HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-01-16, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1958 ZURICH times NEWS •Published every Wednesday at Zurich, Ontario, in Hay Township, Huron County. A. L. COLQUHOUN HERB, M. TTLIRKIIEIM Business Manager Publisher Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance, in Canada; 3.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies, 5 cents. Subscriptions payable to Business Manager, Zurich Citizens News, Box 196, Zurich, Ontario, or to district correspondents. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1958 THE NEW ARRIVAL A new baby around the house is always an exciting arrival, and it gets quite a bit of attention. Most infants have relatives and friends in great numbers who gather round to "see the baby", and praise the. proud parents. The ZURICH Citizens NEWS is a "new baby" in the community. The "parents" who brought it into the world are expecting quite a few comments about its looks, its good manners, its temperament, and whether or not it fits into the "crib"—that is, into the community as it should, Both the business manager, Herb. Turkheim, and the publishers will welcome any comrnent, whether compli- mentary or in criticism so that they will know what to do to make a good newspaper for you—that is to "bring up the baby" properly. This is your newspaper—The ZURICH Citizens NEWS. It has come into being because the people of Zurich and community have wonted it. The paper will continue just as long cis the citizens continue to support it and want it. The Citizens NEWS can be just what ycau want it to be. If you have news items to contribute, send them along to Box 196 or hand them to Mr. Turkheim. If you ',wont to advertise, he'll be glad to help you make up an4',"ad" and see that it gets into the paper. Please don't hesitate to write, giving your comments (to Box 196, Zurich) and your contribution may be pub- lished in some further issue of the Citizens NEWS. Of course, if you don't want your letter published, then, just let us know, and we'll be glad to keep it confidential. The old saying "as the twig is bent, so shall he grow" which people use when talking about a young child, is true of a newspaper, too. The paper is made up of what is put in it. You can help to make it what you want by sending in the items you want published. SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY BREAD — CAKES — PASTRY TASTY -NU BAKERY PHONE 100 — ZURICH Door -to -Door Delivery Throughout Huron County ST T___Your Carl E 'TRES FARM especially ,he convenlenee Is of one person .ne. FARM Agent JE ZURICH Phone 33 Pat!'"Ilkffftsffe.LNYII!!" it 1:40110 4,i4.441. 4 )1 154 '6049;4 This is a special spot in the newspaper for all readers: It is the spot where your own opinions can be exriressed in black and white, for your neigh- bours and friends in the COM- munity to read. These can be opinions of ap- preciation or of criticism of the paper; or a, the work done by municipal officials; by the gov- ernment, or on any subject you wish to talk *out. • Your letters should be addres- sed to "The Mall Bag", Box 196, Zurich, Ont." and they shotild be signed with your usual sig- nature. If for some good reas- on you wish us to print a pen - name instead, make that plain at the foot of your letter, and your wishes will be respected— but remember, that all letters, • to be published, must be signed with your awn naxne as well, The "Mail Bag," or letters column in any newspaper is easily .one of the most interes- tingparts of the paper. In the Zurich •Citizens News it will be just as interesting as YOU—the people of Zurich and the com- Triunity, and those friends from a distance, wish, to make it. Write to the "Mail whenever you haw SometIThing to say, which will:be of bene- fit to the community. Our First Weekly/ '(By H.W.T.) Being the first issue of our ZWk ich ;Citizen's News, we will 1' below 'our TEN WISHES for'Onr; community for the corning season . 1. Street lights turned on at night and off in the daytime, not vice -versa, as has often been the case in the past few months. 2 An efficient public -utilities man to look,after ourNOcal Hydro and WateiSystem. 