HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-11-28, Page 5ZURICH, ,ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD. Thursday, November /2:8th, 19.57. P ZURICH HERALD ' irthnrised as ascend class mail, : UMce Department, Ottawa. L ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer For your Sale, large or small; Court- eous and Efficient Service at all Iti hone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, 1Q.C. 4 EXETER — C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Tuesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich, At Township Clerk's Office For Appointment. Dashwood 27 r 13 J. NORMAN COWAN iiloakkeeping and Income Tax Service $Bsrepta' Hay P. O. CONTRACTING MOBILE DISPOSAL 8eptitc Tank Cleaning , Repairs on Drains, Watermains, Etc. New Instalatiorns on Cement Septic Tanks, Drainage Tile and Drains Ph. 12105 Grand Bend i'h. 205 RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Phones: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. Ratenbury S.t CLINTON - ONTARIO Drs, COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS Wide with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store phone 9(I — MtTRICH G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician Successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointments phone 33. Goderich - Ont. ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE - Corner Ana, William Sts. res ; Phone Exeter 504 MEAT MARKET WITH MEATS of the BETTER KIND For Over 50 Years YUNGBLUT BROS. `Phone 57 — ZURICH SERVING THE COMMUNITY O'rie's Produce Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor ZuTkkh Cr m ry Your Home Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry PHONE 101 — ZURICH HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR ` 113, 3M `11IV U21;) Ci` '". Array EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor LOCAL NEWS VOTE! VOTE! Mico day is Municipal Election Day so honor your franchise and goy out and vote for your :favourite eand- idateidate, and he Faure and VOTE! Matilda atilda Tetreau is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. We wish her good health, •Cilerk James Patterson 'of Eensall 'called on - Zuri'ch friends on Mon- day. Mr. Mervyn 'Tiernan of Dashwood was a rbusiness visitor in town on Monday. Mr. J. M. Southcott, of the Exeter Times -Advocate gave us a friendly call, Friday 'afternoon. Mr and I12rs Ward Fritz attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer of Detroit are visiting - relatives here !over the American Thanksgiv- ins. Thursday. Mr and Mrs Edmund Becker; Mr and Mrs 'Henry Clausius, ,called on friends in Blyth on .Sunday. Mrs. Erla 'Curti,, Mrs. Jaques Le Flagwais and Mark, Toronto were weeik-end guests with Mr and Mrs. Ward Fritz. ,Repairs for all ,maikes of .electric razors, ,Shuck, Ronson, Sunbeam, 1Phrili Shave, etc., at Hess, the jewell- er,. Zurich!. x Mr. Robert Manson ms apen.ding several weeks at the home of his uncle, :Mr. William! 1Manson at Mid- land. Mr and Mrs Floyd Hope --and daughters of tStreetsville• spent the week -end at the home of their par= ents, Mr"sand Mrs. Thomas H. Meyers M.r. Ted Mittleiholtz has returned Home from South Huron Hospital, Exeter. We wish a speedy and complete recovery. Among those who attended the funeral of Mrs. Lovina Yungblut, all of Tavistock were, Mr and Mrs. STRAYED NOMINATION Police Village of Zurich Public Notice is hereby given, the: a meeting of the Electors oe. the Police Village of Zurich, will be held in the TOWN HALL - ZURICH On, Friday, November 22nd, 1937 At the hour from 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of nominating ,candidates for Polk( Trustees for the year 1958 and if a (Poll is demanded, a poll will . be opened on Monday; December 2nd, 1957 at the Township Hall, Zurich. Said poll to be opened at 9 o'clock, a.m. until 5 o'clock, p.m. When a proposed Candidate' i. not present, his nomination papei shall not oe valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfact ory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated. H. W. Brokenshire, Returning Officer. Dated at Zurich., Ontario, this 12th day of November, 1957. FOR SALE A very good Men's Winter Over- coat for sale. Phone 87x122, Good Value. STRAYED A 2 -yr. -old Heifer, Lot 4, S. E., Hay 'Township, on or about August list. Owner may have same by proving property. and paying expens- es., xpenses.u Wilfred Shapton, RR. 1, Exe- ter. Phone Dashwood 38r17 3tc' Wim.. Facey, John Facey, Laura Sip - Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infor- elation or service from all breeds of attle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at. Clinton :111.2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 LS. We have all breeds available - ;op'quality at low cost. FOR SALE I ARM — Consisting !if 50 acres of gioiod grass land for sale, one of the best in Stanley To'wnshi'p with plenty of water, good windmill. Ap- ply Rudolph Corriveau, Phone '99r1, Zurich. 