HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-11-14, Page 5zURION kONTArUO r ZURICH HERALD ' Authorized as second class mail* root coke Department, Ottawa. ALVfIN 'W'ALPER t PROVINCIAle Licensed Auctioneer tor your Salelarge or small; Court - VMS and ' Efficient Service at . all Mmes. Phone 57 >^ 2. DA;HWOOD N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street Exeter Open Every Week . Dray .A}xx;ept "Wednesday. BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. 'SOLICITORS 'A NOTA[} .1ES',PUBLIC ELMER D. BML, PHONE C. ;EXETER .—' C. V. LATS /WON, ' t'tnesday; 2 . to p.m. eel Zurielx At Township Clerlesetidfice For Appointment. Dashwood 27 r 13 J. NORMAN COWAN Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service 4Sarepta' £OOAL rrEws Miss Inez Teeregblut spent Friday at 'Clinton, Dee and Mrs. 1' P. :Menet of Sar • - nia were reeent Visitors in town. Mr. Gordon Surerus spent a flew' days at London,. Mr .and 2Irs. Clarence Geoffrey were Sunday visitors with friends at London. Miss Arlene I1wberer of Viritoria Hoepit•a1 Nur4,es . Training School, limited number of farmers spent the week-eild with her parents here, o grow a minimum of one half Some of the local hunters have re- turned :Ii'em their annual outing and ecre or more of raspberra*�s or report the weather not too good for deem hunting,trawberries, Profits up to Mr and Mrs. Elmer Clau°ms of $700,00 per acre, 'Wholesale Windsor were week -end visitors eit ZURICH I4IERAI D FOR SALE APPLES FOR SALE — Spy, Green- ing, Sweets, Musset, Baldwin, Pee- walkee, and cider° apples. — Fred McClymont & Sons, !1 mile south of Varna, Ont. 3-t* anted the balm of The f`armer's bro'''he71 outlets for berries,guaranteed: here. , Brother Robert Mittleholte of Write :immediately ;for • full Jesuit Mravitate, Guelph, e>rit., spent Sunday, it the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs, Ted, Mittlehotzt, Mr. George •llarnick of Ashley, Mic'h., i11I.r acid r1Vti., Zack Hamitic and children ,of Flint, Mich., and Mrs.. A. C. •Mc'ielinger of Hens -all, spen=t Saturda ;' evening with Mr and Mn 7uxi. Thiel of town. Mr. and y'Jrs. P. J. Cunningham, and daughter Helen Clare of Willow- ach, Ont. dale, spent the holiday week -end at particulars to P.O. Bax. 785, Phone- 161 - Zurich, Ont London, Ort, Fanners! Brady Cleaners AVE OVER 15% ON SPECIAL PACKAGE DEAL .,AUTOMOBILE 'INSURANCE ,Complete Automobile Coverage For First -Class Farm -Owner Risks Farmers' Comprehensive Liability Protection Liability Coverage for aecidents ar- ising out of the existence of use o your farm property, farm operations, animals and unlieensed vehicles nn Higtlrways. In addition to your own gerswu.l activities and those of your family. Premium as low as 6.50 Ann. Por Full Particulars apply to J. W. HABERER ' General Insurance FOR QUICK SALE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association A pure .bred leereford Bull J:6 months Wel far rale. Apply to Pena For artificial insemination infor- Willert & Sons, Phew 94 r 10, Zura elation or service from all breeds of 24M ,rattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at. Clinton ,2-3441 between •7:30 and 9:30 �,.M. We have all breeds available - cop .quality at low cost. Public Notice is hereby given tha' 1 a meeting of the Electors of tits Police Village of Zurich, will be hale in the FARM ---Consisting of 50 acus TOWN HALL - ZURT'C.H of good grass land for sale, one of the best in Stanley Township with On plenty of water, good windmill. Ap- friday, November 22nd, 19571 ,plenty Rudolph Corriveau, Phone 99r1, Zuri;ch, 3t FOR SALE the Ij:cme of Mrs. Cunningham'c par- ents, Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smititi. 