HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-12-12, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO
For Everybody at
Dashwood — Ontario
Tops, Games, Tables and Chairs, Rockers, Etc.
Electrical Appliances, China, Webb Corbett
Crystale, Table and Floor Lamps, Step Tables,
Coffee Tables, Hassacks, T. V. Chairs, Occas-
ional Chairs, Mattresses, Hoover Vaccurnm
Cleaners, Etc.
A large stock of all new Furniture and Lamps
displayed in the newly Decorated Furniture Store.
During December each Furniture Purchase Entitles
you to a Ticket on a Draw for a Hostess Chair.
Draw to be made Christmas Eve., at 10 p.m.
Christmas Trees
Phone 103 W, Zurich
eery Desjardine a •Grand Bend and
Mrs. Arnold Kuntz of Dashwood
thanked Miss Wishart.
School Closed --
Dashwood public school pupils are
enjoying a pre-Christanas holiday
with home assignments while new
furnaces are being installed as the
old furnace burned out.
Enjoy Fowl Supper—
The Ladies' Md of Zion Lutheran
Church treated their buten& to their
annual turkey supper on Wed. even-
ing. A sing song and bingo follow-
ed Group 4 with. Mrs. Vyrne Weido
as 'convener, was in chorget "
Enjoy Bowling—
The Walther League of Zion Lu-
theran .church entertained the young
People of the Evangelical U. Church
at an. ,evening of bowling at Grand
Bend following bowling they return-
ed to the Lutheran (church for un oh
Dashwood Merry Maids_
Dashwood Merry Maids held their
meeting Wednesday evening with 9
members and Mrs. Baker present.
Carol (Becker invited the girls to
meet at her home Dec. 16. Each girl
was given a palmlet on spot remov-
ing.. The girls were taught the care
of a wool shirt. Roll .call for next
meeting - How to remove orte kind
of spot from wool. Home assignm-
ent work on skirts and record nooks
Meeting closed with The Queen.
iVfiss Anna Messner and Eunice
Frederick of London, spent the we-
ek -end with Mr and Mrs Fred Mes-
Mr and Mrs Wendell ,Gamble and
family of London ,spent Sunday with
Mr and Mrs. L. H. Rader.
Family Celebrate Mother's 89th.
Mr and Mrs Charles Stephen and
Betty of Elimville; (Mr and .Mrs: Bill
Stephen, Greta and Earl of Wood-
ham and (Mr and Mrs. •Gerald Walhehn
and 'Carolyn .of Crediton, were pres-
ent at the home of Mr and Mrs. John
Heckman to celebrate Mrs. Chas.
Stephen's 89th (birthday. Mrs. Step-
hen makes her home with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Heckman and is in fair
Funeral Services—
the Department Extension 'Service
was in charge. She demonstrated
individual salads, luncheon salads,
main tcourse salads and pick and a
chose salad plate. Everyone enjoyed
a sample of these salads. 1VIrs Em -
In Memoriam
.Christian iSchwartzentruber, who
died one year agg, December 14, '56.
"We ,cannot say and will net say,
'That he is dead - he is just away!
Vdth ,cheery smile and a wave of
the hand
.1e, has wandered into an unknown
Think of him faring ton, as dear
In the love of There, as the love of
'Mink of him still as the same, we
He is not dead -iie is just away.
—Ever remembered by his wife and
.Aloha! from the Corriveaus'.
With 1957 drawing to a close we
*thought it would be nice to have a
paper visit with you and our many
other friends and tell of our activit-
ies of the year. The ,Christmas Seas-
on finds us in encllent health and re -
ailing at 3,654 Flanerty Circle, Hon-
olulu 118, Hawaii, ithe land or warm
',weather, beautiful flowers and year
round ,opportunities for swimming.
Needless to say we do spend much
=of our time at the beaches and swim-
ming pool on Wednesday after-
noon and week -ends. The children„
(Michael, Donald and Karen) par-
ticularly enjoy th.e water. Michael
and Donald are now accomplished
swimmers and Karen holds her own.