3t°' FOR SALE Stove wood for sale at $5.00 per cord delivered. — F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd., Zurich. tfc FOR SALE APPLES — Snows, Russets, Red Delicious, Kings and Spies for sale. So place your order now with Ted. Steinbach, Phone 814-13. tfc FOR SALE APPLES FOR SALE — Spy, Green- ing, Sweets, Russet, Baldwin, Pee- walkee, and cider apples. — Fred MlcClymont & Sons, 11 Mile south of Varna, Ont. 3-t* FOR SALE 12 Guage J. C. Higgins Repeater shot gun, like new $60.00. — A. G. !Hess, Zurich. pea and Amelia Clausius, also vieit- From Lloyd McBr'ide's grass farm, ed with the Clausius Brothers.• JLot 17, South Boundary, Shanley Tp. FOR QUICK SALE. A Hereford 2 -yr. old Heifer, taged The St. Boniface Parish Bazaar' A-31115741. Finder notify . Max.;A pure bred Hereford Bull, 3 6 Brough out a large number of peo- Ducharme, Ph. 83x7, Zurich. 3t* months old for sale. Ai 1 to Percy ing. As there were a• lot or people 1,p y ulilierc ee Sons, Phone 94 r 10, Zur- ple, Saturday afternoon and even- id., Ont. 2-t^ and cars in !neve. Farm Forum Home From Hospital Mrs. Edmund. Erb has returned home from 'Clinton Public Hospital, Her moray* friends wish her !contin- ued health. BIBLE SOCIETY TO MEET The Annual Meeting of the Zurich Branch of the British and Foreign Bible iSocietl will be held at Ennnnan- uel Evangelical U. B. Church, on Sunday, December. 1st, at 7:30 pen. The new Secretary, Rev. J. C. Thompson, will show a film on the Bible Society, as well as s)rcres on the. British West Indies. He was a missionary there for eight years. All are invited to attend. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. Attend Press Convention Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smith attended an interesting Huron County- Press Convention at Clinton on Tuesday afteroon when the various Editors of the County met in a round tabel conference chaired by the President, :Mr. A. Y. McLean, of the Huron Expositor. Barry Wenger or the Win'gham Advance Times was Sec- retary. A lot of di ,?mesion. in re- gard to their work and probl ,n,, was dicsussed, after which tee ^utst speaker, Mr. Robinson, - a chartered accountant, of Guelph, gave an in•• terestin•'t address. The new state of nffi•--rs a' -e. Pee.ident. Mr• Laurie Calhoun of the Clinton News -Record, vice president, C. L. Smith of the Zurich Herald, and Secretary TreaS- n'r'er, !31 i ix'•'' ' ' I..in4 r:r.l. .1nn of the Clinton News -Record. A very nice dinner was en.ioyed at the Clin':on Hotel. Th.e next convention will. be held at Zurich. OF WOODSTOCK virs LARGEST RESERVE BAL- la.lirl'C111 OF ANY CANADIAN .MUT- >*AL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS Of THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . . RATES ON APPLICATION F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS AND} ALL( KINDS OF FIRE INSUr N fo.„ " Parr Line Farm Forum met atthe hone of Mr and Mrs Keith •Ifove, with a good attendance. This was reniem night, the first fourth night. After listenin to the radio broad - g cast on. National Farm Policy, we 1 'came to the conclusion that the: FOR O U CK SA>i. F NOTICE Anyone wishing to have their cattle sprayed for lice, kindly contact me. —Ball Watson, Phone 37 r 19, Dash- wood, 4tc (a) Government should do every- A -Clare Jewell Porcelean Kitchen thing to raise the farmer's price on.R,auge in good 'condition. all farm- products. Also 60: !bags of fresh cement (db). The fanner. should get 60 p e,' $1.0.0 a bag. - Tnvp. Phone 88r8, Zurich. of .the consumers dollar. • -I David "Blackwell, !Pima' Line, Zurich. (c) We see no need foe these sudden fluctuations in market. (d) We would like to see Higher level of ulport prices cit Sri farm produ:t. (e More marketing boards, (f) Farm Credits. W'eevoaldii'e and ir.terc et rata the V.L.A. Euchre Temeelnded r? ver:' ulc<[ant evening, %'•,., �3 .. Ertel ar- rott; gents, Gordan Coleman, John Soldan. 