3'Trs. Cunnl-nghani and Helen are reinain- ing over a few days this week, while her husband is doing inspection 1{ayy. P. 0. . work for the company he is with, the all. M. Dillon Consulting Engin- CONTRACTING MOBILE DISPOSAL l eptikc Tank Cleaning , Repairs on Mr and 'Mrs Garnet.Weiberg and Drains, 1Vatermains, Etc. New Instalatione an Cement Septic family !cif Waterloo were Sunday vis -- Tanks, Drainage Tile and Drains itors here. Pei. 12105 Grand Bend Th. 205 Mr and Mrs David. Baird of Lon- don spent Sunday with Mrs, M. Prierep. Mr and Mrs Oscar Milier and Mr and Mrs. Rudolph 'Miller spent Sun - clay at Kitchener. The 4-H. Wool Club— Mr and Mrs SidBaker attended the llth annual School Area Trustees.' Convention at Guelph on Wednesday. Stephen Area was the only one with all representatives present and the ;Inspector,- Mr. Gomun too. ecring ,, at the London Brandt, • Dashwood RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT "iiiionea; 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. Ratev,hury S.t cL'LIN'I i)N ONTARIO - Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS • with Residence, Main Street, Onnosite Drug Store Phone 96',— ZURICH G. B. CLANCY NOMINATION Police Village of Zurich FOR SALE At the hour from 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening, for the purpose oi' nominating candidates for Police Trustees for the year 1958 and if a Poll is demanded, a poll will be opened on Monday, December 2nd, 1957 t1 Township Hall,Zurich. Said Stove wood for sale at $5.00 per cord delivered. — F. C. Kabbfleisch Son. Ltd., Zurich. tfe at .1e owns nip .uric, r. FOR SALE poll to be opened at 9 .o'clock, a.m. • t until 5 o'clock, p.m. ' APPLES — Snows, Russets, Tied When a proposed Candidate is Delicious, Kings and Spies for al:. riot present, his nomination papei •So place: your order now with Teri. 1St. Joseph & Blue Water Area ""all not be slid idlese there Steinbach, yP1'one 814e13. tfc Attached thereto evidence satisfac• ory to the Returning' Officer that he Mr acid Mrs '1'y. Stansberry lnd FOR QUICK SAL1~. O tometrist — Optr-ctan ,.. , coa sents,to be so. nominated. • p family of Detroit spent the v•ea. et -d r (Successor to the late, .A• ,L, visiting around. Saturday they I I• -I, W. Brpkenshire, A limite,t quantity of cob corn. Cole, optometrist) - were with Mrs. 'iheresa Herteenn Returning Officer. ready for picking.—Elton Pendcr, -c land family, Zurich, taking part ins Dated at Zurich., Ontario, this 12th Phone Hensall 699 r 12. an annual dinner; on Sunday, they day of November, 1957. were with the litter's parent:�:, 'Mr_ _ _ ___ _ . and Mrs. Fred Ducharrne. - We miht on m.e was.. ont in Our group. .oup. ant til FOR R S A• LE ARTHUR FRASER. , alse say that Mrs: Staaslberry, celeb- times when renewing% ast incidents p 12 Gu •e J. C. Higgins , rated a .birthday on Sunday lai:. , menti n ev s made of n*h ag gg ., o a 1 at took Palace , Mr and Mrs Clement and chi,dien haat fall. shut gun, like new $60.00. -- A. G=. were visitors with the former':; pat'-, iil luck was in store for your's Hess, Zurich, "! Laundetei'ia Ltd. r Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Tick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESC•I Barber Shop - Zurich "Andy' ��n ,L9C"l FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 21h Gallons Thursday, November 14th, 1957 D Onthe tahle the.meal is ready! Be Your Menu Maker Y YOUR BAKER not only supp!les 'delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his frar:':int ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal I Frag- ! rant Colt'• es Cake and Cinnamon Rune for b e .':fast.. , luscious fruit -filled {treats for luncheon piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Brea4 in variety, too, for ,snacks any tlmq ! of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals -- -let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK a Iv -k41 Bakery PHONE 100 --- ZURICH IFor appointments phone 33, Goderich - Ont. Income Tax Reports ' Bookkeeping Service, Etc. . EXETER eats, Mr and Mrs Leon Bedard of !taloa — For while working for Der- ----' -,----- OFFICE -O GE - Corner Ann, Wiiliam Sts• this B. W. Highway. Phone Exeter 504 During the rough week -en i :farnt- '' t:e ers were herdingtheir catty in shelter, the weather being colt[ and MEAT- !�'• ABK1i-!T the grass reddened by the chilly winds; which was of no velue, WITH Recalling; By-Gones— ..