HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-11-21, Page 1.„, z Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO; THURSDAY MORNING. 1)10VEMBER 21 1957 Chester L. Sinith, Publisher. itiosa Sabaaription Sal 0;0144, 424111 a 11110$ Flubacrirptios TJ,13..ea.., Year $2.5a, Opening - Mrs. Sheila Teevins (nee Sheilbe of *Zurich, Ont.) with four years' of Experience is now Manager of Hayter's Beauty Salon,1 Queen St., Grand Bend, Ont., Specializing in Hair Styles, Hair Cutting, Perman- ant Waves and Finger Waving. Open Tuesday and Thursday nights. Phone 178 +Grand Bend for your Appointments. • SHEILA TEEVINS, Proprietress. GRAND BEND - ONT. Emmanuel Evangelical ' UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Rev. A. M. Arnacher, B.A., B.D, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. Sunday, Noivernlber 24th. 10 am. --Morning Worship Service Speaker -Lorne Amacher. 11 a.m.---+Sfunday School. 1,30 p.m.--vening +Servace. :Sentence Sermon - To believe in Yourself you rniust believe in (OD. COME TO CHURCH DASHWOOD Fowl Bingo In the DASHWOOD FIRE HALL • On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 09th.. Staarting at 9 13.711.. Shanp - For Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens at this Monster Feather Feather Party Proceeda for Santa Parade and Gifts for Children Your Attendance will he greatly Appreciated Admission 50c. Turkey DOIOD: Prize Sponsored by Dashwood Men's Club Died at DashwOod Died at her late residence*,'Dash- wood on Monday Nov. 184,'.1;!++Maile 7A, Kraft, sister of Pearl and Et Mrs; rnm Ea I-100, both of...Dia ..:WOod; Sam and 'denied, 'fb.oth.'60.'7"1!0Ony, Sask. The remains are ,reStMg.•'..at; the T. Harry Hoffman .Funerallione Da shwoecl till illiticrSdalr. - affI.Ouo on when ,service will, be held :Nth iiit, ertment in Dashvvoot Eva01/#1.1, cc- metery. . .. - • ' - • Died at Toronto There passed away at Toronto on ()doter 20th, Mrs. John Cornforth, of 'what was thought to be a 3 day flu. Mr. Cornforth, her husband, Card of Thanks died November 16th, cfrom a heart Mother and Father of Mr. 'patient at the Clinton Publisi9losp; lital and at home. • I ,say to aMetand ;Mennonite Sewing Circler. W . .,..a for the praYersz tAr'69-itg, Cal*, .Pers"'„ Township. 'They have the sym13- al +calls, flowers and plant :fr i tl:ie all Thank You. --Mrs. I wish to express My appre,elatIon B , , , ''':''' Ibiulders a concrete burial vaults and Gera'1r,;9... lirfr . growing and expanding. They are a+ ''. athy of their many friends here. ert 'Cornforth formerly of Hay Igericla Carofanks: have recently added quite an ad- d Th.'1;::bt I wish to 71.thafik the +girls ar:4'lloYs dition to their uilding which now measures .41.2x48 feet. Theie rs a id Roam Three, Ziirich ISIchoota-- the a id wth i d d f th 1 - Zurich Industry Expands The firm of Ha,berea- ,cgt Westlake Concrete Products in Zurich rs ever teachers +of Zurich Public 'Se-pot:al' P gm+ n demand or ei rniu&...4:' and paerywchiectstewinshilivehelY, 7.arse thataypraerseenat used HURON COCINTY ONT. WOMEN'S members of my Sunday ISchecilKlass Also former students of ing job. We wish them continued SCHOLARSHIP AVVARDED . an.d of the .E.U.B. Ladies' • d as Miss Evelyn +Simpson •daughter 0.e flowers, treats and cards sentite me Attend Funerall Mr and Mrs. Andrew ISimpson, lalt. while I was a patient 'in. "•outili. -adn'---on,g .those who attenaed the yfuneral of the late Edward Wilhelm '1 Listowel is the proud winner of Huron - Olive O'Brien. from this vicinity on Monday at tNeiw Hamburg were, Mr and Mrs. eHerlb Desjardin,e, Mr and Mrs. Elroy • !well as neighbours and frienrite for VrosPerity. the Huron County Women's Institute for 1.957. This is t e rear f 01' presentation of the scholar- ship to a Huron Comity Home- maaing Club member who during her club experience has ;shown outstan- ding progress and development, giv- en leadership and carried out club work a a high calibre. 