1 h f., , erred by the host ss. The ret Ineetins will be art the hone of lir• and \Ir-• Ross Leve. to have a credit sy st::n similar to ZURICH POLICE VILLAGE At the nomination for Zurich Pol- ice Village Trustees for <<;5ti the following have nuallrfied for orece and three out of the fine will be elected on Monday neat, Dec. 2nd: Harold Thiel, Leroy Thiel, Thomas H. .Mey- ers, Lloyd O'Brien, John Turkheim. The two latter have been on the hoard for a few years. Mr. ,Milfred Sc1ri';he who has the distinction of being the longest Trustee m Ontario, did not qualify this year. HAY TP• NOMINATION As a result of last Friday's nom- ination for Hay Councillor. and De- puty Reeve, the following having qualified arid will stand for election on Monday, `December 2nd: For Deputy Reeve -Oscar Klopp and Alex Mousseau; for three 'eounciulors, Jno. Corbett, Wtn. Davidson, Leonard Greb, Jobe 1Soldan and Karl Hab- erer. V. L. Becker gets the R.eeve- ship by 'acclamation for the second time in a row. ''Inhere was a good attendance at Nomination and we•4 very orderly. Ray 'Fisher and Cliff. Pepper spoke for the Hay School. Area ,and were elected by t,e- cl unction for another terns. Oscar Greb gave an outstanding report on the Exeter High School Area, Iie be- ing a member of trot bcerd, retiree- ^n'ir t' 1' w'n h p. After the el- ection on Monday the new council .1. at Hay Salesman Wanted GET THE FACTS. Let us scow you be- come we have helped others to financially indepeedent sell!! R.awleth Products. Good locality now available in Huron Co. , Write Rawleigh's Dept. K.-458-911, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Que, DIA{ ONF 011 FOP SAI.E Two quarters of beef for sale, Toady by about next week. — Eche. 8chwartzentruber, Blake. FOR RENT A Dwelling House in Zurich. Apply to Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich, tfc tr • from old wing's and. jewelied'y,, take a, ' T\14 / / nem, beauty new settings by 7;, * Conte in and ask about our woneysaving Gremount' service Have diamonds from ont•moded jewellers mounted in a lovely new ring. Choose from our wide selection of smart Styles by Bridal Bell. You'll be plea a dysnrprised at the 610Ices WC will quote youl C:, I-IFSS . E ATELLER - Zurich . Sto,son Specials Free - Draw Free One ticket on each $4,00 purchtse. Tickets good for draw each Saturday evening Nov. 30 to Dec, 21st, 1957 You must be present on Saturday evening draw Prizes on display one week in advance Each ticket goes into the pot for Grand Prize. GRAND PRIZES: First Draw - 1 large illuminated prcture Second Draw - 1 T. V. Lamp. Third Draw - 1 small wall picture. You need not be .present for Grand Prizes GIFTS APPLIANCES TOYS • • 0 • • • • • • • 1 See our Displays. Special prices on every artici_e • Real Dollar Bargins on 1957 Frigidaire Appliances We must make room for the '58 Models. SEE US AND SAVE' AT G1 1 `t G RIC Il'S SALES & SERVICE Phone 34 Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESCH Barber Shop - Zurich ".Andy's" IYOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal/ Frog - 4 o ^^ r''nke and Cinnamon Bun. e..luscious fruit -filled 1,,,i4-,‘ fo••'nne' 'on..piping hot Par for dinner. Bread - •'.riety, too, for snacks any tin/4 - . u..; or night. So don't get wrink, ''^^—ore-•'og about variety in meals - 1L..: sur Baker be your menu maker, Se- '-hat's on his tray today! Zurich • 2 3 • • • • _ D ODe table I 8 4A • 8 • the meal is ready r Lunch Be Your Menu Maker! FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream! for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and ,G ,:: !Gallons C. ANDEii SIN I.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 LAY'S A WEEK r� .sty - r Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH 1 1 4 HOW ABOUT YOUR FALL FERMI '..%t M:• it 11 0 u o on Saturday 4sm 1 4P 0 GIVE US 'A CALL— A NEEDS —CURTOM OM SEED CLEANING FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS— Hogs Trucked Tuesday and Thursday - Cnfitic oe 0 • A • WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU! 00110.4 Hensail District or p, Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220