- MEATS of the On Saturday last Nov. 9th maned d the. 57th year of the death by acct- l a Doctor's help That 'broke up out BETTER KIND dent of the tato Prank Charrette, a ! work and plan, at the Derorier ramps• y For Over 50 Years native of this parish, This eerie may I We then peeked kit and turkey end " • YUNGBLUT BROS. not be interesting to the your' „tett-'walked back to Millenberge That, In Zurich, a key case with 'twee,. ZURICH station, but for the few rrtnaul1n,' being on Tuesdays Nov. 6th; our Finder return to .P.O. ,Box 19'7, Phone 57 Ones of that time it will h^1rho as �- first. move was entering in a proto Zurich. it" THE COMMUNITY bring back memories of those 'many galleryto have pictures taken, four years gone by. The deceased v.'a,. the of us together, the fifth one was the O'�ir� en's Produce son of the late Mr and Mrs. Pierre Ohrrette, early!ettlers of this par one who was nursing a cut foot still V - ish. The late Frank Charrette with Highest Cash Prices Paid for his childhood friend Alfred Ouch - C R E A M - arme, both of the St. Jusep' area, irhad on the 24th of Seeteiber in the EGGS year 1 -neo hiad3 ;i cuick decision to and spend the winter in the luinlher camps POULTRY as it was customary for them ..o do, on the above Sept. date at a late hour in the evening, after spending som time with close friends in the +r Queen's Hotel at St. Joseph. Made ■ their departure, landing at Mr, Du - 100th Cream,er „ charnie's parents home a few miles south of Grand Bend. The next day with baggage they ]eft for Parkhill, treking along the roadway,' a di,et•- ance of twelve miles, and arriving at a little past mad -day. Both of these young men hi their early twenties, were in their highest spirit, and were, leaving for a voyage. Roth had been on the trail from their early teen years and to them knock- ing about- in the world was pleasing. After arriving at the .above named station they purchased their tickets for Port Huron, the on to a Pass- enger boat for the lumibering town of Alpena, Mich., lumber camps around au ectp ,n Partnere mn#,,, d Alpena were not yet in operation, be - In A F ing too early in the season, so the next day they traveled on to 'Millers- burg, a eiew village which had been hacked, out only a few years; Arriv- ing at the burg towards the last of .September. .Both boys were woodsmen' and it was easy for them to get 'nusrl t or.k. Their ,rr rt job that fall was cuttieg cedar posts and telegraph poles for a contractor by Hanle of Jos. freror- ler; the cedar ewwam,ps beim ,even miles from 'Millersberg. There were five of us entering the Dersorier ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING (,deep -at the, same time, and only RODS ANI) ALL KINDS OF FIRE one wes a stranger to us, he being ii INSURANCE from Detroit. The late b'rank ben- ' osier, after being out only a few minutes on a ':glue Monday morning, one of the boys had the misfortune to t Salesman Wanted :MAN WA.NTED — Unexp'- ted cut his foot while using a broadaxe. change causes vacancy in Huron Co.! I He was carried in to tamp by some Splendid opportunity 'for year r of old of the :boys, while the late Frank income. Per details write Rowleigh Denopime and I ran the greater part Dept. K-458-901, 4005 T iclt..li+.,.1, of the way to a village to Summons Montreal, Que. LOST LeRoy O'Brien. Proprietor Your Horne Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry PHONE 101 — ZURICH HIGI-IEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR 111V Ak '1N' rgul rr wa A r-r•a,- 'EQUiPPED TO GiVE. EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE,. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS .Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK MI LARGEST RESERVE BAL- M ,LCE OF ANY 'CAN A DT A N MUT- :MAL COMPANY '.DING BUSINES: OF THIS KIND i.N ONTARIO . . RATES ON APPLICATTOl K. E. K:LOPP - ZURICH AGENT FOR SALE in Derersier camp. A very good Men's Winter Over • : The following day, WednesrTae,we coat for sale. Phone 87it'2. Goo.' h bit a job with the E. C. Luois Lima Value. bering Co. of that burg. Our fore pian Harry King, was also a Caned-, ia:n from Quebec. Our boarding ' a 3 M. DEITZ Sc. SON STRAYE D house was a large frame builrlin;z•. a 2-yr.