3 •••••••SI Huron Temperance Notes STARTLING EVIDENCE Motorforana, a Swedish Insurance Company, write S "traffic insurance" solely for abstainers. Startling evid- ence of the role liquor plays in traffic miccidents is furnished by their re- cords. After 14 years in business they had to pay no losses per vehicle 38% less than the average of 30 other companies. • And. the number ot claims per 100 vehicles was 37% less.. Since by no means all of the policy holdersin these other compan- ies were drinking drivers, alcohol - bad. to play :ea tremenclous .„rale create the difference • between the two groups. How does alcohol to that? 0.1, It slows down reactions. 2. It •creates false confidence. 3. It impairs )concentration and duls judgment 4. It affecits vision. -Advt. As well as an outstanding record of completing 13 4-H Homemaking Club, projects with the IMolesworth Club, Evelyn has taken an active in- terest in the Young People's Work, Sunday School and choir of her chu- rch; he has played on Listowel High. Schaiol -basketball team, for four ye- ars anal was on the Students' Coun- cil Executive for a.year. After grad- uating from Listowel Dist. High School in 1915.7, Evelyn enterea the Attingen.'Sciiibel Western. Hospital in :Septenter. The announcement Id the .Seholar- ship was made at the Huron County Women's Institute Rally held on November 12th in Londesboro Com- munity Hall. smatnroiromerottrowowoworowcarovo-rro-o-owols yee'reArtrewoeve AT YOUR SERVICE NATIONAvIDEI lit fa wrest el death evroy from home, get in touclleAth u hetoeto malting asif arresiormals. Through oar hotion-wide connectioroj we he" the teat.'" hoodilai:mr from ploar of death to the fin al ieteements r") rnaft.8 via 110 wait I*. T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Horne FUNERAL. and AMBULANCE SERVICE DASHWOOD - Telephone 70W . Thiel's &prior Fowl Market Thursday, Friday, Saturda y Cherry MornE, Coffee, fresh grounds, 1-1b. bag §9c Catelli Cooked. Spaghetti, 2, 15 -oz. tins..... ..... ..29c Lipton's Chicken Noodle Soup Mix, 3-pkgs.....29c Balled Toilet Tissue, 2, 2 -roll pkgs. 45c Weiners, 2 -lbs. for 79c MEATS MEATS Mac -Cheese or Ditch Loaf . Pork Roasts, per lb. ..... LOOK - LOOK BANANAS - 3 -lbs. for ....... . . . ...29c 43c .43c NOTICE Our new Wall Paper Samples have arrived Get your paper hanging done now, for a good choice of all New Patterns FLOOR SANDERS TO RENT. Or we will do the job at Reasonable Prices'. Phone 140 - C, H. THIEL • Zurich .*******************•ammommit***0***************a** Bazaar. IDesjardine and Ronnie, Mr. Leon- , ard 1Sararas and daughter Marjorie, IMr. Emanuel +Sararas, Mrs. Adeline 'IS'araras, Mr. and ;Mrs.. 'Clayton 0. Smith and sons Gordon and Stanley. St Boniface Church, IN THE OBITUARY Community Centre, Zurich 1 Edward Victor Wilhelm Passes ON Edward V. Wilhelm, 74, stratford, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER , retired Baden district farmer passed Afternoon and Evening, from 'Three away at his home, Stratford after a o'clock on.t'.conssdeiraible illness. Survived by his wife, the former Lucinda Sararas, Everybody WelCorntal...;?.. of the Blue Water Highway, Say Tp., one /,`;,sda,cr:g,titm.etri:s. two a_y170o-g -th.erS,,,4ohf'-Baden; Valentine, VsTater- D enCk t c • . eAk i Javr lyxj, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Free! Free! 42 S.ET OF BEAUTIFUL DINNER- WARE WITH A MATCHING SET TF 42 PIECES OF 1847 ROGERS "NEW FLARE" PATTERN SILV- ERWARE INCLUDING CHEST FOR ONLY $89.95 A REAL BUY ALL 84 PIECES,I SERVICE FOR EIGHT FOR ONLY $89.95 COME IN AND SEE IT A. G. HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWEL LFL ZURICH ONT. . IN THE Community Centre, Zurich Zurich Community Centre Every Friday Night Nov. 8, to Nov. 29 3IUSIC BY The Melodie Makers Admission 75 Cents Sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club Proceals for Children's Playgrounds Everybody Welcome Presentation For alfIr and Mrs. Ray ..CREDITON COMMUNITY HALL On :FRIDAY EVE. !NOVEMBER 22nd. IMusiC by Geiger,. Toronto; and Mrs. • Albert Ludwig, Kitchmen Services were held at Nev Hamburg with interment in the Union Ceinetery at that place on Monday. Mrs. Yungblut Passes I • The