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Zurich Citizens News, 1958-01-16, Page 3
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE TIAs' Kalbfleisch Letts In a setting of white 'mums, poinsetta and soft candlelight, Katherine Elizabeth Kalbfleisch,. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich, and Ed- ward Baxter Letts, son of Dr, and Mrs. Albert Letts, Ailsa Craig, were united in marriage at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zu.r- ich. The Rev. L. H. Kalbfleisch, uncle of the bride officiated, as- sisted by the Rev. 0. J. Winter. Given in marriage,by her father the bride wore a formal gown of silk faille, appliqued with • pearl jewelled alencon lace motifs, fea- turing lily -point sleeves and sab- rina neckline. The bouffant skirt For BETTER HOME CONSTRUCTION See, k John M. fur heir. Phone n4 4 — Zurich Kitchen] Remodelling' A : SpecialtSr fell into a chapel train. The doub- le finger-tip veil was silk illus- ion and she carried white roses. ' Maid of honor was Miss Arlene Haberer, London, and the brides- maids were Miss Marie Hodgson, Exeter, and cousin of the bride, Miss Eleanor Prang, Zurich. They wore identicalgowns of imported red velvet, afternoon -length with matching ,bow -shaped bandeaux, and carried cascades of white 'mums with variegated green fol- iage. ' Flower :girl . Susan •Letts, Ailsa Craig, wore Christmas green velvet and carried a white fur snuiff •trimmed with British Col- umbia holly and red carnations. Greonmsman was. Bruce Letts, and ushering were David Letts and Jahn Letts, all brothers of the groom and all of Ailsa Craig, Mrs. Johri; Turkheixn, A.T.C.M., Zurich, ;played the wedding husk. Miss Elizabeth Jeffries, London, was .soloist and sang - before the ceremony and during the signing of the register. A reception was held at the home of the brides' parents im- mediately following the ceremony. For travelling the bride donned a gold and brawn tweed suit, dark brown and alligator accessories and gardenia corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Letts will make their home in London. Both are in their final year at the Univer- sity of Western Ontario, The bride is a member of Pi Beta Ph Fra - ter ity. , �Ill�l�llllli�lllpll�llllll�llll@Illlilll�(III�IIi�II�IIIIIIIIf�IIIIIIIIgII�fIII�If�I�IIIIIIQII�illl�llllllillll��lilllllllll�lllilllllllllllllill�lll�llllllllllllllllllillillillllllll�l ' . ARERR 1VVESTLAKE Mann.f acturers ©f CONCRETE BURIAL VAULTS Zurich Ontario Je are^,prepared to serve you whenever the need anises • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Contact YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR P111V1110011111lil0111111111111111111ll11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1101IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIg111111IIIIIIIII 1111IIIIII 111111111IiV11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111lllp111111111 ALL ZURICH DISTRICT CUBS 7 • m INVITED TO FIRST MEETING Tanen institute The local group of Cubs, under Cub Master Doug O'Brien,. will hold their first meeting of the season in the Zurich Town Hall, on Wednesday night, January 15, at. 7.00 p.m. All boys over eight years of age and under 11 years are cordially invited to attend, so a nactive Cub Pack will get off to a good start. Love' Armstrong (By our Heiman correspondent) Wedding vows were exchanged by Jean Isabel Armstrong, Hen- saill, and Merlin John Love, Lon- don, in ,a charming ceremony at Hensall .'United Church, Friday, December; 27, by the Rev. R. H. Love, brother of the groom, and Rev. C. D. Daniel, minister of the. church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong, Hen- sall, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold,Love, Strat- ford, Miss Greta Lammie, church or- ganist, provided traditional wed- ding music and accompanied the soloist Kenneth Flear, London, who sang "Two Shall Be One," "''Lord's Prayer", and "Where'er You Walk." Given in marriage by her fath- er the bride wore a formal gown of Italian Duppione silk, styled with Sabrina neckline • outlined