=old Heifer, z. t 4, S. 11., Our sleeping quarters a log building Hay 'l'ownship, on or anout August with bunks to accomodate 28 men. let. Owner may have same by . The wages promised were $28 per proving property and paying expene- month with board and lodging. es. Wilfred Shapton, R.R. 7, Etie- (To continued next Issue) ter. Dashwood 38r17 Phone be 3tc limuntsviam Aingnimounnmmerismaissz 4 4, 5 0 0 0 • ■ 4 8 iC0 04 ti a 0 • s i s 1 4 1I 1 o a Clerk's Notice Of First Posting of Voters' Lists for Year 1957 MUNICIPALITY OF HAY TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OF HURON ' NOTICE is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 8 of the VOTERS' LISTS ACT and I have posted up in my Office, at Zurich, Ontario, on the 5th Day of November, 1957 The list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municip- ality at MMunici:pal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And i hereby tall upon all voters to take immediate proceeding.: to have any errors for omissions corrected ac- cording to Law. The last clay for appeal being the 19th Day of November, 1957 • Dated nt Zurich, Ontario this lith day of November, 1957. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, CLERK OF THE TOWNSHIP Or HAI' -- NOMINATION -- TOWNSHIP OF HAY PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with By -Law No. 14, passed October 23rd, 1957 under authority of Chapter 266, Section 74 of the Municipal Act, a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Hay will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL - ZURICH, ONTARIO - On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd., 1957 The Clerk will be in •the Township Hall, Zurich, from 1 to 2 p.rn. to receive Nominations for one Reeve. one Deputy Peeve, and three Councillors for the Year 1953, also for tee) Hay To . n: hilt cho j1 Area Trustees for the years 1959 and 'p•:,9, When a proposed Candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there i '=trached thereto evieence satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consent:-; to he so nominated. A Meeting of the Electors will b-' held in the Tory aaelp H:f'.1. Zurich, at 2 pen., on 1 , No-Tenber 22nd, 1957 To hear proposed Candidates. and in case more than the required 'number of candidates to till the of:ice are nominated, and a vote demanded, A Poll will he heldeon Decern.h..r • 2 -rd .1957. From 9.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.rn., at th_e following places: Poll Pollinr Place•• DRO' ' i'e,ll Clens -1, School House No. 2 PeVi:ea^ anl.br'1 Lorne (.1inpman ;..' K'' Salt IL.A1 I't3^'., Lot 26, i ' Bruce 11ot:lalnri'lugh 'Zlel'l,ren 3. Zurich Town' Platt L. i ,y O'Brien Gordon Surerus f. Zurich Town Hall '' -r= T - " Lrrne t:lopn 5. School House No. 12 zlii?.m Trii ser . Cliff. Peeper P. Earl Guenther Block Reinhold Miller. Sidney Baker 7. +'hon! Iron -e No. 3 T M 11!' -ter ' Glen `Weida S. ,itP,, ;71itinge jLe idence i'x'Ld Duciiarme Ed. Corriveau Dated at Zuri'eh, Ont. November 12, 1957 11. W. BROKENSHIRE, Returnink Officer SHU -CSA 7N -FEEDS We Offer a Cor'aplele 7,;1.a of Shur -Gain. Farm Proven Feeds and Corscen;..rtes for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle. Try Our New 22`'1 Chick Starter Medicated. Inquire About the Low Grain Prices in Truck Load Lots 0 8 • e 5 0 e 0 0 a at flP 5 e • ilu so A 1 t Zurich. 4- 4- 4. • 1. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. e- 0 se 0 8 0. 0 8 0 mow. ..�'. ?. ..1f. iFItT2IM i.bh 11��ASS3WIlmma. .i.i 5rsi -. ,4Y Fertillzer HOW ABOUT YOUR FALL FERTILIZER NEEDS —CURTOM SEED CLEANING FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS— Hogs Trucked Tuesday and Thursday - Cattle on Saturday GIVE US A CALL— WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU! Hensall. District COmCi Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220 8 ra 0 0 0 4 8 02 4' 9V060*910904* 4