'Once Karen ,swims the length of the
pool which ds approximately 120 ft.
gong she is ready to qurt. They are
all quick to respond to the ,call 'Let's
go-si,viraming." Margaret goes into
the water too, but no swimming or
high diving for her, --she just gets
wet. She still looks good in a bathing
suit though! The children go to
Pearl Harbor Elerannary School
`which is just 6 blocks away, out they
ride to school 'in the Marine Corps
bus. They catch on early in late to
_modern conveniences and take ad -
Vantage of it early. Michael es in
the 5th srade, Donald in itabd
Csrtt in ie 1lI
doing well in sc.hool with ,,ko
steins in the family as yet
: There. are many little 4.1teresting
features about living in Hawaii which
has proved to be rather appealing to
all of us. Such things as practically
,everyone ,playing the ukulele and
dancing the hula to include 'rabid -
tan dances. Karen knows many of
the hula dances already ancHf i can
ever -talk Margaret into taking les-;
sons I'm sure Karen would like to
take them. too. A great majority of
..athe 'Officers wives take hula lessons
and become quite good at it. We
have attended quite a few hula shows
4arid lusaus (Hawaida. Feasts) with the
Children and have taken mine a few
1)ictures, As for Orval, ne still per,.
isists in being a snemb•er of the Mar-
ine Corps and his job keeps Aint on
title go.
(Continued next week
'Salad Short Course—
Doihiwood W.I. sponsored a short
icooturse on salads and Grand Bend
W. I, and ladles from the community
'were nr,nt A total of fony-orn,
Uttnded, Isabel Wishart from
Were held at the !Betz - 'Bechtel
funeral home, Kitchener, Friday De -
ember Oth for the late J. Norman
Cowan of Dashwood. Bearers were
Win. IBecker, Wallace Wein, Ralph
Weber, Donald and Wesley Rader
and Teddy Webb.
St. Joseph & Blue Water Area
Mr and Mrs .01tifford Dehatt of
Detroit were week -end visitors with
relatives in the St. Joseph Area.
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey and
Mr. Paul Bedard of •Goderich, were
Saturday last visitors swath Mrs.
Josephine Ducharme and son Isadore
Mr and Mrs Morley Fournier and
'children of London, spent the week-
end with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs Ed 'Corriveau.
Mr and Mrs '11.1bed Robson and son
were Sunday visitors with IVXr and
Mrs. Wilfred Corriveau of this High-
Mr and 'Mrs Frank, Ryder and
hildren of Lucan spent 1Sunday last
with the later's parents; Mr and Mrs
Leon Bedo.rd.
Mr. Gerard Geoffroi of Walkerton
was a business visitor in thts vicinity
over the week -end.
A little snow covers the ground at
time of writing, and we can expect
a little more to follow in the very
near future.
( Our Continued Article)
While I was notching the tree the
foreman Harry King, came .along on
his afternoon walk, he being of a
playful nature, he and my partner
had a snowball tussle, then he kept
Thursday, December 12th1 1057
agoing to the other men in his ch.
arge; we started toutiting down the,
(big tree, which had to go throttle&
(between a birch and a ,baach
the one that caused the fatal Nciound„
'Scarcely had the foreman arsdNed to,
the furthest away, a distance of ap-
proximately 80 rods, that we shout.o..
ed the falling tree signal; perhapa,
less than a minute later, they heard
any screams. They knew .something
had happened and was no thine til
all of the boys were with me, We.
had made good work in (roweling the
tnaple between the trees, but it
od the trees to rack, making them
sweep back and forward ,causing the
beech tree to fall our direction, ori
the maple stump, then glancing the
direction we had moved for fiatty.
(To be contirbued.
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Repairing everything from fences to farm buildings, clear-
ing new acreage, cutting winter firewood . . . these are
just a few of the time -saving, money -making ways farmers
across the country are using light -weight, easy -to -service
Pioneer chain saws. Let us show you how a Pioneer saw
can help you to more profitable farming!
See the complete range of Pioneer
Saws priced as low as $204.95.
Zurich - Ontario
This Christmas, let the wonderful world of
electrical gifts open up a bright new way of life,
Choose gifts with a future electrical gifts
that bring lasting service and pleasure.
Gifts that fill a need ... satisfy a want ...
for everyone on your Christmas list.
You'll always be remembered for presents that
help everyone to live better electrically.
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