with simulated pearls and irrides- cent sequins, long tapered sleeves and skirt extending into a chapel train. Her veil was of imported. French illusion and she carried a bridal bouquet of red roses. Mrs. Gary Corlett, Toronto, at- tended the bride as matron of honor, and the bridesmaids were Mrs. Jol4n; Simmons, Hensall, and Mrs. Barbara MacDonald, Toron- to. The trio were gowned in red shot taffeta featuring long sleeves and bouffant skirt, white fur hats and carried matching white fur muffs, completing their ensembles. Groomsman for hisbrother was Hugh Love, Niagara Falls. Usher- ing were Raymond Mulford and Donald Flear: The wedding reception was held at Armstrong's, Exeter. For trav- elling to North Atlantic States, the !bride chose a tweed suit with brown coat and matching access- ories. They will reside in London. The groom is a graduate of Un- iversity of Western Ontario. 0 Messrs.. Ivan Kalbfleisch, Geor- ge Deichert, Zurich, and Benson Tuckey, Exeter, are attending the National Liberal Convention at Ottwa, this week. SEE THE NEW 1958 Models of FrigidairE SHEER LOOK Appliances Manufactured •by General Motors ON DISPLAY IN OUR NEW MODERN SHOWROOM CO p/MEs More Usable Shelf SSP0 iter Than Any ' Refrge of ComParah e. V urrmm. ti , 13 Models of Frigidaire Refrigerators now on our showroom floor for your inspection. Gerald Gingerich FIIIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES SALES and SERVICE Phone 34 - - ZURICH January Meeting The January meeting of the Zurich Women's Institute met in the town hall, January 7, with a fairly good attendance. Mrs, Ban- nister occupied the chair and op- ened the meeting with the Insti- tute Ode, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison, and Mary Stew- art Collect. Cameron Wltner, Roy McAd- ams, Bobby Erb and Murray Mc- Adams sang a number "Come with Rejoicing;" Mrs, Milt Oesch accompanied them on the piano. Mrs. Wenno Steckle gave an in- teresting address on the subject "The New Year," What actually do people think about when they face the New Year was the basis of her subject. The song "When You and I were Young Maggie" was sung. Vic Dinnin gave an instructive talk on the subject "Food and People." He emphasized the im- portance of a well balanced diet which is so essential for a healthy body. He said three out of five people in the world today lack proper food. Even here in Can- ada, where food is plentiful, 85 died last year from lack of proper foor (malnutrition). Miss Rebecca Steckle gave two numbers on her accordian, which was enjoyed by all. The presi- dent, Mrs. Leonard . Erb took charge of the business and a lov- ely lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge and a social half- hour was spent. O'Brien's Produce Highest Cash Prices Paid For CREAM, EGGS and POULTRY Leroy O'Brien. Phone 101 — Zurich The Loveliest Gifts Come From ALBERT G. HESS Zurich • Bridal Bell and Blue Bird Diamonds and Wedding Rings • Elco and Bulova Watches • Ladies' and Gents' Stone and Signet Rings • Rogers and Community Fine Silver Plate • Clocks for the home and Office; • Sparkling Crystal in Corn Flower and Norfolk Patterns • Electrical Appliances Watch and Clock Repairing Promptly — 36 Years' Experience — LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD STORE Heinz TOMATO CATSUP -11 oz. btl. 2 for 45c ROWN BEAR HONEY -2 lb. can 55c York Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. can 31c Rose Brand MARGGARINE 2 lbs: 53c HEINZ BABY FOOD 9 cans $1.00 FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES Always on Hand Menno Oesch PIIONE 165 ZURICH We Heavy We PLI. "Your HARDWARE Store" Rader and Mittleholtz :4,:.-o.:44-,:4-4.1-..o.:•-:-:,+:44-o-,:44.4-,t+44-:« always carry a full line of and Shelf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Etc. Specialize In: MBING — HEATING TIN SMITHING 0 Bathroom Fixtures 9 Air Conditioning 6 Oil Burner Sales and Service ® Pressure Systems 0 Electrical Appliances O Propane Equipment ,I • Zurich and District Agent for the Nationally -advertised PIONEER CHAIN SAWS Sales and Service PHONE 63 ZURICH