HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-12-12, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, *vet* Office Department, Ottawa. - Notice is Hay Municipal Telephone System •Z i1clh, 'Ontario, Decemeiber 12th, 1957 Dear Stir or Madam In the ,past year the systein was .required to move all lints along Hwy. 24 due to new highway construction between Zurich ani Hensel". These lines for the most part, due to 'thea' age, were replaced ,with ,new •eable. During 19158 the same Ityrpe of work is expected bo take place along Hwy. 21 St. Joseph to Bayfield. Soon thereafter it is anticipated a like ,project will Itake place from St. Soa- reph to Grand Bend. In recent years toll business out of Grand 'Bend Central has anicreased very rapidly to' the point that at this date it comprises a very sulbstantial portion of the companies' revenue. We ,are aware however that business at this Central has to some extent grown beyond the scope of the present facilities, and it is the de- sire elf the System to improve our plant ,at Grand Bend, so that we might improve the service and the revenue at that point. It is hoped that some improvement can be com- pleted in time for the 195:8 Season. Due to these reasons and ether in- creases in costs over the past Yew years it has Become necessary to change a ihigher rate. It should be noted that the rates listed below are Mill lower than othereSysteuis oper- ating in this area. It has also been decided to .charge axben aceomits on a quarterly (billing systent. Hereaf- ter all •urban users will receive an account on the .1st Clays of March, June, S'eptear-',ee, December, which will include 14 of the annual rate, and all long distance tolls due. Ren- ters will pay their total rate m the seuarter in which it becomes due. 'Where the individual incurs large toll accounts we will reserve the right to bill more frequently. Long dist- . _since toll tkts will be nailed with the account. If a Charge is to --be• dis- puted it must be done so within 15 days of receipt thereof and tate tick- ets in dispute nuns[ be rebursied.This will mean that paid accounts will not be forwarded for Itax roll :soil- - section. It is intended that this bill- ing method will :spread the System revenue influx more evenly through- out the year and ,cut interest costs. It will also spread the users costs over a egreater period of time. Appliication Karg been made to The Ontario Telephone Authority to make the following :charges for telephone; -service effective ae at January let. 1958: Exchange Rates 'Per month Individual Line - Business $3.00 Residence e.75 Two-party Line - Business ..,..• 4:50 Residence , , . ,,..t.. 2 35 Multi-party Line (oil circuits havih g ;Business 2.00 8 to 10 telephones) Residence Z.00 Multi -parity ,Line (on circuits having Residence 1.75 11 or more telephones) Busin's 1.75 The above rates apply onry to fully paid up •subscribers. Renter rate shall be an aauitional .50c. per month in eaoh classificat- ion. New subscribers as in rhe past will pay an additional $1.50 per month for ten years. Supplementary Charges: Per month 'Extension telephone on. same premises $L25 Extension bell, small .30 , Extension bell, (large , . .r... .60 Flat charge Servide !Connection Change (instrument not in ,place) .. 2.50 Service Connection Charge (instrument in place) 2.00 .Moving telephone on salve premises 2.00 Local Pay Station Call .. ,1.... .10 Exchange old style wall set for Cradle set 35,00 If individual or two -.party line service is required lbeyond the Vill- age of Zurich, Dashwood and Grand Bend limits, Ithe,re will Abe un addit- •13.na1 :charge for extra mileage a? forty -fire cents a month for each 1d mile or fraction there"(' for In- dividual line end twenty-five cents per month frti+eeach. 1,4 mile ter frac- LI.V O AL NEWS ` Miss MargaretDeichezt orfKiteh- e ar Mr and Mrs. Ross • JohnstonJohnstonrrenew visited over Sunday with her spending a fe'w' days at Detroit vie parents, IMr and ,Mrs Victor DeIceert, relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs Campbell Krueger of Miss Kathleen Hess, R.N., of Lon - wad Kitchener visited in town with Mr. don was a week -end with her aid Mls Ivan Ynlrtegblut. guest;M,rs. Laura Foster of London, has (been visiting with her 1relatives in and around Zurich. Mr and IMrs Ed. !Stet& and Mrs: Flossie Stade of Dashwood spent a parents, Mr and Mrs Albert Hess. 