3. Growth;',.,;of industry in our 4. ,Completion of the Blue Wat- er Highway from St. JOseph to Do You Recall( In 1900, D. S. Faust, general merchant in Zurich, offered the very finest Tweed TailorLinade suits with two pair of pants for only $13. In October, 1909, Charles Fritz, who had conducted a very suc- cessful shoe store in Zurich for over ten years, sold his stock to Messrs Appel and Gallman. The new firm moved this stock to the building formerly occupied by C. Hartleib. In August, 1917, Fred Thiel op- ened a Harness Shop in Merner's Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel. The clock in the tower of Si. Peter's Lutheran Church in Zur- ich was first put in to operation in 1878. This clock was built by Fred W. Hess, who also built the first electric clock in the district. 78 years ago now, in 1880, the Donnelly Tragedy occurred in the Lucan vicinity. An Indisputable Fact "It is an indisputable fact that the more types of outlets the greater the total consumption." We quote Premier Manning of Al- berta. He added, "We have to face the fact that the net result of the alcoholic beverages is to the detriment of society." In Ontario we know well the truth of his statement. In spite of this truth however, wet victories are due as much to indifference on the part of voters as to anything else. The liquor interests know the obvious truth quoted. That ex- plains their continuous campaign to open up new outlets. One of the greatest triumphs last year has been the vote in Kit- chener. Ten additional liquor out- lets were opened as a result of the wet vote. That city of only 60,000 population now has 47 legal liquor outlets. One close observer of the vote in Kitchener and elsewhere has de- clared that there actually seems to be a decreasing interest on the part of Church people in opposing further licensing. If true, surely this is deplorable. HURON COUNTY 'TEMPERANCE FEDERATION Pfeme4--VOMM-fatvelete*Eztvs-wmo HURON and ERIE EBENTU4'hES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES Paying 56/0-1, 2, 3 yrs. 41/2%-4 & 5 yrs. J. W. HABERER Authorized Representative Phone 161 — Zurich moblizaizotwd.almomammptrammot Bayfield. Success tG our cornua arlous chureheS. thOZ.t44 of „teaching the.,060-,a Gd.' 6, Better buOineSS, for ,a11.: our Merchants thraUghdrut .thi.S. Com - triunity. 7. A closer tia,Mong all:the various orga.nizatiOnst'in this dis trict, so as to.niake'fthis ,a bette r place to live, „ 1 8. Your enjoyment, ,OUT neW Weekly Newspapervii'..Aich we hope will grow ,bigger.7and better with each 9. Continued freedoni,from ,the difficulties imposed'pen :spine municipalities 134 layeraile. and adult delinquents,. 10. Last but; ;not least, succeSS to all our iniriOr and intermediate hockey teams, aill4 also:toour In, terrnediate bail club, in the. corm, ing, SeasOn, ' ,•• '..CONGRATUL' TIO T. J. Rawlings ACCOUNTANT Phone 33 - - Zurich OFFICE HOURS: 9.00-12,00 — 1.15-6.00 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ROXY. THEATRE CLINTON .1012142SAIIIIIMA NOMOMMI NOW--THUitS., FRI., SAT. "TARZAN AND THE • . LOST SAFARI" At' air, safari, Withtwo beautiful girls abroad, is lost in the African Juble:10ttil TarzaD comes'leaping, to'e,tescue. •Dcin#;miss seeing Taitp.,':moderia celor for the first time. -G0*(14,W8e,ett Yelande MA= Hetta, St e1th 'ION. TUES. WED, k • One`WiMiakithree distinct per- Sonalities,', and. her courageous emotional battle for integration and surviValy-.. (AtInat Entertainment) Eleanor Pa0;,''- Richard' Boone 'Tbe Lonely • all?' Jack r'palance Perldns Brand ZURICII Citizens NEWS For The Establishing of a Weekly, Pape$' , . for, Zurich and Community • 14)ESCH .SHOE STORE PHONES 130 and 82 ZURICH GERALD GINGERICH Your Frigidaire Dealer In Zurich Extends Congratulations On the Publication of the ZURICH Citizens NEWS Best of Luck on This New Venture! T E Trustees of the Police Village of Zurich are asking for Applications for the position of GENERAL MAINTENANCE WORK for ZURICH IIYDRO-ELECTRIC SYSTEM ZURICH WATER SYSTEM and ZURICH POLICE VILLAGE All Applications to be in the hands of ,the Secretary .by Saturday, January 18,1958 H. W. BROKENSHIRE, • Secretary -Treasurer, ZURICH POLICE VILLAGE A