford Pepper as
chairman. Mr, Brokenshire show-
ed educational films.
The next meeting at Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Schade's home with
Mrs. Delbert Geiger as the spak-
er on the topic, "Producer mar-
keting." The hostess served a
delicious lunch.
Music By
Melodie Masters Orchestra
Dancing 10 p.m. to 1.30 a.m.
Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club
e .�
(By Mrs. No
I think that you will all agree,
no paper is 'complete without a
good woman's page. One of the
best ways to ham that bindof
page is for the womento write it
Someone has said "Money can-
not buy a man to fight or even
make him a good citizen, but a
woman can. A $20,000 educa-
tion cannot produce a good hum-
an being, but a woman can. No
one but the mothers of Canada
can keep alive the glowing ideals
for which Canada stands. Never
underestimate the power of a
We are inviting you,
of the community, to
to our woman's page.
tributions may be as
the women
The con -
varied as
Passes Exams.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert G.
Hess, Zurich, has been success-
fuL in passing his final examin-
ations at The Canadian School
of Embalming, University of
Toronto. A former apprentice
with the K. R. Westlake Fun-
eral Home, Zurich, he is now
with the F. J. Rowell Funeral
Home in Woodstock. His many
friends congratulate Mr. Hess
on his success.
Zurich Students
In Exeter
The annual commencement ex-
ercises were held at South Huron
District High School during the
last week of school in December.
A captivating program was pre-
sented by students of the school.
Local students participated in
glee clubs and quartettes under
the direction of principal Mr.
Sturgis; in the orchestra under
the leadership of Mr. Wilson; in
dances directed by Miss Seigner;
in gymnastics directed by Mr.
Mickle; in majorettes led by
Dianne Thiel and trained by Mrs.
Nickols; in drama, directed by
Mr. Sanders and in the Grade
XIII skit directed by Mr. Porter,
Awards for the school term of
1956-57 were also presented at
this review. Among these awards
a total of $4,325 was presented to
graduates of the school for 1956-
Zurich area students, Dick
Charrette, received the Lions
Club Award for the Grade XI
course. This award by the Lions
Club is presented to the top stud-
ent •in each grade.
Academic Shields• presented to
four top students of each grade:
Marion Turkheim, third on Grade
10 Shield; Dick Charrette, first on
Grade XI Shield.
Board of Education awards for
top marks in group of subjects:
French and Latin, Grade X, Mar-
ion Turkheim; Commercial, Grade
X, Mona Desjardine; Shop, Grade
XII, Ken Weida;
Intermediate certificates were
presented to the following district
students, bevel Ducharrne, Marion
Fleischauer, Erlene Gingerich,
Glen Greb, Ruth Haberer, Marg-
aret Masse, Robert Prang, Manion
Turkheim, Judy Willert, Mary
Lou Witmer, Paul Yungblut,
Madeline Corriveau.
Secondary school graduation di-
plomas to Ron Klapp, Ken Weido.
el - Point
rma Seibert)
the varied tastes of our readers.'
(Perhaps you have discovered
some easier way of doing some
house -hold task. Perhaps Junior
has got himself intosome unus-
ual predicament or said something
you thought amusing. Poems,
witty sayings, all will be welcome.
Write it up for us, in a few or as
many lines as you like.
Perhaps there is something in
thihs community you feel should
be changed —.. express yourself.
Remember, "the press packs a
powerful punch," so make this
truly your page.
The Home Dress -Maker
With the trend toward the use
of wool jersey this season, this
may prove a timely tip. Sew
Jersey seams with tissue paper
backing to precent puckering or
stretching. Place the paper in
position and seam on th'e machine
—you can pull ' the paper away
easily afterwards.
Eeceipe. For Good Club
Perhaps our local men's as well
asour women's clubs, might be
improved by a liberal helping of
the following receipe:
To each club add one good set
of officers, a good leader for pres-
ident, an accurate secretary, a
careful ' treasurer ' and a goad
group of conveners.
Mix thoroughly until smooth
an evenly grained. Then add a
generous amount of congeniality,
a dash of wit, two ounces of cour-
tesy and a small amount of +gin-
Sweeten with equal amounts of
cheerfulness, kindness and chari-
table thoughts. Work well to-
gether then add a handful each of
pep and patience for each mem-
Keep mixtuure at an even tem-
perature, no steaming, boiling or
stewing is necessary.
When done, sprinkle generous-
ly with willingness and the pro-
duct will be ready and will grace
any community.
This recipe can be used in any
organization with equal success.
(By A. Fred Dueharre, Phone
Zurich S7r82)
News came flashing that a
brand new paper 'will be publish-
ed in the village of Zurich, and if
all works out first publication
will leave the press and reach
many readers on Wednesday, Jan-
uar 15.
will take some time before
the Management is properly or-
ganized, and when so,, we are con-
vinced it will be interesting to
Zurich Community and the many
readers from distant areas and
About two thousand copies will
be sent out as an introductory
measure. Zurich needs a weekly
paper as an official guide; give it
a trial. They need your support,
so do not hesitate to plank in your
Paid subscription and help the
business in your home town.
News will be collected from all
parts of the surrounding commun-
ity to make it interesting. The
rates of the new paper and the
date of publication and establish-
ment I believe appear on front
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corriveau and
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jeffrey of this
Blue Water Highway, motored to
London on Sunday last, being vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs.. Morley.
Fournier of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Masse of the
14th "concession, motored to Sea
forth last weekend, visiting with
the former's mother, .Mrs. Virgin-
ia Danonune,
Miss Regina Corriveau, Wall-
aceburg, spent a week's holiday
with her mother, Mrs. Marceline
Corriveau and son of the 14th
concession, Miss Jeanne, Corriv-
eau, Goderich, spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. •
Joseph Corriveau, this Blue Water
Mr .and Mrs. Peter Milne and
family, Lucan, were Sunday last
visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Leon
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sherkey,
Marine City, Mich., were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cor-
Hensall District Co-operative
Save $2.00 per ton on Fertilizer
Early delivery
Catering To
bion Hotel
"You Are A Stronger But Once"