'Only two snore weeks till Christ- mas, Or in other words only 12 more shopping days. Mrs. Anne Turathelm who has beers, in lawn the past week.ill With the flu is able to be out a Rev and:,Mrs. E. W. Heimxich of gain. Messrs. Rank 'Green of Grand days Brantfordthis'wvisitedeek. al here for .sever Bend and •Stanley'Smith of St. Joseph A m see llarteous shower was tend - made .a boniness trip to .0even Sound ,ered Miss (Catherine Kal(bfleisch by en Tuesday. Miss Arlene Haberer at her home Mr and Mrs 'Morris Sturnf, of Calgary, Alb, visited at the riome of ,last Tuesday. their ,wising (Mr and Mrs. Ted. Born—At the Clinton Pulbi�c Hos- ,their hertz this week. pital on .December 6th, 19,57 to Mr. Miss Marlene Wagner of the Kit- and (Mrs. Floyd, Buehler of Zurich, a ,chener teaching staff spent the week- son. A brother for Carol and grand end with her parents; Mr. and Mrs son for 1VI•r and (Mrs Sol. ;Deadlier. Len. Wagner. Me. Julian lManitey of the Gosh - Mr and Mrs w'Iusselman of ILilch- en Line south spent .a few days in ever were recent visitors 'with their Chicago lastt week, attending the relatives,Mr and ;Mrs. Peter Ging- funeral of a cousin, Mr, Henry erieh, Bronson line` 'Manley of that city. IWhile there Born — Myles and Donna (nee he niers many •cousins that he had CVIitchell) Uttley of London, are never seen before. happy to announce the birth of a son Brian Myles, on ;Saturday, Dec. 7th, 1957, at Victoria Hospital. {Mrs. Tillie Tetreau who has been I a patient at London Hospital has returned to her son, Mr and Mrs. Wan. McAdams of town. We wish. ,Mrs. Tetreau a rapid recovery. • i been Mrs. Earl YUng'oi uL wn a patient at Clinton Public ttospital, returned home on !Saturday much im- proved in health. Her many friends wish her continued recovery. Born — Mr and Mrs. Harold K1opp of Grand Bend (nee Janet Needham.) are happy to announce the birth of th twin daughters, Saturday, Dec. 6 , 1957, at South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter. Born —• Shirley and Eugene O'- Brien are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Debra Lynn, on Wednesda Dec 4th 1957 at the y, South Huron .Hospital, Exeter. A. granddaughter to Mr and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien, of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs Edgar Geiger, of IPiigeon, Mich; IMr and Mrs. ;:,2orris Neil of Detroit; Mr and Mrs. tennis Calfas of Kitchener, were week -end guests at the home of Mrs. Alfred Meliek. Mr and Mrs Neil attended e ,weddring of a relative at Exeter on Saturday. YOUR INSURANCE WITH ONLY •00LLI SION• AND 'COMP.RREHENSIVE auto insurance, you will ,find that YOU ARE AN "UNINSURED MOTORIST" when, you apply for your 1958 license plates - and you will have to pay an extra $15. To Ibe "insured" you must have auto liability insurance. For helpful information about auto liability insurance, please call me: BERT Kff OPP, Phone 93 r 1, or 1212.0, Zurich. GO -OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION - RABBITS - Mature, healthy breeding stock, New Zealand lwhites, and Flemish Giants, also young stoick.—Albert W. Shirray, IHensall, Ont. 2t* TEACHER WANTED Hay TownshipSchool Area requires one qualified .teacher for aural school Dutues to commence January 3, 1958 Applicants please state qualifications experience, former Inspector, religion and salary expected. ;H. W. Brokenshire, Secretary Treasurer, Zurich, Ontario. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infor- ,nation or service from all breeds of c *le, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding .Association at. . Clinton an 24441 between 7:3Q and 9:20 ,.,t. We have all breeds available - es, quality at low cost, NOTICE cattle Anyone wishing to have their sprayed for lice, kindly contact me. —Bill Watson, Phone 37 r 19, Dash- wood. 4tc FOR. SALE A girl's wool coat in dust rose, size '12, in good :condition; also a navy chromspun taffeta dress size 12, like new. These articles can be seen at Earl. Oesch's Baiiber Shop. c FOR SALE Two quarters of beef for sale, ready by about next week. — Edw. Schwartzentruber, Blake. FOR SALE A very good Men's Winter coat for sale. Phone 871122. Value. • FOR RENT A Dwelling House in Zurich. Apply to Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich. tfc Nursing Home Over - Good QUEENW'AY NURSING HOME HENSALL — ONT. CORNER OF QUEEN AND NELSON VACANCIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN. REASONABLE RATES PHONE 222, HENSALL, ONT. TURKEYS - TURKEYS Order your Chrielanas and New Year's Turkey naw. Apply, Mrs. Russell Snider, ,on Blue Water High- way, or phone 98 r 7. Salesman Wanted WANTED — Man for steady travel among customers in Huron County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hust- ler considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. L-4158-1'31, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. } .,un thereof for each party on a twee party line. Services may be aurmstiod ort a Season basis far temporary (residents when the telepihone eornsiany hag the necessary