Village and 'community was shocked on Sunday noon to learn of the sudden passing of Lavine Eliz- a+L+eth Yungblut, beloved wife of the late John Henry Yungblut who died • at the home of her daughter, Miss Inez Yunglut, after returning from attending church service at St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church. She returning a little .earlier than Inez, and when ithe latter arrived she found her mother stricken on the floor, having started the noon meal, as the refriger- ator door was ajar. Inez tried to re- vive her mother 'but .or no avail, as life had ebbed away. She was in her 179th year and had lived all her life lin Zurich, being a member of the well known John Deichent family. IA dear mother to Inez, Ivan and Rader at the .Earl Yungiblut all of Zurich. The reanains rested at the Westlake Fun- eral Home, Zurich until Wednesday afternoon when a public service was held in St. Peter's Lutheran church with interment in the Goshen Line Cemetery. Her pastor, Rev. Otto Winter officiated. BLUE :M,GUNTOVER BAND EVERYBODY 1WELCOIVIE FOR RENT A Dwelling House in Zurich. Apply to Ivan Kallifleiach, 'Zurich. tfc Notice TO WHEAT PRODUCERS A SPECIAL INFORMATION MEE'r- ING IN REdrARD. TO l'110.POSED WHEAT MARKETING !PLAN IS TO •BE VOTED. ON. DECEMBER Oth. TO BE HELD IN AGRICUL,11URAL 110 ARD RO OMS , CUNT OIN, ON THURSDAY, NOVFIMIIIER 218th. , At 43.30 pan. Guest Speaker --- Reg. Merrs Chatham 'Wheat Growers Association Sponsored iby Hmlon iDistriet Farm ors' Union. ALL WIIPAT OWC Alt UnGE:1) TOA.TTIENID , RAGS, RUGS and CARPET* On a New Modern Looan, Made tat Order - SETH 0. AMENS, Uri* Ont. •Phone 128. Join Our Many Hosts For Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call:. LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS Phone 111 HENSALL . . - Farm Forum The iParr Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs. Howard Adkins with a good attendance. The subject for discussion was "A New Look in Fenm il‘laohinery. Questnon 1 - What new type of machinery are needed for the kind of farming car- ried on in your community? We have Med a few types of machines we th.nik would be useful in our community: "A stone pick- , er, a corn picker and shelter; a low Icat.,t ditching machine ; a ,drier Tor beans corn and ;grain, etc.; baler on the combine; irrigation system." Question 'What changes .should be made to improve 4the machinery you are now using? This Forum thinks' that Standard-. izat.on of farm knachinery parts is fery important. Namlly, plow points, cultivator nuts, Lolts, mower sectibn and guards, etc., etc. We also think machinery should be simplified so it will be more eas- ily adjusted. A few games of Euchre were en- joyed. Winners were, ladies, Mrs, Stewart Blackwell, MrsA, Reichert; Gerr:s., Henry Adkins, Charles Robin - SM. The. next +meeting will be held, et the home qfMi arid Lovq, es****000*****eseeseetsooetteatoaaateactrAeteorommooetisit 0 2 2 2 LOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS .1:iiy and`Nielit Se.rvice TELEPHONE: RES. 89W • OR 89J, ZURICH tottat* '-'44eit4t. to** .L.kensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service . I-lospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent ,2400010e400000101a000600eoisitipkekta000,0000004)eia40000-0 t96494/aa ' • • Lucky Jollar Food Store SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Instant Quaker Oats, 3 -lbs:.. pkg. 37c Fluffo.. , ,-.,.... o. 19c Shortening, 2-lbs67 Crown:Tea Bags 100's ' . * 1 165 PHONE'. - : I Green. Giant Peas, 15 -oz.„ ,cans, 2 -for 35c Premium Sockeye Salmon1-2's per an 45..c. . Menu() OeZnrieli sitit w ‘ .immutaimmiag....g.._ mmactaana_ ...woommemanownwegim naa...netaMK7-73' MetleaTEXEMIrSall011111111*1' V 0 • CLOTHES For Men and Boys •' WE HAVE IN STOCK Overalls, Jeans, Shirts, Underwear, Also a Good Steck of Work Shoes, Rubber Boots, Men's Heavy Overshoes, Etc., Etc. FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK TUI IIL4Iff 401111.1 ii Sebwartzenitruber, Prop, Phone 1 0.010010ssaarannanntannasatawaraasaftwassatananassannantansiew