facilities available. This season service will be supplied for a -minimum of seven months and the exchange rate, service connection charge, and any :construction and in- stallation charges applicalhte, are 7payalble in advance. If the seasonal sulbsecrilber wishes to retain his tele- phone from year to year, a ,aspen- tsion of service -charge of $1.00 per month will apply during the months the telephone is stolt in use, in which • case no reconnection charge is ap- plicable. Any representations to Ibe made to the Authority with respect to this application should iib submitted on , or before December 22114,11957 and addressed to the Ohairman, Ontario Telephones, Authority, 7 Queens ><-ark Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario. If you desire any further inform- ation in refeenrce to the need for increasing the telephone rates, you may apply to the undersigned either personally, by telephone or by letter. Yours very truly, :'Secretary, Ge Blew:a Here's the loyW-down for a BUSY SANTA CLAUS: Petatit+VV_ there's an easy way of beating that last-minute rush for Christmas presents—and it leads straight to the B of M branch in your neighborhood. Where there's a BoFM there's. a way! sok put, CitaiTTta ,vtoppikt� phOl If you are a busy Santa Claus with a long list to take care•of, be sure to in- clude a visit to "MY BANK" on your shopping tour. Here you will find a num- ber of gift -ideas that are guaranteed to give special cheer to everyone on your "wha tato-they-need ?" list, fob foto• odd tRiwo pitk n. Youngsters rank high on anyone's list and there's an extra, special gift that's bound to make a hit — a Savings Accotlni, complete with -passbook designed to appeal to the small fry. And wait 'til you see the gay yuletide passh°q coyer -et just right for Nee occasion. .., Othe?Akt' 00' Por the hard -to -choose -for, festively -decorated cheques that come in Chrisunassy envelopes and folders pro. vide a short-cut to your shopping problems. For out. of-towncrs, who like to buy for themselves practical 1i of. It money orders enclosed in holly - decked envelopes can save yoti needless worry and guesswork. And i f you a (' ao employer, you can give your staff bnn11Y a yuletide lift by ustng special B of mf Christmas cheques. BANK of MONTREAL 6144414 9tE Zurich Branch: JOHN 1i.ANNIST14, Manager Hensa11 Branch; KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Crediton Branch: CLARE, IRWIN, Manage (open "Tuesday and Thursday) fashwood (eub.Agency): Open Moo.. Wed. & I7ti. WOR1<INs WITH CANAb ANS IN eVERY `1'WAt1 HAW (0 0 01110N CAXAOIANS 45T 1.1Pe SiNCI: 1817 • • • • 1 1 E • • t • • i • • 0 • • • s e Thursday, December 12th, 1957. SHOP I G.A. For All Your Festive Needs FEATURES For Thurs., Friday, Saturday Maple Leaf Mincemeat 2 -Its. for 43c: IGA. Ripe and Rugged Peaches 20 -oz, 2 for ...,45c Five Roses Flour 7-1b. bag • Stokelys Cream Corn 1 5 -oz. 2 for Good Luck Margarine, 2 for I.G.A. Tablerite Canned Hams Bananas, 2 -lbs for Celery stalks each Head Lettuce, 2 for Boneless and Dressed Pork Shoulder, Sliced Back Bacon, half -lb. pkg. Cooked Glazed Hocks, per lb 49c Glc 63c 1.55 29c i 5 29c lb. 43c 57c 35c Oranges, Tangerines, Nuts and Candies At Attractive Low Prices. SHOP I.G.A. • EVERY DAY AND SAVE Shop in Hensall Stores and Win a Free Trip To Bermuda Brown's SGA. Markt Hensall Ont. 4 4 4 4 s 4 •' • 6 •' 4 e; You can nave a newer, fuller, outdoor life with a real future - .. in the Canadian Army. If you want a steady job . .. a career with a future ... and. can meet the high standards set by the Canadian Army, there is a world of opportunities open to you. Here is a challenging career .. one with a purpose ... good companions ... opportunities for advancement and adventure ... good pay. The years when you are young are THE GREATEST }'EARS O9' YOUR LIFE. Blake the most of thein as a proud member of the Canadian Army. GET THE FACTS FOR YOURSELF TODAY Phone, or send this coupon to: ARMY RECRUITING STATION WOLSLEY BARRACKS Elizabeth and Oxford Streets, LONDON — ONTARIO Tel. 4-160 Loc 135 eel a s r Please send me, without obligation, details on. career appal, trinities pper- trinities in the Canadian Army. Name -- Age.....«....«» iiAddress...---.. -.-M..........M.o°^^ s • '3 jCity/Town yr ..,«.Phone........— '3 :.e.wn,ar.......m..a,.ase,®®®e,ommimmmsemms emmemm mmE57oommwm Fertilizbr I• HOW ABOUT YOUR FALL FERTILIZER • 1 NEEDS I—CURTOM SEED CLEANING FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS --- Hogs Trucked Tuesday and Thursday • on Saturday • • $ . Cattle GIVE US A CALL -- WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU! . Hensall District -.. l'hotie Hensail 115, /um h • • 0 • 2 • • • 0 e 0 4 • • • • • • • • • • •